Audiences love Shaft

Are critics too detached from reality?

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>ratings are verified ticket buyers only
The audience rating is LITERALLY no longer trustable.

anybody know what is so '''problematic''' with it?

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literally paid reviews

Does it even matter now? The movie is bombing hard. Like jokes aside about critics, it's all worthless in the face of the box office.

too bad the entire audience could fit in one theater

Why did critics kill ShaftKino? Racist ?

Yeah just look at all that love

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That's all the 399 people who went to see it.

Calm down , critics

>beloved films don't flop
that's not how it works

Every negative review is political. The industry is dead.

Cult classics are "beloved" and they tend to flop or underperform at box office

Thats double the budget. Turns out blacks are cheap

The only people watching are black so I mean...

did anyone here actually see it?
because its actually pretty funny and doesn't take itself too seriously. idk why critics are so harsh on it

Why don't critics like it?

the demographics are actually 44% white and 33% black according to deadline

>Shaft (1971)
>Shaft (2000)
>Shaft (2019)
>they're all soft reboots but also sequels

I saw it yesterday, and it was just braindead and fun. I came in expecting a toned down Black Dynamite and got just that. Jive niggaisms all around.

>too many niggers
Seriously Village Voice? That seems a bit racist

Would you have liked the movie more if old man Black Dynamite showed up half way through the movie and saved Shafts by throwing some ninja stars are a group of hoodlums, they both share a nod and then we zoom out and Black Dynamite rolls off in a scooter?

Not woke

>Are critics too detached from reality?
Did the 2010's not make that clear to you?

Sam Jackson Shaft teams up with a Millennial who he constantly makes for of being effeminate and politically correct. The trailer shows some of it

that's automatic 10/10 for me. Thanks critics!

>teams up with a Millennial who he constantly makes for of being effeminate and politically correct.
watch the movie at least user. what a bad synopsis

I aint paying 12 dollars to see something I can watch for free in a few months

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its the opposite. the studio didn't market the movie heavily so no one risks adbux by giving an accurate review.

>only people who saw the movie can rate it

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wrong user
>only people that bought tickets from their service can rate it

Hollywood will collapse soon. Then Tencent slowly buys every movie company including Disney.

you're missing out then

is that how it works?

Name me a film that wouldn't be improved by that.

the movie will still be the same

its racist

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critics are way more pretentious. Normal people will be okay with a movie if its dumb but fun.

Also of course a lot of critics are so y boy faggots.

im hoping for an extended cut at some point when it leaks

I was going to say Black Dynamite but I think it would add another layer of excellence to the film.

What's the point of being a critic when they all say the exact same things?
Being a critic is Jewish bullshit anyway, why the fuck do I need someone else's opinion?

Nah that guy is retarded.

I unironically wish every single person who uses the term “islamophobia” was made to live in Pakistan, Somalia or Saudi Arabia with the common people.

Next you'll be wishing for people that don't think blacks are criminals to spend the night in the ghetto.

there are no black critics.


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>Are critics too detached from reality?
It wasn't the propaganda they wanted, expected, demanded, so they reeeeee all over their critics.

It's propaganda enforcement, not critiquing.

Off top of my head
>Makes light of PC cultures
>Running joke that the FBI can't do counterterrorism cause it's problematic
>Joke about if his effeminate son is gay/bi/metrosexual/trans/genderfluid/basedboy/whatever
>Shaft tells his son he shouldn't respect women
>Makes the "equal right means equal fights" argument

Essentially it looks at current culture and imagines what Shaft would think. The movie isnt anything special but was good for laughs throughout

I'm not racists but....

I hope your future employers see this

Sounds fucking miserable thanks for the heads up

uncle tom ass faggot if i ever see his stupid face it's gettin stomped out. smfh

It followed the Marvel LE QUIP LE QUIRKY SCENE LOL LOL shit

Garbage.Samuel must have some real secrets that people made him do this filth


>wholesome and cute
>critics hate it because not enough anti trump propaganda baww

Fuck society