On her refusal to film a topless scene in Starz' The White Queen, Tomlinson declared "I'm an actress, not a pornstar"

> On her refusal to film a topless scene in Starz' The White Queen, Tomlinson declared "I'm an actress, not a pornstar".

Did she have a point, or do you need to do nudity to prove your a serious actor?

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Pro-tip: there's no difference


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this stupid bitch
you guys know who she is, right?
she's the chick who got her start by showing her bottom as a teenager

Yet she dresses like a whore

I'm starting to think all women are whores bros..

Dumb frogposter

>plastic tits

lmao, who the fuck cares anyway, fucking whore

do teenage girls really do stuff like this

She showed her tits in Colette.

This whore should cover herself. I can see bob and hair.

A cute, a cute I say!

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I'd say she has a point. If you can't sell yourself as an actor/actress on your talent at the craft then you really aren't that great.

That and worse

No they're real. Eleanor is a perfect reserved rose

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>nudity is porn!

she's british

Typical American cope

>a tv actor
>being lazy and prudish
whoda thunk

She showed her tits in the recent film Colette though. They were glorious.

But she already got her tits out in something else.

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There are literally thousands of girls that are just as good or better who are willing to get nude. 90% of the people you see in movies or TV aren't serious actors.

It is, but there's unironically nothing wrong with that

>whole face is filled with shit
>tits ar real I s-swear!

This reminds me of Ruth Wilson having a go at Alice Eve for doing a topless scene just to do a 360 and do a full nude scene a few years later. After hitting the wall I might add.

So she's a pornstar

Attached: Eleanor.webm (694x800, 1.45M)

Actors are whores.

Holy shit, they're so pale.

So that's getting deleted from my queue then

So she wanted more money for the gig?

I dunno what she's talking about she's shown tits and plays whores in most of her shit, she was a massive whore in Poldark. And I definitely remember her fucking Kiera Knightly in some film.

She won’t get topless because her shitty implants look like shit

very nice

lol i guess it was the paycheck

>30 posts discussing fake quote
The absolute state of Yea Forums

Nude scene add nothing to the plot or character development



go back to redit, pleb

Beautiful women are not perpetual creatures. Their youth is ever fleeting, which makes it that much more important to capture on film while it lasts.

In a couple of years her tits will be wrinkly sandbags and no one will want to see them. Might as well let us see em now.

Are these the most perfect tits ever to be shown on screen?

>‘I don’t do nudity, I don’t feel the need to do it. In fact it’s sexier if you don’t do nudity. >Especially nowadays when it’s become all that sells a series,’ she stated. ‘Poldark has proven that you don’t need nudity to convey a sexual relationship. It can be something as simple as the hair on the back of my neck moving as he’s kissing me. It’s the tiny things that get you hot under the collar.’

yes there is
one has sex on camera, the other has sex to get on camera

Fake tits cant be perfect.


> On his refusal to provide any kind of source, OP declared "I'm a faggot".

>relevant scene to the plot happens in a place or a situation where people are expected to be fully naked
>People are covered or, even worse, they use shitty shot in order to hide genitalia
Yeah man, it's not like it would take you out of the film or something.

lol another replaceable actress that thinks people like her for something other than looks

nice fakes

Not fake, you virgin.

The only reason certain women don't do topless scenes is because they have ugly nipples.

Especially if she's a supermodel who's comfortable appearing 99% naked but "wont do nudity." Yeah, your nipples are weird. The secret's out.

She's 27? What the fuck?

boomer sound effects

It's fucking boobs. Only in shithole and anglo saxon countries anyone cares. I have several female friends who pack out their tits to feed their babies. Nobody gives af.

Did she not read the script before signing a contract to be in the movie playing a part with a topless scene?

Ironic post. Youd know theyre fake, if youd ever handled a pair and could spot the difference.

Only extreme virgins care about hating fake tits though

Which one is it now? Am I a virgin for knowing their fake, or am I a virgin for not liking fake tits?

is there anymore

>The fat chick who let me fuck her once had uneven shaggy tits therefore perky big tits with nice nipples doesn't exist
Yeah man, keep thinking that.

You are a virgin for caring. You can deny it all you want but any man having sex really doesnt care

Everyone has a butt. Only women have tits. Butts have less social value than tits. If she shows her tits, she decreases her value. Notice how much attention she's getting for NOT being topless. You think people would still care or talk about her if she just showed her tits? No, these threads wouldn't exist and no one would talk about her or her show because everyone would have already gotten what they wanted out of her. Better to keep people on the hook than to give them what they want.


Attached: OP's first sexual encounter.webm (1920x1080, 2.69M)

Do you know that in over fifty percent of languages, the word for "actress" is the same as the word for "prostitute"?

Only beta males defend fake tits. It's because they have to settle for what they can get.


They call that projecting kiddo.

The last time I banged a woman with fake tits I got so turned off that I really really dislike them visually aswell now. Youd know what Im talking about if you had ever felt them. Theyre hard, artificially round and you cant really play with them or squeeze them. Fake tits are for 50 year old men parading their trophy bimbos around. Theyre not for fun when the clothes are off. The best pair of tits I ever saw on a girl I banged were perky Cs on a 17 year old frame.

Straight pointing nipples EWWW

Fake tits are disgusting. Even the smallest of titties are superior to plastic shit


Maximilian miniseries

women hate to see themselves as whores, so they build a neurosis wherein they are good people

okay Muhammad


you've never seen a great pair then


Found the virgin.


smoking is sexy

>56% mutt detected

"Theyre hard"
Yep. Full of shit. Never touched tits in his life. Keep roleplaying on Yea Forums virgin.

retard froccposter, absolutely reddittier

There's a kind of survivor bias here because you tend to identify the bad ones.

I've heard this meme aswell, but I havn't seen a single word that actually means both

Hard? What the fuck do you think implants are made of? How fucking stupid are you?

how do you go from that to this

Attached: Servilia.jpg (474x638, 49K)


Well there's your problem. They probably couldn't pay her fee.


>n-no u

she was flat as a board for several seasons of Poldark


She's wrong.

Reknowned actresses like Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Kathy Bates and Helen Mirren have gone topless.
Being an actor is using your whole body to create a reality that us believable. Sometimes people are naked. Thinking that nudity or even sex equals pornography is very american and reminds the world of its puritan roots.

But no one would ever think she is on Streep's level, nudity or not.

out of left field but Dragon Ball has little boy penis and jailbait ass AND character development at the same time.

Awesome looking fakes


Film producer: okay, its a big film, you'll be starring alongside brad pitt. You'll be paid 6mil. Oh, there's a small romantic scene between the two leads in which you'll both be topless. Is that a problem?

Tomlinson: No, that's no problem. I'll sign the contract.

They're all the same

Rather sex negative of her

based and redpilled.

good on her for shaming other actresses that are basically strippers getting their tits out for money.

keep getting mad, roastie.

I'm new. Can somebody explain what this is?

Let an older user save you years of trouble and pain by confirming that yes, they are all patently whores. This is why you man up and treat them like the dogs they are, user

>"I'm an actress, not a pornstar".
And there it is. I wish more women adopted that policy. I love porn, but don't want porn in my film.


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Nice fakes

I don’t get the logic, is she saying women don’t have tits or that all through history they all adhere to 2019 Leftist-Islamic standards of behaviour and dress? Actresses are worthless if their politics interferes with their craft.

Nudity is part of the craft, 100% of people get naked at some point, especially during sex.

fake tits look good in clothes. That's about it.

Fuck off femcel, nudity is great

And sex scenes are pointless

Anti-nudity fags are trannies who don't want to be reminded that they'll never look like that naked.

Gott in Himmel

Servilia still had a nice body for her age.

Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

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absolutely based

>born 1992.

WHAT? She looks like shit.

She has no point, nudity in tv/cinema is not analogous to pornography.

Also, if cinema is a depiction of the human condition (albeit it in a stylised way) then nudity is frequently part of the story telling process.

Based and womanpilled

How did they get away with it?

Women who have sex or are sexual in any form.

Nigger you know for a fact that most nudity is there because the director gets off on it.

>slut shames all actresses that have done nude scenes
>shames porn stars
fucking based

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based brainlet user

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