Cast them

Cast them

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Why are faggots always so obnoxious?

>mo drinking

imagine being this much of an insecure cuck.

>I have two phones: the post

Lmao this nigga aight

That's her dad right? My mom sent me something very similar back in the day.

can't trust a single woman not one

who you callin nigga, nigga?

Based incel, these things happen. Often. It's sad that you are so disconnected so badly from the real world

she banged at that party right ?

Imagine being with a woman that comes off as such a roastie that you need to send her a text like this when she goes out

Based Hot Stud Muffin

>hot stud muffin

thats a mans hand though

have sex

Shy horny nympho played by Anya Taylor-Joy
incel bf played by Paul Dano
Chad Thundercock played by me (playing myself)

Imagine letting your woman go to a degenerate event... alone.

Yeah maybe as a joke? You're right though, that does seem like it's for a boyfriend.

>no boys
>mo drinking
honestly pretty based

If your hand looks like that you need to kill yourself

>the absolute state of white "men"

Spoiler everyone, hate to ruin this fun Yea Forums thread but its actually 2 gay guys.

>Chad Thundercock played by me (playing myself)

Fake news, Theres literally no proof of this

>large hand
>short nails
tell me how this is a girls hand

thats the guy thats about to smash this dudes girlfriend

But the hand is white.

Literally just meet people, go outside

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have you met twinks before? This is how they talk and text. Hot Stud Muffin is the receiver and is scared hes going to lose big dick daddy. keep in mind most are insane

I refuse to believe there are pathetic, insecure betas like this one irl

My girlfriends ex husband was like this

She remembers him freaking out for him for days because one day he went into her car and got into the drivers seat and he felt like the seat wasn’t adjusted to where she would drive it at and he accused her of cheating

Based if true (and it's fake. No one uses phone like that and she wrote her second text too soon after the first)

This goes beyond insecure I think, the dude seems like a legit psycho

When’s your last girlfriend? Post her too while you’re at it

It makes sense if it is a fag, fags are notorious cheaters.

Women don't act like this anymore, this image is at least 10 years old

I was like this, but probably was because I was blasting 500 mg of test E while also taking 30mg of superdrol and was out cheating on my gf every night. I got off on the control/abuse.

I've literally never met a monogamous gay.

Sounds like a classic story

do Americans really do this??

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This unlike women who are known to be loyal, especially when they go out with their friends to night clubs

40% typically do

Be truthful: She was cheating on him with you, wasn't she?

>I have never gone to a party
Uh how is this guy a stud again?

that's a heterosexual male user


Nerds who got their first gf act exactly like this
