Name ONE villian more alpha than this guy

Name ONE villian more alpha than this guy

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even in defeat he took it like a pro

Attached: Shazam! - Jesus Christ Raimi.webm (700x290, 2.99M)

What was his plan once Superman felt he needed to get involved?

that would have been kino seeing superman btfoing atlanteans

I don’t get the timeline. Did the movie occur after BvS, where the world thought Sup was dead? That’s the only way I can think the bad guy figured he had a chance. Surely they knew how fucking OP he is.

DC Universe stopped existing after JUSTice League

Attached: Aquaman Fishermen.jpg (1074x1074, 257K)

Isn't this a kids movie
What the fuck

You fucking can’t. Orm is Chaddest of villains. He doesn’t even bitchfit out when he loses. He just takes it like a goddam man.

Orm doesn’t give a shit. He’d think he could win. He’s got an entire army of dudes nearly on his and Arthur’s level, magic, and(quite possibly) Kryptonian-derived tech on his side.

no roasty memes for that tongue then?

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jellyfish dress

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Fucking love it. I especially liked how Pride had wings and always stood apart from the rest.

kids need a scare sometimes so they can stop being pussies

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Based Jellyposter.

No... Aquaman events occur after Justice League events so basically post Kal El resurrection. So Atlantis should have been well aware of Superman’s presence... making the lack of consideration pants-on-head retarded as it’s known he’s Earth’s undisputed champion. Maybe they underestimate the Kryptonian’s actual power level but that’s highly improbable since Atlantians seem to be orders of magnitude more advanced than surface humans.



Attached: Aquaman The Chad Master Vs The Aqua Virgin.jpg (1530x767, 169K)

Just realized that the bad guy looked much more to Aquaman than the pedo mutt they ended up casting.

Lol... this but unironically. White men are problematic though so DC made the right choice casting El Goblino Horrendo

I think maybe they’re Kryptonian/human hybrids. I will legit shit myself if they make Kara Zor-El the founder of the Atlantean royal line.

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the one and only Carlton Drake

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>cons: drunk

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Ironic that he looks like Aquaman and Aquaman is portrayed by a stunt-cast mutt.

stupid 6yo theory that will never happen
fags said the same thing about the amazons

he wouldn't be a good aquaman
his good guys are losers

what are you saying?

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Ki Confused Face.png (488x539, 786K)

Not so stupid once you see their tech. It’s got the same organic, “grown” look that Kryptonians’ has. The description of how their plasma weapons look reads like the Kryptonian design, too.

Uh huh. Sounds like someone is part of the problem. Get a rope.

never reply to me again you disgusting nigger

why not?

It's important to note that that's his brother

It’s pretty stupid if you think about the whole “Atlantis” thing.

The same way every “theory” that tries to make the dceu less retarded, it only works if you ignore context.

are you implying that isn't a con

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Who is Kara Zoe El?