How do I explain?
>female friend found out my Ryan Gosling picture folder
Say you're bi and the odds of you getting laid will increase by at least 50% unless she's orthodox christian.
tell her you'll kick her teeth down her throat if she tells anyone
say you draw as a hobby and needed references
Nope, don't do this OP. Women are disgusted by bi men.
tell the truth that use it to post memes on the internet.
You were thinking about getting your hair cut in the same style as him and wanted a good reference photo. Or tell her to keep her fucking fat cunt nose out of your business.
>female friend
you’re gay
>mfw i have a folder full of gandy, o'pry and chico pics
>mfw its not an actual folder but they are mixed together with my regular stuff
My mom found my naked tribal pic of Tom Hardy from taboo because I made this exact mistake.
you think this is bad?
at least it was the goose and not ricardo milos
Nope. I've actually gotten laid once by saying I was gay just so she wouldn't bother me and it had the reverse effect. Trust me, it's super effective. The more unapproachable you appear the more it adds to your allure. Fucking you becomes some sort of game and you're the bounty.
Just say you're Goosexual user, she'll understand.
How do I get a body like this??
>brother asks to use my computer
>Accidentally see the marlon brando folder
Tell her to have sex
3 hours a day for 4 weeks, nothing but lean meat and a lot of water. When you're gonna shoot your topless scene dehydrate yourself 2 days in advance and don't eat anything but broccoli. You'll feel nauseous, light headed and irritable but your body will look like this in front of the camera. It's not sustainable however and the second you start drinking and eating again you'll lose the muscle definition.
man, you love marlon brando so much you mistook james dean for him. that’s devotion.
Girls I knew always considered bi men to be just fags
Why do you have a picture folder of another man tho
It really depends on the girl
Some are really into it, some because they like seeing guys together like guys like watching lesbians
Others don’t like it as much but that’s usually more dependant on the personality of the guy, it’s usually more because they’ll see you as a path to having a ‘gay best friend’ or whatever
Women aren’t usually disgusted by fags in the modern age
If he’s attractive and masculine he should probably do this if the women is pretty left wing
If you arent already somewhat attractive she’ll just want you to be her queer friend, it’s something that most girls like for some reason
Of course they forget that the bi guy will be trying to fuck her female friends as well
Explain it. Own it. Don't shy away. Admit it
>Just b yrslf ;)
Yeah unironically. Why would you like to be with someone who thinks you are someone you aren't? If you want to just fuck there are plenty of options. And if you want it to mean something, which it should, they should know who you are. I've had meaningless sex with people I don't care about. Yeah it was fun but it's not the same as making love with someone you love as corny as that sounds
>I post on image boards and these are called reaction memes you know?
Isnt that difficult, you faggot of a OP.
I made mine in the gym.
>incels talking about female thoughts and preferences
have sex
It's time for you to admit what we've all known all along OP.
Say you were making it for her.
Women only like gay men as a pet. There is not much real friendship involved when women hang with gay men. The whole thing seems sociopathic to me.
>female friend
lol what?
have sex
>incel tranny can’t comprehend men having sex lives and knowing women so pretends that others are incels
Nice cope
Is it time for you to dilate
It is sociopathic, a lot of women are really hypocritical when it comes to lesbians too
They complain that it makes them uncomfortable then criticise men who’re uncomfortable around gays
Women also often don’t like it when the fag isn’t super stereotypical, it’s why a lot of them don’t like bi guys
You're obviously gay if you have a female "friend" that you are not having sex with (or craving to). Come out of the closet and be gay already. She already knows btw. Be a fag hag- girls love them.
Eh my mums fine with me being a little bi.
Explains why I hate girls that arnt tomboys
It's the 21th century. Why would your mother be concerned over who you choose to bed?
meant for
Because I'm a late 20s virgin and she wants to see grand kids before she dies (in her 70s now) and I can't find a gf let alone keep and friends irl
Feels bad I feel bad for her most of all like I disappointed her
She only want you to be happy. If you're not ready to have kids then lay off until that day comes, no need to feel any pressure or feel like a disappointment.
We've had such a shit life together honestly when she dies I'm just gonna crawl up beside her and die in the most kino way possible like at the end of a.i
>female friend
also this
This. Being bi is a quirky and modern personality trait.