NEETs win, wagies lose again, the movie

> NEETs win, wagies lose again, the movie

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How do I start with Twitter? I want to look for articles to post here too


even kids are becoming woke to the patheticness of the wagie

soon we'll have whole populations going straight from graduating to neetdom

Now he's got a monobrow

What ethnicity is he, again?

God, his face is so putrid.

Learn to read faggot if they're looking for work than they're neets

A whole show about fucking with the working class, we really need to start hanging the rich from their chandeliers

>falling for the wagecuck meme

if u can put off working until ur 30's its essentially like retiring at age 50. ive already won wagies xd

all of them.

the working class aren't looking for jobs on a prank show.

they're all off, working, neet.

Wagies getting btfo, God they're pathetic


white american are worst. look like pig. oink oink piggy piggy hahaha

If they're looking for work instead of looking to avoid working then they're wagies at heart.

wait what

how are they the same? one you retire with pride and more money, the other you are just a neet with less excuse to be so than at 25

youre betting youll even live to be that old. ive already cashed in. im playing with house money now :)

no one ever retires now user. i am sorry to break it to you.

Let's think about some cool pranks to perform on wagies and wage seekers
>tell them they got the job then dab on them and reveal its a prank

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id actually enjoy watching this desu

Tell them we will provide adequate training.
we wont

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This, sadly

>Desperate loser is lookin for a job to feed his kids
>Willing to do anything
>Screw with him for several days before dabbin on him
>He pulls a gun and kills half the crew
Can't wait for this episode of cops

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This doesn't happen in real life incel

>implying a desperate loser fucked a girl and had kids

(((have sex)))

>dubs trips and quads
Absolutely based, it's gonna fucking happen

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Dios mio, la creatura

that wont happen because wagecucks are used to taking it in the ass

dubs, trips, and quads confirm

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Day of The Frozen Tendy When??

i gave up when they asked me for phone number

It's over for the kid now.

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Le dooobs hehe fun

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Yes it does.

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