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Is there anything more cringe than amerifat plastic paddies?

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>British Bands
Listening to foreign music is apparently race traitor material in burgerland
>Pint of Guinness
Absolute Swill, I'd sooner drink me piss
>Irish flag
Just reminds us how fucked our country is.

Dumb Burger

How many black people, gays and trannies are in it.

>*raises eyebrows*
>audience giggling
>Americans... "
>*audience howls and claps*
>" I mean... do they really? "
>*audience starts seizing*
>*multiple fights break out*
>*audience is completely rioting*
>*audience starts attacking the TV crew*

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No. Amerifat plastic paddies are the apex of cringe. Americans in general seem to have limited self awareness but those faggots really take the biscuit.

>gets arrested for owning an illegal butter knife

Oh fucking hell

>a place that isn’t Ireland is more irish than Ireland
what the fuck am I reading?

Cringing so hard my toes are curling.
>I have a strong strain of Welsh on my mother's side, which does indeed go back to Llywelyn ap Iorwerth. And Llywelyn the Great! (We have the proven genealogy from the College of Heralds.)
Of course you do. Its strange that all the people with the deepest lineage live in America and not Wales, Ireland or Scotland.

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How will they shoehorn the English into it as mustache twirling villains?

From the people I've talked to here it seems that all the real Irish people live in New England, makes you wonder who the hell is living in Ireland.

We were pretty bad to the Irish though mate.

Speak for yourself pal

>watching soccer games
Probably Liverpool or Celtic so hardly being race traitors.

The Saxons and Irish had pretty good relations during this period though

Boston people are lunatics

How do Americans choose what ethnicity to ahem bat for so to speak? 90% of Euro Americans are mixed.
Something I've always wondered.

Irish Americans may be insufferable cunts but they basically single-handedly funded Irish independence from Britain

I'm familiar with this. When I passed on making a donation to fucking Noraid (this was back when Americans thought terrorism was cool) I was told I didn't understand anything about Ireland. I've spent more time there in a year than they have in their entire lives. Although I hadn't really thought about it, I'm more Irish than the entire room put together and I'm not Irish either. Its not even funny, these people are idiots.

In the sense of clinging onto things people have long since moved on from, I suppose they are "the real irish". Its really unhelpful.

This might shock you since it goes against the memes but the majority of Americans just call themselves American and recognize that they're mostly a mix of many European peoples. It's only the ones that actually have a dominating ethnicity in their blood, like Irish Americans in New England, that go crazy about muh heritage.

>and that's a good thing, here's why...

That is insufferably stupid though. Brass tacks, if you want a united Ireland, it isn't Eire you should sink your money into. Norn Iron is such a basketcase they couldn't afford it even if they wanted it, and I'm not sure they do to be quite honest.

We'll be playing the colonising Vikings. Weirdly any Anglo-Saxons will by played by Scots.

At this time the Norse-Gaels were trying to destroy anglo-saxon england though.