Jackson King Kong > Original

Jackson King Kong > Original

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Yeah ok, pass

Yea Forums > 4channel



Based, Jackson Kong, best Kong. Skull Island was Hollywood garbage, only redeeming factor was the hottie Brie Larson


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>Brie Larson
Those are two words that should never ever be said in the same sentence

Jackson's movie could have bee an all-time great if he'd reigned in his excess even a little. Spending an hour just getting to the island is madness. The bronto stampede was fucking awful and fake looking and should have been written out. The thrid tyrannosaurus /allosaurus / whatever showing up to fight Kong was gratuitous and the whole scene went on too long.

He was too in love with the material to trim shit he needed to trim, and the LOTR marathon filming had already broken his brain to some extent, the ROTK theatrical cut was when the cracks started to show and he hasn't been right since

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Nothing should have been cut out, literally every facet of this film is pure kinography


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>A low quality jpg screenshot from a awfully encoded h264 rip looks bad
Fucking Sherlock in here, folks

>a CGI gorilla that's not actually there vs an actual practical gorilla that the actors can see and feel


It looked like shit in the theater, too, and you fucking know it. People were laughing at how bad it was. The stills actually make it look better because in motion it's so painfully obvious his feet are never touching the "ground."

Don't get me wrong, I like the movie, I think parts of it really do look great but considering it was already way too long there was no need to include a bunch of fx shots that turned out to be pure ass.

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Nigger the actors couldn't see the stop motion Kong, they used green screen and rear projection for 80% of the original kong and sometimes used a big hand and for like 4 or 5 shots used a giant Kong head

Should've focused more on the atmosphere of the island and really showing that man was at the bottom of the food chain. Brontosaurus stampede was meh, but mostly due to the quality of the CGI. I would've preferred a more creepy almost horror version like the insect pit.

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>the actors couldn't see the stop motion Kong
Forgot to add 'either', now it sounds weird

What great filming, firing a tommy gun at someone blindly with the eyes closed to shoot all the bugs off them and not hitting the character


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they were special insect seeker bullets. the novelization explains it.

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Imagine writing off one of the most kino scenes of the 21st century with such a non-issue

Glad you're back, fren

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What is it with Peter Jackson films having great CGI and miniatures but awful green screen? LotR had this too

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If you want to be autistic about you could say he would have hit the guy but since the bugs were in the way they kind of acted as a bullet sponge and he just got lucky with a few shots. But yeah, it was kind of implausible even given the cartoonish tone of the movie.

That's one of the problems with the film: something really cool happens (dinosaurs!), followed by something moronic (too many dinosaurs in a fake-looking scene that goes on for way too long and ends with a brontosaurus pileup like the fucking Blues Brothers), then something else cool (spider pit!), then something stupid again (magical pinpoint accuracy with automatic weapons while firing blind). The movie was a beautiful mess.

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Why do people autistically hate the stampede scene and mention it every time the film is discussed? It really doesn't look that bad

Peter Jackson will always be part of the Top 5 Legends of Cinema History

It honestly looks bad, the lighting is off in the scene which makes it stand out.


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>Why do people autistically hate the stampede scene and mention it every time the film is discussed?
Because reddit letter media brought it up in one of their shitty videos so now every friendless faggot on here parrots what they say.

I'm not joking

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I honestly don't really watch any film reviewer, this board and the IMDB message boards were my main sources of film critique, sadly the IMDB message boards are ded now

love when peter gets his horror touch into the movies

>extremely unnecessarily bloated 3 hour runtime with a bunch of garbage CGI action sequences
Hard pass.

>t. ADHD child that can only enjoy capeshit

imagine if that thing sucked your penis haha

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Did you know Peter Jackson has the two original Kong skeletons in his collection? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT KONG MEANS TO PETER JACKSON?
Dinosaur foot chases aside, Jack Black was wonderful.

>sadly the IMDB message boards are ded now
There's an addon called Filmboards that restores them and allows you to post again. They're very slow but at least it's something.

I wish moviechat got populated. I don't are if it takes some e-celeb to shil it I just want to discuss specific movies again

The game was kino.

It didn’t look good, m8 it could have been a good sequence but it went on to long to boot.

I avoided the last two Avengers movies for the same reason. No summer blockbuster needs to be over 2 hours long.

I don’t have a gif or webm but there’s a shot in that stampede scene where shit is phasing through another

>RLM boogieman

Has it really come to this?

It was the perfect movie video game

>misses the best movies in the series because he lacks attention span

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There's attention span and there's not wanting to sit through unnecessarily long movies. After enduring the absolute slog that was Aquaman, I vowed never again.

Get out of my face, pleb

It was awful. Some of the worst CGI I've seen in a huge budget movie in a long time.

get out

So, so bad.

>Cherrypicking the only bad scene in the film

Jackson Kong was boring as fuck

I'd also like to point to the horribly acted opening scenes. They might as well have just shown footage of a bored Nicole Kidman depositing her huge check.

I didnt mind it, it wasnt great, but it wasnt super bad.

>t. ADHD

I'm guessing most of you itt were pretty young when King Kong first came out in 2005 and I'm sure it was very entertaining for kids. I was 20 at the time and thought it was a bloated CGI fest. No different from watching transformers knock each other around.

jackson kong had very little character

Can't argue with those digits.

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pls don't remind me.


Absolutely. The biggest issue with King Kong was that no one was able to reign in Peter Jackson's bad instincts since he was so hot at the time. The movie often feels like him playing around with big expensive action figures with no real direction.

Whatever, OP. Are you really going to spend your entire summer trying to push a 14 year old movie? You've been making these threads every day for weeks.



That was the problem, though. He was so into the Kong lore he couldn't whittle any of it down. Did Jimmy really need a backstory? Why did we need Mr. Hayes dropping literary references when Brody was already playing a bookworm? For that matter, why was Driscoll even in the movie? It would be simpler to have Ann and Bruce Baxter fall in love during filming and have him rescue her. There were so many unnecessary additions to what's really a very simple plot.

All the side characters should have been treated like Lumpy, given quick bits of characterization then used as cannon fodder. Nobody knew anything about Lumpy. He didn't get any real development. But people liked him and his death was memorable. That's all they needed from anybody who wasn't Ann, Denham and the token love interest.

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it's absolutely the best kong movie but as people meme it is a bit over-long

you could cut down the boat stuff and unnecessary scenes like that brontosaurus stampede

Please tell me this is fake and not a real scene from a major studio movie.

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Are there actually people who genuinely liked hacksons kong?

That one had kino feet shots of naomi watts

>hes a big ape!

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She’s hot user

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I genuinely think the film is a masterpiece but everything pre-island could definitely have been paced better. I understand Jackson wanting to establish relationships between all the characters and get the audience to care about them, but I think he could've accomplished that just as well by doing it while they're trekking through the jungle. Cuz without any slow, character development scenes while they're on the island, that entire section kinda feels like a sequence of video game levels.

It was better than skull island