Just watched this flick and still feel like a pathetic alcoholic. Any other kino other than THERE WILL BE BLOOD?

Just watched this flick and still feel like a pathetic alcoholic. Any other kino other than THERE WILL BE BLOOD?

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Woke up this morning after a week of being sober. I drank a lot this weekend and today I have more alcohol staring me. I have the instinct to go and buy another bottle. I can’t keep doing this..... losing my sanity

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Please help me

just watch pic related

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Under the Volcano

Bout to cop some blow for tonight for da club

Fucking based. Have a good night my man. I used to use blow but it just made me OCD. I’ll go back to my corner chugging vodka.

Oh look, it's another alcoholics anonymous thread!

Drank 5 beers last night then went to sleep. Now I will drink 1 beer after I just finished breakfast then buy a bottle for after dinner

Get yourself a bottle of some nice shit pussy

starting alcoholic here, how do I get out lads?

Started drinking again after 6 months sober. I've missed it. Now I'm sitting here watching Chernobyl and drinking vodka mojitos. Tonight won't end well.

watch Days of Wine and Roses maybe?

You don't alcohol is the only thing that will make you feel fantastic and will never leave you.

yeah, that's what it feels like. It's also my birthday today and I've spent it ignoring calls and drinking rum while watching kino

After several it just makes me feel like shit though.

diminishing returns sets in, if you can't find the sweet spot you're fucked

I need more alcohol. Need to think of the way to get to a liquor store and buy another bottle

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killing a hangover with a good liquor buzz is alcoholKINO

How many times do you watch this movie a day? Also WAKE IN FRIGHT motherfucker
>*theremin intensifies*

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No idea how anyone can consider drinking enjoyable when you're alone.

drank a beer and going for a bike ride


beautiful pic

Anyone ever had delirium tremens?

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Drinking alone is unironically a trait of the high IQ

So some people do it because of a high IQ. What's your excuse?

that must mean I'm at genius level

>I can’t keep doing this
quitters never win faggot
now man up and chug what's left of the jack

I'm glad I'm out of this spiral

for now

there's no escape bro, we are broken and we'll never be whole. I just wish I wasn't such a fucking pussy and just end myself. What are some fast and efficient ways to go if you don't have a gun lads? I don't want the time to regret my decision

industrial grade helium
the consumer shit still has O2 in it

Opiate overdose I guess. Die feeling the best you've ever felt, or so I've heard.