Do you agree?
Do you agree?
If you're a woman on her period.
Yes but I share it with pic related.
>power keeps cutting out
>no log fire
city slickers have no class.
>reddit weather
hot chocolate is the most pointless shit ever
>faggots still breathing reddit oxygen and drinking reddit water
I hate hot chocolate so much.
Cold chocolate is kino tho
>salt on the hot chocolate
I don’t get it
americans will never know what true hot chocolate is. hint: it's not liquid cocoa boiled in the microwave
Yeah it's hershey bars and ice cream melted in the microwave.
Have you even had American chocolate?
Its chemicals + artificial sweetener and colourings. Vile poison. How they even accept such low quality products is a mystery to me.
that's crystallised whipped cream
Absolutely I agree
Women don't like Lord of the rings
they accept it because people get put in prison with the rapists for owning kinder eggs
You got a loicense for that shitpost?
it's like peanut butter but without the peanuts
Let me know when your yuropoor country puts a man on the moon
>mfw american cheese and chocolate isn't even allowed to be sold as cheese and chocolate in the EU because it does not meet the minimum requirements for classification
i saw in a thread here once that they serve appetizers in the cinemas. do americans seriously...?
>he believes in the moon landing
Literally perfect
doesn't matter if it fooled everyone
>sitting down and watching a digital wall while photons burn your retina.
Humanity is a mistake
no, these are not that good.
No you fucking gullible retard
Get outta here with your soi, capeshitter.
Do Americans unironically do this?
only the based ones
not for me user
Is there a cut of LOTR where all the hobbit scenes are removed?
Pretty jelly user, gotta say
Pic is wife and fuckbuddy
Yes they do
Try talking to some you faggot
Why was this deleted by the jannies?
not enough hotpekets
it wasn't the jannies
i just swapped 1 girl for an open fire
>he doesn't believe in the moon landing
the jannies do good work
add a buttplug and a frilly outfit to that picture and you may be onto something
Make that The Extended version/perfect day and night
Name a more perfect day
>that absolute human trash that smears nutella on the outside of his cups
Is there a cut of LOTR minus all the homoerotic scenes?
S o y
what is Yea Forums weather?
and Yugioh Season 2 for me
hurricane with a side of shooting looters while the redditors flee the countryside
raining frogs
what does fondue taste like?
all the clouds are on fire
>perfect day is just being lazy and laying around
I'll pass
so just like every night alone in my room + hot chocolate
Theres lighting in your room every night??
Yea Forums weather doesn't matter, because you are here always and forever
ps: only a redditor would know the weather outside
Lying around. You lie down. You are lying down. You lay mines. A chicken lies down to lay eggs. How are people so unable to learn grammar?
>he doesn't have a Van der Graaf sphere
What do you have against laying eggs on a lazy Sunday?
Switch the hot coco for a latte and add some DUDE WEED and then we’re talking
I'm not female so I wouldn't understand.
It's a lay in* Tbh. It's English. Stupid Americans always shitting up the site.
Why does it have to be raining and cold outside? Are NPCs unaware that there are actual people living on the street who are freezing to death? Why do they take joy in this?
I mean I'd assume a sane person would find good weather more enjoyable even if they stay inside.
>melting chocolate in milk
anyone who has tried this knows it sucks and doesn't work
The sheer contrariness on display is amazing
>hot chocolate leaking out of the cup
How is this perfect?
>implying Yea Forums even knows the weather outside
Redditors and TumblrFags don’t care about comfort, they care about aesthetic.
Replace the cocoa with single malt and you got a deal
Still haven't a proper thunderstorm this year, I'm fucking sick of the stupid sun, I want some action.
I’m sure that hole in the ground you call your wife is great company. Be sure to buy it as much jewelry as you buy your horse you range-roving, bushwhacking faggot
Im scared of thunder.
>the perfect day is one without self-reflection, goal-setting, and improvement
you plebs sure do love your nice shiny prison, don't you
Enjoy your niggers
this is basically as good as it gets
if you can have all those comforts met AND sex, you've got everything you need
"self-reflection", holy fuck, that's only going to end in disaster, user
like saying a day without killing yourself isn't a good day
>lighting isn't comforting
>those mermaid blankets arnt that big and are tight on your legs, they do not look like the picture they sell them as
>no girl is watching pleb of the rings
>grow up and drink a normal drink
Then I guess I'm on the fucking rag because this looks comfy
Get layed
the perfect day
>no lgf
Kill me
What third world shithole do you live in where a mere storm causes the power to keep cutting out?
At least get a proper whiskey before you anhero
why is there chocolate all over the mugs ffs
oh fuck off gatekeeper
No, hot chocolate is a meme and any day in which I did nothing but watch movies for ~7 hours would feel like a day wasted
Add weed,booze and not a pretentious shitty franchise,then it's me
Only lazy neckbeards fetishize stormy weather. Real alphas enjoy sunny weather because it facilitates outdoor activities.
>taking 9+ hours to drink a mug of hot chocolate
Add in a nice beautiful brapper to sniff and you're right.
What a fucking mess! Now I have sticky chocolate all over the mug and my hands and everything I touch after, NOT COMFY.