(((They))) never really forgave George for this character, did (((they)))?
(((They))) never really forgave George for this character, did (((they)))?
Based George dabbing on the kikes!
>disgusting squinting miserly slaveholding crook bug alien
>my ancestor :)
At least Watto never cheated.
Tlo gorgeous to be a kike
That pic never fails to make me laugh.
why not just write "jews" instead? its not like ((())) is some super secret dog whistle, everyone who cares knows you're an antisemite
the arabs or the jews?
it's a meme you paranoid schizophrenic autist. Chances are OP is a mutt or half jew himself.
>paranoid schizophrenic
That's a projection if I've ever seen one
Because it's a Semitic superset meant to be both jews and arabs
>muh projection
take your meds you virgin schizo
I am the newest Jew face that ever jewed and I find threads like this hilarious.
I am far less fearful of shitposters larping on Yea Forums than I am of the politicians that still believe in blood libel
I think this was more about George not forgiving ((them)) for putting him through the ringer back in the day. Once the original made bank he started self-financing and never looked back, I don't think he enjoyed working with producers.
who laughs last laughs best
based George
I’m half Jewish and I despise nearly every other Jew I’ve met
Little known fact but George actually said at some point he was a tribute to his good friend Steven Spielberg
>you paranoid schizophrenic autist
Watto isn’t Jewish he’s the typical Arab trader seen in many old movies.
You people are stupid because you’re millennials
probably more to do with George exposing NWO plans with Palpatine and senate
The real anti-Semitic Star Wars character:
Salacious B. Crumb.
I don't recall anyone caring. Maybe you're just obsessed?
>((())) is some super secret dog whistle
it was never supposed to be a dogwhistle you dumb fuck. It was meant to help you parse and comprehend statements like this:
>As a (((white person))), I think white people should be eradicated.
Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people
Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes
It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.
I think it just symbolizes the 24/7 obsessive thoughts incels have about jews
Do you creatures ever get bored complaining/talking about/thinking about jews all day?
idf discord is lit today
I genuinely want to punch this man in the face as hard as I possibly can.
Specifically in his nose.
I'd do it too.
If I ever see this fucking weasel I will punch him in the face with the force of a thousand sons, don't care about the consequences.
The Jedi are the real space kikes, Qui-Gon robbed this innocent merchant just to save money.
You are my hero
You mad tranny?
>Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?
Because they know people who live near them and read/consume the media they create.
Do you guys think that Watto was intentionally meant to portray a Jew or was it George's subconscious?
Mind tricks don't work on me. Only money.
most nazis were tranny m8 havent you seen the pics
it's not the jews fault people find you repulsive
seemed more of an arab merchant thing if at all, Yea Forums is obsessed with jews though and projects it onto everything to the point where they say shit like they live is about them
Watto has a large hooked nose, beady eyes, curly black hair, a thick beard and speaks in a gravelly voice. That's all Jewish stereotypes.
He even wears a round hat resembling a kippah
Arabs have hooked noses, beards and beady eyes. Watto doesn't have curly hair so it doesn't count
Jabba was supposed to be a sand nigger, Jorge Lucas wanted Jabba to wear a Fez. That's why Jabba has a white slave like Leia.
Based Chinaman dropping bombs on the eternal shut-ins.
that still doesn't make it any less weird
>h-he's not a kike, he's a SANDNIGGER
like its still hilariously brazenly racist and bold. maybe if Ep 1 came out post 9/11, it'd slightly make more sense