Any good films about femcels?

Any good films about femcels?

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there are no "femcels" just lazy bitches that don't leave their houses or with high standards

I'd fuck her and then marry her just to make Bruce Willis my father-in-law.

Is that a tranny?

I say it every fuckin thread you spergs make


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The only true femcels are very ugly women and since that doesn't sell well in hollywood you won't find a lot of movies about this subject. Let alone a good one.

No, but this is.

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is that fucking Adam?

oh the ironing

do femcels really exist or they are a myth from tv shows?

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Would you, Yea Forums?

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>wants to be a man
>acts like a slut
these people

femcel is foid speak for "i can only fuck 8 and belows"

Fuck yeah, I loved Oblivion

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Would I what

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No such thing


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Oh shit...that's an actual thing? I thought it was an ironic meme page

care for a free lollipop?

Don't have to. I fucked her younger sister Tallulah Belle, back in 2015. Ask me anything.

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notice how she wants to be a "boy" not a man

god this is my fetish

communismkills has had tons of boyfriends including matthew heimbach le based orthodox in law fucker

men in the other hand are much more likely to be actually incel, if your face is moderately deformed, are below 5'6 or have a condition that seriously affects your weight you are out and can't do anything about it (if you say otherwirse you are lying to yourself). underweight/overweight or short women never had serious problems dating.

>hazel eyes


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I'd hit it like a caveman.

Yeah well good luck stopping time.
Many people want to stay young forever, no one makes it.

these are all just men larping right?

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How can you be a femcel?
You don't even need to leave your house, my sister is downright ugly and yet she has dozens of men wanting to date her in her dms

you can smell the piles of used tampons, overflowing litterbox, and sour unwashed fatgirl in every one of those posts.

pic related.

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nope, and they all look like Pat

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Fuck. Why couldn't we save her, anons?

I would

what an absolute rabbit hole this is

So fuck those mods over there. I posted about how women are superior to men and gave countless reasons why, including

1. We are ruled more by love than lust.

2. Men have throughout time beat us, raped up, kept us from being educated but we still overcame it all and contributed to the world. See

3. The world has been primarily ruled by men and look how that turned out for us. Look at the condition of the earth, greed, treatment of animals etc

4. Men have killed millions, if not billions of human beings throughout time yet women are blamed for everything shitty out there?

5. My views aren't about the wage gap (the one point those assholes harp on over and over despite all the issues out there), my views are about places like Yea Forums that show how rampant misogyny is, it's just residing under the surface like racism, and how socially it screws both men and women over.

6. Yea Forums is the most censored site I've honestly been too. I've been banned numerous time for expressing views that aren't the norm. What a bunch of weak mods running that place.

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checks out

I need pictures now

femcels are the most entitled and spoiled women of all.


they think they deserve the special and preferential treatment that HOTTS get, despite not putting forth any effort whatsoever, and are under the delusion that they deserve CHAD all to their fugly selves.

remember lads, if shes not an 8, she dont rate.

Wait a second, is her the one that did that with her brother?

dubs of truth

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>Potion seller, I'm going into battle and I need only your strongest potions.

>We are ruled more by love than lust

Totally false, men naturally are driven by love and non-sexual desire, while women are more primal. But in both cases a person showing the true nature of his/her gender is frowned upon by society (men showing his feeling for a woman is often cringy or faggy, while a woman that shows her desire to fuck every big man she see is considered a slut)

>Men have killed millions, if not billions of human beings

Women did too, also most men kill only for self defense or as a last resort

Where do I find an edgy shooter wannabe gf?

Ready Player One

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this thread is hilarous I mean it's clear that all of the posters are male larping but lmao

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Does anyone have the screenshot of the femcel that posted on Yea Forums? Maybe it was /pol/ bit don't remember. Everyone was telling her it was impossible until she posted and she was so ugly the thread blew up. That girl was truly an femcel

First thing you see is John and his bimbo, this is golden.


>the other thing is he's addicted to porn. More specifically, hentai. He watches it every single day, considers it an 'art form', he even wanted to play it while we were having sex. I told him I didn't really feel like being cucked by 2D that day. He can't seem to get it up for me unless he's watched a harem of pink haired loli cat girls being gangbanged onscreen beforehand. He also recently revealed to me he's big into incest play. I get people have kinks but to be honest it creeps me the fuck out. The other thing that annoys me is he rubs his kinks in my face constantly and wants me to do all kinds of weird shit, but doesn't want to try any of my kinks! He's so boring in every way sexually. The other day he told me I should think about getting implants. I guess so I can resemble one of his hentai mommies. We were at the store the other day and this thicc (pretty fat) Latina woman with really wide hips walked by. He turned around to me and said 'Her thighs must looking fucking disgusting. If you got to that size I'd leave you.' At the same time, he points out attractive women all the time. I thought that was dumb, rude and unnecessary. He just doesn't seem to have empathy or care about my feelings.

one of you weebs is getting dumped

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that's CommunismKills. she's from Maryland

That's what incels are

That looks just like a girl I know who is a virgin at the age of 28. Her friends/my friends were encouraging me to date her so I approached her at a get together just to chat her up and it was like pulling teeth. Injust said fuck it. Huge red flag for a decent looking girl to be a virgin and never had a boyfriend at that age and then give the cold shoulder to someone talking to her.

>before we get started here's a paragraph about how if you're a man you need to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out right now. Your opinions don't matter and we fucking hate you.
>now, ladies, why are we still single?
fucking beautiful
imagine if incel r9k threads started with
>women that dont instantly fulfill my sexual fantasies need to die

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This movie is kino

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>the faces on the three incel fucks behind her

Glad nobody posted it and dozens of others deny its existence (the femcel).

It's also a thriller


you dont pick up bimbo, bimbo picks you and you and you and you and DEFINITVELY you.

there was one in the news a few months ago. she killed herself in some woods via shotgun blast in the back.

is there a full set of those photoshoots?

What movie is this from? I hope those 2 girls end up together

Femcels don’t exist because most men are desperate betas.

but... they do?


show us one

did this really happen? im looking online and only see claims from forums, no actual evidence. that's almost as funng as mike enoch getting a divorce when /pol/ found out his wife was a jew.

>women hate incels more than literally anything and want all of them to die horribly
>also women want to be incels so they can be seen as victims, implying that incels ARE victims
Why are women so contradictive?

apperently they are Scandinavian and one of them has a instagram.

>yet that guy still has a gf

She'll never get a husband that way...

Everyone in this thread should obtain intercourse


>all she has to do is not be a complete bitch and want kids

Nice digits. Very ugly women usually just become ultra sluts

It's a woman larping as a twink

No, femcels are lazy/disinterested. Any woman who wants to can get fucked within a couple hours.

Incels want sex and are actually (if incompetently) trying to obtain it. Short of a prostitute (which they consider cheating for some reason) they couldn't get fucked if a girl tripped and fell on their dick.

>Still feminine in thought
>wants people to treat her lie a man
Are FtMs even more ridiculous ?

I would and hope my sons only inherit the jaw from her

>me on the left plotting to follow her home for a comfy rape sesh.

>Dirlewanger t-shirt
there's edgy and then there's super edgy, jesus

I'd probably rape her just for being a faggot. Is there anything more ridiculous than a 5'7 woman trying to be territorial.

Wtf I thought she was one of Bruce's ogre coven.


She's probably not even a decent person personality wise either which makes you wonder what the fuck these niggers are doing

>that pic is easily 15 years old

Ha, that's what I said!... Funny how her safe space is eliciting the opposite response in men.

most FtMs are as anime inspired as MtFs, spend any time around them and you'll learn they all want to be cute uwu yaoi boys.

I understand I'm just saying if most of these incels got out of the house more often and did things to improve themselves and didnt have such high standards, they too would likely get laid. Do you actually think these guys complaining about not having a gf are actually taking steps to be better or actually talking to girls in person?


Feminist autism is actually a massive shit test, the problem is you're playing russian roulette with 5 loaded chambers

>Is there anything more ridiculous than a 5'7 woman trying to be territorial.

Yes, a 4'11 woman trying to be alpha

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And still rad as fuck.

I know but it's ridiculous considering uwu cute yaoi boys are girls with small dicks and no tits. They're basically already the twink they're larping as. MtFs on the other hand (AGPs; not weird politically motivated ones) at least make an effort.

>actually talking to girls in person
How is an incel supposed to do this outside of the interactions with co-workers and grocery store cashiers?

She's not really trying to compete with men though, merely aggressively offering her womb to the best contender. She's being a cunt(or joking) but actually smart enough to realise she's always worse than a man.

> He watches it every single day, considers it an 'art form'

uh oh

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Femcel means no one cares about them past a cheap fuck

Most incels are old enough to know they are incels (23+) or have a valid claim (short height, deformity, etc).

At that point is pointless to go outside and talk to girls, there's more to lose than to win. And asking out a girl you get along with will usually end in losing the friendly relationship with that person.

sauce, remember seeing this webm ages ago and have always wanted to know what movie it's from

blue is the warmest colour

>At that point is pointless to go outside and talk to girls, there's more to lose than to win
Yep. Dumb roasties don't get how simply getting these guys hopes up just to dash them on a rock is more cruel than the dark truth. Its why the Church at least offered them monasteries

>cut scars
no thanks

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>blue is the warmest colour
Its not, its some Spanish film from Chile or some shit

I'm an incel (5'5) and in uni I talked to girls all the time, not asking out, just regular talk and never had a problem with them. It's not like if girls see an incel and instantly want to erase him from existence.

Also a lot of numales/basedboys are incels and they usually have female friends.

>It's not like if girls see an incel and instantly want to erase him from existence.
They do if you're not a midget. You're just so weak they know you could never rape them

Well met, Altmer.

Wrong. They're mostly ugly dykes in the military

Young & Wild (2012)

You know, at least she's being honest. She knows what she wants and has probably wasted a lot of her prime reproductive years being nice to guys and letting them down gently.


so basically just incel

Would love to piss my 6'3 genes away raising our 5'8 son together

>He also recently revealed to me he's big into incest play. I get people have kinks but to be honest it creeps me the fuck out

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