Is it just me or is this boring as fuck? I just marathoned first 30 minutes and it didn't catch my interest at all

Is it just me or is this boring as fuck? I just marathoned first 30 minutes and it didn't catch my interest at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

based plot point mental midget

pleb: filtered

>30 minutes

Attached: 1510438188420.jpg (362x362, 29K)

>meme arrows

ADHD zoomer

Same here. Taking a 5 minute break between every single line the characters talk doesn't make your show deep or interesting. The characters just look like drooling retards.

I'll finish the episode if it doesn't pick up ill drop it

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Is that unwatchable faggot Miles Teller in it, because Refn needed to meet his jew-quota to get the show made?

Based retard
The slowness adds something to almost all scenes, when they pull up the girl on the road it's disturbing and creepy and the coked up father scene was funny af

why is he unwatchable?

Do normies really not know how to use the catalog, or are there literal Amazon shills posting on here?

You post this on every totdy thread.

Or maybe Nicolas Winding Refn has been extremely popular on this board for years and a show by him will garner many threads.

Yeah, the critics said it’s shit so why would you watch it?
Typical low-rating garbage

>popular with zoomers
Literally every thread about this has been a graveyard since it was announced, except until today I guess. And still, even then oldfags DO know how to use the catalog and can perfectly see that there were already two (2) threads about it before OP made his

Besides, YOU weren't here for the Drive or OGF threads, don't act like it.

refn was only popular for two years when drive came out. then only god forgives came out and everyone found out what "real" refn is. nobody actually watched his movie pre-drive.

refn declares open season on jews at the end of episode 9. then again he kills nazis in this show too.

does anyone actually give a shit about this? refn fans have already come and said that they thought it was "meh" at best.

Normies are frothing for it because of social currency.

he kinda shits on everyone....

Is there a adult actress that look like Cristina Rodlo?

>2 words
>1 word
>4 words
>1 word

That's like 15 minutes worth of screen time. If you faggot a think that two characters staring at each other without saying a thing is kino, then go ahead and jerk off to this bullshit, just know that you and I are over.

t. mommy issues.

Mental midget

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>Are you in trouble?

>watching Refn for story
You do it wrong, just enjoy the visual