Never should have come here

>never should have come here

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Other urls found in this thread:

nailed it

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>should of

is this from the bitcher tv comedy show?

>Crafted by Michael J. Fox


how did you guess that?


speaking of which

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The threads will be kino

at least we have that to look forward to

are they supposed to represent a dick, with the phallic helmet and the ballsack skin texture of the armor?

looks fine, whats the problem?

it's all wrinkly and shit

yeah thats the point

>believing some user post on 4chins
Didn't know it was possible to be this new.

this thread

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>10 crowns received

This is going to be the biggest shit volcano ever


>Die, fetcher!

>how about a game of gwent?

>video game players are interested in a show about a video game

but guys what if it's good? and henry will forever be stuck on a 8 seasons witcher.

I knew it was gonna be bad after i saw this.

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It's all so tiresome.

>Yea Forums as the source of information


>when you see her husband is some mega rich jewish producer and she had next to know experience prior to (earning) this job and the one she had before it

It really is all so tiring. But thats life.

The games are fanfic.

Basically the same as the guy who directed Game of Thrones then

I know it's all fucked but what bothers me the most is she spent months promising people on twitter she had the intent of the books in mind and authenticity was important to her. These people are all so fake and ingratiating.

honestly how do people like this find themselves in position of power in america? Toxic people get fired on spot in eastern europe. No one likes to work with downers.

You could tell she was never a fan of the books. I guarantee at most she skimmed one. This is just a vanity project for her to shove her personal feelings into a mass marketed tv show and then pat herself on th3 back for being so politicaly correct and earning good guy points from her tranny gender fluid friends.

Not every Nilf gook will be running around in metal plate, so this comparison is slightly off.
However, there is no saving grace for elephant scrotum armour, that is just plain stupid. Lke you actually have to actively try to make it bad to have something THIS bad.
I can't imagine what the fuck was going through the head of the costume designer. All he/she had to do was throw some studded dark leather vest on the mooks and then give a few officers black metal plates. And don't get me started on the retarded looking sabres.

Its encouraged here in America. The more diverse and woke you are the more you can pat yourself on the back and post about it on social media so others can tell you how great you are for being like them.

Also she gets to salivate all over Cavill during shooting. Heck, Cavill might pityfuck her if she's lucky. Not like the other women on set are prettier than her; she made fucking sure they wouldn't be.

>what I really fell in love with was Miller's Elektra Lives Again


I'd bet anything. A good chunk of the hires were women/colored women who probably didnt have as good credentials as a man but it met the diversity quota so quality be damned. I cant be the only one who has noticed a steep decline in movie and film production in terms of costume designs and visuals. Nepotism and getting woke are a hella of a drug.

It's so awful that I'm almost inclined to believe this shitpost about it literally being meant to resemble a scrotum.

Someone posted a pic of her in a bikini and she was actually pretty attractive. For those type of people.

It's just scary how people like this can attain high social status.

It's real, gotta be...

>mfw they had to tell her to not overshadow the main character in daredevil because she wanted the show called daredevil to be more about elektra

And wouldnt you know all the elektra parts were horrible and ran too long. Elektra was the worst part of season 2.

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I know some Hun lads who were playing extras and they said that Triss is apparently "shit hot" in person and has the "best tits ever" too bad about the gypsy face

I mean, it can't be by accident. It's too uncanny for that, and there's no practical reason why the armor would look like a wrinkled scrotum, or why the helmets would also look like a dick glans.

At my job they put in a lesbian woman of color to run the entire night shift. And so far all she does is hide from her bosses and eat food, between walking around with a giant ego, and picking fights with people. Our numbers, productivity, and all around morale is super low and nobody can figure out why or whats changed? And the sad part is i know for a fact the people above her would watch the company burn in her hands before admitting she was a bad hire. Isnt diverse equality awesome!!

Im talking about the showrunner.

medallion's humming

They took the slow and arduous road of making decent people toxic. It will be another few decades before it is smoothly fixed. Or it will end abruptly and with strife.

>BBC invasion
Were they based and dare I say redpilled all along?

And we're gonna enjoy it

as a diehard warhammer40k fan i always try to imagine what i would feel if a raging feminist suddenly get the means to do a show based on my beloved universe.

i seriously and truly all true witcher fans.
hold on bros. some day there might be justice

>married to a (((bigshot Hollywooder)))
again and again and round it goes, on and on and on and on

Oh yeah I got that, I was just saying that the gyppo they got for Triss might cut in front of her in the "waiting to fuck Cavill" line

It will happen one day, you do know that?

Female writers... not even once

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Man, it's like that everywhere. Due to my work I get to see a lot of the internal crap big corporations put out, and current year's big hit is subconscious bias in the workplace. I shit you not they make e-learning courses about how to treat the gay poo in loo who just joined your team, or the black dude who comes into your store and looks like a thief, or the trans woman who was just posted behind the cash register next to you and the list is endless

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Actual basedboy


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why is the middle girl in black and white? how does she look in irl?

if you have a problem with this you are racist

>characters explicitly explained a certain way
Eh fuck it

Erik, you are a king! This is probably the best set cast we have seen to date

And that definitely looks like MyTriss

Would smash Clare

>ghastly paleness
Better cast a nigger

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>and darkness

I spy
with my little eye
something that begins with...

Has to be some kind of pre-CG placeholder. There is no way.

Well, she's pale for a sheboon nigger. Kind of. If you squint your eyes.

and puppies and candies and courage and laughter and niggers and adjectives and cuteness and preschoolers pretending to be adult women and and and uhhhhh candies

Social media was a mistake.

Norwegian wood floors?

>Fantasy series with a womanizer as the lead, and a world filled with Slavic and Celtic people.

How the fuck is this a series a far leftist white woman would love?

I wonder if they're doing it on purpose. They know it will crash and burn and they're glad because Witcher is something a lot of white male gamers like.

I'm starting to think being racist is the right answer.

>Netflix not fucking something up big time

This was your first mistake guys. Everything Netflix gets their hands on pretty much turns into a fucking train wreck. Feminist bullshit or not.

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This isn't a posed group selfie?

What was even the purpose of this design? Armor that looks like a wrinkled shirt?

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Unconscious desire for BBC

Ironic as fuck right? I mean no one should be surprised though, you don’t get a tv writing job by being good at writing

>honestly how do people like this find themselves in position of power in america?
Big companies chasing the "HIP and kewl" and hispter faggots having a large social media footprint creates the illusion that these idiots' opinions matter.
In eastern Europe, anyone who uses that word to describe anything that's not a chemical compound or an element on the periodic table, is considered worthless waste of genetic material.
> No one likes to work with downers.
We actually don't give a shit, as long as you can do your fucking job.My aknwoledgment of your existence begins at 8.00 and ends in 17:00

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>We actually don't give a shit, as long as you can do your fucking job.

they are your fucking co workers, retard. they mess with the flow of the entire office.

a nigger dick at that

I-it still has chance to be good, right? I mean, Chernobyl was also written by a raging sjw that wrote only shitty parody flicks before, and it turned out to be kino.
Also that shitty armour might be made to look completely different after CGI.
Please, I don't want to lose hope.

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>mess with the flow
Christ, what kind of a faggot are you?



Don't buy it.

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it's too late anyway, fantasy is dead. GoT killed it. The woke dumbasses that made the casting ensured that diehard fans of the witcher won;t like it from the start. They banked on the normies that think diversity is a good thing and now they all hate fantasy. So it could be the greates tv show in history, everyone will make fun of it.

>There is no way.

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>when your mom writes the adaption of your favorite videogame

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holy crap. LOIS


I guess this is real then. This nigga is practically illiterate, which can be observed whenever he reads anything on cam.

It will end anyway, at least find comfort in that :)

The villains wear armor that looks like a ballsack and a helmet that looks like a penis.
My god, they’re dickheads

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For me, it's Jenny

Don't leave me, Jenny


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Just watch old Witcher movies/series.


Unlikely that the person is actually on the writing team but I find the reasoning behind the armor to be realistic. Once you look at who's writing it and look with functioning eyes to see that the helmets look like dickheads, the armor looks like ballsacks, and realize that Nilfgaardians make for a great "patriarchy" analogue, I'd call it apparent personally that that's what they were going for.

Are you upset people are calling a turd a turd?

This is too absurd but I believe it.

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holy frickin' crap!
like for a free Iphone 4S

Which prawn star would you cast for each of these?
For me, its
Angela White
Zoey Kush

I wonder how much Henry Cavill died inside when he saw the direction it was taking.

I'd cast my son, Big Hoss.

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Oh, you meant prawn.
In that case, this fucker.

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What is based about him?

Why didn't they cast her?

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>t.newfag unaware of soýboy censorship

You're as delusional as you're shit at war, Ahmeti.

I know that's close to the game model, but I think Book Yen isn't supposed to be a 10/10. Like when Geralt first meets her he picks out all these minor physical flaws and signs that she used magic to basically do plastic surgery on herself. Just any somewhat regular white actress willing to dye her hair black and wear purple contacts would have been just fine for the role.

Instead they went with....whatever the fuck it is we've gotten.

every time

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NOW I'm more interesting than ever to watch this kino!


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that applies to men now too.

learn history bitch, W40K was created as a left-wing parody of religious/totalitarian/nazi regimes: it's 100% compatible with feminaz... I mean with feminism

>this is designed by white american women

>big feet

this is worst than game of thrones depiction of armor for fuck sake, not even fucking knee pads

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thats ornamental armour
and they would never use real armour on tv, it's too restricting for an actor

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These "ladies" doubled, nay tripled down after they received the initial gamer fanboy outbursts.
There won't be a season 2 but it's going to be funny as fuck.

Bollocks to that myth.

Imagine this running at you

might be because of youtube filters

What about Excalibur?

Didn't the actors complain how difficult the armour was to wear?

>repeats news article he found on google for 10 minutes
>stares menacingly into the camera
>keeps staring
>pls subscribe

I'm one of the fags who likes watching these types of videos and not even I can stand this pretentious faggot who thinks he's saying somehting important but he's just repeating buzzwords
he's not even funny and his beard looks like shit

I'm a proud member of the Intellectual Gaming Community

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Geralt is the only one who sees those flaws because his eyes are very good and he's spent a long time around lesbomancy, so it's fine to cast an attractive actress desu

actors arent trained pros

It does seem to be a trend, very odd.

The showrunner is a jew.
>inb4 jews are white
Jews and white people all seem to consider jews non-white, if you think that's dumb take it up with them.

*meant to include
>this is designed by white american women

In the other reply

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armour is light and mobile to fight, but it gets weary when you have to wear it all day every day on set for 6 months



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This is a lie that feels true.

>random chubby american guy with mexican parents from california
>decides to fight as a mexican for some reason
>absolutely rocks the shit out of England's golden boy from Nigeria
Andy Ruiz could probably be President one day

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It's a shame that Jews ruin really beautiful white women like this.

They just want to see everything burn.

when did people started caring about representation in media?

also, do really black people enjoy this kind of shit?
knowing it was impossible for them to being there, in that time and period, yet still being portrayed because of political reason?

now make a movie about Haile Salassie with an all white cast
or fucking Mel Gibson playing Martin Luther King
or Idris Elba playing Anne Frank

and see what happens

You n'wah

Honestly, I think the "HR Department" of most big corporations is at fault for this. If you let a few purplehairs into a position of power in the HR department, they then start hiring more useless people to fit their political agenda, eventually causing a loop that throws the entire company out of touch.


>dumb whore thinks she will be cast in anything besides sucking cock for money


Green swimsuit tho.

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winds howling

Lauren Hissrich looks like THAT?

Cause she can't act for shit

So fucking underrated wtf

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I'm so happy I haven't played a single Witcher game, and don't even start on books.

good lord

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>Elektra was the worst part of season 2.
by far. i hated it so much i was questioning if i ever liked the show in the first place. every scene with the punisher was top tier, then fucking elektra comes in and brings it all down

>If you have a problem with this POOLY WRITTEN female character you're sexist...
>If you have a problem with this POORLY CAST actor who's a different race you're racist...
>If you have a problem with a character being gay for NO REASON, or being declared gay RETROACTIVELY you're homophobic...
You're STUPID.

read the books and play the games, or watch the cutscenes on youtube.

are you surprised that niggers ruin everything?

Why did you even have hope to begin with?

Wew lad

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Black and white. It’s an extreme and rare form of vitiligo that leaves you monochrome.

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s o y faggots aren't men

alright, seriously
why the fuck are white women like this

william shatner confessed to being a regular here. How do people still think Yea Forums is some underground club?

>yennefer missing a chromosome

>posting the pic I made for facebook

People like that aren't the downers, quite the opposite.
They're 'socially adjusted' which allows them to schmooze and easily climb the social ladder. Except society in the west currently happens to be retarded, which makes them that way as well.

at least post the full version

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still no proof that this is real kek

>those twitter profiles are real
We're all living in a bad ending, aren't we?

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I honestly don't know what to say. It has to be a joke. What design department signed off on this? It's just laughable.

That can't be real. The show will be laughed off the stage if they put this shit in front of an audience.

Zoomers think only teenagers who come here to shitpost post here.

No it won't. The gurl crowd and Netflix will cover it up like they usually do. "It's for that audience XD"

gay music

Because she's a generous 4/10 with a good hair stylist.


Living proof that Freud was right

Did he say that women were a mistake?

No, that was Schopenhauer.

That armour is made to be shown in a blurred dream sequence you fucking incel

go back in time and tell him to have sex

good way of putting it


>created as a left-wing parody of religious/totalitarian/nazi regimes
Like Verhoeven's version of Starship Troopers. Mind you, we accidentally got pure unadulterated kino then.

lol sure

GOD DAMN IT... who the fuck gave them our slavic IP to mutilate into nigger fetish show

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>head looks like a penis
>body looks like a wrinkled ballsack
>color is black

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In terms of canon, sure.

But they actually really respect and love the source material. Sure, you can go on about Triss wearing low-cut clothes or the chronology of it, but they got the world and the feeling of the setting right.

The show so far looks like it's just going to be exposition and a chance for the writers to create the show *they* want to make, attaching the Witcher name to it because they klnow that what they are doing wouldn't garner any interest otherwise.

>But they actually really respect and love the source material
Not really, they butchered most of the books characters.

no they didn't

Is it even worth watching media anymore? Everything is just hyper-leftist race mixing propaganda and smug anti-white and anti-western values.

The Armour in the games looks terrible tho.

They changed every character’s personality, especially the main characters.

>patriarchy smasher

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Nobody would particukarly give a shit if she was Zerrikanian. However, Fringilla Vigo is not, and one of the reason Geralt banged her in the books was that she looked like Yennefer.

no, they really didn't

You should read the books.

I read them a few weeks ago



It was trash

I'm not even gonna argue that Geralt should have been a weird-looking autist instead of a gruff, charismatic chad but really, it's a video game. If the PC isn't that it doesn't work in the medium.

-Dandelion is completely useless but tells everyone he is the real hero: check.
-Triss is so insanely thirsty for Geralt she'll do literally anything: check.
-Zoltan is still running money-making schemes but they always fail so back to smashing heads: check.
Yen is a cold, frigid bitch more interested in herself than anything else and who expects to be kowtowed to: fucking check.
Yarpen Zigrin is a hard-bitten merc who can never win: check.
Emhyr var Emreis is running a billion Xanatos gambits at once and is also CHARLES DANCE, MOTHERFUCKERS: check.
Phillipa Eilheart still wants to rule the world because she's the best and smartest person ever: check.
Foltest is awesome: check.
Regis is fucking based: check.

... and so on and so forth. Is every little nuance the same? No, but then time has passed since Geralt saw anyone last and everyone is trying to deal with the fallout of an apparently unstoppable Nilfgaard fucking everyone's shit up beyond repair.

though geralt only looked like a chad in 3, he was an ugly fuck in 1 and 2 and in 2 there's a woman who even tells geralt he's ugly

For example:
In the books Ciri is a useless and bloodthirsty murderer, but in the games she’s a flawless mary sue.


>Yen is a cold, frigid bitch more interested in herself than anything else and who expects to be kowtowed to: fucking check.
Confirmed wikifag.

did you even read the last 2-3 books idiot?

Cool. So when were The Last Wish, A Shard of Ice and the novels excised from canon?

Based and Ubermenschpilled

why is his shoe blacked out
maybe it all makes sense if we saw the shoe

When you missed her character development in the novels.

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Where she constantly backslid and the only reason they didn't get around to the break-up cycle was that they both died first?


were there also tea and noms?

Because Yennefer is supposed to be attractive and seductive, and a lot of that requires....lets say a certain degree of mystery and unattainability. People find celebrities attractive because a lot of their sexiness is left up for imagination, as you barely see any of them actually naked. This is also why many don't want to do nude scenes, because that would ruin the mystery around how they actually look like and act while naked.
All of that is ruined however when you can just go to the internet and quickly find a video of two big black dudes absolutely railing her.

Why do they have their own language? When someone uses certain words I instantly know all of their opinions, it shouldn't be this way,


Why can't I not reply, bros? Why must I reply to this fucking retard of all people? Anyway, here goes.

The TV armor looks fucking bad you fucking retard. It looks like fucking useless plastic shit and that is supposed to be a soldier in an army, not a fucking useless plastic shit wearing cunt.
The other picture is there to show that the video game didn't put useless cheap plastic shit on soldiers, because the video game's costume designer wasn't a clueless fucking cunt.

Good squire, tell them I'll have their shrubbery within the week.

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>Is it even worth watching media anymore? Everything is just hyper-leftist race mixing propaganda and smug anti-white and anti-western values.
Unironically have Yea Forums

Well, it seems that this whole diversity shit can and will backfire 9 out of 10 times, so maybe we'll only have to endure it for a few more years at worst

Battle of Kosare, Serbs eternally BTFO

The video game also didn't have to produce numerous suits of armor IN REAL LIFE for extras.
Comparing the designing of armor in a video game, to something you need to actually make multiples of in reality, outs you as a sexless autist with zero IRL experience.
Have sex. Nice reddit spacing btw.

writers shouldn't be in charge of anything
not even writing

heard the WOHUOHH when the picture loaded

Their helmets look like dicks

>bored faggot larping as a cunt

bandit from skyrim

Yes, that is what the line is referencing.

when it crashes and burns they will probably get away with it because nice tits and all. I doubt they are intentionally destroying it, simply criminal levels of negligence and a complete lack of fucks to give about source material

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It looks like a phallus with the shriveled look of a ball sack
These are the bad guys, so it’s assumed that the imagery is meant to be a bad thing. The ivory tower feminists that made this show once again how subtle they are with their beliefs, as well as How removed from society they are.
The internet is a cancer that helps crazy people who hate groups of people stay isolated in their disdain with communities; similar to /pol/ in their views of non-white people

There are literally photos of LARPers who did better.

241 replies later someone finally got it

first thing i thought when i saw it on the front page, that's the only reason i came here.
never should have.

>t. actual LARPer faggots
So what level are your incel druids, retards?

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>keyword bot detected


What did Lauren Schmidt Hissrich mean by this?

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She's right, the writers won't do that. But they will go like "hmm, this character isn't really that fleshed out. i think we make him a her and we can make her zerrikanian too. and we should also make her a much bigger role. ideas how we do that?" And after a brainstorming session or two you got a new major brown skinned character. And there is nothing you or anyone can do anything about that. And those that could don't give a fuck. Deal.

Yeah I'm sure it's extremely hard work to produce 20 black studded leather vests for a TV show, dear God what was I thinking, I'll go dilate right now as punishment

That she will move through the book and start changing people's cultural heritage or ethnic makeup or gender because of literally any other reason than feeling really "liberal" that day. Oh and by story she means the story she wants to tell, not the one she is supposed to adapt.


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