So what was the message of this movie? Don't steal code??

So what was the message of this movie? Don't steal code??

Attached: 220px-The_Social_Network_film_poster.png (220x326, 90K)

With Jew You Lose.

The movie is good, but I ended up not understanding what was the point. As if Facebook notoriety was enough to justify a movie.


The message was pretty clearly laid out. If you're an asshole you're going to alienate yourself.


Attached: NH9YaRR.jpg (1079x1126, 325K)

Fincher yelling
>Give me an oscar!

And whats the alternative then other than being an asshole? If you are like Zuckerberg and founded a multibillion dollar company, everyone would be trying to walk all over you and take advantage of you. People will always try to take advantage from you and fuck you over if you aren't an asshole.

>People will always try to take advantage from you and fuck you over if you aren't an asshole.

I wouldn't go that far. If you try to be nice for no reason and go out of your way to please others, you will be trampled without fail by everyone who doesn't share the same notion of courtesy you do. But you can prevent that without turning into one of them.

Why didn'd Zuck ask his parents for the money to start the business instead of partnering up with a bitch ass beaner?

Cause his parents probably didnt have the money and also probably because he didnt want them to know that he dropped out from Harvard.

put a woman on a pedestal and you'll become a millionaire (actually kind of true)

>As if Facebook notoriety was enough to justify a movie.

You're making it sound like he's just popular on Facebook, but he's supposedly one of the top 6 richest people in the world right now. Normies love stories about people who made it big from doing something somewhat simple.

He was still friendless by the end

Read interviews by Fincher. He never puts "messages" in his movies

To memory hole the fact that FB was created by the government

Low IQ, it's right there in the title, and it's not like Fight Club wasn't already the definitive movie exploration about its generation's social identity. If you can't grasp the wonderful irony of how the figure that changed social interactions through technology, which was supposed to bring people closer but instead created more distance and alienation, is himself socially isolated and lost, even though the movie really doesn't try to be subtle about it, with Fincher constantly creating frames within frames to isolate Mark from other people and Sorkin blatantly updating Citizen Kane's themes, then just stick to capeshit.

It's about a rich guy getting away with it, subversed *dabs*

Make friends

jews are cunts

people are competitive assholes even if they seem like they're your friends

Everything that happens in a movie is there for a reason, all to built up to make a point, you dumb bitch.

Do biographies need a point?

Don’t wear flip flops to the office.


He became one of the richest people in the world by stealing code?