ITT: Movies that are over the top batshit insane

The first half of Creatures From The Abyss is a boring snooze fest, the other half however, madness. Shit you will never ever see in a Hollywood movie, only in deranged z-grade trash movies like this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Street Trash is another good example of a movie that is equal parts snoozefest and absolutely bonkers shit

Gozu and the Story of Ricky

Street Trash is a classic for sure, been years since i watched it, and i've been trying to get my girlfriend to watch it with me but she is very skeptical thanks to some other "classics".
Riki-oh is also a classic, one of the all time gory masterpieces that even rival those of Italian origin. Never heard of this Gozu movie before so i guess i will check it out. Thanks.

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>over the top batshit insane

Have you watched all of those? If yes which one is the craziest? Not that familiar with those movies, i've seen Tokyo Gore Police and Robogeisha and both are nuts.

Basically as legend goes Takeshi Miike legendary director got bored or ran out of money or something and instead of doing a by the numbers Yokuza film he made Gozu instead.

>Takeshi Miike legendary director got bored or ran out of money or something
I'm gonna guess and say all three. Sense is not something you'd expect from these movies or the people that make 'em.

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Yakuza Apocalypse

Musical movie (music videos and some propaganda in between the songs) made by the Children of God cult before they changed their name.

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Fudoh: The New Generation was a wacky fun too.
The Happiness of the Katakuris and Ichi The Killer too but those are all well known.

More crazy shit made by a cult, these are known as Unarius Academy of Science and they made a bunch of these "documentaries".
New to me so gonna check these out too.
Ichi is a classic too, never heard about the other ones.

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The Happiness of the Katakuris (both the original korean film and the remake of miike) are very good, and complement because Miike went full drugs on his version.

The korean version is from Kim jee-won, two sisters and bittersweet's life director btw.

like one of muh jap toons

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Nice, that trailer sold it.
So did this trailer, jesus.

Machine Girl is the best one.

Intruder 2. When they go into a nuclear reactor to fight the alien and they show off a weapon arsenal that would make Doomguy smack his lips.

This movie is fucking terrible and I hate you a little for reminding me it exists.

Almost. I think Tokyo Gore Police is the craziest actually, objectively. Honorable mention to Helldriver, same director.

I personally love Tomie Unlimited. And watch Versus if you've somehow missed it for the last 20 years.

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Wrong, Alien vs Ninja is the kinoest
Followed by Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl

>Talking about weird jap movies
>Nobody talking about Minoru Kawasaki filmography
hold the fucking phone

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Gonna check it out.
This does ring a bell, but then again a lot of movies have a over the top weapon arsenal, checking it out.
Once you've seen the first two Guinea Pig movies, you have seen all of these torture porn movies more or less.
My pleasure user, it is an abomination of a movie, but so are most Troma movies.
Yeah TGP is fucking nuts, i think the same director did Robogeisha which is also totally nuts, even the houses that get smashed bleed like a pig. Gonna dl those other two, thanks.
Also these.
>Alien Vs. Ninja
>Vampire Girl Vs. Frankenstein Girl
What could possible go wrong?

So thas it? What? We some kinda...Ghost Squad?

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>Noboru Iguchi (TGP, Robogeisha) is directing
the incoming live-action The Flowers of Evil film
holy fuck I didn't expect that

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This movie is awesome and one of the great splatter movies of all time in my opinion. It's up there with Evil Dead 2 and Braindead. Ridiculous amount of gore.

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The anime was already live action.

In a thread about this movie the other, someone day said the author wanted to fuck up Kodansha and make the anime be rotoscoped to make it as awful looking as possible to fuck up the DVD/BR sales, which it did.

I am surprised these didn't get posted yet

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Don't mind me, I'm just pirating this chart

Visitor Q is so fucking good.

the other one. I hope someday Yea Forums can make an exit level chart and its beyond human imagination

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>that feet scene in sweet movie

OP here and i have to leave. Thank you all for all the countless hours of eye gouging trash i haven't had the displeasure to watch yet.
I will leave you with the worst of the worst. Good night.
Not an entry level noob but i've watched mostly euro and burger trash. This thread is not about strange movies, but about batshit insane movies and if they are good, they are doing something wrong.

it's been bugging the shit out of me for a while,but does anyone know where to get the jerkbeast,ねらわれた学園, and battle heater. no torrents or they're dead.
I kind of saw it as the same thing,strange/batshit hope you found some grool shit from this thread

report back when you watched a handful of the ones discussed here then

I have the bluray though~ desu

le creature...

I caught the ending of this movie on tv once and it found it hilarious. Been looking for it since. Thanks!

>11 volume manga
>turning into 13 episode show
>turned into 2 hour movie
It's all so tiresome. I like a bunch of Japan's anime and manga adaptions, but I understand why some fans get pissed whenever they announce one.

fun fact about the movie love god. the only way to watch it is to email the director himself and ask for a free link to view it or it think a dvd with exclusive shit like bts doc and a comic. its due to various legal troubles that he can't sell it or redistribute it
heres the end clip it has as much relevence to the plot as nothing