Behind the scenes thread

Behind the scenes thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Tom Cruise is crazy

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Where's the MI footage of him breaking his angle and finishing the take, then collapsing in pain

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imagine how stupid they felt

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so he was looking at the uncut footage of naked Ana for the scene?

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Yes. He basically had a theater experience of looking naked Ana De Armas seducing him on a large screen.

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Imagine the smell

I know everybody on Yea Forums is like "HURR THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH CGI" but seriously seeing shit like this just kills me
How can you ever do the right amount of acting, put the right amount of feeling into a scene if you're just looking at a blue screen?
It's just not the same.

There's nothing INHERENTLY wrong with CG. There's plenty that can be done wrong with it. What you should never do is just have your actors in an empty blue room looking at nothing. That's why they invented the mocap gear so they're just on set with all the other actors as normal, sure wearing a helmet and pajamas but still otherwise in a normal acting environment.

>We're reaching levels of cute that shouldn't even be possible

Why was she so perfect, lads?

Yeah you're right.
Just like practical effects can be shitty if not enough effort/time is put into them CG can also suck if not enough time/effort is put in.
Kind of reminds me of the monsters from shitty 'b' movies from the old times where the monster was obviously a guy in a suit

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She was basically an emotionally confused young girl trapped in a killing machine body.

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post more cunny

ugh what a faggot way to run
why the fuck couldn't they get the run right?
I would think it wouldn't be so hard

Lucas had the worst impression of CG, that it was advanced enough to just do everything for him, sets, creatures, props, stunts, the lot. Not only was it not, and much of the CG looked bad even at the time because he over relied on it, but now looks terrible. The constant use of CG stunt doubles usually to do completely pointless flips for instance. A stunt that didn't need to exist, done with bad CG.
We're at the point NOW where a lot of CG is so high quality we don't even notice it, but still, you need money and time to do it properly. Most "bad CG" in films is not due to lacking money but being rushed. There's only so many effects houses in the world with quality animators and designers and they can't do it all at once.

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cool pic

>Most "bad CG" in films is not due to lacking money but being rushed
They still have a budget so I think money still plays a big part

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Attached: flash BtS running rig.webm (1280x720, 1.88M)

Incorrect, and that exact shot is what I'm thinking of. That is all due to rush. The scene was reshot in October, the effects house received it in December, the film came out in February. That's why the Black Panther scene looks bad. No amount of cash can help you crank you a good scene from scratch in just two months when you're straining at the seams as it is.

>there's footage of completely naked Ana De Armas out there

Attached: br-vfx-dn-054.jpg (1200x503, 93K)

All that for...this, in the final film.

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Correct it's in
>Half the movies in her career

All thanks to Snyder's dumb contraption and vision

Attached: flash BtS running wire rig.webm (834x686, 321K)


And fucking Brie Larson got offended when being compared to him.

And the cgi artist/editors got to watch it all for hours and hours while making this, probably made copies for personal use later on.

I like how he isn't even really travelling that fast. I feel like a powerful motorbike speeding might go that fast.

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give it a rest

what the fuck Greedo was a girl?

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holy shit that looks like ass
Why can't they get this fucking right???

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Tom shouldn't be compared to her. He does his best no matter what, Brie stands on greenscreen and pretends to do something that team of CGI artists will do.


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checked, but I hate that spinny lightsaber bullshit

>expected bts
>just ended up wanting to watch 2049 again
Whatever, be back in a couple hours


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This documentary is great, James Cameron is a madman.

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wtf did the alien eat her ass?
that's nice but COMPLETELY FUCKING USELESS and impractical in a saber battle.
fuck george lukehacks for turning lightsaber battles into ballets
ay ay ay I want to fuck alpha now

I want to FUCK that robot.

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How would you even do this? Flash running will always look ridiculous.

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why are the bts of br2049 so kino? is there a documentary on the making, i'd love to watch it?

somehow the no-budget TV show manages to do it better by actually having him be you know, fast

That's how I'd imagine he'd look when he's going so fast that every step he takes is on a new continent. Like he's taking small skips every time while fighting to keep his speed up, and therefore the gait looks weird and forced. Change the CGI background to go past in a proper blur and it at least looks a little bit better.

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>>there's 3d scans of completely naked Ana De Armas out there

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>flash running will always look ridiculo-

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dilate, or die, doesn't matter which

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There is no one video, many different ones. Here's that fag Adam Savage on the set

It's possible to make it look good but they fucked it up big time (unironically Snyder's fault this time because he insisted on this rig)

Attached: flash run.webm (1280x720, 251K)

It’s pretty well known that they work the special effects staff to breaking point. With Marvel putting out 2/3 CGI heavy movies out a year every year means that no matter how much money they have it’s gonna be rushed.

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>when he said his hands were dirty but they actually weren't

The Art and Soul of Blade Runner 2049 book has a lot of great details

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Just from your own damn filename I can find an actual webm that isn't 200 pixels.

how Kube shot the 2001 space jogging scene

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And their habit of changing stuff in post production with reshoots.

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Attached: 2001 centerfuge magic.webm (852x480, 2.26M)

Yeah, I think the problem is his insisting on getting those shots where the camera follows him as he runs and just stays on him
X-Men and Avengers: Age Of Ultron did it right by not constantly staying with the fast character, mostly he was a blur and it cut away quickly

How does that even make sense in space? I thought everyone just floats around

I just wanted to make a point not show you a 4k movie dumbass

Filming Stalker in very polluted locations killed a bunch of guys including Tarkovsky

Its a centrifuge you brainlet

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It's supposed to be a centrifuge, basically artificial gravity is created by spinning the entire ship around.
You know when you spin around a bucked full of water but the water doesn't spill, Basically like that.

The rules of physics still apply
Spinning makes you stick to the inside walls

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If you take a bucket of water, and swing it around in a big circle, the water stays in the bucket because of inertia.

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I should become a stunt coordinator.

Have you ever taken a bucket of water and spun it in a complete loop, and the water stayed inside the bucket?

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it's also due to the camera being virtual and unrestrained in full CG environments which results in these ridiculous camera movements and long sweeping shots that contrast sharply to the more traditional physical camera moves of the live action shots.

>Still doesn't get that Prequels lightsaber fights are Wuxia-kino, in a similar vein where OT fights are Chambara.
>Still doesn't get that it represented the vitality of the Jedi in their glory days/

bucket of water mind

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Kube and Vivian selfie prank on Nicholson

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You need to be 18 to post on here, you know.

reminder that Kubrick is STILL one of the only filmmakers that thought to build a lighting grid into the floor

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Kek, reminds me of that videoclip with Tyrion

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The boy looks like he's tiny and resting against his chest.

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Wow Tim is tiny

That's a Canadian director, retard

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The background was obviously shot with a car driving at a normal speed. Why didn't they speed it up?

Seven fucking movies user, keep up.

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>builds the lighting into the bar

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>no BTS footage of her panty show from behind

The legend.

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I will never not be mad.

It was a different time.

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Greenscreen and the Legend Awakened


>ywn turn on Olivia Wilde

Attached: Olivia Wilde literally turned on .webm (1280x720, 880K)

>all Evans
>knife flip was real


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High heels? Is that RDJ under that mask?

Peak Wilde

Because of my nigga Roger Deakins.


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>its not okay when Arya does it

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Not BTS, but here you go.

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>Stupid piece of shit didn't work

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He really went all out. Some lighting setups in the film probably cost the same as an entire indie film.

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It was built to work in a water tank with fresh water IIRC, not in the ocean where they ended up filming a lot of the scenes.

Say what you want about Marvel but that fight scene was kino. It felt like heavy hitters going at it.

and sank to the bottom of the water on day one

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Let's go 2, 5 or 7!

Dream job desu

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let's go 2, 5, 7, 8, 9

Are you comparing Ezra to a little girl

What's this from?

short black hair and bangs is the most kino haircut for fit wamen

Attached: wilde bts.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

It was edited by an ADHD zoomer editor with 12 cuts per second.

No, I'm proposing a different dream job relating to behind the scenes


one of the Sharknados

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Tfw prime Tom will never play Nathan Drake

Yeah I'm an idiot sorry, I realized that soon after, my bad

Attached: Flash vs Supes BtS (2).webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

You will NEVER be murdered by a crazy little girl.

same, looks retarded

you need to spin a bucket of water, will blow your mind


So the original idea was a mechanic shark on wheels?
I mean it's cool but I prefer the classic look of the actual movie.

It was a Snyder shoot, not a Whedon reshoot

Attached: flash BtS Snyder (2).webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

I might have to watch Sharknado now

That's the shark they used. It looked rubbish and barely worked so had to work around it. They had always planned to hide the shark for the first half of the film, but it was meant to appear more in the last act than it did, but problems with the shark meant they cut down on its on-screen appearances.

he looks like he wasn't having fun

Not in it much but had a couple of memorable parts

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>wearing a fashion vest on set
what a nerd.

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Why die?

>Okay nigger here's how you walk like a nigger.

Jesus, George.

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Why cant they just move normal over solved down environment? Zack is autistic.

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Mainly cause it gets insanely hot.

9 pls

The floor slides unders his feet faster than his movement

best BTS documentary about an oblivious retard making a bad movie

Attached: stay in the lines george.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

>dual-wield highlighters

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haha you get the obnoxious nigger instead
5 or gtfo

Because the floor is literally a treadmill, see:

you WISH you could Akimbo highlighters my dude.

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because he's speedforce sliding through the space, not making every step like a peasant

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Let's fucking go

What did he do?

cheese pleese

Attached: brie its only smellz.webm (1280x720, 424K)

>"I was waiting to do the scene myself, when I saw them bring in Bob Anderson. Marquand told me they were using Anderson because it was a stunt job. I sat down and watched them try to do the scene. It was most amusing. Their idea was to attach wires to the Emperor and have Anderson lift him up while somebody pulled on the wires. They tried it that way for two days, but it didn't work. Anderson is nearly 60 and couldn't lift the Emperor."

>"I kept suggesting to Marquand that I could do it easily, but he wanted to continue - until the stunt director asked if I could do it"

>"...I simply picked the Emperor up, lifted him above my head, and threw him off the balcony. I did it in one take."

- David Ward-Prowse (2013)

Attached: davidwardprowse.jpg (794x597, 50K)

Probably told him "that's a bad idea george"

Lots of cool behind the scenes photos on thisisnotporn dot net

Attached: Tim-Burton-and-Johnny-Depp-on-the-set-of-Edward-Scissorhands.jpg (1000x1335, 166K)

before that plane scene the film was legit great. They should have stayed in the area or go to Egypt before going to London in the second act or something.

dat tumtum

Space is really like big bucked of water that you can spin if you spill it.



anthing but 1 4 and 6 pls


bucket of water

honestly, this just makes me feel really fucking sad.


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no 3 ?

killyourself fuckin faggot

This guy was treated like shit in these movies and didn't even get credited. Also, I love how he just calls him the Emporer and doesn't give a shit about his real name. A true chad.

Imagine painting some sexy lady's ass cheeks for a few hours, just relaxing and making small talk. Comfy.


>This guy was treated like shit in these movies and didn't even get credited
not true
>I love how he just calls him the Emporer and doesn't give a shit about his real name
his real name is said like twice during the entire trilogy

There is actually a reason for that shit. He's supposed to be essentially ice skating on the ground due to physics of going fast or some shit. It still looks fucking retarded and is never explained in the movie so they should just not have done it and explained away everything with speedforce because that's why speedforce exists to begin with.

If this trilogy was made today half the characters would be niggers and spics and jews and trannies and fags.
What a difference a single decade makes. We dodged a bullet with this one.

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And I thought I was running weirdly

I mean the Emperor was effectively his name all the way until the prequels

check this 5

Man, I really like Sigourney Weaver but she has the flatest and shapless ass I've ever seen

All of them would be.

>not true
Wasn't credited in the original release of Star Wars. Was banned from Star Wars conventions and events for years because they accused him of leaking plot information he didn't even know.
>his real name is said like twice during the entire trilogy
I'm talking about the actor's name, brainlet


And yet the finished scene was effective thanks to John Williams' score, that's called CINEMA ya brainlets.

No it wasn't and most of that footage isn't even in the film.

It's fucking art dude. But even if it wasn't even the worst of the worst tv budget shit cgi is more believable than stop motion ever was.

Remember when a high schooler had his life ruined for doing this

George Michael?

Also got screwed by his agent for asking for a percentage of RotJ’s profit (not revenue) in his contract. Thanks to Hollywood bookkeeping, that movie has not yet turned a profit.

Literally cringey

LOTR cast assembled for the first time to begin filming.

Attached: The Cast, 1999.jpg (1280x853, 258K)

Another ensemble shot, this time in costume.

Attached: HelmsDeep.jpg (1024x1040, 146K)

Jezus Christ Peter, you lazy bastard, you could just have put them all in the same room and used perspective tricks like in LotR.
Instead you made Ian cry.

Based Deakins.

that’s a big lens

>1999 was 46 years ago

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>you could just have put them all in the same room and used perspective tricks like in LotR.
No he couldn't have, because the Hobbit movies were shot in 3D and the double FPS thing, which makes those perspective tricks from LOTR not work. Sure, shooting it in the gimmick format was a mistake, but since they went with that idea long before they started shooting there was no turning back once they realised how shitty it was for the actors.

cmon 2

rite den

ah the terrible '90s fashion

>Evans actually did that scene
Well that's pretty neat.

>probably made copies for personal use later on
i don't think that's possible

this is actually a lot cooler than the final product

Told him Jar Jar was a bad character.

Reminder that she deliberately looks like a boy because alien is about men’s fear of getting raped.

All the concept art is mad penisey.

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It's not his fault.

You could always become a masseuse.

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>"George maybe that Jar-Jar character is too silly"

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20 years later and people still hasnt realized Jar Jar is Goofy

>"George Maybe you're overdoing it with the flipping around with the lightsabers, aren't they supposed to be dramatic battles, not acrobatic ballet dances?"

Damn, Sam was actually a Chad. Go figure.

>"George maybe it's too much CGI, why don't we build a set or film on site?"

>"How can I explain to legislators that vaccines cause cancer"


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Thinking about stan

like a reverse Elijah C. Skuggs post-Zygrot 24 bath

Tom Cruise is like a real life Johnny Cage

Imagine the smell of that costume at the end of a day of shooting

Attached: flash BtS costume (2).webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

two people who never worked with him

So many flightplans, so little time.

you really swallow what media tell you

Buckets of seed that you feed Sneed with.

Disco, baby. Disco.

Don't even want to roll because the only good ones are Scarlet Witch and Wasp.

Glad to see the Jet Force Gemini film is coming along

Anyone got any Oblivion (2013) stuff?

lets do iiiiitt

Attached: Oblivion Thetans Full power.webm (718x404, 2.85M)



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i wanna hate fuck 4.

I dunno man, Orlando is looking pretty snazzy there.

It was more like: I need these guys to check this law before leaving parents without rights over their own children

soul & based + repdilled + lucaspilled (Yea Forums core) (correct side on history)

cringe and rebbit + certified yikes also bluepilled and fedora (r*dditcore posts) (wrong side of history)

kys famalams

get off Yea Forums george nobody likes your prequels and nobody will

big titty Olsen MOMMY please

what a waste of quints

well, yeah, Scientologists are like the heaven's gate cultists crossed with hitler

takes years of training though - best to just become a Cunny Wrangler

8 or 9 plz

Bro, get a bucket of water. Spin it in a circle.

You're welcome.


If you water a buck in spinning, the bucket stayed in a water around, you dumbass.

It feels like a bucket of sand

God I wish that was me

how does he hide his boner

Just wanted to say I loved the art direction in this movie.

Attached: oblivion.jpg (2000x1055, 148K)


Meadow Soprano was Alpha?

you just know they all ran a train on elijah

As much as I like the final product, I think it would've looked better with less cuts/shaky cam.

>George, do I go first or second?

Attached: 1370137280304.gif (188x174, 476K)

how did they keep the dinos docile between scenes

>you'll never be stabbed to death by an ambiguously brown loli who then crouches over your dead deceased corpse

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Phil Tippett took care of it

It looks really good from this angle, I don't see why the shaky cam was even necessary.
I would've zoomed out just a little bit, also why go through the rigorous process or memorizing the entire choreography if they were just going to cut away 40 times making it look like it was edited to hell and back?
I know he was trying to convey the shaky chaos of hand-to-hand combat but I would've liked a stationary continuous shot.

rolling for non-ethnics

tranquilizers and nerve gas

Would you trust Marie Curie with your beverage?

no matter how bad it gets you'll never fuck up this bad

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top tier taste lads

5 or 9

>that fit short girl in high school with short black hair that used to tease you

Attached: index.jpg (237x213, 9K)

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that picture could have been taken two hours ago clothes-wise.


exactly. what a retarded zoomer

>were shot in 3D and the double FPS thing
But why? There was no need for this.

Fast Pass looks great in the new Coon and Friends movie

Pretty much baton twirling shit.

Upvoted for the braps, tho.

me on the left

gimme 4 or 5

All these delicious (you)s. 4 please, idgaf about feet. I want that body.

>Attack of the Wasps

>distant bzzzzzzzzz

I'll take Evangeline, even though she probably smells bad and is a bit mental.

lucy lawless has decades of experience. she's the best.

Why would you ruin this 15 seconds of film with 20+ jump cuts.

Britain's Strongest Man, not surprising.

he hud uh dufrunt vuzjun thun me

A Kiwi never forgets