You Can't Watch This [2019] by George Llewelyn-John
>You Can't Watch This follows the lives of five high profile conservatives and political dissidents banished from the online world. After introducing each character, the movie recounts how each person came to lose their access to social media and the affect it had on them. With their stories told, each person goes on to discuss the broader issues raised by their deplatforming. Gavin McInnes talks about the necessity for social media for journalists, Laura Loomer describes how there is a war for information - and for access to it. Tommy Robinson questions the morality of mainstream politicians lobbying social media platforms to stop those looking for certain accounts gaining access to them before Paul Joseph Watson explains how the impacts of social media politics are spilling over to affect apolitical creators like Shane Dawson or James Charles. The movie ends asking the question, what form will social media take in ten years time - and how much of a monopoly will it hold on all of our lives.

You Cant Watch This 2019.mkv

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Other urls found in this thread: and bailey argument

Good thing I can't watch that because, to be honest, I don't really want to anyway.

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>high profile (((conservatives)))

a bunch of terrible people complain about being deplatformed. boo hoo.

free speech doesn't mean you won't get run out of town for saying stupid shit.

fuck those idiots.

Have sex

Gavin did nothing wrong

Have deh!

Why would you run someone out of town for saying things you don't like? Are you crazy?

except repeatedly inciting violence on camera, whoops

How can i take someone who stuffed a dildo up his ass on live air seriously?


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Im so sick of retarded commies.

Prove it

k fag

this is ruined by the presence of Laura Loomer
i just cant take it seriously

Why the homophobia?

im starting to find right wing sjws more annoying than left wing sjws nowadays

He shoved a dildo up his ass.

quads don't lie

all they do is whine and complain, it's really fucking embarrassing


It's even worse because in reality the neckbeard is a shitskin.

Left wing sjws still have more power so not really

Actually the Proud Boys are awesome and based.

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>one group makes you cringe
>other group is backed by globalist elite to promote division, irrational ideas, propaganda, censorship and anti-national ideas

hmm yea i wonder which is worse

wtf bros i cant watch it?


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Because their ideas influence naive people and those naive people start shitting up the place

the racism gimmick is getting a bit old tb h

You mean for the past 5 years

unironically based

they're both pathetic, embarassing groups of collectivist cucks who reduce everything to identity politcs and cant shut the fuck up about it for half a goddamn second

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but globalism is a good thing user

*tips fedora*

>oh no people care about their group identity how awful

The ones who kill people en masse and spread an ideology that only promotes negative emotions I'd imagine

if youre going to be a fascist you should own it

I hope you're being ironic

not only is it fucking grating, it's also extremely unproductive.

you've got a bunch of YouTubers who make their money by churning out daily videos, reading an article of the daily outragebait and then making a bunch of predictable comments to fill up the time so the video makes it past the 10 minutes mark. some of the more popular ones release 3-6 videos like this every single day.

this is literally the modern right-wing version of the leftist late night talk show. except it's not even late night, they spend all day watching this trash. you've got people addicted to this e-drama just endlessly discussing this shit and whining all day.

and the funniest thing? the people who are actually trying to make a change in the real world (even if they fucking suck at it) get ridiculed or shit on.

>free speech doesn't mean you won't get run out of town for saying stupid shit
Yes it does

Lol, the fedora is strong in that "documentary". When do people realise that these demagogues are just in for the money and will tell yo anything if it generates clicks? Fucking embarrassing that a massive crowd of sexually frustrated teenagers eat the alt-kike bait.

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fuck off randcuck

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Oh look, someone who is so massively blue pilled and put his tinfoil back on. What a surprise!

ayn rand was a hypocritical jew.

right wing scum

>He doesn't seem like a fascist so he must be fascist
This is your brain on cult think

>have nothing in your life to be proud of
>b-b-but at least my great-grandfather was white!


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the big yikes is over here lad

I think you're being overly dramatic


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>free speech doesn't mean you won't get run out of town for saying stupid shit.
That's exactly what it means though

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no it doest, retard. it means the state cannot punish you for having an opinion. you still have to face the consequences of saying stupid shit in the face of people who may not like it.

I don't know which one that is

Soon self driving cars and automation will mean the rich wont want immigration and the media will tell the mob that completely closed borders are moral.
You will be told to cheer for that and you will.

>muh joos

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Kill yourself, commie kike.

hes right lad

time to wake up and smell the mustard

It's illegal to run people out of town just because you dont like what they say.

What you really mean is that private business is now in a position to decide what people can and cannot say.

>muh joos

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"Now"? They always have. That's the free market. Man up.

It is actually legal to attack someone because they said something stupid

>Complaining that it's a free speech issue
>Complaining that SJW mobs are deplatforming righties
>Complaining that alt-rights are hiding behind big corporations to push their propaganda
>Not once mentioning the idea of platform vs publisher, the true crux of the issue

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No, both you and the other faggot are standing on state soil.
You can only tell the guy to fuck off and cry about it but that's about it. There's no "consequence".
When schools do this they get sued too.

Google is getting its asshole torn apart by anti trust because guess what the state has connections to Google and it acts like a monopoly.
And now Apple is facing the same thing despite running a private business.

>unironically sucking corporate cock


Nobody said they were worse you illiterate sperg, just that they're somehow even more annoying.

it's illegal to use physical force to drive people out, its perfectly legal and moral to not entertain retards until they get bored and leave or to not host retards on your own platform.

>"Now"? They always have. That's the free market. Man up.
Wouldn't that be fascism though?

>it's the jews!11
>reddit, if you don't comply!
An NPC running his script. Colour me surprised. I'll give you a massive red pill here. Educate yourself and stop reading infographics from Stormniggers.

no, it just means you won't go to jail for saying stupid shit.

I just subbed to Chapo Trap House and Contrapoints because there's no one else to sub to.
The people are the real change!

>reeee this man doesnt want to do business with me state please help

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>complaining about stormfags
hello 2013

Like it being perfect normal for trannys to cut their cocks off?

go read atlas shrugged for the 15th time, kike

imagine if the government gave a platform for someone and they immediately go on a tirade condemning minorities

you think the government couldnt refuse to give them a platform again?

>>reeee this man doesnt want to do business with me state please help
Who are you quoting?

But they made the bakery bake the cake for millions of dollars.

But if these platforms become the only way to be heard, and these platforms private, wouldn't that be both an infringement of freedom of speech and a danger to society?
Cant these platforms tell people what to think and also stir up emotions near voting times which effectively means they control our democracy?

>imagine if the government gave a platform for someone and they immediately go on a tirade condemning minorities

Bro, Trump did that the moment he announced he was running for President.
Where have you been?

Even European governments give platforms to parties that are anti immigration. That's called democracy.

They are already making a case for it with the anti trust probe.

who are 'they' again?


What I take from this thread is
>facism is good when it supports what I like

I don't see what the problem is, just create your own multi-billion dollar, multi-million user social media platform. Be an entrepreneur, it's easy

and they mostly get voted out or ignored

is that deplatforming? should they always have the right to a TV camera whenever they want to speak?

>m-m-maybe if i said "muh X" they will think hating jews is cringy and outdated :s

mmmh no sweetie it doesnt work that way, you see contrariarism is usually present here but
you will never be truly safe ;)

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I own a rental property and probably wont rent it to non white people so I suppose I'm a hypocrite.

It's shocking how bad /pol/ has become at dealing with criticism. They've become the ultimate circlejerk hugbox. Everyone's a shill, everyone is reddit, everyone's a Jew or a discord tranny or a psyop. Do they not realize how off-putting this is to bystanders?

>trotting out the "Free Speech" bullshit again
>yes, you can say whatever you want
>no, the US Government cannot make laws to prevent you from saying whatever you want
>people think this means they can literally say whatever they want - which they can - but without any consequences to their actions or words
>that is where everyone always gets it wrong

So, yes you can say whatever you want and that cannot be legally restricted, but given that you're able to say whatever you want you need to realize that free speech when utilized is an action, and actions have consequences.

The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution says the US Government cannot make laws that infringe on the right of free speech - it's not granting on the right which already exists - it's simply saying that the government (meaning US or state) cannot create some law(s) that alter that fact: you are free to say whatever you want, anytime, anywhere, without limits.

But since free speech when utilized is an action, one needs to be aware that there are consequences for that action.

Websites, regardless of how large they become, are still basically private entities unless they do go public and as such they have the inherent ability - note it's not a "right" and I'm avoiding that terminology in this instance - to control the content published on their platforms which in essence is their usage of free speech and guess what: because of how it works the Constitution guarantees the right of such platforms to censor whatever they damned well please without restrictions.

Of course, there are consequences to those actions too like people grow to fucking hate such platforms, much as people hate someone exercising their free speech to point out people are fucking stupid as I just did.

The facts hurt, kids.

you'll come around eventually

I like how it shows nazis as these alien grey bigjawed things, not people.

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easy there moche

>muh joos
great criticism

Political debates literally, legally, are required to provide a platform to all political parties and to allow them equal time. That might not be the case in the US though. Since you only have two parties, they are kind of the same and the work to suppress any third parties.

>and they mostly get voted out or ignored

I wish.

probably when fascists start gassing NEETs because they're genetically-inferior betas

see you in the statistics.

>the government should force those platforms to host me because they are large and successful
the absolute state of looters and moochers

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Exterminate nazis is ok, you nazis.

It seems like this is the only premise 99% of people agree on.

And the 1% who disagree aren't heroes either, they're moronic Randroids who don't understand that libertarianism is whypipo shit that disappears alongside them

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>off putting to bystanders
Pretty sure the point of /pol/ isn't to recruit anyone.

>american reading comprehension

>lolbertarian chimes in

They got rid of the equal time law in America under Reagan. Look up Fairness Doctrine.

US social media platforms have positioned themselves to control peoples thoughts. Political thought and consumer behavior.

So I dont use a single one.

great argument champion
what a great way to show your own level

>boohoo a few conservatives are annoying, fuck em, ban their channels i dont mind if 50 more ill progressives take their place

sooner or later, something you like will be deemed offensive and banned, but you wont complain cause you're too contrarian for that


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GUYS. SJWS DID SOMETHING CRAZY!!!! (ignore crazy shit on the right) DONATE TO MY PATREON!

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That's pretty awful. What if you end up in a situation where you only have two political parties and they both only serve big business?

The constant right wing whining is so fucking tiresome.

t. lolbertarian

They should host anyone equally because they form the de facto public forum and therefor MUST be treated as such.

lmao right. that's why /pol/ has quadrupled in size, with most of the newcomers coming from reddit. /pol/ is extremely accessible nowadays that the shock factor of muh racism has worn off.

>Laura Loomer describes how there is a war for attention - and for access to it

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you end up living in the world's biggest shithole, the United States of America


>there's consequences for spreading hate and bigotry????? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

Oh man I can't wait for this company to go bankrupt for writing these sjw arti-
>funded by Open Society

are you from a fascist country or communist?

>corporations are evil and exploitative
>except for /ourguys/ in Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, Netflix and Disney
>those billionaires are woke af I love 'em
What did every Western ""socialist"" mean by this?

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It's not a recruitment fest though? People go there because life is shit. It's the new Yea Forums.
You are whining because you're not part of it.

>hate and bigotry

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imagine having this much of a nigger mindset

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Ohh this post hits home.

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>'Q is real' starter pack

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fuck off lolbertarian

the internet is the platform
they didn’t even fucking build that, my government did

oh come on they need at least one token white to use as a figurehead for their "white supremacist" agenda
which is totally happening and not just something to virtually tug each others cocklets over for days that become weeks then months and years

I think its numbers are surging because 4chans user base is surging, aging and has always had an alternative mindset.

>fedora and whiskey
yeah, real cool.
Fucking delusional morons.

make me, mutt : )

>turns CNN back on

With a combover and a neckbeard that'd be you, user. And a perpetually empurpled angry face, obviously.

Cool, glad we agree, so when do clickbait sites get banned from social media you shit eating commie?

Do you know how to get rid of Redditors? Unironic shilling for Lefties

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>of a man
Pretty sure corporations arnt men.
Also there are fucking LOADS of rights that people have that infringe on the rights of actual other men.

Like the rights that renters have so that their landlords cant just through all their shit out on the road and change the locks. For social good.

I actually find censorship of conservatives (and other non-farlefts) extremely worrisome. I just don't spend all day whining about it

>its ok if I close my eyes

>bro /pol/ is shit
>ok mutt!
racist much!?

>Pretty sure corporations arnt men

Whites are a minority among under 20s in the US. There is no white supremacist agenda. American whites are upset that they lost a country.

Also I look forward to you attacking and killing them in the streets.

is having a grabby Jewish stereotype's mindset a step up or sideways? or maybe even down?

>suggesting /pol/ should be more moderate to gain a larger following
you’re funny

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wrong, /pol/ user growth is much higher than the rest of Yea Forums. /pol/ has been the largest board here for a long time now.

when did this board get raided with trannies?

Indeed. If these social media corporations want to be allowed on the platform they should be brought to heel.

>/pol/tard pretends to get upset about "racism"

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oy vey

>Pretty sure corporations arnt men.
they're made of men and by men
>Also there are fucking LOADS of rights that people have that infringe on the rights of actual other men.
>Like the rights that renters have so that their landlords cant just through all their shit out on the road and change the locks. For social good.
the two parties enter a consensual agreement. much like the one you sign up to on twitter or facebook.

I've found that there's two kinds of libertarians:

1: Naive idealists who still believe that if they leave the world alone, the world will leave them alone. They eventually become more authoritarian as they realize the world fucking hates them and will never leave them alone.

B: I call these guys "ideological HIV." They will decry all forms of collectivism, racism, tribalism, etc. simply because those systems are competition to the dominance of Zionism. They want their cattle rootless, atomized, divided and ideologically disarmed so they're the perfect replaceable economic widgets.

I'm thinking you're the latter.

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>but its ok to be racist as long as I say /pol/ sucks


Everyone featured there is a open Zionist shill.

pretty stale
one half of one (1) virtue point awarded


First they came for /pol/...

A building is made of men and by men. It isn't a man.
As for agreements between renters and landlords,the state enforces rights for the tenant whether the landlord agrees to it or not.

Now that social media is a threat to society the state should step in.

t. nigger

>the way to deal with this censorship is to whine about it 24/7 on Yea Forums and twitter

this is EXACTLY why nothing is being done to stop it. you guys actually think you're pushing back by circlejerking in your little bubble?

>this is EXACTLY why nothing is being done to stop it

Dunno, user, but I can say with certainty it always seems to happen exactly as things start going to shit for /pol/tards and /pol/-influenced Yea Forums types. I'm sure it's just coincidence though.

Am I the only one noticing the massive anti-pol invasion these last months?
Who's behind it? It's too big, relentless and coordinated to be an organic change.

>/pol/-influenced Yea Forums types

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discord trannies

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I'm simply stating facts. Whites ARE a minority in the under 20 age group in the US and it will lead to violence against them.

shortened from the original title
You Can't Watch This Without Acquiring Massive Amounts of Brain Damage


Cognitive dissonance, the largest board is Yea Forums. That's the entry pill for all underage fags.

You're unlikely to be the only fantasist who needs to believe in a massive anti-/pol/ invasion, if that's any comfort.

im not libertarian you uneducated swine
>A building is made of men
were you dropped on the head as a child?
>As for agreements between renters and landlords,the state enforces rights for the tenant whether the landlord agrees to it or not.
it's the sole essential quality and the very purpose of the state, to protect the cilvic liberties and idividual rights of its consituents. not to regulate how a public platform people willingly sing up to should operate.

>they're made of men and by men


Those right wing commentator types are retards and probably just opportunists that believe in nothing but their deplatforming worries me more than their messages did.

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honk honk clown world amirite fren

its crazy how the majority of people really is as retarded as you

Is it not fact that white Americans are a minority in the under 20 age group? Is it not fact that white Americans are hated by non white Americans?

Is it not logical to conclude that this will result in violence? White Americans will talk all day long about being afraid to go to certain places in the US for fear of violence.

/pol/ is all but finished, they've been ran off almost every blue board

eat shit

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>pls kill white pypo

>people willingly enter into a rental agreement
>the state still grants them additional rights outside of the rental agreement



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just gonna leave this here for no particular reason and bailey argument

Never would have predicted this in '98. I thought the net would eventually end up with a few big companies and sites that most people go to and figured I wouldn't be one of them, lol. (How many sites out of the billions do you visit, when was the last time you went somewhere new?)

I thought it would be anarchists being silenced. Maybe that'll come later. The deep problem with the net obviously is the antagonistic troll-iness. It kills everything good and civil and of course youngsters will become alt right if they're awash in this environment. Some kids grow up thinking the entire world is garbage and people equals shit.

I disagree in silencing voices, but then if they're so great why would it matter if youtube doesn't promote / publish them? They can just put stuff on their own site, bunch of cry babies



You're a fucking joke to moderates as well, user. How does an adult become so broken as to develop a virtual life like yours?

>how to get rid of Redditors?
gore and cp


You know, I would be fine with it if social media cracked down on political shit in general. The problem is they don't.

>you get banned for attacking someone's face
Unless that race is white
>you get banned for anti-religious bigotry
Unless you're shitting on Christianity
>you get banned for threatening public figures
Unless you're threatening Trump

So the message isn't "you're not allowed to be a hateful autistic asshole" it's "you're only allowed to be one specific type of hateful autistic asshole." Call me when anybody gets banned from YouTube for saying anything more vitriolic than what Colbert spews when he's on the front fucking page of YouTube every single day even if you've never viewed a single video of him

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Hmm, interesting. Seems like Yea Forums is currently 30% larger. I do remember seeing stats from an independent scraper that showed /pol/ passing Yea Forums. I think it was a year ago?

Why are you upset bro?

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Nigger what? You are in a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums. You should report and hide.

That would be you being ran off though, wouldn't it?

Literally every flat earthers, leftist extremists, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxx moms spew stupid shit all the time. They all get their free pass.
Why can't conservative figures do the same?

dont be liek that fren, gibs honk honk!

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what kind of rental agreements do you sing in your country that dont include the clause that the landlord wont rummage through your shit at his leisure?

>le radical centrist

They want to be in a position to influence politics.
They want to be part of the political trinity.
The state, the rich and the church.

They want to be the church. Telling people what to think.

>flat earthers
>conspiracy theorists
>anti-vaxx moms

On that evidence I'd say they are.

Reminder: after a year or so the EU has implemented their copyright filter and Google will have gone full authoritarian left like Facebook and twitter. The alternatives are already out there so just hold on a little while for all of this "muh online safe space" stuff to collapse.

lol you're really so deep in your bubble that you think only reactionaries get banned?

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>in the US the landlord can electricute your balls if it's not stated in the rental agreement that this isn't allowed.

The state enforces rights that arnt included in the agreement.




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check outthere's already janitors in place all across the site, once theres mods in place it all comes crashing down on the nazis

>claims to be moderate
>only attacks /pol/

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you'd think this was a grade school dialog
some people never grow up mentally i guess

members of all those other groups get banned too, but they don't shit themselves about muh free speech when it happens

youtube already remove shit on their site for random arbitrary reasons that the shareholders demand. nobody is complaining about that loss of freedom of speech.

But suddenly, there are movies and articles complaining about "muh freedom of speech" when it comes to a topic that billionaires spend ( and make) piles of money on.


i wonder what's going on there.

it's clearly a mystery of some kind.

i guess we'll never know.

the university establishment is the new church, and academics the new priest class

The EU has never let me down yet. So I will wait and see.

Jannies cant ban moron

based moldbug

>what Colbert spews when he's on the front fucking page of YouTube every single day even if you've never viewed a single video of him
Yeah I always thought that was weird too. Like "trending now" always includes one 200k viewer Colbert vid sandwiched between 10m view Spanish music videos and Gamer Faggot Reactions

because what conservatives say go directly against the ones in charge

You were close though. Check 4stats. io
First four boards should get deleted and I bet you the quality of this site would skyrocket into never seen good meme times. All the brainlet shit flinging comes from the four big boards.

Brah, you have selective view.

>free speech doesn't mean you won't get run out of town for saying stupid shit.
It literally does though, retard.

They might be part of it but social media is the new religion. It fulfills every function that religion used to.
I'm an atheist in the traditional sense and the modern sense.

>flat earthers
stay stupid goy
>leftist extremist
protect bankers goy
>conspiracy theorist
believe in nazi ufos goy
>anti vaxx mom
kill your kids goy
wtf stop this they are calling us out goy!

lol it would overflow
remember /new/ deletion?
oh wait

>Ackshually YouTube and Twitter bans crazy antifa types all the time
Is this the new "The Daily Show constantly made fun of Obama"?

what are you even rambling about you braindead monkey, the state protect the unalienable rights of the individual, the terms and conditions of mutual agreements between consistuent parties are specified in the contract and enforced by the state, everything that is not specified is not enforced or redundant.

For me? It's Alain Soral.

Glad you have come around to the idea that people have rights that exist outside of agreements between private entities.
Social media should not be able to do whatever it wants just because of agreements they design and you sign.

no it's the reality that everyone outside of the reactionary cult lives in

This is exactly the problem. They wish to enact a policy of arbitration because it advantages the powerful who can make those arbitrations. It's the double standard that's insufferable. If the rules were applied fairly they wouldn't be advocating for deplatforming or censorship because it would effect them but it's all fair game because they're protected.

Destiny literally said he bought a gun and looked up a conservative guys address with the intent of killing him, going so far as to plan his escape and where he would drive, not banned. In fact he gets praised in New York Times articles.

social media is the medium. the religion is atomised, liberal individualism within a paradigm of globalism

So does free speech mean I don’t get run out of town spilling commie shit to people? I assume in an ideal scenario anything including commie shit gets a free pass. So if I spew so much commie shit and everyone turns commie and start banning free speech, that’s ok as well. The idea is in Essence fucking flawed. Kill yourself libtard.

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kill yourself commie

>Destiny literally said he bought a gun and looked up a conservative guys address with the intent of killing him
lol i wonder what he actually said

>love/tolerate everybody
>obey the state
Well it's very similar to christianity.

what? i was explicitly talking about it in the initial post you fucking amoeba. if you break the terms and conditions of the agreement between yourself and the social media you signed up to they have every right to drop your ass off.

The problem is that it's specifically /pol/ that keeps spilling to other boards. Yea Forums is mostly contained and Yea Forums is basically a porn board. /pol/, however, is a gateway to really fucking cringeworthy redditors. They join from there and then go to shit up other boards I browse like /g/, Yea Forums, /fit/ and so on. Since /pol/ is a hugbox and basically has a reddit-like voting system, they never bothered to understand board culture. They don't know how to behave without being fucking obnoxious. They're like digital niggers.

except traditional christianity enforces specific social norms and mores, and condemns hedonism


Unless the state enforces additional rights, which it should.

For example, an American can sign away all their rights when buying a digital computer game whereas even if I sign it, I dont lose my rights.

> basically has a reddit-like voting system
kek, based newfag

>/pol/ basically has a reddit-like voting system

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ !!!

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Hedonism was a theory that moderation was better than excess.
Modern media enforces social norms too. Just ones different to christianity. The main messages are the same though. Tolerate everyone and obey that state.

Here you go you can watch it yourself

So you just graduated highschool this year, got it.

You glow in the dark, and I don't believe someone so stupid and misinformed as you has been on Yea Forums for more than say two years.

>Unless the state enforces additional rights, which it should.
no it shouldnt
>For example, an American can sign away all their rights when buying a digital computer game whereas even if I sign it, I dont lose my rights.
you dont lose youyr unalienable rights. hence the unalienable part. your access to twitter is not an unalienable right.

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>66 posters
>243 replies

most comments defending giant global corporations

sure some are in jest, but there are some legitimate comments

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>Tolerate everyone
except anyone labeled "conservative" or "toxic" or "extremist"
>and obey that state
except when the state says "no abortions" or "hate speech is free speech"

The board population is highly like-minded. If you go against the flow, you instantly get trashed by the mob. That's basically a downvote and it's poison to good discussion and humor.

>Why can't conservative figures do the same?

you can most definitely be conservative and be fine. you're free to be dumb and believe in any of that nonsense but being dumb is different to inciting violence or being a mouth piece for hate speech.

>because what conservatives say go directly against the ones in charge

hahaha what? user, there is a conservative government in power right now, the ones in charge are billionaires. do you think they are not conservative? billionaires fund the right wing, and have no interest in overthrowing the system that made them billionaires and continues to make them giant piles of money.

who exactly are the ones in charge that are against conservatives?

no, i just live in a country where leftism and identity politics dont really exist, my only exposure to them are the internet and lately it has shifted from screeching and whining tumblrinas to screeching and whining /pol/turds.

You can go on /pol/ right now and make your educated, reasonable argument that migration is great, Jews are our friends, feminism and LGBT rights should be protected and globalism will lead to better lives for everybody.

You won't be banned. Your posts won't be deleted.

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>starts a right wing white nationalist terrorist group

Literally nothing wrong

Where's the fucking torrent? You're not gonna convert many people to your side of the argument if you expect them to pay for their own conversion.

>who exactly are the ones in charge that are against conservatives?
you already know
don't act retarded with me

the enemy of my enemy is my friend. people on the left have their own critiques of social media (that you'll always be too deep in your own bubble to actually hear) but we'll also agree with fash dickheads getting banned from shit

Here are some quotes for you
>That's one of the people, it's actually kind of scary how close i was to getting people together to go down to his house and kill him and his family, it would've just been him and his father
>I was so close to fucking doing it
>I had his fucking address i had streets mapped out
>This is when i had an interest in owning a weapon, i got a permit

>please spoonfeed me

>who exactly are the ones in charge that are against conservatives?
literally everyone

>who exactly are the ones in charge that are against conservatives?

a few giant corporations that communist seem to worship

Its a weird irony

I'm liberal just not full left and find it weird

youtube has demonetized videos for being lgbt for ages. a quick google will show you examples of them apologizing for it, in 2017, 2018 and 2019

and that's just one very easy to check example.

fuck off statecuck

>zionist racemixer
>white nationalist
pick one you clueless shitlib

>has been on Yea Forums for more than say two years.

your projection is obvious, reddit

>no not the president, or the senate, or the supreme court, or the judiciary, or the police/military, the OTHER people in charge are all leftist commusocialists!

I looked on 3 (three) separate hosts and it wasn't there, if it's not on my ruskie torrent sites it ain't on any.

How embarrassing.

We have already established that the state should step in when private business is a threat to society a d individuals.

you have probably given big corp your dna

>other posters disagreeing with me is the same as janny coming in and making the post I don't like and the guy who made it go away forever so really /pol/ is just like Resetera
I'd say you were fucking with me but it's shocking how many libshits actually believe this

name one open white nationalist in those institutions

The fact that twitter suspends you for claiming all niggers should hang its not a proof that they're danger to society.




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>having my posts deleted is literally like stalin disappearing people from photographs! we are truly living in 1984 the animal farm

Name one fucking imbecile who became successful politician.

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delete your post

you've gotta stretch and warm up before you make an explosive sprint with the goalposts like that, you're gonna pull a muscle. also, steven miller lol

See, I asserted exactly what you were saying and your response was to make up some imaginary bullshit you think I believe. Pathetic.

who are you quoting

most of them. politicians are opportunists and psychopaths

>We have already established this insane scenario that benefits me and no one else
Repeating a meme over and over again doesn't make it true.

>literally everyone

name one?

>muh jooish boogeyman

but communists who like youtube or facebook or twitter? these are the people who are in charge with respect to this social media thread.

Strawman. I never said that. Their threat to society is how they have positioned themselves to support certain ideas and political parties.

I mean it was in the news that Facebook carried out experiments to influence peoples moods. A powerful way to influence elections.
These businesses need far more regulation before they rule us.

Why go to pol when you can come here?

>deleting a post
>Stalin like behavior
This fucker never browsed Yea Forums before drumpf.

>states dont guarantee people additional rights outside or private agreements.

You have already conceded that they do. Retard.

>steven miller
>His mother's ancestors Wolf Lieb Glotzer and his wife, Bessie, immigrated to the United States from the Russian Empire's Antopol, in what is present-day Belarus, arriving in New York on January 7, 1903, on the German ship S.S. Motke and thus escaping the 1903–06 anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire.[32][21][33] When his great-grandmother arrived in the US in 1906, she spoke only Yiddish, the historical language of the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe

You. Everyone in that doc was deplatformed for shitposting. My country's government is among the most conservative and nationalistic in Europe and it's memebers are highly active on all social media. Meanwhile, intellectual titans such as Laura Loomer are dropped of twitter for being obnoxious shitposters.

>name one?
theresa may

>we should dismantle private services and socialize them because I can't say nigger on their servers
Okay, boomer.

urrrgh only liberal tv allowed

there are no gay people kissing in this...It's bad enough that other shows don't have gay people kissing every episode

Strawmanning and name calling.lel


the leader of the conservative party is against conservatives?

get fucked.

>name one?
You mean like Sergey Brin saying that Trumps election was a failure of progressivism and that it was googles responsibility to ensure it doesn't happen again in a leaked google executive talk in 2018? Is the co founder of google enough of an answer for you

yes. just like almost every other "conservative" party on earth

and yet he's still a white nationalist. also there's this that recently came out

Literally can't support his own premise "lel".

Can you faggots stop fighting and stop letting big companys from controling everything.

boo hoo. billionaries are telling me to be upset upset about this. so i'm angry about this. >:(


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I decide I won when you resorted to name calling and strawmanning. Also I decided you are probably a brainlet.

It's not the same fucking thing. The way /pol/ reacts to being disagreed with is not at all like in other boards. They go fucking apeshit and every /pol/poster who happens to be lurking joins in.

It's because in other boards people enjoy memeing or having discussions. /pol/posters enjoy getting enraged and actively look for reasons to strawman you in order to do so.

>really /pol/ is just like Resetera
In terms of mentality, it totally fucking is. Just because you don't get banned doesn't mean it isn't a circlejerk and a celebration of outrage culture.

I miss altavista

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now that was a search engine

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Watch as this post is ignored by discordniggers.

yeah. now show to me how one person in charge means that everyone in charge is against conservatives


It's incredibly anti democratic for one man at the head of a machine like Google to use that machine to spread his political views or suppress opposing views.

It's the beginning of the end of democracy.

>In fact, more than 90% of the $40 million donated by big tech employees to political causes since 2004 has gone to the Democrats. Staff at Google's parent company Alphabet were collectively the biggest funders of Democratic candidates and causes.

And coal probably sent a load of money to Trump. What we need to do is completely shut down lobbying.
Politic parties should live or die based on their ideas. Not on their funding.

Dude that has nothing to do with politics.
Go fuck your sister or something you pasty redneck.

>we will call it youtube
>we will crush the competition with google
>we will lobby with money
>ah shit people are using it as a soap box
>better shut it down
>just these people in particular pointing it out

>Actually the Proud Boys are awesome and based.
This video is unironically based.

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Something like 70% of the Internets traffic goes through google, if you don't think that concentration of power is dangerous and a threat to the democratic process, you are either naive or intentionally obtuse. All without any meaningful form of accountability, there are zero checks and balances. It is hardly comparable to some coal miners.

Whatever keeps the fash dogs down is good in my book. Stay mad, /pol/cel.

Funny world we're in where the ones who support democratic process and free speech are called fascistic while those who happily empower unaccountable giants with the ability to control speech are anti-fascist.

"In the future the fascists will call themselves anti fascist" as they say

Funny world where standing for equality, anti racism and social justice is antifascist while defending white supremacism, racism, hatred for minorities and locking up kids in cages is fascist.
You have lost.

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You're replying to arguments that you have invented in your head.


As mad as your fascist ass may be, Google is with us. Facebook is with us.
They won't be having elections, no conservatard will ever get a hold of them.
The information is ours and will always be. You have lost. The future belongs to us.
Save time and kill yourself.

You seem mad




I think you are just meming now.
