What movies do girls watch?
What movies do girls watch?
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Who cares what women do?
I would kill to have what women consider depression
Being depressed is a trend, better yet if you are on meds
all the incels do
whatever their boyfriends suggest, whatever they 'hear' is good, whatever their friends take them to
some nigger about ro get fucked by a beret on Congo would kill to have what you call "depression"
Whichever they think is most likely to get chad to fill their holes
>depression is a men-only club
have sex
>approaching wall
>realize she wasted her best years being a whore
>big tits are getting droopy
>not making as much beta bux
>I have the highest highs
Sooo she isn't even depressed. God what a stupid attention seeking cunt.
They aren't capable of abstract thought like that so you're already wrong.
>fear is depression
You are autistic.
>what is bipolar disorder
She probably really does have depression because years of drug use fried her dopamine receptors. Pic related.
I wonder what 4channel has done to my dopamine receptors
To be fair, if men can have as much sex as women can depression will decrease dramatically in numbers.
Those are two separate things dummy
>it's an incel places all his chips on having sex fixing his life episode
who cares. post those tessa tiddies
If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best
That nigger still lived a more fulfilling life than user. Take the Kaczynskipill.
women watch what men watch
What's your point? Bipolar/manic depression and clinical depression aren't the same thing? Yeah, obviously. That doesn't change the fact that it's still quite possible to experience extreme highs and still experience extended depressive episodes. You're dumb.
Men die by suicide up to 4 times more likely than women in most countries. 15 in every 100,000 men kill themselves in over 40% of the worlds countries. Only 1.5% of countries show that same rate for women. Have sex.
That's exactly why. Incels are fucking lacking intimate relationships with a women. Sex can unironically make men happy. It all boils down to lack of comfort.
no one cares just show your tits thats all you will ever be good for
fucking pottery, you have to treat them like adults, because it's the way society works right now but they know as much as you do that all women are basically children
>look, we've take all the people we can. What else do you want to do? Get off the ship to let one more man on? We're done, Kirk
How did this not win best writing?
at my most depressed, an outsider would think i was a textbook chad: did whatever i wanted, girls every night, tons of friends, working at trendy clubs.
i'm much happier living the most boring life imaginable. hedonism isn't fulfilling.
>men, the group that society tells aren't allowed to cry or share their feelings, kill themselves more than women, who are actively encouraged to from birth
Me on the right
Harry Potter, someone post the chart
Sure, buddy.
>Brokeback Mountain
>Hidden Figures
>Despicable Me
>The Blind Side
like most things, men are better at suicide than women, now go dilate
Are you a male? It's not society telling us to do that, it's the fact that women get instantly turned off and abandon you if you show any of those "weak" emotions. You can't break once or else it's all over.
Sex is overrated bud. If you're looking for the key that will fix your life, that isn't it. Sorry about that.
so did you get it from them, or did they get it from you?
And the insinuation that depression might be a wholly different experience for men die to these issues is just as equally groundbreaking.
>this thread
Fucking hell, go outside and meet some actual human beings
I'm not saying it stands for everyone, speedreader.
wahh i'm so depressed wahhh
>t. /r9k/ immigrant
This is why they're all becoming trannies
>Put enormous expectations on young BOYS (children) to be masculine
>They fail at these outrageous expectations like never being weak, never crying, never being vulnerable or needing to ask for help and fail at being masculine, therefore defaulting to feminine, where they believe that all the things that make them such an awful boy would make them a decent girl so it becomes a "grass is greener" type situation.
My sister and I were the same age growing up and if I cried I'd get "I'll give you something to cry about" and get hit for being a pussy, my sister got coddled, it's definitely society.
You're all a bunch of utterly pathetic self-pitying faggots. Every one of you need a good hard slap. Wew.
What does pussy feel like?
What the fuck is this face?
Because men are weak
yes, I've never heard anyone mention this before
maybe men should talk about their feelings more, and not feel ashamed to open up to their friends and family if they aren't coping
we're really onto something here user
>passive aggressive indirect response
Nobody cares faggot
I have only one ex gf and the only movie related thing I learned from her is that she really liked Winona Rider. She was a pill popping wino just fyi.
This picture always btfo every single women. Have sex.
Look at her dead eyes. She doesn't have to tell me she's depressed for me to figure that out. She can't fake-smile worth a shit.
bag of sand
Its too late for me fren
Weed is actually the one thing that makes me not depressed though.
Fucking pathetic
Society, your parents, and other people are stopping boys from acting that way because they know it makes your chances with women turn to 0%.
I don't know why I'm bothering with someone who is just shitposting but if a woman ever tells you that she wants you to open up and vent your insecurities and fears it instantly dries her up and she'll never see you the same way again. You can not as a man ever show weakness of any kind to women or it's over for you. It's not even consciously their fault it's just how it is and why only men can know real depression.
>thinking having sex can magically make depression go away
How much do you think she pays for a rent/food/utilities? What's her tax payment?
Lol alcoholics btfo
It's a double edged sword. You may feel temporary happiness but it's fucking deteriorating your brain.
t. women
>Society, your parents, and other people are stopping boys from acting that way because they know it makes your chances with women turn to 0%.
this is a shitpost, right? nobody is this retarded
>X isn't true/valid because some nigger some where is having a tough time
that's fucking nice. when will 'not technically retarded' brainlets stop saying this like it's the cleverest thing of all time.
[Citation Needed]
Can't say talking about my feelings has hurt my long term relationship very much at all. After all, if your partner can't help you when you're down, they're probably not worth it. But again, thanks for the advice /r9k/. Lmao. Those women really do suck right :^)
God it's obvious you're a pothead.
I like your lack of argument
>muh women are to blame!
Jesus christ
>alcoholic brain
>this one instance happening means it's disproven
i'm not that user but i loaded up on pot to basically 'be happy', or to elevate my mood, and it did for a few weeks and then after that, i didn't feel particularly 'high' or happy, just like i had recently suffered a concussion and was woozy all the time. i stopped because it does nothing for me now except simulating a brain injury.
people don't argue with the homeless man screaming the world is about to end either
You have nothing to say because you know I'm right. Can't wait for your cope response to this post that just try's to attack me instead of the facts I'm presenting.
Absolutely this.
you never actually asserted anything believable, you just spouted beliefs based on flimsy ideas, then spoke from them as if they were a truth to be argued against
>cope response
Its because men are better at committing suicide than women. Women are far more likely to engage in non-fatal suicide attempts than men.
Yeah, I guess I'm just exceedingly, unbelievable, immensely disproportionately lucky, and no one else has a functioning relationship. Or maybe your worldview is just informed by the fact that you're a bitter loner who has never had any luck with women, and so lashes out at them to justify his failures :^)
>instead of the facts I'm presenting.
went too hard, too obvious as a troll now
you need to go in easy and not get too excited and jump the gun
Found the retard with zero reading comprehension skills.
Passive aggressive low iq and low testosterone response because you can't even handle virtual confrontation
Hire an escort, it feels nice
>works as a bar man
>wonders why his life isn't fulfilling
Go figure, genius.
when was the last time you dreamed?
>Passive aggressive low iq and low testosterone response
Been with my girlfriend for 8 years now. We've been through a lot. I've been in extremely low places that I wouldn't have survived in without her help. Sex life is still great 8 years on. Relationship is great. I am so happy to have her.
I'm sorry that you have this perspective on relationships, user, but this honestly reads like textbook projection from your own experiences. I can only imagine you're so vehement about this because accepting the opposite for some reason wouldn't sit well with you. Perhaps it's easier for you to be alone if you believe that there's no possibility for happiness, no hope, etc.
onions girl face
actually guys will never understand the pain of watching a guy you love take another woman by the arms and kiss her, and make her laugh, and smile when he sees her
Sure you guys will like girls, who will like other guys, but you can easily get over any woman and find another to love.
We love in a different way, our hearts become attached when we love a man
I thought it was jenna fischer lmao
>or maybe
Key words of your post. You don't know anything and proved it right there.
>h-he's just t-trolling I don't need to argue now haha...
Ommggg she loves the same movies boys do! She's like a female bro! I'm so in love right now, she's definitely not like other girls. Wow. So fresh, so unique.
Imagine getting mad and dumb/low status women just because they happen to be attractive.
If you are a loser, this is what you deserve.
Men show consistently higher "intent to die" in hospital examinations too
I actually still dream I just never remember them
Imagine being so bitter about someone liking dunkirk
You feel good about yourself typing lies like that?
Women can't experience love
I'm pretty sure girls really fucking love watching AMWF porn
They absolutely do not
name pls
what app is this?
>Women can't experience love
t.person that never experienced love
It's not real. You're just bored.
I really believed otherwise until my last relationship. Girl was in love with me for 2 years, I always saw her as a friend and acted indifferent with her. When she told me, we got together, I started opening up a bit, telling her that I also love her and I want to see her more, that she makes me feel good. Then she fucking dumps me after 3 months. Stupid excuses like "it's not you it's me", "I"m not ready for this" etc. Deep down I know I should never have opened up to her. I believed she was different and I could tell her everything but that's never true. They are like this biologically.
I wonder why women think anyone gives a shit about their depression. Like nigger keep that shit to yourself, stop posting 10x a week about it.
Actually I unironically think men are the only ones capable of truly loving. Men actually love the women they claim to love, women don't
r/happas is leaking
Yeah it's only women thing haha
are there people who honestly believe that?
It's heart breaking man.
>t.chronical masturbator
Lmao you're fucking retarded.
Men love. Women maybe like someone for a while.
Well, that explains a lot
She looks like a white man's whore.
>We love in a different way
yea, in a very shallow manipulative, possessive way, not actually love
Men would die for the women they love
what an annoying cunt
I mean, that's kind of his point. Guys can experience love unlike women.
Obssession is not love, weirdo
This, and women who parrot alt-right talking points are the most cringe
>haha look bros she talks like us, absolutely based and redpilled
>tfw obese alcoholic
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me guess I know why I'm fucked
>Guys can experience
Sure. Especially bitter loners from Yea Forums. True experts on love
To post "i have depression look at me" on every single social media? Yeah, that's unironically women's thing.
You realise this is a form of COPE, right? This thought process? "It wasn't me, it was her alleged pathological inability to process love."
I can't imagine how you go from being dumped to, "Oh, y-yeah, 3 months ago I was... I was too nice to her. That must be why she left me."
From my experience it's the exact opposite. I get exctremely attached while the women I love can just forget me from one day to another and move on.
If a man realizes that he isn't the best for a woman that he loves, he will actually let her go, so she can be happier. Women are incapable of that, they just want to trap some guy to provide for them/elevate their social status.
Men don't want women for those reasons, they literally just want the woman for who she is, and love her for that, and will let her go if she would be better off.
That is true love, and is only capable from men
It’s not depression
All you need to know about women is that if a couple is married and the husband dies the woman will use his death as a way to get more attention and then hop on the first dick she sees while still claiming the widow status as a way to keep her popularity up, where if it's the wife that dies the husband will never take another lover and stay in complete internal isolation mourning her until his time is over.
Hahahah right on, my incel bro, based and redpilled
My girlfriend has depression but never tells anyone and tries extremely hard to hide it. Could it be real?
Then by your logic the young attractive girl in op's picture's depression is completely valid and not at all better or worse than a loser male.
desu the trend today is for every teen to claim to be depressed and "omg i wanna kill myself haha xd"
Female depression is like they were walking around and a guy talked to them and called them pretty
Male depression is like society and the world at large view you as weak if you show any emotion at all, they might even mock you. and women wont fuck you. And also women lie to you and fuck with you.
And since the world is cruel and indiffrent you sort of grow a giant dark void in your soul. And this depression turns into nihilism.
And then like, you go outside and start beating up people and setting things on fire. Then the cops chase after you and you escape them and wind up on a beach and the last thing you do is break the fourth wall and stare at the camera.
Then the credits roll
Then you go home and realize pain is a part of life and you must accept that. And that we must use it as fuel for our journey.