Here's your black valkyrie, bro

>Here's your black valkyrie, bro

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Ok, bro. It's fine you know? You don't neet to get a same looking actress, I meant, after all you're watching capeshit literally a children movie lmao what a loser

You can almost see the madness in someone's eye's when they pretend she's attractive to look progressive.

>instead of an aryan goddess we got this.

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why does her head wobble in that flick

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imagine a "white" wakandean being the main star of a cape shit movie

Yeah, i ordered the cheeseburger though.

>aryan goddess
>posts slav granny

Anyone got a screenshot of that weird look she gave Thor in Endgame?

You now remember Lupita Nyong'o being named the most beautiful woman in the world by People magazine in 2014.

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As an aryan I'm okay with this.

She was the disgraceful Valkyrie that chose to run away. Of course she's black

But user, I thought she was very attractive. The actress. The character's a hot mess.

lupita is cute as fuck

why are blacks' eyes around the pupil yellowish and not white?

lol she is like a 5/10


I don't have a problem with black Valkyrie but Tessa Thompson is an awful actress.


They nigged Heimdall, and I did not speak out. ~~

That's a word I haven't seen in a while.

Idris Alba is British before he's anything else.


She isn't Valkyrie. It pisses me off that Marvel cucked out and just called her that when in the actual god damn movie they show the REAL Valkyrie getting killed off. Even then the bitch that got killed off was scores better looking than this insufferable cunt.

They dont want to alienate their audience by casting too many white people.

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The outfit looks so bad. It's like they tried to make it manly but it doesn't fit since she's thin as a stick. Her scrapper outfit is x10 better than this.

>after all you're watching capeshit literally a children movie
only reason i kept watching. a fucking nigger valk...jfc

she looks a lot like this haitian girl i used to work with, but my co-worker was hotter. not into blacks though.

Who ?

You do know that Marvel's Norse mythology has nothing to do with the real one so it's all free game? Stop shoving your ideological drivel on this board and do fuck off.

I would love to have wild, drunk sex with Valkyrie. I would cum in her so hard.


And they showed that she was one of the REAL valkyrie you dumb fuck.

It annoyed the shit out of me and I'm a sandnigger, but Idris gets a pass because he's so fucking based.

But not they killed him off and needed another diversity hire and cast that fucking ugly talentless hag, so that's a no from me.

Attached: idris-elba.jpg (768x512, 75K)

She literally has no boobs, they had to build some up in her armor to fake them.