What is a "coerced confession"? I watched this and it looks like a regular old confession.
What is a "coerced confession"? I watched this and it looks like a regular old confession
I hate it when a cop asks me questions and I end up telling him I brutally beat and robbed the shit out of random strangers.
I love the comments:
>This is sooo haunting cause you can see the fear in this kids eyes. The audacity of these people to take the life away from these 5 kids. I saw the documentary and the TV series and I had to stop. Its too real. I can't watch it!
remember behaviour is genetic
Coerced confessions are real. The data is out and if you deny that false/coerced confessions are an issue in our country then you are simply ignorant of the facts. I know it is counter-intuitive, and there are some big "what ifs" that we need to ask ourselves to figure out what to do with this information. It is the truth, though.
I don't mind these mini-series as fiction but like Chernobyl I hate people treating them as documentaries.
we all get a little closer everyday
only dumbasses and people who are guilty give "coerced" confessions. People with a brain don't talk to cops.
Dumbasses, maybe. Suggestibility and intelligence are correlated somewhat but not wholistically. But unless you are alright with all 'dumbasses' or people who talk to cops being automatically guilty, its hardly a resolution.
I asked what a coerced confession was, you can't just reply "i fucking love science". Give me a timestamp in the video where he was coerced.
BIG GUY at 13:49
>BIG GUY at 13:49
If you are innocent and allow yourself to be tricked by word games by cops into admitting something you didn't do then that's on you. Literally every black person and their fucking pitt knows you don't talk to cops or snitch but these little faggots did because they know they were had.
lel he was tripping all over the place
Add "coerced confessions" to this.
I really just said that for all the inevitable "coerced confessions are bullshit". Coerced confessions can be multiple things. Sometimes people are told over and over again by cops that they had gone crazy and that the evidence PROVES they did it and they start to guess that must be true. Sometimes cops say over and over that you're fucked either way but they can help you if you confess, so you do it because you believe you're fucked anyway. Sometimes the person is simply so suggestible they believe what they're told about themselves. Sometimes they simply are super scared/dumb/hungry for attention/acceptance and so they will simply confess for a sense of contributing or helping, getting attention or praise, feeding into the "were your friends just help us " narrative, or because it just feels like the right thing to do cus the cops are saying it. Sometimes they're frightened and think that, and this happens most often with dependents, if they just confess they can get out of this scary room with these scary men and get back to [caregiver] who will figure all this mess out.
I'm not gonna watch that entire actual video to give you a specific breakdown of that situation, unfortunately. But the above is just one source of info. Googling the subject will yield a veritable fuck ton of info. Netflix has some documentaries that, although politically tinted, are informative on the subject.
literally no soul in those eyes. These niggers need to be eradicated
also just because I forgot; another example of a type of coerced confession is that they'll sort of string them along saying that its all in a dream, or tell the suspect that they just need them to "go along with them for a second" and they'll get the victim to "confess" within the narrative context of a hypothetical or a dream, which clearly reveals itself upon listening to/watching recordings. Sounds like bullshit but people get put away for it anyway sometimes.
We know people will lie in confessions, but a "coerced confession" implies the cop tricked people to confess to extreme brutality by playing word games. That's not what I'm seeing in the video, I'm seeing someone describe doing and witnessing horrible crimes and the cop asking clarifying questions to understand.
I guess 0 kids have brains then because 100% of them talk to cops.
>treating them like documentaries
>this retard thinks documentaries are fact
Because DNA evidence from the crime linked a different (black) guy. Who was convicted of raping four other women, three near Central Park.
Please, try to deny this. I want to see you defend a guy who raped five women and has DNA evidence to prove it.
>super scared
>figure all this mess out
>fuck ton
I honestly can't speak for that video as I haven't watched the whole thing. I can just speak for coerced confessions as a generalization. Although, for the sake of my generalization it would probably be more accurate to say "false confession" as opposed to coerce, since as you say 'coerce' has quite the implication
Wait, Yea Forums's new angle is that the Central Park 5 were NOT innocent despite every single form of evidence possible including DNA exonerated them and an unrelated criminal who was already serving life for murder and rape confessed and his DNA matched?
It's like the right has become addicted to losing in the last year.
When the teens were arrested NYC wasn't doing DNA testing.
Well I watched the video and I don't see anything you described.
What am I, submitting to a journal? Allow some colloquialism, jesus.
all blacks should be in prison
There's a documentary of this case also, different then the show.
Is he even speaking English?
Yeah, I know, but what's the point you're trying to make?
The kids were falsely convicted, and it's fact.
You write like a cum slurping faggot. How's that for a colloquialism.
I get it, you watched the netflix show.
I also want to point out that some of the "non-problematic" methods that cops are actually trained in can increase the chances of coerced confessions. The real issue comes from what do we do with this info? because these techniques can also get confessions from actual criminals. I'd like to see some big studies done on the subject because any data we had in the past is tainted due to lack of proper control for false confessions. It could very well be that many of the techniques police use are ONLY good for false confessions but we never reazlized because we assumed we had our guy.
Whilst they did not rape the women, they still partook in the night of wilding and deserve to be in prison.
>Talking to the cops...
so you're telling me the "problem" is liars get punished?
So to be clear, you pointed out colloquialism as a means of making fun of when I write in the opposite?
The presence of his DNA doesnt exonerate the 5 boys, it just also implicates whoever the DNA belongs to. Additionally they know that there were 6 attackers and one got away, they had been looking for the 6th guy for a while. Not to mention DNA testing was much different back then and its collection would have been overlooked or done poorly. So its not unlikely theyd only get the DNA of the actual rapist and not the 5 thugs beating and restraining her.
This doesnt even get to the fact that they didnt deny the litany of other crimes they committed that night, nor does the DNA evidence exonerate them of those crimes.
the "kids" never confessed to raping anyone. They confessed to beating and robbing people and also to beating and holding down the victim down as she was raped.
ReadThe presence of a 6th individuals DNA doesnt exonerate you. Thats not logical in the slightest
holy shit based
Here's your clarity. You treat a bunch of violent apes like teddy bears. Talking about how the police officers were big scary men and oh what was the teen to do.
Those teens beat the shit out of multiple people that night and robbed them at gunpoint. Whose the scary one?
>The presence of his DNA doesnt exonerate the 5 boys, it just also implicates whoever the DNA belongs to. Additionally they know that there were 6 attackers and one got away, they had been looking for the 6th guy for a while. Not to mention DNA testing was much different back then and its collection would have been overlooked or done poorly. So its not unlikely theyd only get the DNA of the actual rapist and not the 5 thugs beating and restraining her.
>This doesnt even get to the fact that they didnt deny the litany of other crimes they committed that night, nor does the DNA evidence exonerate them of those crimes.
Am I missing something here? I thought the only DNA they found was of a man the police did arrest for this rape years later.
Huh? Don't you guys have a new hero in Memphis. The nigs are already starting the wildin this summer. We got a new gentle giant or Trayvon situation growing. Nothing wakes up white people faster than seeing people defending a cold blooded killer "cuz he jus a keed"
>Read into the story
>There really actually was a gang of 30 niggers beating up random people (probably a common occurrence in JYC?)
>Some puerto-rican serial rapist actually commited the crime
I love diversity.
More specifically, the 'problem' is that people are getting punished for things they did not do. As I'm sure you're aware of we hold different crimes to different standards of punishment. I'd also ask you, for example, is it not a shame to some degree when some dumb kid is told over and over by the cops that they have to confess or they're fucked, and they confess because the cops say 'if you just confess you can go'... well is it not a shame to some degree when they get convicted of, say, murder?
So what actually happened? Too lazy to watch all this shit
Yes. Im saying them "being exonerated" of the rape by DNA evidence, were the possible, wouldnt absolve them if their other crimes.
You seem to think I'm referring to a specific case. I'm speaking about false confessions in general. Most confessions are real, but false confessions exist and are, presumably, an issue therefore.
A dindu riot where the girl was probably raped by multiple assailants but they only got a DNA test from one years after the statute limit ran out.
What are the fucking odds of ALL FIVE of them falsely confessing? Just what the fuck were they doing in Central Park that night?
>wouldnt absolve them if their other crimes.
Of that night? What crimes were those?
Wouldn't the required videotaping of these encounters be enough to discern if cops were using such underhanded tactics? Just like in-field bodycams, the camera doesn't lie.
That stuff doesn't happen in NYC anymore cause it's all gentrified now, it was a real shithole in the 70s and 80s.
So we should have let these gang related teens who committed violent muggings go free?
Most confessions are coerced however when you are threatened in specific ways to give a confession then it is illegal. Basically the police can tell you that they are going to put you in a cell and lock you away forever if you don't talk, but they can't beat the shit out of you are threaten your family/livelihood. Also their is something in their about how law enforcement can't get you to 'confess' to a crime if they use a bunch of technicalities.
All in all, Never talk and get a lawyer to talk for you.
Fuck these niggas, dumb as white guilt liberals and welfare sloths forgot about the Duke lacrosse case and Tawana Brawley
A review of the show from my country said
>While in reality the police where under pressure from the public and the media which might have been a big factor in all the mistakes they did, but in the tv show they give the police lines that would only be used by Disney villains
Ok the review didn't use those exact words but that was more or less what she was saying,
>It was the central park six!!!
I dropped the show when they started ranting about Trump.
and who is still the President faggot?
Coerced confessions are real. These were highly suggestible kids getting grilled by adults who were already convinced they were guilty without any evidence. Shit like this happens because the Reid technique is flawed yet American cops stick to it like its holy scripture.
>get a lawyer to talk for you
If I don't know any lawyers and ask for one how do I know if it's a lawyer that shows up and not actually a cop trying to trick me?
The best President we could hope for
What sixth attacker? The narrative repeatedly entails just five attackers
Ask to see his badge
There have been similar proven incidents of false confession where multiple people all confessed. In some cases with remarkably similar stories. That being said that would of course be incredibly rare and something does seem fishy to me about the case in question.
Well, first off you'd amazed how often there just ISN'T a taping when there is supposed to be and it is let slide. But no. You'd think so, but it doesn't work out that way. You ever talk to someone who isn't noticing a social cue? Or maybe they just are purposefully ignoring it because it doesn't fit their argument? Sometimes what makes an interrogation 'coercive' is a little nebulous and subjective to some degree, and so a judge can pull the "ehhh i don't know that I can DEFINITELY say that was wrong" card in a manner of speaking. Another big part of it is that judges are already aware of the implications: "so what, we just throw out every fucking technique for interrogation because someone might be a pussy?" i'm being silly here but you get my drift. The issue is gaining traction in the field, however.
People who commit violent muggings should be punished appropriately by the law.
Indeed, next 5 years are gonna be great
They have admitted and never tried to feign innocence to beating and robbing people in the park that night. They also restrained the jogger as she was raped. Again we know there were 6 attackers but only one of them was the rapist it turns out
>disputing the liberal normie narrative is losing
>70 IQ subhumans
to add to my response, the issue also arises from the fact that... well its not always "underhanded' per se. Wearing down the suspects psyche, playing on his insecurities, telling him you just want to help him... these aren't considered 'underhanded'. These are procedure.
That looks like some Phoenix Wright shit, there's no way for me to know if it's legitimate.
Cry more, he's already done everything I voted him in for.
also just to clarify, in some cases these recordings to what you say. But not usually, do to the complexities of the situation.
I'm not addicted to losing so I have to say I personally support outrageous levels of crime including rape, robbery and murder committed by the diverse community in our cities and suburbs. I'm a winner now!
Was just about to make a Phoenix Wright comment but you beat me to it.
Did you vote for him to tweet?
Then you should stop showing off your butthurt, noob
>assault is a-ok as long as you don't rape a woman
The left, everyone.
For me, the more dead Americans the better
Puerto Rican, so that's your fellow mutt.
Prove they assaulted her.
shut the fuck up
Hanging would be quicker and better on the tax dollar
They admitted to assaulting her. The central park 5 have only been exonerated of raping on that night. Nothing else
I'm not seeing any walls along the Mexican border, Hillary is still free.
They were assaulting and robbing people in the park that night. It's the reason they were there and got involved in this situation
>I believe in conspiracy theories
>unless they involve niggers
Except the conspiracy in this case is “libtards are conspiring to convince the public that niggers dindu nuffin”
Sure which is why we have a jury of peers to decide which confession is true or not and they got convicted and there has still never been a lick of evidence to suggest otherwise except the Puerto Rican serial rapist in prison for life suddenly remembering he did it alone lmao
Read the actual court documents. The only reasonable conclusion is that the confessions were coerced. The five Tyrone’s thought they could get out of trouble by pinning the rape on their homies. Classic prisoners dilema situation. Bad policework.
Didn’t they physically assault and rob her?
If she then got raped it wasn’t unreasonable for police to assume it was the same people who committed both crimes
They may have been accused of a crime they didn’t commit but they were still dangerous criminals
>dey dindu nuffin, sheeeeit wypipo cusin’ us o’ rapin’ dis bitch wen ol we did wuz beat and rob dis cracker
Are you fucking kidding me... They DID in fact assault her. They assaulted other people as well.
These kids were innocent of rape but not innocent human beings.
What country? That sounds pretty accurate but no critic in the USA is willing to say it.
>cops conspire against some innocent kids because they want to
>"no, it was truly the liberals who are to blame."
We.. we can watch the confession you know that right?
You mean the confession where Tyrone says he stabbed the girl before raping her even though she had no stab wounds? Oh okay dude. Totally legit confession.
Imagine roaming around, beating people with pipes and stealing their wallets but then a Puerto Rican guy rapes a girl 20 feet away from you so you're declared a national hero and given $40 million
Imagine the people who looked at this 14-year-old and though "Oh wow that poor innocent little boy couldn't possibly harm anyone"
>the real villain was a serial rapist Puerto Rican that targeted white women
Damn Netflix is pretty redpilled
Daily reminder that if you believed that Brendan Dassey was a coerced confession but that the Central Park five wasn't, you're a racist.
He was really a part of it though. It's not like he wasn't.
On the night Trump won the election, searching "literally shaking" on Twitter was like discovering a gold mine.
>Imagine roaming around, beating people with pipes and stealing their wallets but then a Puerto Rican guy rapes a girl 20 feet away from you so you're declared a national hero and given $40 million
God bless America, truly the American dream right here
Just like they were going to lose to Hilary. Never ending landslides.
Yes, and? Fuck niggers.
They had to spend the prime of their lives getting raped in prison though. They're also niggers. Would that be worth 40 million to you (split 5 ways)?
The one dad was beyond stupid. Son, you're better off confessing to a rape you didn't do. They'll let you go. Lol wtf was he thinking? You'd think a man who went to prison would know to never comp to shit you didn't do.
That part was completely made up like most of the show. In reality they comped to it because they did it.
But they did violently attack people that night . And they all admitted to restraining and beating her. Cant dindu your way out of this
Nearly all of them were underaged kids. You think a kid can't be intimidated or coerced into a false confession?
I'm guessing they were on the supply side of the prison rapes.
Keep in mind that Matias Reyes suddenly remembered that he acted alone in the Meili rape only AFTER he was placed on the same cell block as Bloods member Korey Wise
Brendan Dassey wasn't even really answering questions, he was just kind of going "yeah", "yeah", "yeah" for like 3 hours.
These Central Park kids were describing horrific brutality without being prompted. I'm not saying I think Brendan Dassey was a false confession, but I could at least sort-of-buy-it.
It's possible to believe the CP5 were wrongly convicted of a specific charge, but still pieces of shit that deserved what they got because they beat and robbed people with fucking metal pipes, and the $41M they were given by the city is a travesty.
I know they beat and robbed people but the fact is they weren’t involved in the rape. Their confessions have too many errors. They obviously didn’t witness the rape.
Coerced confessions is the latest meme to stop black people from going to jail because they're too stupid and arrogant not to admit their crimes to cops immediately after being arrested.
Does it happen very rarely? Sure. Is it a common thing? Fuck no.
Yes they were though thats why they all literally admitted to it. We know there were 6 attackers and 1 got away. We just didnt know due to primitive crime solving techniques at the time that it was 5 restraining and beating her and 1 raping her.
That's odd, since I netflix and haven't even heard of this. It's also not been mentioned to me by anybody I know.
Why did he act alone for his other rapes but team up for this one,
When the show cold-opened to CP5 roaming Central Park, beating people unconscious with metal pipes, until they witnessed a puerto rican guy doing an actual rape and then realized that crime is wrong... well I found it powerful.
I cried when they were falsely sentenced for rape when all they did was beat people into lifetime disabilities. The show really drove the point home about our InJustice System. Fuck man, it was a hard show to watch.
Why the fuck were they given a $40 million dollar settlement if they admitted to beating people up with weapons and stealing things?
Why wouldnt they still be in prison? or at least 20 years for violent theft
Pol, please curb your racism for 30 seconds. If a guy says he stabbed a woman but the woman doesn’t have stab wounds, that means the confession was bogus. All of Reyes prior rapes were done alone, the physical scene is compatible with a single attacker. Meanwhile none of them actually confessed to raping her, they confessed to seeing the other 4 guys raping her. They clearly lied about seeing the other guys doing the rape to try to get out of trouble for the beatings and robberies.
If 5 people describe in perfect detail what they did but one throws out a lie is all the truth magically nullified? Why dont you use your thinking cap instead of your dindu-rag
If you knew anything about the actual case you'd know there was a lot of fuckshit going on with the prosecutor doing some pretty blatantly illegal shit IIRC.
It's why the kids ended up suing the state and getting like 1 mil each.
The victim claims 6 men attacked her and she was raped. We assumed all 6 involved raped her, but only 1 raped her the rest just restrained her.
I suppose, even if they were involved it’s on the detectives for not getting any evidence. You simply can’t convict somebody entirely on a false confession.
The full list of errors is available online. They got the location of the rape wrong, they got the weapons wrong, couldn’t explain the double locations of the rape, etc. The confessions were fake.
All of their details were inconsistent you fucking dumbass.
>but still pieces of shit that deserved what they got
That's not how the justice system works. If it did we could just throw you in jail for two decades on a bullshit charge because we know you're a neet who torrents all movies and TV shows, so as long as we punish you somehow it's okay because you're a copyright infringing criminal.
The settlement was approved by Mayor Bill De Blasio, the one who won't shut the fuck up about how much he hates cops and that's married to a lesbian black panther.
Former Mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg had spent years telling the Central Park Five to fuck off.
No they should have acquired legitimate evidence and convicted them of the crimes THEY committed.
Moral of the story is never believe the roastie yelling rape.
>these poor boys only beat four men with pipes, fracturing one's skull, and stole numerous bikes, wallets and portable radios
>six years in prison is way too long for minor league shit like that
They did four robbery/assaults in ONE NIGHT. Do you think that was the first time in their lives?
Sure he did
No, it's more like a guy says he stabbed a woman but instead all her bones were broken. CP5 were evil as shit, just not of the most serious crime they were charged for.
sounds like this state is a real shithole
>Netflix's biggest show for two weeks straight
That's bullshit since Netflix never talk about the ratings.
can't even attack innocent people in this country anymore baka
she didn't accuse them you fucking retard.
That's literally true of almost any witness statement, it doesn't mean the general gist of what happened is false. Getting the details wrong is common in real confessions where we know they're guilty as sin.
They were also convicted of the assaults on Loughlin and Garner alongside the rape of Meili - when the Meili conviction was thrown out, all other convictions were voided.
Loughlin was even able to provide a visual AND voice identification of Raymond Santana as one of his attackers (Santana was angry that Loughlin came to aid Garner as they were robbing Garner, so he repeatedly yelled "Vigilante!" while beating the second man)
Yet you failed to prosecute them on those crimes and instead had them convicted on a crime they did not commit. If they were white you would be screaming bloody murder but because they're black you want to pretend like the rule of law don't matter as long as they get punished.
Because they went to prison for a crime they didn't commit, want to send them to prison for beating people up and thefts? Go ahead but you need to do a separate investigation and trial for that, while paying for sending them to prison for a crime they didn't commit.
But it wasnt a false confession.
No they werent. They were incredibly consistent with the events that took place. Where it took place is secondary cause its a fucking park late at night. Dindurags off please.
Korey Wise is clearly retarded.
>Yet you failed to prosecute them on those crimes and instead had them convicted on a crime they did not commit.
They were convicted of six crimes and then released after it turned out they didn't commit one of them
basically getting criminals to trip up and snitch on themselves and their friends
they were guilty, at the very least were there when the rape happened
That makes no sense that throwing out one case exonerates other separate cases. Where are the sources? I need to read about this if it happened.
Not violent crimes you retarded nigger
That’s pimped data. They get people to confess to tax filing mistakes and petty thefts, not violent robberies.
All of the crimes were prosecuted together during one trial. In theory they could have been arrested and retried for the other charges after the rape was dismissed but the DA's office just declined to since it would have caused mass rioting.
>without any evidence
>beating a woman so hard her eye pops out of its socket is exactly the same as illegally downloading movies
>samefagging this hard
Sources, must read
He's not talking about the tv show, there have been several documentaries made about the case.
Then Mayor Bill de Blaise gives them $40M
What the fuck is wrong with New Yorkers?
They weren't the rapists. Ever heard of DNA?
>they totally raped her, they just got all the details wrong while the sixth rapist magically remembered correctly a decade later but for no reason whatsoever lied about raping her alone
>using anachronistic arguments to prove a crime
Just retards who have been brainwashed by netflix things
Who ever said it was a common thing?
If you're retarded enough to fall for that you dont deserve freedom anyway. It honestly sounds more and more like you're simply defending ignorant niggerdry than attacking any kind of flaw in the system.
They always knew there were 6 attackers. They always knew one got away. They only looked for vaginal DNA because DNA testing was primitive and methods for it werent good back then. There only (1) mistake was assuming that since they helped beat and restrain her that they also raped her. Theyve also not been exonerated of the other assaults they took part in that night, which they have never denied
They were released for time served for the remaining charges after they were cleared of the rape.
Agree, to be honest. If you’re of such low moral character that’ll you’ll lie and confess to horrible things to law enforcement because they asked if you did it, you deserve the punishment
Why is it always the violent scumbags who get the most white-knighting?
Hasn't a legitimately nice, productive person ever been totally fucked over by the cops?
There was no evidence of multiple rapists. You’re making shit up poltard.
leftists will defend literal murderers like OJ just because they're black
they have no shame, no convictions other than "whitey bad, darkie good"
Well apparently it’s so common, all 5 of them falsely confessed to the same thing. Could happen to any group of friends, really!
quick rundown?
>the real villain was a serial rapist Puerto Rican that targeted white women
Yes, he raped women but he also kept four niggers and a spic locked up and off the streets. Swings and roundabouts.
we aint do nothin man we going to church an shiet
You're not answering the question. Are you ok?
Again... if you read my comment you would know that this was a time when DNA methods were primitive and not a first thought. So full DNA testing has never been done. But I also never said they were all rapists, i said this was the one faulty assumption since they were all guilty of being involved in the rape, by their own admissions.
No, because a nice productive person doesn't put himself in a situation where he can even be falsely accused in the first place.
Yeah but you'd think they'd find more actually sympathetic guys that got a raw deal like that African refugee who got shot while trying to give his driver's license to the cops.
Instead it seems like the more of a violent shithead the "victimized" person is the more the activists love them
that's the joke
Sounds like the NYPD trying to cover their ass because they knew they fucked up, failed to convict the actual rapist and failed to probably convict the 5 suspects they had. Fucking dumb cops and detectives.
>a nice productive person doesn't put himself in a situation where he can even be falsely accused in the first place.
da comrade, the state never makes mistakes.
*properly not probably
Because you can’t signal how “anti-racist” you are in cases like that because everyone agrees it was wrong.
>meanwhile republicans defend pedophiles and domestic abusers because: FUCK LIBTARDS!
unironically KYS
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Somewhere there must be a hard-working family man who just stumbled into the wrong place and got railroaded - so why are the ones that get promoted as folk heroes almost always thieves, thugs and actual murderers in the first place?
CIA nigger
The point is to drive a wedge and make people angry. Encourage normal people to ignore their instincts and choose to follow the latest talking points. Those that don't then get painted as racists so they get pushed towards radicalism on the right. Once those that end up on whichever side, it's likely they'll stay there, subservient. Ultimately, it drums up outrage which gets clicks and keeps people "politically engaged" so they'll click more later. It's all about money.
What this guys said , when you defend a scumbag you'll get people that will point out that he was a scumbag in fact, but the people that would side with you anyway will see that as just these people being prejudiced, it creates more tension and controversy.
Blacks are incredibly racially tribalistic, they support their own ingroup no matter what.
Leftists only care about what the media tell them to care about, and the media want to stir trouble and incite violence for more stories.
A lot of these are perfectly common words and phrases.
If you honestly do not believe coerced confessions exist you just don't know anything about the American justice system. Hell it even happens in other countries. Scotland in particular I believe has had outright false confessions that were made up by the police and were never even seen or heard by the defendant. It's a massive controversy and the fact that you don't know about it shows that you're just an isolated racist incel looking for ANY excuse to hate black people.
>Scotland in particular I believe has had outright false confessions that were made up by the police and were never even seen or heard by the defendant
Lmao I guess all the videotape of the perps confessing was done by lookalike actors.
Or maybe they were Deep Fakes
Coerced confessions exist. This is not an example of it.
Because they're thieves, murderers, rapists, etc. The decent white guy who has a 9 to 5 in an office doesn't hang out with gangbangers, doesn't loiter in the streets at night, basically he doesn't put himself in a situation where he could be falsely accused of something. These "folk heroes" are always niggers, spics and white trash because these are the people that live around criminal elements, so they are likely to get arrested for crimes they didn't commit that occurred in their environment.
that first sentence but unironically
The key takeaway here is that Ava DuVernay still gets work after A Wrinkle in Time. Black female privilege alive and well.
Not videos or even audio, just written confessions (the most common kind) with a fake signature.
>Hasn't a legitimately nice, productive person ever been totally fucked over by the cops?
Well there was that 12 year old black kid who got shoot and killed by police
Yeah hes saying your jewish overlords should focus on those cases instead of ones championing violent thugs who were innocent of 1 of the 20 crimes they committed
There's no way he's not special needs
>Ultimately, it drums up outrage which gets clicks and keeps people "politically engaged" so they'll click more later. It's all about money
This, you can't have talking heads yell back and forth at each other over things that aren't controversial.
I'm surprised Yea Forums is so up in arms over this considering the main lawyer in this case was some self-serving Jewish bitch.
I guess even Yea Forums likes Jews more than niggers.
They’re just nypd shills
that necklace is utterly tacky
the right is anyone that has a brain eh?
Sounds like good police work to me.
Which is even worse. Incels have no backbone. They'll just take whatever side is convenient in spite of their morals.
Really this story should tell people that America's legal system is fucked, but all people can see is
So that message will fall on deaf ears
>discourage cops from stopping criminals
>backpedal on bodycams because it's starting to exonerate cops like the Appleton shooting
>make confessions and evidence inadmissible
>eliminate bail so they're back out on the streets by sundown for anything short of first degree murder
>some even want to eliminate imprisonment completely in favor of a year or two "rehabilitation" daycare
Except if some white dude made a mistake on paying his taxes or said something mean on Twitter, lock him up in a deep dark hole and throw away the key.
>backpedal on bodycams because it's starting to exonerate cops like the Appleton shooting
It was hilarious how quickly that happened. Body cams went from a completely mandatory treasure to protect black and brown bodies to a new form of racist abuse virtually overnight.
There's so many body cam videos that show cops acting like absolute saints, with way too MUCH patience for chimping out
lynching will make a comeback
>Definitive DNA evidence that aligns with a later confession from a convicted murderer and rapist combines with the story inconsistencies, and crime scene description absolves the teens
>B-but look! He said he did it!
Fucking retards on this board
Yea Forums is actually full of fucking retards
>so bored, want to go home
>guess i'll confess to raping and assaulting a woman i dunno
Even if innocent, those dumb niggers deserved it for being dumb shits desu senpai
No evidence beyond a blatantly inadmissible confession that was retracted immediately.
>coerced confession
>so why are the ones that get promoted as folk heroes almost always thieves, thugs and actual murderers in the first place?
Because Leftists generally despise normal working people as uptight, whitebread boors, since most never really grew out of their edgy teenaged "fuck authority fuck you DAD" phase.
If you call somebody a nigger long enough, eventually they’ll start to believe it.
Bunch of idiots. Can’t imagine not knowing what the snowniggers are like. They must’ve had sheltered upbringing.
I’ve looked the snownigger in the face and seen his mind. 2016 was no surprise. Just another chimp-out
>rape, steal, and assault so often that you confess to something you didn't even do
the absolute state of negroids in america lel
What do Snowniggers have to do with this? They can’t even vote in our elections.
The whole coerced confession thing is a little sus to me. Part of me can understand and believe it, but then you remember that the person in question knows as a matter of fact that they are not guilty.
Snowniggers run this country, boss. Wake up
Nigger, most of this country in terms of origin is German/English/Spanish, not Scandinavian.
Slaves to the snownigger master race