Villain is totally reasonable and morally justified

>villain is totally reasonable and morally justified
>after being defeated he acknowledges he was wrong and reconciles with the hero
Is Aquaman the only blockbuster where that's ever happened?

Attached: -Orm.jpg (1500x750, 132K)

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So is he justified or wrong then?

That's literally Crimson Tide, though calling Hackman a villain is a stretch.

*turns your action flick into kino*

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I think that's the point of Star Wars 4, 5 and 6.

This movie was shit but The Trench scene was one of the best things I saw in film last year.

How does he get away with it??

Attached: based Orm.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

I dug what they were going for, that he was a noble man who just had conflicting goals/values, but it did seem like he went too far when he killed the sea monkey girl's dad

that was self defense you limp bitch

Lmao no it wasn't

Orm asked him to help kill the land normies and he just said "No" so Orm chimped out

>villain is pure breed blonde haired blue eyed man betrothed to pure breed red haired blue eyed girl
>hero is half breed brown man who defeats the blonde man and gets the redhead girl
really made me think

why does his face look like it's been pasted on?

no it didn't

this movie was fucking based but I still find it hilarious how a DC movie about a complete joke of a character made more than 90% of MCU flicks including Civil War

but it did
here is some proof

Attached: 1526180079611.png (755x708, 31K)
unironically better than any action scene in Infinity War or Endgame


>makes 800 million in foreign markets

Attached: 1489511492979.jpg (421x440, 25K)

>white man and black man team up but the mutt defeats them
now THIS really activated my almonds

jellyfish dress

Attached: jellydress.jpg (450x450, 41K)


You know, I legitimately thought Infinity War was leading up to this but then for some reason Endgame just made Thanos be 10x as much of a cunt

Was going to say this. It’s a rarity though. This was such a welcome change for me.

I love this man.

It was a necessary evil. He’s basically underwater Stannis.

why do people do this? the bad guy is good you dumb retard

He should have played Aquachad instead of Muttmua

based jelly poster

the fucking nailed Black Manta's look

Fucking A.

He's the king you fucking pleb you dont get to just say "no"

never watched Aquaman
this looks like one of these tv shows like Supergirl or Daredevil

just worse lmao

>but then for some reason Endgame just made Thanos be 10x as much of a cunt
Because people were thinking that same thing, that Thanos was justified or not entirely wrong. They had to make him a lot more evil to justify his death

they were both right he just lost and then chose to accept that and make peace for the greater good

A shame I though his actor did a terrible job.

hope he gets a redemption arc in the inevitable sequel

Fuck capeshit

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this, wtf. It looked a lot better in cinemas, seeing it again now it looks really shit (the cgi mostly). what went wrong?