Worst Decade For Film?


What was the worst 10 year period for film?

And why is it 2006-2015?

Attached: Mars_Needs_Moms!_Poster.jpg (259x383, 20K)


capeshit is the second worst thing that could have happened, first being video game adaptations.

so late 10/20s are worst so far

America stopped making good art around 2005-2006.

Then the corporations all got tooken over by gen x'ers who are lazy and just keep making remakes and shoving minorities in them

1995-2004 without a doubt

2010s without a oubt

Hollywood stopped making good blockbusters after 2005

We're living it.

Runaway budgets with no distriberts to take the risk means we get swamped years and years of films that are just constructs for an inbuilt universe and inbuilt audience, because the average person only sees three films a year in a theater.

Yeah because dvds and race to load them full of shit was such a blight.

>mfw 12 retards voted for late 60s/early 70s
what the hell?

I agree with OP's pick

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> why is it 2006-2015?
Even post-strike 07 hollywood is better than Trump Derangement hollywood

Without the nostalgia glasses on, I'd say Late 60s/Early 70s (but with more emphasis on the "early 70s")

How fucking dare you post Mars Needs Moms as an example of bad film

Attached: [Mars Needs Moms 5].png (848x750, 1.83M)

I don't know if it's still the same guy posting this lame waifufagging 'joke' about that fugly cgi ayy, or if more faggots thought it was funny somehow and decided to adopt it. Either way, it's one of the more retarded shits on Yea Forums.

why do you faggots always pick the ugliest aliens to fawn over?

Attached: KEEP CRYING BABY.jpg (1920x1080, 1.35M)

She's not ugly or fat, you'd have to be gay not to be attracted to her

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Ki Smiles At Camera.webm (396x688, 2.51M)

>majority is now lat 10's to early 20's

We aren't even in the 20's yet and we don't know what's gonna happen.

Nobody mentioned Hollywood

Couldn't disagree more, a lot of my favorite films come from that decade. I don't know what the fuck you people are on about

>he thinks """""indie""""" films aren't hollywood puppets

no one called her fat
she's just ugly

abloo bloo
watch more movies and browse less /pol/

she isn't tho

Attached: [Mars Needs Moms 2].png (1148x1600, 1.3M)

>/pol/ boogeyman for no reason
Keep digesting media bought trash disguised as auteur projects

What the fuck are you on about retard, responding to posts mentioning Trump and talking Hollywood politics is "no reason"?
Also, "/pol/ boogeyman" is a term used almost exclusively by /pol/posters

>Keep digesting media bought trash disguised as auteur projects
abloo bloo
watch more movies and browse less /pol/


Nice epic meltdown bro

You just posted cringe bro
I think you need to watch better movies and stop falling for memes.

By the early 70s, the "golden age" of cinema was over and ticket sales tanked, theatres went on mass closedowns - especially those who didn't resort to showing extreme/adult films to scrape by, and the meteoric rise of home television decimated consumer interest. Granted, the medium saw a revival by the end of the decade, and some fantastic arthouse pieces released. Taken as an average, however, the 70s sucked ass for film.

maybe you don't think so because you have warped tastes but she's ugly to everyone else

I'm pretty sure if we were a space faring race and her species actually existed a massive amount of guys would be clammering over each other to fuck one of them.

Attached: [Mars Needs Moms 7].png (470x1080, 877K)

>I think you need to watch better movies and stop falling for memes.
That's the exact thing you need to do friendo, considering your dumbass implication(if that was you) that indie movies are actually no different from Hollywood

cope, seething, cringe, yikes

>Taken as an average, however, the 70s sucked ass for film.
Well shit, it's my favorite decade.

Well shit, the truth hurts. But the words of a stranger on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum are worthless; watch what you want.

>massive amount of guys would be clammering over each other to fuck one of them

Enough men fucked Indian women to make a billion people. Doesn't make them more attractive.

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>Well shit, the truth hurts
It doesn't really, I mean what truth? What other standard do I have to measure it against, other than my own taste, which I've come to respect over time? You're right, it's just your opinion, and it remains mine that it was a great decade for film overall.

Normally I'd be careful about calling the present worse than the past. It's easy to only the good bits and forget about the dreg you had to endure before while the dreg is all around you now. However, the trends in movie making today certainly make it feel like the worst period so far to me. Budgets are too big. Studios are too risk averse. Nothing gets made unless it's based on an already existing, successful IP. Nothing gets made unless it appeals to China. Every movie has to be a political statement. If a movie isn't trying to make a political statement people will make one up. Paper thin characters, CGI explosions, and rehashed plots to appeal to the lowest common denominator. And I just wanna fucking die holy fuck.