"Crab people are too small and weak to take over man by force, and so we came up with our perfect plan!"

> "Crab people are too small and weak to take over man by force, and so we came up with our perfect plan!"

> "If you can't beat man, change man!"

> "When all the world is metrosexual, the crab people shall finally reign supreme!"

> Garrison: "They were trying to systematically make men into wusses so they could take over the world!"

What did they mean by this?

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Walk like crabs talk like people


they used to be so brave

snibiti snab X--DDDD

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Best South Park episode by a long mark.

episode came out around the height of the anti-"pussificiation" movement when people first started realizing what was being done to society

oh the drooling retards have arrived

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how come hollywood loves to portray black men as gay and effiminate but loves to make white men into big, strong masculine villains with sympathetic motivations? Kind of tired of being represented that way

>leftypol tranny strikes again...

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>oh the drooling retards have arrived

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is this original to south park or actually created by someone else and entered pop culture?

They were having trouble coming up with an episode idea and someone jokingly threw out crab people. They didn't come up with anything else so they just ran with it.



they mean the song itself I think. Matt and Trey are super musical and create a ton of original stuff for the show. I think the music of South Park is really an unappreciated quality of the show. Zoomers forget it had a musical movie 20 years ago

Matt Stone is a jew retards

I can be political too!

Will they ever go back to having every episode be self contained? I fucking hate that they now have a 1 episode story taking up the entire fucking season



>remember to buy your anti-onions hormone filled protein shakes
>product contains onions

>onions hormone

They also wrote an entire broadway musical, and I always did love the song Tomorrow Night from the movie. It's a shame there's not really any great musical numbers anymore.

Why is no one checking these?

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>word filters

they were my favorite part in aquaman. Glad they could find a job after south park

20 Years Ago....

I didn’t ask for this feel.

>reminder that kyle is a stinking no good jew

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