The fact that no movie yet has been produced about such an interesting and well documented case baffles me. Is there any way of knowing if at least some studio bought the rights of the story?
The fact that no movie yet has been produced about such an interesting and well documented case baffles me...
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what a waste of a kino face
How big was his dick?
They made a Law and Order SVU episode with a distinct Elliot story line. They made Elliot white and he spoke like Christopher Walken on his video diaries. It's really funny
donno but he sure have big dick energy
Probably afraid that the movie will inspire other incels to go on a killing spree.
Also doesn't his father work in the entertainment industry? Probably used his influence to make sure that he doesn't gets a movie
The absolute state of hapa genes
Cast him
rodger would've pulled if he grew out his hair and did that twink kpop bowlcut every kid has
Ezra Miller
handsome AND modest?
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Screenwriter here.
I actually did a first draft and thought it was both profound and darkly hilarious. But it can never see the light of day due to our political and social climate.
The story of the incel does need to be told. But it's just not the right time, for something this provocative.
was it an autobiography?
Hahaha btfo
It's being made later this year, oddly enough by South Korean company.
isn't this guy the antithesis to inceldom? He certainly wasn't ugly, he was just a self hating sperg
The sad truth you soi bluepilled cucks must learn.
there's plenty of ugly/fat/non model tier guys with gfs out there
Beta bux, fucking idiot. Go take your 'MUH JUST WORLD' dog SHIT and shove it up your ass.
Isn't that incel short sort of about him? With his manifesto being a literal part of it too?
this fucking retardation lmao
because he was justified and you can't have female villains on today's world
cope with what? your retardation?
Yeah just be yourself bro and don't forget to take a shower
Fuck you, normie cunt. You fear us incels because you know, deep down, how much smarter we are and how we will win in the end. Your days are numbered you fucking cunt.
women dont approach men unless they are drunk in clubs
i was an autist with manchild clothes and my mum used to cut my hair. i still had one or two decent looking drunk chicks making out with me in clubs
irl people dont approach maybe tinder but thats differnt altogether
>women dont approach men unless they are drunk in clubs
You're right. It's an ego boost at times. Other times it can be annoying if you're not especially in to them. On Tuesday this girl from my uni course clocked me and was all over me but I didn't feel right about it cause she was very drunk and I quite sober
>Probably afraid that the movie will inspire other incels to go on a killing spree
Why would they be? The media seems to have no problem doing it
Okay user, whatever you say. The recipe for an incel is autism + unremarkable/ugly looks. Good looks and autism and you can get buy, unremarkable (sometimes even ugly) looks and charisma and you can get by. the kiss of death is the ugly/autism combo. case in point one of my friends is an obese indian hipster manlet who fucks art hoe sluts (white) on a regular basis, probably due to being one of the funniest and ridiculous people I know.
thats not what i'm saying. If you are ugly, you've been dealt a shit hand, thats obvious. What is retarded though is believing women just throw themselves at attractive men. If you believe that, its very obvious you don't leave your home a lot. The only scenario in which women approach men is where it is socially acceptable, like going out drinking. If you're a handsome guy walking down the streets you get women glancing at you, checking you out, but not approaching you. Because women don't do that, that's how it has always been. This "OMG if i had chad bone structure foids would throw themselves at me" is a completely pathetic fabrication from the mind of a virgin retard who can't think about anything other than sex
You don't know anything you fucking normie bluepilled cunt. Foid whores THROW themselves if you're Chad. If those barely sentient cunts don't throw themselves at you you are not Chad and if one of those whores does warm your dick it's cause your betabux.
I've been to multiple clubs/concerts/festivals in the 24 years of my life and I am still a kissless virgin.
autist here, what does "clocked me" mean in this context?
>from reddit of all places
I see this place is going the way of /fit/.
ok retard, keep living in your dream world where you fantasize about chads cock all day long
Imagine how much of a beta a person has to be to relate to this loser. /r9k/ and Lookism autism don’t even come close to prime puahate.
Any time I have gotten off with a girl it is because I have stumbled into by accident. I know for a fact I'd have a much higher count if, like a friend of mine, I put myself out there, approached, etc., or took the time to check out the girls around me to see if their also checking me out. I've had friends haze me for my utter obliviousness to being checked out in the past
Basically means she saw me first and initiated the encounter.
His dad is a big wig hollywood guy. They're not going to do a movie about it, unless it's outside the Hollywood system
Fuck you. We incels will have justice eventually.
He was not a big wig as far as I knew. He put the family in a financially precarious position by sinking money into a documentary that was panned and flopped. If a real big wig in Hollywood (like someone on the level of Weinstein before 2017) or Spielberg wanted to do the project, I doubt Elliot's father has enough pull to nip it in the bud. The father was also a fucking prick/moron and deserves to be exposed as a failure of a parent.
The faggot had Hollywood connections too. He could've been someone if he wasn't such a faggot. Plenty of talented people would kill(no pun intended) to have an established Hollywood director as their father.
HOLY based, btfo that other user
>Directed by Uwe Boll
Yes and only then it would be a masterpiece.Uwe Boll is un-PC as fuck.
Hollywood would make a mockery of him since they are too scared to show the perfidiousness of women
Uwe is the most based director to ever live. Went into the boxing ring against his critics. Has there ever been a more based man to walk the earth?
from what i see all he needed was one person to call him cute
or maybe like motivational coaches from youtube or something
One time a hot blonde smiled at him and that sent him into a dark, brooding mood where he ranted about how her smile was some devastating reminder he will never have a girl. He would have taken most positive signs the wrong way I reckon.
why would he register on misc using his real name?
My mum gave me some of the best haircuts I've ever had. Now try having your dad cut your hair, that's where the real horror begins.
Why would he use misc trying to get real advice instead of being endlessly trolled and insulted (the purpose of the board)?
And why was he an incel when he was good looking and super fucking rich? The answer is because Eliot Rodger is a fucking retarded dipshit.
He's the ultimate incel. Has most of what he needs but his personality is so psychotic and fucked that nobody wants to be around him despite his looks and wealth.
Most incels are just average looking normal guys who become obsessed with alt right propaganda and online dating which is a huge mistake.
I'm confused how basement dwellers think they have the world figured out. They don't talk to people, let alone women, they base their entire view of life off of shitposts on Yea Forums and take that as gospel. Seriously retarded.
he is average. Guys like Zyzz and Xorsos are good looking
Dave Franco
Eliot definitely at least had a handsome enough face to get laid, ESPECIALLY considering that he's fucking rich.
The wealth and status bump him up at least two points, look at how many women are attracted to that fat ugly ginger fuck Ed Sheeran because he's rich and famous. Money gets you most of the way.
Ed Sheeran is also very fucking talented and made the money himself.
Yeah but point still stands he's a fat ugly ginger.
Not really. Coming across certain red pill ideas suddenly made a variety of events in my life click into place.
Also, you lost, the sex recession is real and general red pill ideology has been vindicated.
>And why was he an incel when he was good looking and super fucking rich
because he was a fucking sperg
Keanu Reeves
With some fat gf that is basically a burden.
>red pill ideology has been vindicated.
Why do you faggots think that you’re the first to discover this knowledge? Literally everyone in the social dating world has admitted to choosing based on looks too. I’ve rejected girls coming onto me for being too fat or ugly. None of this is new, but you bitter incels form your entire identity around this shit claiming you’re the newfound arbiters of the red pill. Fuck off, retard.
>the sex recession
hahaha holy shit is this a real term? top kek
I fuck my gf every other day. go outside, get a job, and don't be fucking fat. Also stop trying to get a 10/10 supermodel, pick up a thick but hot chunker or some insular nerdy chick who barely speaks. It's easy.
i just think he needed compliments and positive reinforcement so he knew he was doing something right because his mother was one of those asian tiger moms and his dad was never there for him, it's easy to start thinking that everyone was out to get you when no-one explicitly tells you that you were doing well
it's like, have you ever gotten that one or few compliments from people over the years that you just never let go of, and you go back to them when you're feeling down?
i bet he never got a single one
I'm more the kind of guy to get compliments and get angry because I think I don't deserve them.
user, the popular discourse is not red pill concepts. Most grow up with a Disney-tier understanding of dating.
probably has a lot to do with the general poverty and how impossible it is to get a life started in the hellhole that is the US
>it's like, have you ever gotten that one or few compliments from people over the years
lol, I never believe those compliments a genue. Maybe something is wrong with me, idk
supreme digits
well did you use that like a promissory note where you strove to get better until you deserved it when the day comes that someone says it to you again
instead of sperging out and shooting a bunch of dudes?
*are genuine
>anecdotal evidence
Yeah, that’s why Tinder and Bumble now have height requirements and there’s the common stigma of wanting to improve to look better. Absolute retard, you are.
so close to kino digits
His father was rich, and that ended pretty quickly lol
He still had an amazing house, a nice car, fucking boats, went to good college.
He was massively better off than the overwhelming majority of America.
>It's a hapa microdick episode
No one cares.
you don't deserve these supreme incel
Not being able to accept compliments as genuine is extremely common and stems from insecurity. That is obviously on you though, if you want your mind to be in a more positive place you are going to have to make a conscious effort
I don't have any compliments I reminisce on.
Pffft, since when do poor people not have sex? Totally nonsensical.
It's also that I never really give out that many compliments unless it's to console someone.
>He still had an amazing house, a nice car, fucking boats, went to good college
He didn't own anything, and the boats were being liquidated after his fathers shit documentary crashed and burned, the car wasn't even in his name, his mother was only making like 40K a year
>He was massively better off than the overwhelming majority of America
Yeah but he wanted to LARP as English nobility due to crippling autism
> stigma
Said it yourself, it's not the approved thing to look on dating as a meat market.
you don't need to give out compliments to get them, you just need to be a decent person through your actions or do something well
>good looking
He had un ugly face, the only reason why he could fuck was his body.
Jesus christ he also had a retarded haircut.
just realized zyzz died before ever appearing in 1080p/4k/8k youtube vids
You'll niggas need to chill out, I haven't gone anywhere, I'm still here and I'm gucci as fuck. That was just a decade long marketing ploy for the biopic I'm producing and will come out in the near future. Yes, you heard it here first folks, I'm directing it.
Thanks for proving my points. Shitty nose, retarded haircut, retarded eyebrows.
look at this then look at this then post your face, faggot