He is just not good. Never was

He is just not good. Never was.
He is popular with Yea Forums because people quickly fall in line on social media like Tumblr, Twitter or Yea Forums (all of them being basically the same, as far as social dynamics and societal composition are concerned), as soon as a hype starts to emerge.
He is a fad. 2019's fidget spinner of, and i quote this in full appreciation of the irony, "kino". Apparently, people here cannot help themselves being blinded by his invariable shtick. People call it "style".

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Yea Forums barely even talks about him anymore,its all capeshit and twitter /pol/bait. This post too will fly to page 10 faster than you can say-

is there a good place to discuss movies with memes ?


The guy does not have his own style, only a gimmick

>groups have characteristic tastes
Wow thanks for that insight.


Get a load of this guy

His is by far one of the directors that have his own distinct style

Dude is colorblind and still manages to have better lighting/coloring than movies 10x his budget.

Colours and deadpan dialogues aren't everything.

If he was never good how did he direct one of the best movies of all time user

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literally citizen kane of the 2000's


>not good
Stopped reading there. You should try going outside again.

state of this place


Based and straight OP.

>one of the best movies of all time
You can't be serious.

It's hands down my favorite movie of the past decade. Wouldn't say one of the best of all time though.

>He is popular with Yea Forums
All I ever see is you guys crapping on him and the occasional contrainian. Why do people come here and make up shit about this board that's clearly not true?

i liked his movies but now i saw he's in a kojima game i think he's an utterly iredeemable trash creating retard

Not the best, but it is my favorite

>He is just not good
Stopped reading right there. Kys.

The Neon Demon is an important movie in my opinion. Very revealing

the past decade has had almost no good movies so it's like being the tallest midget.

I too was born in the wrong generation

ok smartass what are some good ones?

That one movie I think is good but you don't think is good

Valhalla Rising
user you're flat out wrong

Not that user but ya know
To The Wonder
Knight of Cups
Batman v Superman
The Master
Inherent Vice
At Eternity's Gate
Tree of Life
You Were Never Really Here
The Nice Guys
3 Backyards
Kaili Blues
Killing Them Softly

All better than Drive

He is a good filmmaker but not a great one. He has a natural visual eye as you can see in Fear X and the first two pusher films. Afterwards he starts relying on more memes and loses confidence, we can see that in how his dialogue becomes more stiff and robotic and he uses drawn out sequences as a crutch instead of artistically like he used to. Despite that, his movies are still pretty good. They still look very nice and have good use of music and narrative conceits. I wish he would go back to making more earnest and confident films like Pusher 2.

>Batman v Superman
VERY good, user. Very good.

I'm glad you understand, it's an actual masterpiece. I honestly can't believe it's real.

>Batman v Superman
you'd goddamn better be meming faggot.

Pusher 2 was great, Bronson was nice, Drive truly was kino. Fear X and Valhalla Rising were already the signs of what's been going on since OGF and amplified with TND and TOTDY. It's easy to see his strengths and his weaknesses. He's great when he has his back against the wall and has a producer/studio breathing down his neck, when he has to obey a certain narrative framework but still gets to push boundaries from within. However without any boundaries and completely free to follow his whims, his hollowness and self-indulgence become a real dull pain in the ass. It's style without any substance, style for style's sake, but not even brilliant enough style to justify the ego masturbating, at his worst he just comes off as empty, immature, pretentious and a complete fraud. Winning at Cannes was the worst thing that could have happened to him, gave him a free pass to do whatever; which is already what happened to him after Pusher 1 and Fear X happened. As a persona, he's also become unlikeable, it was delightful to see him be the smug autist when he succeeded against all odds, it's very painful to see him be so smug when he's failing to sincerely convince.

He hasn't even been popular since Drive.

>He is just not good. Never was.

Sure he was. Pusher trilogy was fucking kino.

normalfags will seriously ignore my entire list of movies for the ONE they've actually heard of lmfao. if you'd seen the rest of those movies you'd have the perspective to appreciate BVS too.

YWNRH is better than Drive? I like the rest of your list (or the ones that I've seen) so I guess I'll check it out. I hadn't heard good things about it. Drive isn't a masterpiece to me but I like it.

>clearly has a eye for visuals
>uses shitty cgi blood

Oh don't get me wrong I like Drive a lot too. I was just replying cuz the guy said there weren't any good movies this decade, and while it was an awful decade for films, there were still great ones and better ones than Drive.

Anyway yeah I thought it was great. That director Lynne Ramsay is very original and has a very pure way of expressing feelings visually. YWNRH is kind of post modern, it very much feels like a "modern movie" if you get what I mean, but it's still great. Really emotional and redpilled and good rhythm. The score is incredible.

The Turin Horse
The Tree of Life
Goltzius and the Pelican Company
Hard to be a God
Paddington 2
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
The Hunt
Embrace of the Serpent
Manchester by the Sea
An Elephant Sitting Still
From What is Before
Mysteries of Lisbon
These are all better than Drive.

seen only two of those, am i patrician?

No, come back when you see all of them multiple times.

You spelled Drive wrong like twenty times lmao.

Drive is a decent film, but there are a lot of films that are better this decade.

have sex mong

everyone's heard of some to all of those. all the ones i've seen plausibly have some merit (though they're far from brilliant) but bvs does not, hence it sticking out like the proverbial sore thumb
this is a meaningless term as watching movies requires no skill and therefore has no barrier to entry. you are very stupid and gay

I didn't say watching movies required skill. Hardly my man, I doubt more than a third of this board has heard of 3 Backyards lmao. Brilliant isn't really a super meaningful assesment of art.

I really like Only God Forgives. People with horrible controlling shithead mothers will relate.

Amen. great ending too.

>what is The VVitch?
>what is Fury Road ?
>what is Raw ?
>what is Nightcrawler ?
>what is The Hateful 8?
>what is Enter the Void?
>what is Her ?
>what is Sicario?
>what is La La Land?
>what is Shutter Island?
>what is The grand Budapest hotel?
>what is The Lobster ?
>what is Dallas buyers club?
>what is John Wick?
>what is True Grit?
>what is Interstellar?
>what is Birdman?
>what is Manchester by the sea?
>what is Inception?
>what is Dunkirk?
>what is...
You get the picture

vvvvvitch was ok. nightcrawler was ok. true grit was basically a faithful recreation of an older movie. never saw bird man. the rest suck.

Sooo.. all of us, right?

> Unfinished, indie trash (VVitch)
> Anti-Christian feminist propaganda. Miller's kinetics wasted on cleanly artless aesthetic. (Fury Road)
> Decent edgy indie. Relationship between two main sisters is good and good ending, but not any kind of great movie. (Raw)
> Hype as fuck but one and done movie. Not great film (Nightcrawler)
> Great ending and message but overly long and more of a play than a film. Tarantino is declining. (Hateful Eight)
> Gorgeous movie with lots of beauty to it but simplistic. Better than Drive, that's for sure. (Enter the Void)
> Creepy message and athiest-y vibe, but a good movie. (Her)
> Probably the best movie you listed. Great atmosphere and ending. Villenueve isn't a serious artist with his American films though, so this isn't a true great either. (Sicario)
> Trash. Chazelle is a complete hack. (La La Land)
> Very pretty. Scorsese hasn't made a great film in 30 years. (Shutter Island)
> Funny and sweet but dishonest and uses quirkyness as a crutch. Anderson is too afraid to make bold, human films like Darjeeling Limited and Royal Tenunbaums now that he's famous. Proof that he has lost his confidence is that cringe comedy, a defining feature of his early films, is almost completely gone from this and Isle of Dogs. (Grand Budapest)
> Joke of a movie. Lanthimos thinks cinema is a fun game and not an artform. Entertaining but completely hollow and forgettable. (Lobster)
> Trash (Dallas Buyers Club)
> Absurdly boring and exploitative action flick. Choreography lowers the bar for cinema. Keanu Reeves is incapable of acting. Amateurish structure and camerawork. (John Wick)
> Not much to say as it is a faithful remake of an old good movie. I like the dialogue. (True Grit)
> You kid, right? Good message but unwatchably awful formally. The editing gave me a headache in the theater. The shots of space were totally unimaginative.

I'm running out of space but luckily the rest of these films are all irredeemable trash, no comment needed.

everything is relative. he's competent enough and I like the choices he makes in regards to film making enough to keep watching his films. eat my ass, I don't care about your autistic power ranking of film makers.

you care. it eats you up inside that we don't like your gay hack favorite. you'll sleep badly tonight with how you seethe at it

lol ok

>To The Wonder

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I've finished watching episode 6 of Too Old To Die young, and without even seeing the last 4, I can safely say it is one of the most cinematic work of the decade.

If you watch five minutes ov any of his episodes or any of his last five films you'll immediately know you're watching a Refn production. You may not like him, but he most definitely has his own recognizable style.

>He's great when he has his back against the wall and has a producer/studio breathing down his neck, when he has to obey a certain narrative framework but still gets to push boundaries from within.
While I genuinely love the trippy side of Refn, I agree 100% with your thoughts, I wish he would make more straightforward movies.

Can't wait, I'm downloading it as we speak. Nice.

I don't know why you laugh, it's a great movie. It's like the final form of a romance drama, stripped completely clean of pretense and adherence to trends.

Refnbros where the FUCK can I watch this film

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Use your brain,dumbskull. rarbg

Didnt see it on there, any torrent I've came across is 0:0


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Are you fucking stupid? I was talking about Gambler, the documentary about Refn's debt

but true...

It's like Malick's self-travesty. It's okay if you liked it, just didn't like it at all when I saw it around the time of its release. Tree of Life is way better and a lot less disjointed and disorderly IMHO.

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I loved Only God Forgives, it's propably my favorite Refn film together with Pusher 2. I never fully understood why it's so disliked

Oh ok. Tree of Life is great too. I think I like Knight of Cups and To The Wonder a little more. The effect they had on me while watching them was pure and profound. Felt very healthy too. I think Tree of Life might have the prettiest sequences though, and one of those hugs that the main kid gives his dad is the most tender hug I've ever seen in a film.

No it's not. It's very good but it's not a cinematic work of the decade.


Attached: Too.Old.to.Die.Young.S01E05.Volume.5.The.Fool.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTG.mkv_snapshot_00.04.1 (1280x688, 149K)

1,3 k confirmed ratings on IMDB here, Only God Forgives is a masterpiece, go fuck yourself

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Fuck,im retarded,don't bully. ;(

Valhalla Rising

His guy is a genius.
Only God forgives.

Pusher trilogy, Bronson, and Valhalla Rising say hi

>t. Reddit tourist


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Someone got the cliffs for his show? I can't bring myself to sit through it all.
So who actually show the mexican guys mum? Was the black or white boy?

Id the glasses?

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