is this essential roastie kino?
Is this essential roastie kino?
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Fucking shithead "Strayed" (not her real name) and Oprah (with her roastie book club) ruined the PCT
Now you have to fucking kill yourself on the continental divide to stay away from the THOT parade.
The AT was already athletic Bonaroo.
Eat Pray Love. Christ what a self serving, vapid film
>MC gets too stressed out from her first marriage where she was obsessed with being the "perfect wife"
>they had no kids and in fact she divorced, by her own admission, for a younger man
>she feels so stressed out she has to take a year (not two weeks vacation, a fucking year) from the immensely stressful job of being a fucking book writer
>she actually manages to get paid six figures to do so
>leaves the younger boy toy which was the reason she discovered to blow her 200k paycheck
>spends a year travelling to "exotic" places like India and Bali to absorb their wisdom and culture and learn spirituality
>yet still manages to surround herself with 90% white people
>ends up falling in love and marrying a Brazilian guy in Indonesia, that is after leaving her boy toy which she left her husband for
>unsurprisingly they divorce in real life
God, every bit of that movie is so self centered and blind. There's a scene in Italy where she apparently has to learn about the sweetness of doing nothing, as if she, a woman getting a fucking year of six figures paid vacation, is overworking herself. Jesus christ its mind-blowing.
that's women completely going off the rails when they have no children
Her husband is the biggest fucking cuck
>white heroin and sex addict goes hiking to re-discover herself
makes for a good film to impress women with or getting some action while its on
please elaborate was 50% of your comment is supposed to mean
yes please
>be me
>on tinder
>see "love travelling and dogs" in bio
Why the fuck do women think this makes them unique or different in any way? Who the fuck doesn't like travelling and seeing other places in the world? Should I put "i like eating" in my bio? Oh wait, they actually do that too because they think it's quirky.
Surely there's more to life than generic and presumed pleasures that everyone enjoys.
what does your bio say
i'll take that over the no bio ones desu
female backpackers must get raped a lot
fair play actually
>one pic
>no bio
>snapchat/instagram filters
would rather converse with a cup of warm water
Since this book became popular, due to being featured on Oprah's book club, and the Reese Witherspoon movie was released, dumb sluts and old slags have all decided to try to attempt "thru-hiking," despite being generally ill prepared. This as made the once epic,solitude of a wilderness challent of a thru-hike into a much more crowded endaevor.
I can't imagine why. In the book, Cheryl Strayed ("wild" author) fumbles around like an idiot, takes drugs, gets railed, cries, and doesn't even finish the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), a 2,600 mile trail through California, Oregon and Washington state.
Cheryl Strayed (again, that's a cringey name she made up for herself) is a New York Times columnist ("Dear Sugar") who routinely promotes anti-family, anti-male, anti-white stuff to her female audience.
The Appalachian Trail was already crowded, partially due to the exposure from Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods," recently a Robert Redford / Nick Nolte movie. Bryson is the Boomer bait to Strayed's THOT-thoughts.
I don't like traveling and there are people who definitely don't like dogs.
can somewhat confirm. always keep conversation on the topic endearing childhood experiences or men go rape mode in the blink of an eye in my experience
No, trail THOTs on the AT/PCT do this bit where they take advantage of being 1/3 of the hiker population and find a boy to co-tent with (so they don't have to carry one) for a stretch. They put out, but when you're hiking that much, 2-4 pounds is worth laying there, I guess. And at the next town stop / trail hostel they can always trade up. Because although a thru-hiker's hygiene decreases, their fitness and sexual energy increases.
Happens quite a lot. At hostels you can see the under 40 men orbiting the under 40 women like actual bees.
Safety tip: Never go down on a woman while on a hiking trip. You can get a crazy throat sickness from the yeast. A much better PCT book "The Cactus Eaters" describes such an event.
>Happens quite a lot. At hostels you can see the under 40 men orbiting the under 40 women like actual bees.
well i am going through a dry spell atm; i guess i'm packing a tent when i go hiking
If fuzzy wood poon is worth it to you, I will give you legit advice: Get a two or even three person tent, that you can stretch out and get both of your gear in. Free standing so you can put on decks/platforms. TWO DOORS, so you don't have to climb over eachother to go piss.
Make sure your sleeping pad isn't too squeaky. Bring two pairs of foam ear plugs (for you and her), and keep your teeth brushed.
Southbound Master Race.
Godspeed user
why is every girl so obsessed with nature
Resume stuffers, most people don't have a regular hobby. Even if you put down something like "skydiving" it's not something you regularly do and more like a vacation. Most people are bored out of their minds if they're not burning their brain with drugs every night.
thanks user
Because it's relatively high-status behavior and it makes them look good.
"When we go out to eat you can get anything you want because you're paying for it."
>Go on the wild by yourself
>Always need the help of other men
>aaaahhh everybody wants to rape me!
Nobody wanted to do it, what a fucking shit of biography, fuck off roastie.
better than mine at least
>if you like chocloate we'll get along swimmingly
i sound like such a faggot, but you gotta play the game sometimes
They aren't. As with women, they are obsessed about being seen as obsessed about anything virtuous.
To be perceived as perfect, that is the dream. Even better then actually being perfect, because that takes effort. If you can live like a slob, but be hailed as a hero, would you not want that to happen?
"The first time I heard about the Pacific Crest Trail was when I read Cheryl Strayed’s Wild. At the time I was living in Brooklyn, and I wouldn’t have called myself outdoorsy, let alone a hiker."
"If you mention Strayed to a specific kind of hiker on the PCT, he’ll be sure to let you know that she didn’t even hike the whole trail, what a liar, and she’s had sex, so you know she’s a slut, and it’s totally her fault that the PCT is overcrowded now, it’s so annoying that all these dumb girls who have no idea what they’re doing saw Wild one time and thought they could do a long trail. You’ll find hikers talking this way on message boards and Facebook groups, which I expected because the internet can be a trash heap, but you’ll find them talking this way on the physical trail too, which I guess I did not."
Yeah, walking through two and a half thousand miles of scorching deserts, snowy mountains and all manner of forests WOULD be very masculine, wouldn't it? Almost as if it is the most distilled form of reality available to first world cunts? One that is almost purely meritocratic, but even when they game the system (with boy-mules and hitchhiking and GoFund me to pay for their trip), these sluts still kvetch.
I hate trail THOTs.
Imagine going out on a journey that's supposed to connect you with nature and present you with the challenge of solitude and then getting mad that the community isnt accepting enough
Glad this toxic dykemuncher got patrolled back to her globalist, bourgeoisie, whore-den.
There are few impressive exceptions, but weirdo deviant entitled neoliberals find that the wilderness stands against their entire being.
th-those digits..
Im here all week.
you were so close to the double trips
>"accidentally ended up in Oregon, and decided to stay. I was living on a lesbian land project and trying to rebuild my life after a terrible breakup and community fallout. I’d just left Brooklyn eight months earlier. No one I knew on the East Coast hiked long distances."
> "acquired a trail name I loved on the very first day (Scissors – ‘cause I’m gay), "
>" I, stupidly, make a joke about feminism and equality on the trail. He immediately snaps that the pay gap isn’t real (what?) and then goes on a rant about feminists ruining everything."
>"I meet so many men who tell me, blissfully, that for the first time in their lives they finally feel completely understood. I am dumbfounded. They finally feel understood? Finally? But…where on this Earth do they not feel understood? What the fuck?"
>"-“I just feel like I failed,” I said to my girlfriend one night, trying to explain why I was so sad.
“I wish you’d stop saying that,” she said. “You didn’t fail the PCT; the trail failed you.”-"
I don't think it's the Trail Community that is toxic, my dudes.
>Most people are bored out of their minds if they're not burning their brain with drugs every night.
Unironically this is a legitimate concern and the attention is always given to the drugs rather than the problem of what to do with all this wasted potential.
>Swimming in chocolate
Are you trying to get your fudge stuffed in
other way around, weather permitting. chicks dig chocolate right?
>inb4 hehe chocolate means blacked
i'm hoping to incorporate actual chocolate into thelovemaking instead of black penis
At least that movie was made at a time where you could openly critisize it, I'm pretty sure it got ripped. If that movie was made now it would borderline be a movement
>"Sometimes it goes like this: I stop at a water source and I ask a man I’ve been leapfrogging with all day if he can scoot over so I can also have a place to sit in the shade. There isn’t a lot of shade, but enough that I can sit too. He rolls his eyes and I, stupidly, make a joke about feminism and equality on the trail.
>He immediately snaps that the pay gap isn’t real (what?) and then goes on a rant about feminists ruining everything. We somehow veer into the murky waters of capitalism vs. socialism and then he proudly tells me he’s glad he’s no longer at his desk job because a guy like him doesn’t belong behind a desk.
>“I should be out here, raping and pillaging the land!” I open and close my mouth but nothing comes out. By now several other folks have shown up – men and women – and they all hear his fucked up announcement, but no one challenges him."
Okay, which one of you fucks did this?
Lots of /ourguys/ innawoods
But furthermore, a great thing happens to your testosterone when you're hauling 30-60 pounds over hills for 10-30 miles a day.
Come join us on /out/
they aren't, they're just obsessed with anything that is trendy cause they don't want to feel left out
>got high and watch this with 2 female friends on Christmas eve
Weird day. Very wine aunt core
>On July 1, 2016, Gilbert announced on her Facebook page that she and Nunes were separating, saying that the split was "very amicable" and that their reasons were "very personal"
>On September 7, 2016, Gilbert published a Facebook post saying that she was in a relationship with her female best friend, writer Rayya Elias, and that this relationship was related to the breakup of her marriage.
>The relationship began because Gilbert realized her feelings for Elias following Elias's terminal cancer diagnosis.
>Elias died on January 4, 2018.
>On March 25, 2019, Gilbert posted on Instagram that she is in a relationship with United Kingdom-born photographer Simon MacArthur
>who was also a close friend of Elias.
>wine aunt
I never understood why this was a desirable arcatyp for women, isnt a core tenant being a miserable alchoholic?
>but muh free spirit
Isnt it possible to be liberated but also not an insufferable cunt?
Traveling is fucking gay have some god damned pride in your nation.
You don’t have to travel outside your country to see something new.
I actually generally enjoy hunting/camping/fishing/outdoors.
It's not typical, true, but my upbringing involved outdoor actives since I was a baby.
did you live on a farm?
Self-indulgent and narcissistic; this embodied the ennui of the modern woman. She traveled around the world to "find" herself and understand what's important in life when really what she did was runaway from her problems instead of confronting them. She rambles about all the spiritual and philosophical concepts she learned; concepts that she could have learned by taking a philosophy 101 class in community college.
traveling is a huge pain in the ass tbqh
This sums up 90% of women in most major cities
Did the AT in 2017, pretty true. Most of these people were gone after Trail Days in Damascus though (great time to be on the trail, too since they stopped and I gained 100 miles on them).
I can't tell you how much this annoys me
If it didn't matter what your bio says, then why would you put any effort into it?
t. europoor
Pippa Bacca
Literally a psychopath
After hearing about the tent city getting raided in a mass theft of backpacks, etc, I don't blame you for avoided that shit show.
Post true self-discovery kinos.
No. THIS is
Yes but you need to be smart or attractive or have an actual hobby
>Never go down on a woman while on a hiking trip. You can get a crazy throat sickness from the yeast.
Why would you ever go down on a girl who you barely know?
great, great grandpa was a pioneer of the grand canyon and featured in an issue of national geographic. Grandpa was a forest ranger. Dad used to do work as a fur trapper and was just generally an outdoorsy man.
never lived on a farm but we had a nice little home garden for our veggies when I was younger.
No user, you misunderstand.
Even if she is your loyal wife, even just one evening (15-20 miles) in. That's enough for the yeast to feast.
"Wine aunts" are supposedly the ultimate expression of female independence. They have money, travel to exotic places, fuck whoever they want and tell stories to their impressionable nieces and nephews.
In reality they are 35+ year old wall banging alcoholic spinsters who have generally not accomplished much of anything with their lives, thus make up for it with travel to "exotic" locales like Mexico, or The Bahamas for those under 40. They also fuck literally any man who flashes a bit of cash at them, and use said cash to pay for this debauchery
that's pretty cool, i guess that explains it
this seriously makes no sense.
yeast is definatly a problem for a lot of modern women (diet, bad hygiene, hormonal birth control) but a day or too sweating it up will not cause a lot of yeast if she is healthy and takes care of her body. yeast infections are not a normal thing for a woman to have.
honestly, birthcontrol pills are the shittiest thing to happen to our modern women. it completely screws up their mental cycle, increases chances of yeast and other discharge problems, and just encourages promiscuity
That's the problem of our entire society and there is no comeback. Nietzsche was right.
Holy fuck, based!
menstrual** lol mental too I guess
>Not one instance of "have sex"
it's freedom without responsibility, luxury without hard work, vanity and search for pleasure; this is only possible in societies like ours. in a lot of ways you can't blame these women, they are the result of our failure to maintain our traditions...also the jews
Have fucking sex, jesus christ
Man is something which must be overcome. Perhaps we can be the forefathers and architects of the Overman! (I doubt it)
>just being pam looking for my jim
If women became guys most of them would be virgins. They get away with having the shittiest personalities imaginable.
You forgot loves tattoos
why are you men obsessed with boats?
Why not both?
>starts arguing about capitalism and socialism while hiking
Definitely one of our autists
Because I want to fuck boats.
lyme's disease waiting to happen
god i wish that was me, again
spent several months in the BWCA, probably the closest i'll ever get to the frontier experience
The PCT (especially back in the nineties), was one of the safest places in that regard.
The AT requires full pants treated with permethrin, or fastidious, autistic chimp-tier grooming.
Into the Wild was better
thats fucking funny. Appalachian trail is probably the same way.
friendly reminder reese had wild unsimulated fucks in the movie and her cucked husband could do nothing but watch as it happened on the big screen
Skeet Pray Love
What's your favorite lake, user?
Argo is kino, especially the hellish south portage to Crooked.
Should have started with this well thought out post
>Why the fuck do women think this makes them unique or different in any way?
because the rest of them are cat-loving legbeards
The 38-year-old said: "It was really hard to do it. I didn't want to do any of it. I really didn't want to do the sex scenes. I really didn't want to do the heroin scenes… No sex scenes are fun. They are just like… sometimes they're fun, but there's a whole other set of stories. No, it was hard."
Laughing, she said she even called the author to complain about filming certain moments. "I called Cheryl the day before and I was like, 'I have to do this scene in this alley and I'm having sex with two guys' and I'm like, 'Why did you do this?!'"
What did Cheryl Strayed say on the other end of the phone? "She said, 'I'm sorry I was such a slut in the 90s, but you're just gonna have to do it. Otherwise people are going to say, 'It's just going to be a hiking movie and that's stupid,'" Reese admitted. "The way she talks and the way she feels and does not give a shit about the way people think about her - it's really liberating."
That crazed look
no dumb moron they would not make this white ppl movie now it would be considered culturally exploitive.
because it makes a good background for their selfies
One thing I'll agree with Strayed fans on. She IS the avatar of white feminism.
i hate libtards so fucking much Yea Forums, probably even more than niggers at this point
>"Coffee Addict"
based yuropoor /pol/ack
Yeah bios at least give you something to start off with. Even something like travelling lets you ask where they have been and compare with your own experiences. Also how they describe the places they have been reveals their personality
Boats are the means to hanging out on the ocean or another large body of water, which are fucking awesome to hang out in
>Grr! Im made a woman had sex with 3 different chads at once!
Being a man and letting a man have sex with the woman you're having sex with is cuckery, not chadery, user.
Not even that bad.
Now "hiking" on the other hand....
we went to a lot of them, i can't remember all the names. there was a smaller one on top of a huge hill that had brown trout i think, didnt camp there, but it was very memorable because just as we were about to give up on the trout, i got a huge bite, totally worth the climb.
Get the fuck away from me North Dakota stop spreading your aids.
which pioneer was he?
Sounds like Skull.
It's a tool for getting away from women.
how do people like this exist and manage to function
>white woman backpacking
More like "how I got tired and lazy and decided to blame it on men again."
have sex
sluts aren't White
nah i looked it up, it was trygg lake, right off of takucmich, on the map it looks a fish. takucmich was where we camped during that leg of the trip, and we caught a ton of smallmouth there.
>letting a man have sex with the woman you're having sex with
???? thats no where in anything in relation to what i was replying to or what it was in reply of. P R O J E C T I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes they are white boi, they belong to you come get'em.
WMAF is the future faggot
I just put my height which is 6'4
Bass'ed and lake-pilled.
made me laugh, based and anyone who says otherwise isnt worth anyone's time
She means she loves traveling with your money, and like nice men.
They think they have a special connection to nature. Most chicks think they can communicate with animals and trees.
one of the Kolb Brothers.
black grills are pretty approachable, thank you 200 years of white beauty standards.
Don’t normally turn movies off. At worst I might fast forward. But this shit had to go. One of the most unbearable movies I’ve ever seen.
a lot of guys do this a lot too desu
Pretty good lineage, user!
Live up to his expectation.
what the fuck is wrong with this roastie?
must be nice living life on easy mode when you're a white blonde woman
Thanks fren. Planning on having our third kid soon, wana keep the line going and keep the kiddos interested in the outdoors and be proud of their heritage.
>where on this Earth do they not feel understood? What the fuck?
It baffles me that women can still think this, like because the patriarchy exists the entire world is one big men's club where we all pat each other on the back and have no complex or hidden emotions at all.
Look at the Google and imdb reviews if you want to kill yourself
my fellow incels,
>t. jude
Imagine having some fat girl trying to sit close to you mid hiking day and making a "joke" about equality on trail
Imagine what vapid dumb trash someone has to be to decide to go on some long hike for fun.
Its even more absurd than aimlessly running like a moron for the soul purpose of becoming fit.
People used to hate doing this crap cause it was tiring and dangerous...
Now every "hopless romantic" goes to some shit tier country where people barely have clothes to wear, to hike...
Every comment on her long and rambling diatribe about FUGGIN WHITE MEN TOOK THEIR SHIRTS OFF seems like a parody but they all agree 100%. Luckily they're too lazy to take over a hobby like that
>pls be in london
It wasn't actually an activity people willingly did until the late 1800s. Middle class professionals didn't have the money to engage in aristocratic hobbies like hunting so they took on their own, namely "Sunday walking", which became hiking.
Disagree with it being vapid though. Hikingis a great activity to get into, and has a number of positive mental health effects (like not feeling like a shut in). Traveling to another country to hike is stupid and I wouldn't recommend it, there's always enough differences in signage, weather and wildlife that it at the very least makes it unpleasant. Usually dangerous.
>"Excuse me problematic white male poisoned with toxic masculinity, do you have a moment to talk about equality and the wage gap?"
At least she was born as a female and has tiddies. Also, like clockwork:
>"writer, photographer, queer, jewitch".
the entitlement and lack of gratitude is the worst part. they won't admit that all this shit was built by men. if men didn't make those trails do you think any woman would be out there? yet they weasel their way in after everything is built and proclaim that these things are for everyone
yeah, like most things that men do, women just want to make an appearance for attention. they are the first ones to leave after they get their validation.
Nice tiddies.
Heebs hate hiking in the desert. It took them forty years to walk less than five hundred miles.
I feel like Im going off rails if I have childrens, but, im married and have a "normal" life, job, friends, etc. Some friends that have my age and they dont have children or husband being doing the same eat pray love path but otaku mode to japan and corea.
Truly if Im going to travel I want at least a 4 star nice hotel and selfdiscoreving for me is thru books, art and fighting people here.
How can someone have so little self awareness. You can't just go into a new environment and decide that every aspect of the culture there that isn't like your Portland Lesbian Cat Bakery society or whatever is wrong and should be changed to something you personally are more comfortable with. The most irritating thing about this whole essay was her reaction to questions about mileage, start dates, etc. The competitive aspects of a lot of the things hold a lot of the value for those things, hiking in particular. Is this just something women don't understand? How competition can be good and healthy?
it's not just women unfortunately, people are so soft because they never had to face any hardship or adversity. some have legit nervous breakdowns because their boss reprimanded them in a stern tone. competition is so stressful for them because they see it as a personal attack. so instead of learning to make themselves tougher, they want to destroy that which makes them feel weak.
See how basic women are. If they actually had to try to get laid they would fail horribly.
women actually hate nature
>i love having fun
>i like going out, but also staying in
They've romanticized it
how does someone who walks 450 miles for fun end up that fat
Shes actually right about the start dates thing, most seasoned thru hikers find that shit super annoying and refuse to talk about milage with other hikers. Everyone's out there for different reasons, the more competitive hikers shouldnt impose their style on people who prefer to stop and smell the roses
Do more reviews..youre good at describing horrible travesties
I love it
Agreed. It's like if speedrunners in video games were like 'what, it took you more than 2:30 hours to beat Dark Souls? What a faggot!'
> I am a careful, thorough, detail-oriented Capricorn, and I did everything in my power to make myself ready to thru-hike the PCT, an adventure that would arguably be the toughest physical and mental challenge I had taken on to date.
how could she fail when she was a capricorn? must have been toxic masculinity
>To be perceived as perfect, that is the dream. Even better then actually being perfect, because that takes effort.
She sounds more like a Cancer, if you know what I mean.
my god, the way that beast got up actually frightened me a little
they really aren't
>Having fun
>The Office/Netflix
She mad.
Did he died??
he meant raping the land and pillaging the land. she didn't get it. that's OK. Autism on the trail.
Islam being satanic confirmed
The funniest part of this is restricted to patricians. The funniest part of this is incels actually believe it's real; guys, shit like this is made to make fun of you taking it seriously, you fucking idiots.
>dude haha is all a joke bro none of it is serious it's all just post-meta-insincere-hyperirony brah
So was the Christchurch shooting. That's why he pled not guilty :^)
Those individuals are shallow and boring human beings who have nothing in their lives except appearance, relationships and gossips of the former two. Bimbos.
Made me discover a new favourite painter. God damn this shit is awesome.
Thank you, based poster.
this is the only true roastie kino
You're too easily trolled, that's why redditors come here: to troll your mentally retarded asses and laugh all the way to the bank. Stop being an attraction for morons.
I preferred it to "into the wild" which was insufferable ..... then eddie vedder started singing, which made me want to punch a wall
user this isn't what neoliberal means
I know so many women that just bounce around from guy to guy like a fucking pinball
Prove that "it's all made up bro hahahahaha it's not real lol dont break the kayfabe :^))"
For some reason roasties like mulholland drive. At least the wannabe film buff roasties.