Sooo... what's the point of TOTDY? Pretentious shit?

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Wouldn't say this was good but I enjoyed it as directorial masturbation way more than Twin Peaks: The Return

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wtf is this? refns next film? am i that out of the loop?

His show.

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good god this show is boring and pretentious as fuck

Episode 5 is unmitigated kino - kino

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it's kino


It puts me to sleep from how slow it is but enjoying it still. Just finished episode 2

feel less like watching this because of that pic


Worth a watch? I like Refn but I really dislike tv shows
Is that fucking Kojima?

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If you like Refn and his autistic wannabe badass characters, his neon lights and long scenes of people staring at each other, you will like it.

>making your wife the honorary yakuza white roastie fucktoy
what the fuck did he mean by this bros

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The first two episodes literally play like two separeted Refn's movies

That'all Refn movies tho except for Drive. The guy is just divisive

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>The guy is just divisive
I thought the show was just okay and could've been better.

Not true. Pusher trilogy is pretty acclaimed. Bronson also has good ratings. It's more his post Drive work that's divisive.


Why can't he act bros?

Attached: act.webm (1928x1040, 2.93M)

Is that unwatchable faggot Miles Teller in it, because Refn needed to meet his jew-quota to get the show made?

Look mom, i posted it again!


I can't get it.

top autism kino

It's not really divisive the way he wants it to be though. You can't watch Von Trier's Antichrist with a group of people and come away with someone saying 'ehh it was okay'.

Answer the question, faggot.

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I finished it last night and I'm still not really sure, or whether we were supposed to take away any coherent message at all or it's like an impressionistic David Lynch style work that is meant to evoke certain feelings and atmospheres.
The monologue at the beginning of the last episode seemed to be setting the series up as a deconstruction of Refn's alleged 'ultra violence' in his previous works and throughout the show; how violence is turned into a spectacle and people cheer the brutal, hypocritical vigilantism of Martin and the other guy.
But then all of this seemed to be thrown aside with the very last scene which seems to invite the audience to earnestly view the vigilante queens as doing something good?


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What a ride. Everything from the "rape" warning to the hilarious electric car chase was amazing.

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watching second episode rn and it's objectively bad
t ADHD retard

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lol wtf kojima

>Maria Magdalena

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Watch the fifth episode

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can i skip 2-4? Nothing happens anyway

Looks terrible

i loved only god forgives, and i enjoyed neon demon a fair bit.

but something about this show puts me off.

i have no idea what it is, i just...don't wanna watch it.

>music like neon demon
>visuals like only god forgives
why is he ignoring everything else

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No he didn't cast him because of jewish quota. He is good in the show.

2 is very skippable

There's an extremely strong malevolent energy radiating from this show. Watching it makes me feel physically ill. It's like all the worst and most disturbing parts of Lynch's oeuvre stretched out to 13 hours.

It’s peak Refn heavy darkly funny dialogue and meaningful violence. This proves all he needs is a good screenwriter.

>all the /pol/yps hate episode 2 because it has mexicans in it

lmao, ep 2 is great you fags

You’ll missed some context to the situation but all you need to know is that teller is told to kill two rape pornographers

What the fuck was that ending? Is there gonna be another season or is this it?

it is the slowest one ive seen so far

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Does Kojima only show up in one episode?

I think it’s because you spend an entire episode without the lead. So at first glance it seems like a waste of time until you realize it’s fleshing them out for something bigger.

What was his fucking problem?

ep 1 was slower to me. learning about the inner workings of the cartel and their relationship with the police was interesting.

How many episodes did you watch until you realized that there is a 4K version?

Fuck this. They pan The Romanoffs - another great show from Amazon. I feel like they shiling netflix

Yeah in episode 4

Why Refn hasn't shorten all episodes to 1hr. It would be far more enjoyable

OGF visuals are like drive on steroids so he’s not really ignoring it
Only Valhalla Rising and Bronson don’t quite fit in, I think Pusher to Drive and beyond was quite a natural progression

the longer - the better, fuck off

cool guy autism
i did not dislike it, it made me like Jesus more

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2. Also why is Amazon's interface the dirt worst of all the streaming services? Fucking 900 billion dollar company and they can't even design a proper interface.

Episodes 1 and 5 are peak criminal neon kino.

To present a version of LA Mystery that's bleaker than Chinatown, more mystical than Mulholland Drive, more narcotic than Inherent Vice and more timely than Under The Silver Lake. A labyrinthine, hypnotic trail through the sunbleached and neon soaked underbelly of the American southwest.

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So how are the later episodes? Everybody talks about episode 5, are later episodes also good?


very deep, refn. never been done before.

Okay David

they are bad because
>fuck spics
>martin dies
>fuck this shit martin dies
>his gf dies too

Very funny to me that Yea Forums is eating this up even though it's very clearly about misogyny, patriarchy, violence against women and Trump's America. Buffoons.

What episode does he die in?

This. I was honestly expecting a 15 hour movie after episode 1 then it turned out to be a standard tv show with a decent budget.

tv is pro-feminist

Ooooh, it's funny because obviously Yea Forums is full of people who thing misoginy, patriarchy, violence against women and Trump are good. Because obviously there's no one here except for bootlickers.

Fuck Trump, fuck /pol/ and fuck you.


he’s an all american archetype

this is even cringier than someone going on about 'fuck spics and niggers'

Episode 8. I kept expecting him to somehow escape but it never happened. Next couple episodes after that just seem like a set-up for a new season, but I doubt it.

>there's no one here except for bootlickers.

this is actually the truth though

What was his endgame? Was it just fucking his daughter?

I have only seen the first episode so far. That seems really strange, that they would kill him off in episode 8 and then there are another 2 episodes.

Ultra cuck. Literally watched 30 years old dude fucking his 18 years old daughter.

did the constant snorting have something to do with his cocaine use? it didn’t feel scripted

Isn’t that what all the Baldwin’s do to maintain that signature ugly face.

i hope its over. Martin is too good.

>clearly speaking Japanese
>subtitle said Korean
Is Refn a hack?

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"Twin Peaks: The Return made by Rockstar Games" - user is, but that's because of the homeless and the shit in the streets, which this isn't concerned with.

Slow burn kino? Only watched the first ep so far I really like the premise here

correct if they have half a brain theyll say eh it was terrible

holy cringe

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Will Kojima win an Emmy?

Actually kill yourself.

are there any kino scenes featuring his teenage gf?

Amazon legit has 0 good shows

this show was FUCKING KINO right until Miles was killed. The last two episodes were not good and the ending was rushed as fuck, so anticlimatic. What the fuck happened to John Hawkes? There has to be a second season right?

episode 5 is unironically one of the best things Refn has directed.

use the spoiler tag you fucking retard

dont come in to a thread if you havent watched the show. I was just 2 days off Yea Forums because I was marathoning it.

its a 13 hour movie

i’m only on episode 8 you nigger

Grow up. This is art, not your weekly capeshit. Who gives a shit about muh spoilers.

get off Yea Forums

That doesn’t really inspire confidence
satantango, the entirety of LOTR, and love exposure are shorter than that and as much as I like Refn, he’s no Tarr

It's more like Berlin Alexanderplatz and Twin Peaks season 3. It's not like Satantango where it's better to watch it all at once.

he looks so old

How is that Berlin thing people keep recommending me it but it seems like a massive undertaking. Is it kino enough to justify the length.

>Because obviously there's no one here except for bootlickers.
You do realize that Liberals are widely considered the "bootlickers", right?

It's kino. It's kind of slow and not that interesting at the beginning but as it goes on it becomes fantastic. I would recommend watching it.

>listening to critics or audiences

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Anyone got a MEGA link?

The guy that went to the Yakuza was korean fucking idiot, it was him speaking.
These are the fucking morons that think they get to have an opinion on tv and movies, go play video games you're way too dumb for this show.

The scene where best girl Yaritza meets Janey and Maggie.

Spoil this shit you fuck

>but I really dislike tv shows
>visits Yea Forums
are you autistic by any chance?


Torrent it you fucking idiot.

Maybe I'm autistic but I actually liked episode 2.
It was comfy.
Jesus is such a good boy.

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Is top right an Avatar reference?

Would if i could fucker, i can't access torrent sites anymore because of laws and shit. Last time i wenr on piratebay i got a letter and had to pay 200 dollars.

Why are people saying episode 2 is bad?
I thought it was good

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Episode 2 was pure kino. I'm on 4 and enjoying the fuck out of it. SOTY so far.

What is the total runtime for this? I know it’s 10 episodes, but they range from 30 to 90 minutes.

If this isn't forced cinematography I don't know what is.

You can't just string random words together and think they have any meaning

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Bwahahahahahahaha the absolute state of westerners,eastern block master race ya nigger muhamadas.

use a proxy idiot

Poor Miguel.

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Where do you live?

You’re a fucking moron lmao WOW

Well he's not wrong

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Why isn't Refn making the new Terminator movie? He'd be a perfect director for it.

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>bottom right
Is that? Holy shit! It can't be! Just hold on just a moment. Could it be? Dare I say? A motherfucking JoJo's reference!
Shadow Dio

>This scene
>Miguel with the flower wallpaper
>Episode title is lovers
wew I only just now realized

just watched the show to this point and came here damn that was good.


It's on

The Romanoffs has more bad episodes than good episodes.

The pace somewhat picks up by the third episode.