When did Scrubs peak

When did Scrubs peak

Attached: scrubs.jpg (630x400, 48K)

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Hard to pick an exact point. I stayed invested until around S4 probably, and then just carried on watching Zombie Scrubs.

Whenever JD became flanderized is when.

In the middle, before Turk got married and JD got the blonde bitch pregnant and was in a Ross/Rachel type of relationship with Eliott

Season 1. It was the only series that wasn't just a quirky sitcom where everyone acts zany
Also, the s8 finale

>Whenever JD became flanderized is when.
Literally happened in season 2.
In season 1, JD is mildly homophobic, scared of intimacy and insecure.
From season 2, him and Turk have a very explicit bromance that's joked to be sexual, and JD is constantly rubbing people's shoulders and very extroverted

I always think of my 1st proper girlfriend when I watch Scrubs. I don't have any feelings left, but every time I hear "Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with" in that JD and Elliot episode, I feel feels.

Hard to say because even when the characters were flanderized they could still make serious episodes that were good. The one where they spend the night with the terminal patient was in S8. The episode that shows kelso hates having to be the bad guy but has to do it to make the hospital run is in S5.

Scrubs peaked here : youtube.com/watch?v=kw6K5QwPmp4

Prove me wrong. Pro-tip, you can't.

Season 1
But then it peaked again in season 8
You had some kino in between though, mostly involving Kelso.

Kino incoming


>every time I hear "Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with" in that JD and Elliot episode, I feel feels.

weird, exactly same thing for me

only idk why I think of my first serious gf, we never watched the show together or even talked about it.

maybe cause she looked like Elliot (barely). my ex and S1 Elliot had similar hairstyles.

or maybe because it's just a well written scene.

Season 1 was peak.

Went to complete shit the season where they started to turn the colours up real bright.

Redeemed itself and got good Season 8.

After Season 8 is not canon, as far as I'm concerned.

>When did Scrubs peak

"My Way Home", Season 5, Episode 7.

>"Dorothy, finally going home, are ya?"

Ted and his band were fucking kino


Attached: ted.jpg (767x1024, 164K)

I just remember having my hand inside her to it

Sarah Chalke was fucking fine as fuck

Hell yeah


JD had several damn qt love interests.

Whats the most kino Scrubs song moment?



That scene of her speaking as a German milkmaid is pure boner fuel

Kelso did nothing wrong

the reboot is actually way better than the late original episodes.

horse girl was a great MC

They were the beginning of the end

Horse girl was meh, but the guy that was redoing med school was great. The episode about the speech was the best season 9 got imo


Attached: Elliott Reid.webm (720x544, 1.56M)

We never see the Board of Trustees except for briefly to make jokes about Cox's wife, but chances are they were up Kelso's ass day and night about saving money. He was keeping the ship afloat the best way he knew how.

Attached: Do_the_Hivy.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

Attached: Elliot.webm (720x576, 2.59M)

JD is annoying and weak, Turk and Cox too. The women are cunty and stupid. Generally, the women act like tough men and the guys act like pansified pussies. The show is disgusting and the humor is very light and mild. *insert le random daydram cutaway after someone just died dramatically xDD* It's a gay ass show and I fucking hate it. Don't waste your time watching this atrocious show.

And as always, you're welcome.

Jordan > Elliot > Carla


Jordan is best

It was mediocre from the start, mate.

Carla is a solid 5 and I never understood why people pretend she's hot. She's got a goblin face and saggy tits.

for reference


Latina ass

How did Scrubs do it? Be so funny but so sad also?


Too forced

By sacrificing good writing.

Seek help zoomer

The story about Jill killing herself and JD blaming himself was good. Cox being pulled back from the brink in the next episode was good. This was ok but way overdone, like a stage play


Scrubs had far more gorgeous women in it than it had any right too

Scrubs was the last good sitcom

Debate me


Can't sing for shit though

Elliots friend was really hot imo.
The one that she gets pissed at JD at and they death stare him
Also Molly and Kim are both gorgeous even though Kim is a cunt

Scrubs is literal zoomercore, you stupid redditor.

Cope harder zoomer, shouldnt you be busy being upset that turk is black or something

it definetly was the most SOULFULL sitcom


Best 'out of place musical' episode?

The entire episode that is a musical

I used to watch them in french when I was still learning english and it's the only show I can confidently say that the french dub is better than the original.

1. Dr Cox
2. Kelso
3. Janitor
4. Turk
5. Ted

>zero calibration on conflict
They make big deals that last the entire episode about nothing, and they brush big issues under the rug.
Like, Turk was freaking out about paying for a baby when carla was taking time off.
Dude, you're going to be a fucking surgeon. Are you serious?
That was even the fucking resolution.
J.D. literally said "but leik dood, ur gonna make tons of money xd." and it was over.
Meanwhile cabbage failing out of med school just had him becoming a barista with zero follow up. Nice.
>zero continuity
lmao here's an episode about Doug being a fuck up and finding his calling as a coroner; moral of the story: there's something for everyone!
lmao here's an episode of turk losing his confidence and dr cox warns him he'll turn out like doug who is now a fuck up again if he doesn't get his confidence back
>unlikable characters

Reddit tier trash.

They have the best cover for Hey Ya


2-4 were peak Scrubs, 5 had good moments and it dropped sharply from there

i can watch any drama or real movie and not be sad but scrubs and futurama wrecked me emotinally. i was in tears during certain sad bits during these shows.


Shout out tasty coma wife