what are your favorite and most deepest movie qoutes????
What are your favorite and most deepest movie qoutes????
Roastish: "love is louder than the pressure to be perfect"
English: "i decided to settle with brad who is 6'2"
>It only smellz
Too many incel posts lately. They're too depressing even for me.
>the pressure of being perfect
>is literally perfect
>The flight plan I filed with Agent C lists Smee, Maimen, Doctor Pavelhere, Button Lee, Juan Ovyue.
is this bitch still salty, I hope she still is.
we have a lot women posts in this thread
>there is a moment of sheer panic, when I realise Paul’s apartment overlooks the park... and it’s obviously more expensive than mine
Women put the pressure on themselves.
today i'd like to remind you that VJuice has an IQ of 74
What makes you say that?
"Her pussy gets so wet you can't believe it."
jelly roastie
it's confirmed, I saw an article
Oh what a shame I guess instead of discussing philosophy with her I'll just have to fantasize about shoving my cock down her throat.
Why does she still look the same as she was in Victorious almost 10 years ago?
just VJ things
Could you provide the source? Seeing how she acts in interviews and shit, it wouldn't surprise me though
>Well, this is the difference between truth and fiction. Fiction has to make sense.
always liked that one.
and some one liners from lord of war about soviet redistribution or some other situational stuff
I love this "little makeup and messy hair" look
'I love the smell of napalm in the morning.'
She seems very kind and pleasant though.
Niggers may have low iq, but being low iq doesn't make you a nigger.
>she never woke up
followed by
>despite it all its a beautiful day
Wow this thot who spends ungodly amounts of time on her hair, makeup, and wardrobe said looks aren't important and it's what's inside that counts! Truly brave.
I'm not wearing hockey pads
>Get busy livin', or get busy stun'
Since when do you care about godlyness
>tfw you also have a double digit iq
Attractive women in first world countries are the most sheltered and privileged class of people in existence. They start to believe the ass kissing of beta orbiters and think that they actually have something to say when all they spout is literal fortune cookie wisdom.
As long as she keeps her holes clean I don’t care
so is she advocating pedophilia?
yea i just destroyed her "deep" quote bullshit
>Everybody gets a glock
-Steve Zissou