How does their finale episode compared to GoT's?

How does their finale episode compared to GoT's?

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I want to watch a space show, is this a good one?

better, i enjoyed it and iirc the 70's show ended the same way. doesn't fuck up the characters and for the show the ending makes sense

It's on the complete opposite of the spectrum. BSG finale was glorious and fitting. The entire 8th Season of GoT felt like Im being trolled.

Only plebs will say BSG's finale (or S3 and S4 entirely) was shit. BSG picks up with the final five and you know it.

Watch a season and see if it sticks.

It's unironically good.

Possibly the best one.

only YouTube comments seem to think the finale sucked nowadays, it was just a popular opinion at the time that was parroted endlessly

Watch the first 2 episodes, it started as a miniseries and then they went to full seasons.

If you don't like it then oh well, if you do enjoy it then stop watching after season 2. Most of season three was garbage.

great show

don't listen to this guy

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First two seasons are great.

here's the pleb

1st 2 seasons are boring compared to what happenes in the oter 2

You're a Bill self-insert, aren't you?

I bet you loved that boxing episode didn't you?

>season one
god tier
>season two
god tier
>season three
weak as fuck and drags like hell in the middle but has a strong beginning and finish
>season four
god tier

A lot more satisfying. It is rushed but it doesn’t have characters make dramatically out of character decisions like Daenerys, Jamie, and Cersei.

actually I hated that one

>yfw it happens

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all of this has happened before

Did Gaeta do nothing wrong, or did he do everything wrong?

I don’t blame him, he became a broken man. He was wrong but I sympathize with him.

How the fuck was it fitting. It was literally a cop-out and subversion of expectations, same as with GOT.

For 3 seasons they were leaving clues that:
1. there was a plan
2. there was something acting behind the scenes
3. that it was about 10 000 years in the future and Earth was humanity's real homeworld

Then it turned out there was no plan at all, that the behind the scenes force was literally GOD and that he didn't really have a plan either (I'm not against supernatural stuff, just that it was a literal DEUS EX MACHINA), and that it turned out to be Earth 150 000 years ago, which was completely inconsistent with any clues - like the star map on Kobol that showed a skymap of Earth around 10 000 BC to 10 000 AD, while a skymap of Earth 150 000 years ago would have been completely different.

The writers themselves admitted to making it all up on the go.

And in the end it turned out that the entire goal of saving humanity didn't matter at all because there were other humans on Earth, who evolved independently (or God did it) and the entire cast had to abandon their entire technology (when the entire reason for the fall of the colonies was that abandoning tech didn't really do much) and die out in the next population bottleneck that killed 90% of humans a few thousand years later (IIRC). Not to mention getting killed if the Cavil Cylons ever found them.

No joke, one of the best

tiime ish a flat circle

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How was there only 4 seasons? Any show worth a damn gets 8-10 seasons.

iirc they got fucked by the 07–08 writers strike, same with deadwood and i dont think the show was that popular outside of sci-fi nerds. genre show generally aren't with GoT being the exception and only then because it became yasss queen in season 4+

Make way, best character on deck.

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lose my shit every time, Tigh was amazing

You know I absolutely hated him in the first season and then i just grew to love him more and more and more. Great character.


The writer's strike ruined the show. It should have ended on Radioactive Earth. Everyone would still be pissed, but that's not nearly as bad as being known for the worst ending in sci-fi tv history.

>writers strike
Just wait it out and come back when it's over.

people have contracts, other work lined up and tv schedules that need filling. just look at all the mess a mustache caused

strikes happen in sportsball all the time and every comes back afterwards, but i guess it's different since they don't move on to other projects


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Gods ways are fucking retarded and dont get explained in the least.

Well each season had a shitton of episodes.

>BSG picks up with the final five and you know it.
Shit opinion, kys.


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Writers assassinated his wife twice.

One is forgettable, the other one delivers an emotional punch and fulfills the characters arcs spanning over 4 seasons.

Yeah, it had really great character building. I can't really think of a character I didn't love by the end, even though I disliked many of them at the beginning. Even Anders had something interesting done to him at the end, even though the writers struggled to come up with a plotline for him for 2 seasons. [SPOILER] I mean turning him into a hybrid and making peace with Starbuck, making him a Cylon earlier didn't really improve him much [/SPOILER]

Shit what did I do wrong. It's 10 years old at this point anyway, so whatever.

Reminder that Felix Gaeta did nothing wrong.


You put it in caps, broseph.