If you had the chance to remake Lord of The Rings, what would you change? I'd make each film a lot shorter than 6 fucking hours...
Lord of The Rings
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diverse casting
all black cast but it will be parody
Remove all the horrid constantly changing digital color grading Hackson implemented in all of them
make it longer, each scene seems short and rushed , specially in the first two
I want it with Japanese style acting...
Nothing, they are literally perfect. Of course I'm talking about the theatrical version, the director's cut is too long.
Only The Fellowship of the Ring is perfect.
The other two are extremely dated
Imagine being this wrong.
I be sure to include the Frodo and Samwise gay sex scene from the book. Not sure why Jackson cut it. Without it the full depth of their relationship is never fully flushed out.
They're perfect, nothing will change
>a lord of the rings trilogy without the old forest, tom bombadil, or the barrow wights is perfect
I cant be wrong, a fact. If you still don't see it let based Viggo explain it to you
>All three LOTR films were nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards, with the final installment, The Return of the King, taking that top prize, as well as a best director statue for Jackson. But Mortensen has a decidedly different take on the quality of the films. He believes The Fellowship of the Ring is the best movie in the franchise, in part because Jackson relied less on special effects for that outing.
>“Peter was always a geek in terms of technology but, once he had the means to do it, and the evolution of the technology really took off, he never looked back,” Mortensen says. “In the first movie, yes, there’s Rivendell, and Mordor, but there’s sort of an organic quality to it, actors acting with each other, and real landscapes; it’s grittier.”
>Mortensen says the “ballooning” of Jackson’s reliance on CGI began with the second film, The Two Towers, and has increased with each subsequent project. “It was grandiose, and all that, but whatever was subtle, in the first movie, gradually got lost in the second and third. Now with The Hobbit, one and two, it’s like that to the power of 10,” Mortensen says.
>Mortensen has deliberately chosen more character-driven fare since LOTR launched him into global superstardom, and had hopes that Jackson might return to his small-film roots as well.
>“I was sure he would do another intimately scaled film like Heavenly Creatures, maybe with this project about New Zealanders in the First World War he wanted to make,” Mortensen says. “But then he did King Kong. And then he did The Lovely Bones - and I thought that would be his smaller movie. But the problem is, he did it on a $90million budget. That should have been a $15million movie. The special effects thing, the genie, was out of the bottle, and it has him.”
>caring about book stuff
What are you, some kind of fantasy nerd?
I'd make it an anime and Frodo a qt 3.14 girl, 3D is shit
This is not the 90s cracker. We are not your amusement any more. We Kings and Queens.
PoC and trans representation
Diversity because middle earth needs some REAL Kong’s and queens.
I don't think you understand how light works lol
What makes you think that they shot both of those under the same light conditions?
I'm not saying it's good, but those two shots, without any grading, could easily have looked that different, or more different.
>cutting an important and well detailed chunk of the story out doesn't matter
Fuck it. Why not just cut Lothleriion or whatever that stupid elf forest was called? Nothing important happened with there really.
well the main thing that happened in Lothlorien is the Elf's were bigots against Dwarfs and race relations improved somewhat for them and for Gimli, and it laid the sneed for him and Legolas's bromance.
But that isn't even really used in the film. It's more like just a comfy rest spot. They certainly don't get into a huge arguement about tying up gimli and blindfolding him and talking about how Dwarfs are all filthy animals.
Bring Tom Bombadil back.
I’d want more female characters with bigger roles. I want Arwen fighting at Helm’s Deep.
they considered it but liv tyler objected
her btfoing all of the nazgul at the ford
(which glorindel and his party do in the books) is really enough for her character
if you wanted more women then the obvious choice would be genderswapping merry and pipping
I think that could be cool. They don't really do anything anyway.
Infact they are typical 'princess' characters, getting kidnapped, being rescued, etc.
>Dwarfs are all filthy animals
Lothlorien wasn't wrong. They were right to blindfold the dwarvin pig. They should have shot him on site. That would have been a good plot twist.
I'd make it longer, including the adventures of Tom Bombadil.
It's literally from the same angle you dumb fuck, Hackson tried to make it a le cold visual while they are drowning and then return the warm color when they go up.
But instead of doing it with lighting he just did it digitally in post like a hack he is.
Remove the cringey "comic relief" and other awful dialogue, remove the physical Eye of Sauron that Hackson invented, remove the 9000 instances of a character almost dying when you know they won't (Hackson had a boner for characters being saved from execution at the last second while the antagonist gets ready to deliver the final blow, or for characters to be missing and presumed "dead" when you know they're not)
Based Viggo
There needs to be a scene of Aragorn pumping his seed into his elvish whore.
The first movie would be nothing but life in the shire. Remember, gandalf spend years away while he was researching the ring and its origins! Imagine all that happened in that time! So much could be inserted.
The second film would be about the flight from the shire. Meeting tom and then getting caught by the barrow wights! It would conclude with them going to brie and the inn, maybe the credits having them buy the pack horse and belting the spy with the apple.
The third movie would be about the journey onward from there. The council. The perils faced when they try to cross the mountain and they are turned away by the angry god.
And so on. Each film would be at least 4 hours long. There would be no women at all until they come about in the plot. No darkies either until we see orcs and uruks.
>It's literally from the same angle you dumb fuck
yes but the light can change.
It's not even necessarily from the same day.
I have looked at rushes (raw footage) from a water/boat shoot on lake wakatipu in the south island. The colours in the shots, from the same scene, varied as much if not more than it does in your example. Just from the natural light changing.
I'm not saying it's good, but it's really not necessarily deliberate.
It's absolutely ridiculous to even imply that the DP would allow such a photography 101 mistake to happen in such a big budget film, even worse than the color grading.
Still my point stands, especially for the sequels which are piss filter galore.
I don't think you understand
the DP is in charge of the lighting dpt
normally they would dictate to have consistent lighting, for interiors or even for typical exteriors, where it's possible to control the lighting
but shooting exteriors on water like that, they are not in control of the lighting, it's natural light.
do you think they have fucking pontoon boats with big ass screen rigs and shit? They don't.
It's not a basic mistake. It's utterly inevitable, unless you dictate your shooting scedule entirely around lighting conditions, which they just don't do.
I agree that it's a problem. But it's probably not a problem caused in post. It's a problem not fixed in post. And you can't just 'fix things in post'.
Like bro
look at it
look at all of those trees in the background
how the fuck are they going to change the lighting of all of those fucking trees?
They can't do shit about that.
And if they sun goes behind a cloud, or it's a different time of day, honestly user, it can look THAT different. Easily. More different. I know from looking at rushes of the exact same enviroment.
You're absolutely dumb my dude.
You think DPs don't know this? Do you think they just shoot whenever, that they don't meticulously literally measure the available light for each scene to match before shooting? A could comes and they just shoot it no one will notice eh?
How do you think a film like The Revenant was filmed then? Sure the wheater can be different than planned and they'll have to compromise with that, but once a setting and a lighting setup is picked you don't change it for the scene, especially mid take.
>unless you dictate your shooting scedule entirely around lighting conditions
That's literally every film production ever, even student tier short flicks do it.
Okay now you have to be baiting.
A cloud*
anyone involved in literally any other facet of film production including any director would want to smash your fucking face in you dumbcunt
they've got scedules and shit
only some pathetic autist is going to nitpick this shit anyway
And you're STILL ignoring my point. It's very very easy to in camera have that difference in colours. Why do you assume it's a deliberate mistake in post? Occams razer .
>mid take.
It's not the same shot though.
*something happens meaning you have to stop for an hour*
it might be absurdly difficult to recreate the exact natural lighting conditions. Utterly unrealistic to do so.
I think Sam and Frodo should've had a scene where they come out to each other because they were so obviously gay and itd be diverse and inclusive AF
hi redddddit,noob
>they've got scedules and shit
Yes, schedules of when to shoot EXACTLY.
You have to be baiting by now. Do you think they just go to the set and film whatever? They have light meters just for kicks, no one actually cares about lighting the entire lighting department actually just do fuck around doing nothing am i rite.
>It's very very easy to in camera have that difference in colours.
If you're a 16 year old who barely knows how his manual mode on his smartphone camera works.
>Why do you assume it's a deliberate mistake in post?
Because it's not a "mistake", Hackson deliberately made it cooler and blue when it's depressing and warm and orange when it's happy.
He is extremely proud of it aswell youtube.com
>They don't really do anything anyway.
They in fact did more than Gimli and Legolas combined. Merry espesially with making the Witch King killable
replace all orcs with diversity instead of using the CGI
>>they've got scedules and shit
>Yes, schedules of when to shoot EXACTLY.
what the fuck are you talking about?
What do you mean by 'EXACTLY'?
>They have light meters just for kicks, no one actually cares about lighting the entire lighting department actually just do fuck around doing nothing am i rite.
The entire lighting department can do almost nothing to affect the lighting in that shot. What can they do? Where are they going to rig a light? Where are they going to rig a screen? What else do you think they do?
>If you're a 16 year old who barely knows how his manual mode on his smartphone camera works.
No dude, it literally happens to that extent in professional productions in very similar locations, and i know that from watching their rushes.
>Hackson deliberately
Yes, Hackson did some real bullshit with colour grading. But deliberately having different shots in the same scene look wildly disparate? Why?
ok sure i mean they didn't do anything that a pippy or a merin couldn't do
Good opinion
>The entire lighting department can do almost nothing to affect the lighting in that shot.
The lighting didn't change you dumb fuck.
>No dude, it literally happens to that extent in professional productions in very similar locations
Go ahead and show me an example in any other semi decent big budget film ever released.
>But deliberately having different shots in the same scene look wildly disparate? Why?
I just told you why, Hackson used grading in a gimmick cheap way of changing the tone to represent the narrative. Frodo goes cold and tries to go to Mordor alone, everything around him is cold and blue, Sam tries to rescue him and nearly drowns in the process, they make up and all is good so no more blue/teal cold color grade.
>The lighting didn't change
what makes you so sure of that
>remove Haldir and add Glorfindel
>tone down Legolas videogame combos and Gimli's jokes
That's about it.
>remove qt liv tyler scenes
really though
why ? to be 'accurate'?
Just one of them.
I would make Elrond drop kick Isildur into the lava in that scene at the beginning so the entire remaining 9 hrs of the trilogy was just about Gondor's tax policy
aside from bruin what does glorfindel even do
and that's the one scene where arwen establishes herself as a badass elf not a useless maiden
No ghost army
I love LOTR wholeheartedly until I remember the ghostarmy and then i have to mindfuck myself into forgetting about them.
hmmm ok so how should it work instead
because everything about that fight is about how it's ultimately hopeless and they're doing it for honor
id make minas tirith and edoras look more like cities. extend the walls significantly to accommodate more buildings and the outskirts of the city to have more farmland and villages etc
the other 2 are like Troy tier
>tfw has Troy paused in the background
>spending $90 million for a small $15 million movie
Why would someone remake the best pop culture movies ever made?
I'd do them as miniseries, a set of three perhaps
In the Fellow I'd have the Shire portions be more like those in the books, Fatty Bolger would be included, and Merry and Pippin would be introduced the same as they were in the books. I would keep out the meeting the Elves on the road and Tom Bombadil still but I think the Barrow-Wight scene is really good
dunno on reflection the other two have sort of hard source material to change medium, while I didn't like some changes like adding the Elves at Helm's Deep or the added drama like Aragorn falling off that cliff they're not all that bad
they do suffer from dated CGI but what do you expect?
i'd fix the horrible color grading
Hour long extended cut of Galadriel's feet scene.
that looks fucking horrible
Get rid of the ghost niggers from the third one.
Like it did in the movies with Aragorn returning with his host of Dunedain and some other Gondorian armies and have the reinforcements from Dol Amroth charge out of the gates of Minas Tirith to fight alongside the Rohirrim
black and white
Spend most of the time filming natural exteriors to show off nature like Tolkien intended
how the fuck did they get away with an all-white cast desu, lads?
please do remake it
Reb Brown as Frodo, directed by Bruno Mattei.
Oh and let Bruno do whatever the fuck he wants to do with the movie.
Tom Bombadil doesn't advance the main plot at all.