What were they doing in Central Park that night?
What were they doing in Central Park that night?
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being made into heroes.
robbing, beating up and raping other people
just watchin' the game, havin' a bud
Reminder these thugs got $41M.
>According to a police investigation, the main suspects were gangs of teenagers who would assault strangers as part of an activity that became known as "wilding". New York City detectives said the term was used by the suspects when describing their actions to police.[6] This account has been disputed by some journalists, who say that it originated in a police detective's misunderstanding of the suspects' use of the phrase "doing the wild thing", lyrics from rapper Tone Lōc's hit song "Wild Thing".[7][8]
>Some of the 30 teenagers attacked and beat people as they moved south, on the park's East Drive and the 97th Street transverse, between 9 pm and 10 pm.[3] Within the North Woods, between 102nd and 105th streets, they attacked several bicyclists, hurled rocks at a cab, and attacked a pedestrian, whom they robbed and left unconscious.[3][9] A schoolteacher out for a run was severely beaten and kicked, between 9:40 and 9:50.[3] He was hit in the back of the head with a pipe and stick, knocking him briefly unconscious.[3][10][9][11] A police officer testified that the teacher was bleeding so badly he "looked like he was dunked in a bucket of blood".[12] Five suspects were later convicted on these charges.[9]
the fuck is wrong with niggers
>Antron McCray told police:
>We charged her. We got her on the ground. Everybody started hitting her and stuff. She was on the ground. Everybody stompin’ and everything. Then we got, each—I grabbed one arm, some other kid grabbed one arm, and we grabbed her legs and stuff. Then we all took turns getting on her, getting on top of her.
>Kevin Richardson got even more specific.
>Raymond [Santana] had her arms, and Steve [Lopez] had her legs. He spread it out. And Antron [McCray] got on top, took her panties off.
That makes me so steaming mad. Netflix is rewriting history.
Wait 5 years for the Trayvon documentary:
8th Grader Trayvon Martin is walking home in his graduation cap and gown
Aryan Nation member George Zimmerman driving around in his Confederate Flag draped pickup
Zimmerman spots Trayvon through the night by the glow of his halo
The Klansman takes chase
The football star nearly outruns him, but he is trapped by a "do not enter" sign
Faced with certain death or disobeying the law, he makes his stand
Trayvon attempts to reason his attacker, but the illiterate racist will have none of it
Zimmerman steps out of his vehicle and asks "Any last words?"
Trayvon looks his executioner in the eye and replies "World Peace"
"WHITE POWER!" exclaims Zimmerman as he unloads with his fully-automatic assault rifle
If not for the Republican party he may have survived, but the skinhead's extended magazine, unfettered by their legislation unloads hundreds of rounds into the future Nobel Piece Prize recipient
Zimmerman then bashes his own head into the curb repeatedly screaming "help me!"
When he is finished, Hitler himself steps back into his gas-guzzling vehicle
As Trayvon lay dying, the last thing he sees is the "Bush Cheney 2004" bumper sticker disapear into the night
dey good boys dindu nothin. just gettin they lives back on track. government need mo money for dem programs.
in a way its good that the SJWs are championing people like this , it makes their racist agenda even more obvious for the normies to see.
Crimes. ALL the crimes.
Fuck off to Yea Forums with your trash.
This is Netflix's most popular new show right now, dumbass.
Just attacking random people they thought couldn't fight back
Found the Virgin^ Lmao!
Violence for the sake of violence and not even for things like vengeance or material gain, typical niggers.
completely normal. it's the system that be f'ed up
What do you mean no material gain? They received $41 million from the city.
On their way to church
Oh that's absolutely true and white people are fucking disgusting for indulging their mascots, but the niggers wouldn't have known that at the time and it wasn't a motivation for the attacks.
If black guys stop raping, stealing, and killing, the police will treat them differently. Simple as that.
1 3
5 2
Can you alter George's last name to a more 'white' name? Wouldn't want to suggest he is part of (((them)))
>White boys run around playing the knockout game
Oh boys will be boys hehehe I remember when I was that age Martha
>Black children are playing in a park
I fucking haaaaate niggers! They don’t look like me so they scare me!
I was wondering why this got made because there was a news segment on it, but then they said some shit about Trump not liking the accused? They actually made this entire fucking thing to try to dunk on Trump. TDS to the extreme.
It's even crazier when you realize that the real percentage is around 4-5%/52%
seek help
The knockout game was a uniquely black phenomenon though.
Wow it’s too bad you’re a racist man this is kino
Spreading the word of God, they were about to get their life back on track
Everything alright?
You sound like you need help
White people don't randomly assault strangers for fun. Boys will be boys refers to friends rough housing not assaulting an elderly man while he walks to the store. My god niggers are retarded
>tfw realizing niggers don't need external motivations, whether emotional or material, to commit crimes, niggers simply have an instinctual need to nig
I think it's the violence gene or murder gene that is uniquely present in black africans at a much higher rate than all other racial or ethnic groups
"variant of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene which apparently predisposes an individual to disproportionate violence under any condition that triggers the carrier of that gene sequence to violence"
>be mutt
>live in a nigger infested shithole because your ancestors were too lazy to do their own farming
>get robbed and assaulted by said niggers
>schlomo shekelberg makes a movie about said poor oppressed niggers
>jew boy and the nogs strike it rich
>but then they said some shit about Trump not liking the accused?
yes trump called for them to get the death penalty even though the victim did not die. The leftists argue this is proof of trumps 'racism' since the victim was a white woman. If the victim had been black the whole story would have been gone from the media in a day or two.
Certainly explains why black males commit almost all violent crime even controlling for socio economic condition. Black males commit all disproportionately more crime at every income level when compared to contemporaries of any other race.
Niggers quite literally have to nig.
Who knows, but judging by the lack of evidence they most likely weren't raping people
>White boys run around playing the knockout game
He took out newspaper ads saying crime had gotten out of control.
0.5% of the white population owned slaves compared to 50% of Jews and 30% of free blacks.
The funny thing is, Trump didn’t even specifically call for them to be executed, he took out an ad in the NYT to bring back the death penalty because of NYC’s skyrocketing murder rate, his ad came out two weeks before this story got reported. The only thing he’s guilty of is agreeing with the mixed-race jury who convicted these “wildlings”. WOW WHAT A MONSTER SOMEBODY STOP RACIST DRUMPFY
>be mutt
>even the jews owned more slaves than your own people
Holy fuck just when I thought yanks couldn't be any more cucked.
Literally my exact thoughts
This, let the subhuman cunts out themselves
Bold of you to assume that normies have the critical thinking skills to not be swayed by the propoganda.
>lack of evidence
Explain why they got convicted by a mixed-race jury? Not finding their DNA at the scene is not exoneration, this isn’t CSI, and it was 1979 when DNA evidence gathering was super primitive compared to today. There was lots of evidence they were assaulting and beating people with METAL FUCKING PIPES.
rapists should get the death penalty though
Reddit already gobbled up this mini-series like it was gospel.
>white kids playing the knockout game
She was beaten within an inch of her life, she has permanent disabilities. The fact she didn’t die is a testament to emergency workers who saved her. Her skull was bashed in so hard an eye came out of her socket.
Yeah I’m ok with the death penalty in that case.
Trump literally dindu nuffin
>white kids playing the knockout game
Good idea. How about “George Christian”?
You realise that reddit posters are a bunch of incels like Yea Forums posters right? Actual normalfags are too busy having lives to spend their time posting on forums and imageboards.
Source or stfu
It was proven they went there to rob people, I bet this doesn't appear in the film
>White boys run around playing the knockout game
That only happend in Shyamalan's Glass film and it was laughable, they even hit a chinese guy.
>Knockout game primarily used against homeless by drunk white boys
>Of course the white racists here like to think it was black kids only targeting shy incels
Fuck I hate arguing with racists
they were robbing people because of slavery.
>dey dindu nuffin
There was evidence it was only them assaulting people? Why wasnt everyone else brought in?
The boogeyman is never going away, dont bother trying to convince me hes not under my bed as we speak
fuck this world, these criminals deserve a lynching.
>the cash settlement will literally incentivize and encourage this behaviour
>white boys play knockout game
Complete bullshit. No one buys your dindu nothin anymore. The world isn't Reddit faggot
bad b8 nigger
they were in jail for years. In NYS dysfunctional justice system they probably served the time they would have got for robbing and beating people. People get out of jail in less than 10 years for murder here. I know dey got paid off , but they still lost years of their lives they cant and shouldn't get back.
I'm planning my rape and exoneration right now, except I'm actually gonna tough it out in prison a little longer for a larger settlement
>They were in jail for years
They should have been in a box in the fucking ground though.
You know how white people are always jockeying for leverage socially to the point of insanity? It's kind of like that just more violent and no illusory benefit.
t. mulatto
They also got anally raped in prison for years, so I'd sat it's an even trade off
there is zero source, just nation of islam/kkk joint trolling
>Those who make this case include Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, and David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard.
>A search for “Jews” and “slave trade” on YouTube pulls up more than 50,000 videos, most posted by the Nation of Islam, Duke and their supporters.
>expecting to feel sympathy to animals
I'll stick to my previous lynching comment
Backstory? Are they innocent?
Innocent of the charges they were facing at least
>Innocents of rape
>Innocents of everything else
no but dindu nuffin
they didnt rape the girl but they did go there to rob and beat people and also some of them said they were holding down the girl as she was being raped
but anyways you're racist
/pol/ logic is essentially they are criminals because they are black which is neither here nor there ultimately. The reason you know these faggots are ultimately retarded is that they think someone can commit a crime and should go to jail even if there is no proof simply because of their skin color while other races shouldn't. Sure some to a lot of them are bating but you can tell by the fixation they are at least sub consciously aren't.
*they at least sub consciously aren't baiting
Please dilate! Quick! Your gaping, festering wound is trying to close!
Imagine defending nigger criminals and crying about /pol/, fuck off retarded faggot redditor
His quotations are directly from the site but he doesn't show the part where it says it's true. What a kike.
One of them.
>What were they doing in Central Park that night?
What do you think a group of black teenagers were doing carrying around weapons in the park in the middle of the night?
My guess is rape/robbery/murder/whatever barbaric, inhumane, horrible thing you can't imagine doing yourself because you're a halfway decent human
Did anyone even watch this show? It seems like it was made for pearl-clutching, NYT-reading liberal soccer moms.
Knockout game was MSM manufactured outrage. It was only done by like two people.
CNN from 2 hours ago.
And not, is not what /pol/ would expect.
They also point out how people had to resign because black students associations chimped out on lies.
Wilding aka being niggers
Are we really gonna pretend Trayvon Martin wasn't innocent? Mike Brown woulda been a better subject for this joke, at least that one leaned in the cops favor.
>stop going home and turn around towards zimmerstein
>ground and pounding
George Zimmerman 2as a trigger happy spic, he was on the prowl for a nigger to kill that night. His behavior since then only reinforces it. Dispatch literally told him not to do shit, how he got away with playing mall cop baffles me.
>trigger happy
Yeah that's why he stopped following and went back to patrolling the neighborhood.
>life ruined by blegs and their masters
>wtf I hate blegs now
Tell me it wouldnt happen to you faggot
tray tray was a caricature of a teenage coon
>did drugs
>had or tried to make it seem like he had unregistered firearms
>had harmful intent towards zimmerman before they even came into contact with each other
>nigged out as soon as he got the chance to
>family does cartoonish demonstrations where they literally chant "dindu nuffin" and painting him as a modern day saint
and that's the funniest part of it all
the whole thing is a tale of spics and nigs but wypipo still took the fall
They were never exonerated. They weren’t even pardoned. The sentences were vacated which is not the same thing, a retrial should have happened because this shit is what we get otherwise.
He got away with it because they had no evidence that he woke up that day ready to kill some nigger. Every stranger looks threatening wearing a hood in the rain at night. If they just tried him for the slightly lower murder charge he might have actually gone away for a long time.
I don’t care what race they are, someone who goes out with the intent to rob and beat people (with some of them receiving life altering injuries / disabilities) deserves death. But that’s apparently racist to think.
but Oprah said we must now refer to them as the Exonerated Five
Yes, arrested by a racist black cop. A blackkklansman, you could say.
yaz kween, let's pretend Trayvon wasn't guilty
Let's pretend there are only two genders
Let's pretend there are physical and biological differences between the sexes
Let's pretend race is not a social construct
Let's pretend there are scientifically proven physical and intellectual differences between the races
Let's pretend there are scientifically proven physical and intellectual differences between the sexes
Let's pretend, according to collected federal crime statistics, that black males age 15-40 commit OVER 50% OF ALL VIOLENT CRIMES
Stop pretending, user
you've got to grow up sometime
>smoked weed, one of the most peaceful things you could do
>tried to avoid unwanted approach
>tried to scare away a stranger staring at him in the dark in an unfamiliar part of town
>defended himself against a stranger with a weapon
>family put his story out there in a positive light
>"people" believe this is what happened