The film and TV series will be released next week on Netflix (June 21st)
What are your hopes? Will they edit out any scenes? Will the new dub be terrible? Who will this generation crown as best girl?
The film and TV series will be released next week on Netflix (June 21st)
What are your hopes? Will they edit out any scenes? Will the new dub be terrible? Who will this generation crown as best girl?
Anyway this will be shit. I love asuka's ass. Hope it's big.
Rei is the factual best girl.
I remember watching this for the first time back in like, 2014, 2015, something like that. Didn't really care for it desu. Planning on giving it another chance when it hits Netflix since I've changed a lot since then and I think I'll enjoy it a lot more now.
Asuka is a sticc without her plugsuit, sorry
How far in did you get? The mood changes pretty quickly about halfway in
Finished the whole thing
Why does Shinji wear tighty whities?
For me, it's Misato.
What ass? The only woman in the anime that isn't an asslet is Misato.
And EOE too, I assume?
Still, it's a good idea to go through it again. I got a lot more out of Eva once I got a little bit older too - plus, you see the characters in a different light (i.e. Asuka becomes more likeable, or rather, understandable, once you know her background)
Seriously what is with the incessant netflix shilling via evangelion proxy?
Do you expect people on this board to be excited to see the same show again on kikeflix? It's already been watched and is 20 years old, no one gives a shit about your new dub on your shitty platform.
>$0.04 have been deposited into your account
You're right, nobody cares at all. You're free to leave, then.
almost checked
i've been on Yea Forums for a decade and you always see the occasional Evangelion thread every month or so. this isn't new.
What does everyone think of Ritsuko? Despite being so important to the series, I don't think her character gets the respect that she deserves.
I want her to strangle my dick with those pantyhose covered thighs
Correct. Rei is forever the best girl.
Taking webm requests
the one for assmens on this show is rei, asuka is for boobmens.
A man of taste
Rei is not even real.
is she the only femcel character ever?
She's for spanking that ass until its beet red and then cumming inside and never seeing her again.
shinji-kun, what are you doing!? that's your mother!
Hi smile
Why do you go by "Melissa" now
All the dead main characters in episode 25.
Ponder the odor...
Because this anime was very important to many weebs during formative years and the official English dub took huge liberties with the translation, misleading many people on what actually happened at the end of the show and changing the meanin/message completely.
Also since the original there was a remake which was complete shit and outed the creator as a hack instead of the golden god he was originally.
I think many people are just excited to see if the redub will be better/closer to the original or the same shit pulled again or made worse like the rebuilds.
God, I wish I was Pen Pen
It's all one guy
>has sex
Learn word meanings.
the rebuilds are good, you hate it just for pretentious reasons.
i dont remember Ritsuko having sex
Why have I never noticed penpen here before. Gosh.
Note he's cut down on tons of this spam as soon as the netflix announcement happened, but theres tons of EVAshit threads he spams
iirc gendo taps that
She got it on with Gendo in private (aka her mother's sloppy seconds), she's more of a female beta orbiter
My boy happy feet out here living the good life
And as you can see nothing is being done about it because netflix is a sponsor which is why the pedofags can pedo post about stranger things all they want
Why do you think she hates Rei so much
Have sex
Literally no one gives a fuck my dude, post cute eva girls
Well if you are so smart what are the reasons I dont like them? What do you class as pretentious? That they ruined my waifu ramiel?
That none of it makes any sense? Fucking Mari? Its trash.
Pretty sure gendo was pumping robomom then when she died he moved onto the next best thing.
I cant remember if its explicit but it's definitely Implied they are doing the dirty. He sends her to seele and she confronts him during impact initiation.
Why would you? You're not from Yea Forums
Fucking travesty
Think of all the sneed threads that these killed.
>Think of all the sneed threads that these killed.
What does instrumentality feel like?
when i've had sex it definitely felt like i was losing my sense of self and higher thought functions. that does seem close to what becoming tang would feel like
you feel safe, you feel like you're surrounded by people who love you for who you are and the instrumentality makes them love you and makes you into a person that they can love.
>that's your mother!
That makes it even hotter. Incest is best!
Mah nigga Pen Pen about to score Misato's pusy!
That its Evangelion 1:1 in bluray. If its not that Netflix can go fuck themselves.
>about to
Based and shillpilled
>no bra
what an OG
>expecting them not to change translations to push their own agenda
I'm not saying it will be good or bad, I'm just excited to see what happens.
So close...
Anno became too successful and rich, he lost the depressed insanity he had.
Nome of the thicc Asuka are canon
Her in the volcano is canon
So based I cannot believe my eyes
That's not her
post it
>time, I'll make you happy
>When he dies in 3.0, he promises Shinji with complete confidence that the two of them will meet again.
Is this Anno talking to the audience?
Go back to Go back to Go back to Go back to
I've never been there, nor will I ever. Besides, a Yea Forums thread is to be expected with the upcoming release
Go back to
you're expected to GO BACK to the ANIME board, to post your GAY ANIME shit, faggot.
It's also a film and a tv series, and can be discussed on Yea Forums within 100% of da rules, newfag
by that logic why even have an anime board, just put it all on Yea Forums. the answer is because Yea Forums is the containment board where your gay cartoon shit belongs.
no thanks, Yea Forums is full of meanies
plain white represent pureness
If the thread hits page 10, sure. It looks active though, and no rule is being broken, so it's all good.
I want Misato to take advantage of me!
I want to lick those pits
Her earring is literally a shopping cart wheel LMAO
I want to eat her groceries!
What movie is that? Only other movie I've ever seen Eva referenced in is One Hour Photo.
Yea Forums hates these threads just as much as Yea Forums if not more. Yea Forums is a Japanese culture oriented image board, this is a TV show.
Do we know who is in the cast for the dub? Is it literal who's or do you think they shelled out for a cast of top tier actors?
No thanks.
Not much info has been released, which is worrying, given that it releases in less than a week. Maybe it's a big surprise.
>1080p Sephirotic
Where did you get it? I can only find the 720p version of his.
>Will the new dub be terrible?
dubs are for plebeains, if you prefer dubs you shouldn't even watch anime in the first place.
>Yea Forums is a Japanese culture oriented image board, this is a TV show.
But I'm not a p/a/edophile
you'll rpobably enjoy it a lot more, i've been rewatching it recently and tonight i'm going to watch the last 2-3 episodes for the first time (never watched them the first time) and evangelion
I really wish I waited a few years to watch it so I could appreciate it as much as I do now, but it's also great knowing what things mean.
and EoE*
you're on the biggest pedo board, newfriend.
False it's /jp/
Based Reifriends.