It's a team sends the fat female partner into the temple first and wastes all the time because she is uncoordinated and...

>It's a team sends the fat female partner into the temple first and wastes all the time because she is uncoordinated and out of breath by the second room

Attached: olmec-legends-hidden-temple.jpg (450x337, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Durple Parrots
2. Meme Monkeys
3. Blueball Barracudas
4. Silver Sucks
5. Orange Niguanas

999. Red Faguars

> It's the episode where they had the two teams' girls compete on the barrel rides while the audience is in silent shock and the girls just start falling off just to get through the embarrassment.

And they never did that mini-game ever again.

>it’s a team fails the temple because a retarded 10 year old can’t put together a three piece monkey puzzle episode

I swear they must have run 100 test kids through this thing before the show aired, took the average completion time and subtracted that by 30 and made that the complete time kids have to finish because kids lose almost every show and they lose by a lot.

I’m so pissed I never got to visit Nickelodeon studios in Orlando as a kid.

you forgot to say episode

kirk fogg got metood
one of the conestants said he groped her

No way the templeguards didn't see some action.

Higher quality rips show the wet spots.

I heard it was because they demonstrated it facing them instead of out in the actual room but that doesn't make them sound any less retarded.

Can someone build an adult sized version of this for 30 year old boomers to play?

Attached: 1479933969135.png (778x512, 45K)

> It's the episode where one of the kid cheats the clock but the producers don't catch until later and they had an extra temple guard in there just to make sure they didn't win.

I’ll get started on that as soon as I finish building my Aggro Crag.

>> It's the episode where one of the kid cheats the clock but the producers don't catch until later and they had an extra temple guard in there just to make sure they didn't win.

THIS. Now it's some Blue Man Group stage or something.

I haven't seen this show, what was that about barrel rides?

Trying to remember which episode it was. I think it was the game where they had to throw shit in a container but the kid started on the count of three when Kirk Fogg is facing the camera.

So like 95% of the episodes?

They only did it once but it was hilarious. Everyone was dead silent with just the stupid music loop noise in the background.

Regardless it's the best game show ever invented so you should watch anyways.

>It’s a crew member set the wrong door to unlock so the kid went straight to where the artifact was and was in and out of the temple in less than a minute episode

well, you don't want average people to win - that doesn't prove anything

What's this about girls getting wet? Is this on YouTube?

kino time

What's this, some crystal maze knockoff?

Nobody liked the Jaguars and Iguanas. But Monkeys should be number 1

Kek the TVtropes page is written by some complete autists as usual

That girl was legit retarded. Glad her teammate paid attention.

Did anyone else ever think about what it would be like to get sucked off by olmec? I used to record hidden temple on VHS then pause on parts with olmec and imagine his mouth slowly and softly opening and closing on my penis, going "uuuhhh" in that deep monotone voice. I'd cum then he would gargle it with a deep loud echo and smack his lips happily and exclaim he loves "rock hard cock" and he can't wait to see me again

Attached: download (9).jpg (259x194, 11K)

What? Some kind of american puzzle show? Why not just put hamburgers as a prize and the kids would perform miracles....

ماذا؟ وهناك نوع من لعبة اللغز الأوروبي؟ لماذا لا تضع الكباب كجائزة فقط ، وسوف يقوم الأطفال بالمعجزات ....

user don't quit your day job but on the real, watch it. There is nobody that doesn't like this show.

Might work but in your country they'd need gay dicks instead of hamburgers.

No you didn't dont lie to us.

I dont think you even tried with this post.

You're right. I was hoping to post some thing ridiculous enough to get a lot of replies and maybe a screenshot with a bunch of disgusted reaction images from many posts. I can't help it, I just want attention.

webms or didn't happen

Butthurt americans

I hated how they always cut Olmac off before he would finish asking the trivia questions

Moira a cute

the announcer guy always seemed pissed when they did that

it's not like it's a real being

Can't be bothered to convert it myself but it's S03E06, the lion-slashed jacket of Sacagawea.

post youtube link fgt

What did they do to the face in the end?
Is it just moldering away in storage?
What it chucked into a bonfire?

What was the game show that had the qt host and a dinosaur skeleton puppet with orange hair?

I appreciate your honesty, here's a (you)

Attached: terminator 2.gif (227x136, 1.24M)


Yt link?

I'm from Eastern Eu and fucking loved this show back then. Global Guts was also cool, but a lot less soul. Nickelodeon shows were fucking awesome.

That show had such a tight budget there is no way they would pay to store anything from there

Worst banter I've seen in the last two years

Who was in the wrong?

Attached: who.jpg (480x360, 13K)
There you go you sick fucks, enjoy

I bet someone on crew just kept it.
And then it's just moldering away in their basement after their inevitable OD.


the game at 13:00?

Attached: NickEras.gif (2571x5762, 3.97M)

mmmm yes

I bet Olmec'd have some spicy stories if he could talk
wait what

Pete & Pete is absolute kino. Also the absence of Salute Your Shorts and David the Gnome is borderline criminal. Weinerville could probably go on there as well.


Attached: 1461894588183.jpg (452x452, 67K)

that was boring as fuck and not awkward at all
what are you talking about
at 14:00 but most of his claims are bullshit

are you talking about weinerville?