How do Americans afford to live like this?

How do Americans afford to live like this?

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high income, low tax, low cost of living

They dont, you should see the absolute shitholes 90% of americans live in

What is a mortage

We fucking don't.
Fuck this gay ass Jew infested country.

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i live in a pretty affluent area and a surprising number of them got bought out for a few mil and just retired and live off of the interest. When you have a house that's worth that much, you're basically a millionaire even if you don't have 7 figures in your bank account because you could sell it tomorrow if you had to

get a loan you can't pay back

How do you even clean a house like that? Do you need a maid

Why should i care about living in a house with more than 4 bedrooms again?

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Jewish/white priveledge

pretty sure its small only 12 rooms in the house

In Toronto that house is at least $10 million.

Decent house on a tiny property.

>low taxes
>economic freedom

notice how all white countries that are poor were socialist at one point

They don't

They are just all super deep in debt

A house like this is unsafe, full of hidden dangers.

>tfw i cropped this image and now it's used all over the fucking internet

90s movies brainwashed me into thinking every single american lived in a home alone house

American shows and movies are in general terrible at depicting reality the way it is.

Just look at any sitcom, the characters always live in an apartment they would never be able afford irl.

We aren't europoors, we make high wages and pay next to nothing in taxes.

same. all those John Hughes movies set in affluent suburbia with executive or lawyer parents

Where was it from?

we can't

>How do Americans afford to live like this?

We work. We just straight up grind and live in mediocrity until we amass enough to afford a place like that. It helps not having half your income taken away in taxes every year unlike some countries.

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Low cost of building for a huge middle class since WWII, you can see houses like that for endless miles in rich Chicago suburbs. Like that house isn't even particularly big or impressive, if you drive around you'll see parts which much richer properties.


You are so delusional. I love how Americans perpetually believe in fairy tales when they are enslaved by their corporate overlords.

just this photo of a (messy) room, I still have the original somewhere.
fuck, it's probably the most impact I've had on digital culture. pretty sad

>I invented this meme! I’m internet famous!


>t. 60% tax rate

Don’t worry ol’ chap, if you work hard you’ll get there some day.

The average American earns less than $40,000 a year a doesn't live anywhere fancy.
All large American homes that are cheap are either surrounded by niggers or in the middle of nowhere.

Same as anywhere in the west.

They don't. Ever heard of the Financial crisis of 2008?


Set designers of the Big Bang Theory actually visited several apartments of IRL masters/STEM students and the producers deemed the realistic sets being "too depressing" and that's why you have them living in trendy lofts full of overpriced pop culture shit.

Notice how the richest white countries are still socialist right now. Luxembourg, Switzerland, Norway. These 3 countries are the richest in the world and are social democracies.

It's been proven that social democracies allow for higher profitability because it is a capitalist society that removes the downsides of wealth accumulation that eventually drags down profitability.

The US economy could have been a lot stronger if it would switch to a social democracy. The GDP spend on education, healthcare and the military would drop while all 3 would actually improve in quality.

USA always makes me extremely mad because the economy could be so much more efficient and productive if you'd put some upfront investment through taxes in education, healthcare and the military and then slowly reduce the spending since healthier, more educated people generate more wealth and thus the country gets richer.

All memes. I looked into it and I decided against moving to the US.

Daily reminder if your flag doesn't only have the colors blue red and white you're a third world subhuman and should kill yourself

prove it amigo

Its not as bad as when you read your Yea Forums screen caps made years ago on imgur and google images and posted again here or when someone sends you a funny link and its your old Yea Forums post

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>France, UK,Russia, the US
>not third world shit holes

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60% is not enough, definitely not enough for high incomes

notice how those countries are a tenth the size of america, have homogeneous populations, and no niggers or spics

None of those countries are socialist. I don't think you understand the difference between socialist and social democracy.

Yugoslavia was a socialist country. Norway, Switzerland and Luxembourg have never been socialist.

France is the best country in the whole world you fucking burger scum. Literally the only country with mostly white people and beatiful women.

>how dare you earn more money than me!

Yes, those are not third world, nob Germany is a third world shithole, all flags with black yellow and red are

how can Americans live like this?

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Their houses are made from cheap wood sheets

I'm pretty sure they were wealthy before they had socialism though

Socialism is a nice thing to have if you have the economy to support it but many don't

for instance Norway doesn't just have socialism (and if you ask Norway they'll tell you they don;t have socialism) but they also have semi-privatised oil funding an investment portfolio underpinning the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. so when oil dips they shrug and continue to collect returns on their investments

Compare/contrast Venezuela who just had oil and soild it and used the money to buy socialism and then when oil dropped out they suddenly had no money and couldn't feed anyone

Socialism is not a silver bullet

I feel kinda bad for the red, white and blue color countries. Must feel kinda bad not really having any easily identifiable national colors.

Dutchfag here, what about our taxes? Are they big?


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Fucking liar, I cropped that image.

Probably about 5% of Americans live in houses like that one

>northern Europe is socialist
>They live so well
When will this meme end? They have one of the most free markets in the world. Having free education and free healthcare doesn't make you socialist. Most of Europe has free education and free healthcare

Netherlands got the color orange as the national color


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>Having free education and free healthcare doesn't make you socialist
That's what literally every single meme conservative retard claims today though.

>Maybe if I behave well I'll one day earn as much money as my day..

Contrary to what leftists say the class divide is getting larger and less and less people can afford living

Why is that anyways?

I live in Norway. I pay 62% tax. Do you know how much I have left over after taxes? ~$5000 a month. My education is free. My healthcare is free. My mortgage is partly paid for by the state. The state paid 70% of the price of my Tesla car. There are no homeless people. Everyone gets a minimum of $2000 a month if they can't work or don't want to work. Yet we have some of the lowest unemployment in the world. We rank among the top 10 happiest places and everyone is healthy, educated and has a reasonable life.

That makes it absolutely worth it. Do you know how great it feels that you can leave your door unlocked because there are no thieves since they already have all their wants and needs satisfied?

The US has the wrong mindset. Ensure everyone is happy and crime disappears. Ensure everyone has a home, an education and a reasonable paying job and everyone becomes happy and productive.

This is how we became the richest country in the world. Not because we are somehow economic experts. But because we don't focus on the economy at all. Instead we focus on individual happiness. Make everyone as happy and healthy as possible and it will turn into an extremely strong economy entirely on itself.

Us being significantly richer than any other country proves that our system is more profitable than pure capitalism.

Well yeah, because red, white and blue are too generic and bland.

Just imagine how good their lives are and how us poor cum slurping Europeans could only dream of such heavenly blessings.

ehhh isn't that exactly what they are saying?

This is middle class in america.

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Color of their royal house if memory serves.

Easy, just make the right choices in life. You're literally the source of all your problems, and have the potential to be the solution. I grew up in a farm, ffs. My folks weren't DUH ONE PUHCENT richfags, they just played by the rules. I did the same. Couldn't afford private school, so I busted my ass in our degenerate public school system and got a full-ride scholarship to the college of my choosing. I have a degree that matters and a steady job, and it only took me a little over four years of saving to buy my dream house. If you apply yourself, you will succeed.

A dutch co-worker of mine said you guys pay over 100% taxes for things like cars, is that true?

looks like the uk

If you make 160k in Norway you'd probably make way more in USA.

>Us being significantly richer than any other country proves that our system is more profitable than pure capitalism.
You're not even top 10.

It's not fucking hard to move up in a company. Just don't act like the subhumans around you and you'll end up getting promoted

your country has 5 million people; america has 320 million. your country has no niggers and spics; america has tens of millions of them. there is no comparison to be made

Norway had the benefit of a very homogeneous demographic outlook. Half the reason why American conservatives don't want to enact MUH SOCIALISM is because of fear about minorities literally taking their shit. Hence why the gun hanging, yet their federal budget is fucking enormous.

America does spend a lot on it's social welfare, but their system is dogshit and there is a perverse incentive to fuck people who don't have health insurance into the ground.

Nah they just whine about Trump

Okay, now go visit Chicago and tell me that would work here.

>Norway's modern manufacturing and welfare system rely on a financial reserve produced by exploitation of natural resources, particularly North Sea oil.
Your "utopia" sits on extraction economy and oil money.

surely this anecdote you made up will convince me that everyone in Norway loves their taxes

They don’t.

They are right to be afraid. A society can only be staggeringly unequal for so long until guillotines come into play

I actually have hopes in Trump. If he wins another term it might be enough to stoke the flame of revolution in America

knowing how most eurocucks think, they probably do

Of course. Because the country is something that we all share. The society is about individual success. That means nothing unless it makes the society as a whole better

>low income

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you're wasting your time

zoomers rely on gibs and the concept of working to achieve a goal is completely foreign to them

>you could sell it tomorrow if you had to

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>Because the country is something that we all share
that's a nice sentiment. unfortunately america has a large segment of the population that doesn't think that way

Lol you know nothing about America. Our poor are conditioned to be happy with their situation. We have ghetto trash with undying support for our largest corporations.

I don't understand why poor people choose to be poor. Just make yourself rich.

So do millennials

While few countries are close to America when it comes to brown people. It's not like Norway isn't facing the same problems as countries like Sweden, Germany and the UK do when it comes to immigration and their welfare deficits.

depends on where in the US you looked

So does America’s and it doesn’t do any of the things he listed

Should’ve studied harder in school.

Dude only 20% of Americans live like this. Most of us wagecuck check to check for ratty apartments or paper mache boxes. Also debt.

Some countries have no poor people. social democracies work.

Just make more money. It's that simple.

with fucking watermarks. yes that would be worse

Imagine working like a dog to build a life for yourself and your family only for the state to come along and steal 62% of your hard-earned cash to give to people who can't even be bothered to get a job. Imagine thinking this is in any way ok and that your enriched yurotrash cunt is better than the US.

Sorry mate, its muh oil money.
You've done a better job than Saudi though who could have built utopia and decided no, a feudal hell-hole is the way to go.

Sounds like communism to me

What is the social democratic solution to this issue?

I'm being serious by the way, I agree with a lot of what you have to say but this is a glaring weakness, especially in the Americas - and I'm speaking everything south of Canada and north of the Falklands, not just the USA itself

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Lol why didn't I think of that.

yeah the immigrant situation is bad but it's nowhere near the same level as 40+ million entrenched blacks who hate everyone around them, and another 50+ million hispanics who want to reconquer a third of the country

Brick houses are much more common in Europe. We don't do those fake wooden houses, even though we could (no hurricanes and shit).

>commit credit card fraud
>go to jail

social democracies have poor people. they're just not completely abandoned, and are dependent on the state

It really is for the most part. Lazy people have low income jobs because they didn’t work hard enough growing up to position themselves in a better situation.

That's kinda the thing though, you don't have to work like a dog to build a life for yourself in places like Norway.

Jesus Christ, I've never wanted to kick somebody's teeth in so hard before in my life. And it's not a racist thing, either. No matter who you are, this is a real dick move and you deserve a good old fashioned public beating.

it's the BPM, which is extra tax for personal vehicles. over 100%, no (it is something like that in Denmark though), but cars are around 10-70% more expensive here than in the USA, depending on how polluting they are.
and fuel is expensive too.
basically everything is relatively expensive compared to the USA except health care and healthy foods (we are agricultural sluts)

Fair enough.

>Imagine thinking this is in any way ok and that your enriched yurotrash cunt is better than the US
Protip: it is

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Yeah, you can just sit on your ass all day long and mooch off of people who do actual work because the state says that's a good thing.

I come from a poor familty. If I was born in the US I would never have been able to go to college and would have been a minimum wage worker.

But the state invested in me despite me coming from a family with little promise (Both parents live off of welfare). This allowed me to live a normal life on par with that of my peers. I got through university because it was free. I got asthma medicine and treatments allowing me to sport with friends like a normal person for free. This allowed me to have a normal life and eventually graduate and become who I am today.

If your society trusts you and genuinely invests into you so that you become a happy fullfilled person, then you in turn will also want that to happen to every other citizen in your country. I gladly pay the 62% tax as I already have a way better life than I would have had in any other scenario.

My quality of life is also raised by the fact that people around me are also happy and educated. There is a sense of unitedness as everyone is at your level. No one is an uneducated troglodyte or shifty homeless person. You can trust the person on the street to be a reasonable human which gives you a sense of peace of mind and clear conscience that is worth far more than the 62% I pay.

this is the real problem. despite all your faux patriotism you are more of a corporate nation than a true country, which is understandable given your history, populace, and political system.

God you fags are so fucking ignorant and dumb.

No. You just don't have to work like a dog.

>working like a dog
thing is, here most people work 28-32 hours a week and still lead a comfortable life. there is actually a notion of a work-life balance (work to live vs. live to work)

Only top ten percent live like that

Their economies aren't socialist, dingbat. They have very high personal income tax and national sales taxes to pay for "free shit" for the poor, but their industrial and commercial sector are capitalistic.

This is a parasitic way of life with zero dignity. I'd rather live in a cardboard box under a bridge than knowingly accept money that was essentially stolen at gunpoint from my fellow citizens.

You're arguing with people who won't pay for pavements, and consequently don't have them, because "only poor people walk".

The end point of this sort of collapse isn't imminent but it is certainly visible. Their infrastructure is at the level and quality (because of corruption I'd guess) of a medium-prosperity African nation.

>here most people work 28-32 hours a week and still lead a comfortable life
I'd have to assume you're not American or flat out lying.

>but their industrial and commercial sector are capitalistic.
Every company needs an union member and a government official in its board of directives. And it's illegal for a company to be 100% privatized. The state or state entity needs to hold a certain amount of controlling share.

It's not capitalist and it's also not socialist. It's social democracy. And it's more profitable than pure capitalism.

parasitic? why? a part-time job (everyone has a right to work their job part-time) pays enough to live, you pay a normal amount of income taxes (32-42%). btw you don't get any state benefits if you have a job.
despite there being a sort of robust welfare net, we have unemployment about as low as the USA

I would beat those trashy nigger bitches unconscious, and then clean up.

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Molymeme, please.

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They money is gonna get stolen no matter what. You just get to choose if you prefer the stolen money to only line the pockets of the Jewish elite or if some of it gets giving to the populace.

>If I was born in the US I would never have been able to go to college and would have been a minimum wage worker.
That's what trade jobs are for, and they pay a lot. As for all the other stuff you said, none of that would fly in America. We have entire communities that don't want to work. They only care about themselves and how much they can take from the rest of society.

Dutch. I was arguing against the American type of system

>tfw Flipland is sitting on shit tons of oil yet the Govt is too stupid to do anything about it.

$10 mil isn't that much, it's the average annual income where I live

God, I wish I had won the birth lottery and was born there.

Burgers will never know this feel

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Ah yes, "trade jobs". Even Russia ended the "closed shop", its beyond parody.

>Every company needs an union member and a government official in its board of directives. And it's illegal for a company to be 100% privatized
What the literal fuck are you talking about??

Lol, poorfag.

You should realize that you're literally keeping your economy down this way.

If you gave everyone free education people will become the best they absolutely can and thus produce far more wealth. I'm an engineer, in the US I would have been a McDonalds employee. Where do you think I would provide more value to society.

Your country is filled with scientists, engineers and doctors that are working at McDonalds instead because they never got the chance to properly develop themselves.

This is all missed human capital. The US could use them to provide a lot more wealth to society but they choose not to because the (relatively insignificant) upfront cost of paying for education is too much headache.

The US is absolutely retarded it's like your society hates profit.

Your society literally throws away potential capital through opportunity cost.

>mfw starting 80k/year with no college debt
seethe more

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You really are an out of touch faggot.
Work in a mine, or an industrial job.
There are people paid far less for more, and harder work. Fuck you.

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I pay enough in taxes, why should I have to fund the education or healthcare for some random spic or nigger who will never do anything for me in return?

>Do you know how great it feels that you can leave your door unlocked because there are no thieves since they already have all their wants and needs satisfied?

This wouldn't work with blacks

>If you gave everyone free education people will become the best they absolutely can and thus produce far more wealth.
>Your country is filled with scientists, engineers and doctors that are working at McDonalds
Thanks for clarifying that you've never met a black person before. Now I understand why you feel the way you do.


i live in the us and they're all true for me. it's shit for completely different reasons.

The US has black people you retard. All free college would donis pressure college to lower their standards and a degree would be worthless. The blacks and spics working at McDonald’s wouldn’t be engineers lmao. They would just mooch off free money and buy koolaid and drugs with it.

AMERICA CANNOT BE SOCIALIST BECAUSE QE HAVE BLACKS. Same with public transportation. Why is this so hard for euros to understand?

its called New England for a reason

It's a rich country, or was at least, with a huge middle class, and a fuckhuge lump of land for them to live on. That's what the American dream was all about.

Because for every random spic or nigger you are also funding the education of doctor, engineer or scientist that could help improve your life.

That said, it's sad that so few leftists have realized that open immigration of uneducated workers is the killer of social democracy.

In a perfect world where I would actually get the rules that I wanted like how the education is only free if it's for an in demand, objective fact based career that benefits society such as physician, structural engineer, master carpenter, nurses, then I would agree with you.

However, that would never happen and Stacy and Illaya Muhammad getting their feminist therapy and kill all white people degrees on my dime is what actually happens so no thanks. The better solution in the real world is to pull the government out so schools stop being able to charge literally any price they can dream up because they know the government will give loans of any amount to 17 year old children with no concept of that amount of money and no collateral to back it up.

>If you gave everyone free education people will become the best they absolutely can
imagine actually believing this

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>weak bait
>all these low-IQs fallling for it

Why would you work a job like that? You have to make better choices.
It's not just about hard work, it's about smart work, thinking ahead, where is this job taking me?
If it's a dead end, don't bother, starting at the bottom of a tall ladder is better than sitting on top of a step ladder.
But then again, maybe a "low income" job is all you want/need, and maybe that's enough to live a comfy rural life.

That's because Democrats aren't the ones filling up the fields and factories with undocumented immigrants to save a buck instead of paying a living wage to blue collar Americans. That's the neocon's fault. Even Trump had illegal Mexicans working at his resort well into his presidency and nobody gave a shit.

>Your country is filled with scientists, engineers and doctors that are working at McDonalds

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>high taxes and welfare
>open immigration
pick one

Imagine thinking neolib Democrats aren’t doing exactly that.

>Even Trump had illegal Mexicans working at his resort well into his presidency and nobody gave a shit.

>working couple years
>saved up some $
How much do you need to retire?

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>be boomer

That's it.

And that's how I know you're not here to argue honestly. Take a bullet.

>still crying about the neocon boogeyman 10 fucking years after they went extinct

Its because they're all owned by the big pharma companies and don't want any type of free health care system to come to the US. So they pretty much just conflate health care and education to communism and people here believe it because they're retards.

At least a million or two in today’s money

I don't think he's baiting. That could really be true and applicable in a homogenous, high trust society with ingrained civic values.

The question is how do you make the US a country like that without killing or deporting 50 to 60% of the population

i sure hope we fix that problem. i can't wait to meet my new coworkers.

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So Uncle Sam does not give you high taxes because he knows it will be wasted?

so lucky you live in a frozen land that niggers can't stand

democrats are the ones allowing illegal immigrants into the country, and demanding more be allowed in while keeping authorities from enforcing the law. not that the republicans have done much to stop it

eurosexuals don't understand the usa until they've actually lived in it and don't comprehend why we do things the way we do because they have no experience with the trash fire we all deal with. they will with the millions of brown people currently breeding like sewer rats but it'll be another 10 years when those sewer rat children start making all their schools terrible like what happened to us.

I'm ready for the next recession lol.

That's what I don't get. They have so much space and some still choose to live in tiny one box apartments.

Massive debt. Causing long-term environmental damage for short-term profits. Benefiting from centuries of free labor from black people.

Norway isn't responsible for enforcing global hegemony which is the major facet euroniggers can't seem to comprehend.

50% of norways export is oil and gas.
I doubt its the same number for americans and if you belive that someone could implement such a system in america they are retarded

Notice how these literal niggers ignore their president's direct influence on the market for illegal workers by having them work on his own resort, making money off them, but they still find a way to blame Hillary lmao

We used to able to leave our doors unlocked in the US too. What you are, we once were. As we are, you too shall be.

Most people dont think about that. They just spend their teenage years having fun and shieeet and then they blame everyone else for not preparing them for what will come next

People go where the jobs are.

You can cry all you want, illegal Mexicans that may or may not have worked at a Trump resort aren't the ones that refuse to vote for mandatory national e-verify and a border defense system. That would be Democrats.