are you ready for more me my mommy and my daddy kino?
>making fun of victimless crime persecution
I wonder what you will tell when you get jail time for having copyrighted webm you didn't even watch in your browser cache
Disgusting pedo scum, is there a reason why they exist?
I thought it was that one extra that's in everything for a second.
Kill yourself, pedo.
Why? Did he end up killing someone?
Seethe harder
jesus christ fagreau
>victimless crime
uhh the crime is being a cancer to society
Cope harder, pedo
>seethe harder
>haha victimless crime amiright guis
How does it feel knowing 90% of the male population would murder you without remorse if they had the chance? How does it feel knowing that police won't even investigate properly if you get killed? Hope you go to jail and get raped by your cellmates.
>try to fuck a kid
>get arrested
ok, this is epic
C o p e and cringe, also have sex
>How does it feel knowing 90% of the male population would murder you without remorse if they had the chance?
>implying most, if not all men aren't disgusting pedos
They're lucky their skulls weren't bashed in by bikers
Imagine being so cucked you are suffering from internalized feminism to the extent that you enforce their sexual monopoly for them
This poor young man was entrapped, you know it.
literally watching right now.
Killed some cunny's hymen
Killed a man in Reno just to watch him die
>and I'm going to NASCAR on sunday too. Best weekend ever
>Lonely man who has never been shown affection from the opposite sex.
>Go online and pretend to like him (he has never been treated this way before... you could probably role play as a grown ass man and he show up still)
>Arrest him and then ruin the rest of his life instead of helping him
Wow. This is not the way you treat a problem in society... you want desperate losers to stop showing up to your emotional abuse sting? Legalize and regulate prostitution.
Also wanna note that I had sex this morning
I hurt myself today
Someone isn't going to choose to be gay just out of pure loneliness, otherwise you'd be a faggot.
There is nothing wrong with pedophilia
There is nothing wrong with cp.
He was entrapped.
wa-hey the edgelord has come to play.
To any of you retards who haven't went to law school:
Inchoate crimes, also known as incomplete crimes, are acts taken toward committing a crime or acts that constitute indirect participation in a crime. Although these acts are not themselves crimes, they are illegal because they are conducted in furtherance of a crime, and society wishes to deter individuals from taking such steps. Three primary inchoate crimes are attempt, conspiracy, and aiding and abetting.
>...b-but its a victimle-
He was. There are so much guys in their 20's who are still kids in their mind. They don't see what's wrong with dating teenagers. And let's stop the prude hypocrisy, teenagers have a sex life.
tfw last name is folsom
I'm serious. Pedophilia and teen love has been practices for millenia. Cp are just pixels often times produced by the girls themselves, no exploitation involved whatsoever, and Hansen & co took advantage of a bipolar autist for entertainment.
if the consenting party is past puberty you really cant deny attraction. Those are a female's prime years and it's literally downhill from there. Going through with out is a different debate though.
Why not just go ahead and make thoughtcrime illegal and be done with it. Normies I think are at the level theyll be fine with a 1984esque society.
>It makes no difference what men think of cunny, said Vincent. The cunny's call endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. Cunny was always here. Before man was, cunny waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.
damn that episode sure was kino
When the man comes around
Don't that picture look dusty?
>little girl gets horny
>uploads it to the internet by her own volition because she thinks it's hot
>some cowboy watches it
>wants to fuck a 12yo
Dilate, tranny.
Fantastic bait.
this. I can't help but feel sorry for the dude. all men have gone through rough patches especially with dating.
they took advantage of this kid for some youtube video thats behind a paywall.
>Inchoate crimes, also known as incomplete crimes, are acts taken toward committing a crime
Ok, so what crime was he working towards? Attempting to fuck a 19 year old decoy?
>haven't went to law school:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say neither did you, retard.
> a 19 year old decoy
Not so fast, fattie. She's mine.
>I'm serious. Pedophilia and teen love has been practices for millenia.
so was trepanation but we've all moved on as a society to the right thing.
my spurrs
You don't know how to stand up for yourself so you call me onions. The pedophile who needs to seduce children is calling me a onions lol.
THIS SHIT IS ENTRAPMENT the bitches on that show are not even UNDER 18
have children
It's thoughtcrime
Mens rea was to interfere with an underage girl.
he tried to fuck them
he was just a horny bastard, he wasnt looking for friends or love
Trepanation was a medical procedure done due to limited scientific knowledge about how the body works. Attraction to 11-16 yr old women is just human nature. Why is there are hundreds of thousands of pedophiles registered in CP sites, why do YouTube vids featuring little girls have millions of views, why are all places that allow freedom of speech full of pedos.
It is normal and healthy to be attracted to young girls. Only in the last 100 years, specially the last 30-40 yrs that we are brainwashed into thinking that it is sick.
>These men get harsher punishments than women who ACTUALLY rape boys.
Who’s the second class gender again?
It literally shouldn't count if there never was any girl. I get that the law may allow this, but I don't think it's morally right. (Yes I know the guy is a sick fuck, but I'm talking about the ethics of "thought crimes" which is essentially what he committed since there never was a crime to commit here as there was no girl).
It's very obvious to anyone looking at the chat logs they pick mentally disturbed individuals then egg them on just to the very legal edge of entrapment.
I mean would he have shown up if he wasn't enticed and invited? Look at the chat logs there's very obvious emotional manipulation on the part of the decoy.
I completely agree actual pedophiles should be chemically castrated and put in commie blocks away from the world but most of the guys on this show are just lonely losers latching onto any bit of affection sent their way.
It's crazy how sadistic "normal society" is.
Based Hansen making Yea Forums's pedos seethe, hopefully you fuckers are next.
im 29yo khv and still wouldnt think of banging a kid
New Too Catch a Kino when?
>you just crossed the fastest draw in the West, sweetheart.
No one's seething except you, incel
every other week there's another female teacher who fucks her students. Does anyone know what the usual punishment is for those bitches?
Never hansenkino probably
we got some cool dudes on youtube going though
AnxietyWar is great in particular
Right? He's a lonely depressed guy with serious mental health issues who is at one of the lowest points in his life, and they use that to manipulate him into doing something he would probably never normally do.
They on average usually get community service.
>When Hansen puts on his soft voice
>I'm not that big, but I could fit inside you
Same as switching drugs for a decoy powder in a trafficking sting, or using an undercover officer to roleplay a "hitman" when someone is offering to pay for a killing. The mental element is always there, the physical act can not complete but all that is needed is the "crossing of the rubicon" for an attempt, in this case turning up at the house.
how does it feel knowing literal pedos are getting more attention than you hahaha fucking genetic dead end. kill yourself
Does the webm show kids fucking?
Because that's what this is about. It's not a copyright issue, it's an issue of wanting to fuck kids.
What's the overlap between racist poltard brainlet and pedo apologist? Is it one hundred percent or just close to?
Entrapment is legal instigation is not
There was no instigation
When is ghe next episode coming out?
What it boils down to is hes an easy target. Easy to bait, easy to berate, and easy for the sadist audience of this show to vilify to make them feel morally righteous.
>law school
yikes. there is justice and then there's the kikefied law system that retards like you believe in.
Vincent "6(year old) shooter" Ambrosio
>don't put cancer in the cancer
there's a meme for that. you're gonna die of cancer, you know.
>all men like pouring hot wax on my feminine penis
>men are truly disgusting hairy monsters
>i hate how their gross assholes taste when they force me to rim them
This was entrapment pure and simple and it only shows how full of redditors this board is when you mock Ambrosio instead of defending him.
Big tex did nothing wrong! He was on his way to his grannies house one fine Sunday evening when he recieved an urgent telegram by pony express.
A dastardly no good varmint by the name of Hot Check Hansen had taken a beautiful young women hostage and was forcing her to lure innocent men into a scheme where he and the corrupt sheriffs of Catchy Town Gultch humiliated them and made money from the town folk they bamboozled into thinking they were the right side of the law.
Well big tex knew better. So he strapped on his big iron, grabbed his scalping knife, and and threw on his finest tombstone duds. He was on a mission to save that young girl and take down the evil Hansen and his henchmen.
Unfortunately the good guys don't always win...
Does she actually feel somewhat attracted to him? Out of all the episodes I've seen this is the only one where the decoy talks to the guy for so long and seems so interested.
If you're buying knives to kill somebody, but you've never killed anyone yet, you can be arrested for attempted murder just by buying those knives.
Remind me who supports stuff like Desmond is Amazing
I haven't watched this but I keep seeing this image on Yea Forums. What is happening in this pic? Did he pull a gun on the cunny who baited him?
The guy in the OP pic isn't even in his 20's he's like 19. I mean I know he's a fatass loser who failed high school and probably would never have a date but I know plenty of 19 year olds fucking underages. It might not be legal but it's socially acceptable.
Your post couldn't be further from the truth, /pol/ hates pedos with a passion. Every time someone makes a post defending them over there that guy gets eaten alive (and rightfully so).
It is sick to want to fuck a child. They can't even reproduce. Show me another species that does this on the regular and you may have a point. What's "normal" for pigs like you is seeing an easy target and going after it.
Burr holes are still used faggot
Yep, he put 6 rounds between her eyes.
That was fucking terrible. I don't think sending him to jail is justified, honestly.
From the dusty May sun...
Kys pedo freak
t. John Podesta
Someoen post the pics that that fake cunyn was sending him.
She was obviously over 18 and she was cute as fuck. Hell i woulda shown up at that house too.
>girl tells you she's 14
>looks older in her pics
>use that as justification to travel states over just to see her
>get arrested
>"b-b-b-b-but she looked over 18 despite telling me multiple times that she was underage!!"
>Show me another species that does this on the regular and you may have a point.
A few years ago they had to close the bonobo exhibit at my local zoo for over a month after a female gave birth (drawing huge crowds to see the baby, of course), and would not stop masturbating with her infant.
>The mental element is always there
So thought crime?
Only sick degenerates think sex with a 12-year old is okay, and that's what these guys are expecting. Dont pretend like they were going on a date with a 16-year old or something like that
Old/pol/ or nu-/pol/? nu-/pol/ is full of redditors and the_donald kikes, wouldn't be surprised if they shill (((paedophilia)))
>victimless crime persecution
It's not a victimless crime. Do you think that just cause these people have access to cp suddenly no more is going to be produced and people are just going to be happy with what they have? Look at regular porn, there's constantly new stuff being made everyday despite there already being so fucking much of it out there. That demand continues to ruin childrens lives.
Not to mention that the "self-produced" content they make is just them being groomed and coerced by adults to do things they don't understand in private. These kids do the things because they just want some attention and unfortunately some sick pervert is taking advantage of their innocence.
Girls hit puberty at 11-12 and in some cases younger. So they can in fact reproduce. Not only that but bonding with your partner is part of a healthy sex life. So being together/marrying a young girl was the norm with reproduction happening between the ages of 14-18. In fact that's when a girl is more fertile. When a woman hits 30, the probability of reproduction falls by 50%, and most women by the time they hit 40 can no longer reproduce. So it's actually objectively healthier to be attracted to a 14 yr old than a 30 yr old. But feminists and Puritans have convinced you tacitly otherwise. Now society celebrates the milf, the cougar, etc... "Mommy" threads on Yea Forums have become commonplace, whereas even liking 17 yr old Moner makes you a pedo, let alone someone younger.
The Entrapment and Enslavement of Good Ol' Boy Vincent Ambrosio, By That Bastard Chris Hansen.
found the redditor
The things he said to the girl and the pictures he sent obviously aren’t excusable but I honestly believe that he wouldn’t have had intercourse with her or tried to anyway I really feel like when he got there he realised exactly what he was doing and I imagine if it was real he would have watched that movie gone to bed but would leave in middle of the night with a note explaining himself to the girl
no. he went to hug her and someone shopped in the gun. he did have a knife on him though
making cp illegal isn't helping, now is it? it's still being produced so why not make it legal so businesses can make money?
>attempt to commit sex
Anybody looking like that should be barred from sex and locked away
No girl is fully mentally mature at 14, and you're ignoring how a lot of the decoys pose as 12-13 anyway.
Yeah, I'm gonna need a link for that sorry and vague bullshit. The mothers are known for selecting mates for their young and warding off other potentials, but that's all. If what you say is true and it was done regularly by this species, don't you think there'd be countless videos?
You're being very specific with ages, I wasn't. And your type doesn't give a shit whether or not they can have kids. You just want to fuck one. You have no point to make for anyone wanting to rape a child or brainwash one into thinking its love. That said, a 17 year-old is not a child.