So, have you checked out brownQT kino yet?
So, have you checked out brownQT kino yet?
Tessa Thompson is like Fetch TV. People have spent years trying to make her work, but she just doesn't.
This smug faced smirking cunt ruins everything she's in.
poor mans nathalie emmanuel
Has she ever improved anything she's been in? I mean, in Creed she was tolerable. Not like Rocky where the romance was interesting, endearing and you cared about, but she was tolerable.
Literally everything else I've seen her in has been shit and her actual persona off-screen is obnoxious as Hell.
>watch bootleg copy of it with my sister
>she has that open mouthed scrunched eyebrow look for half the movie
>kept saying this isn't a Men in Black movie
>kept saying it just made her want to watch the first two movies
I thought she was ok in Annihilation, though I didn't much like that movie
Can't act. Ruins everything she's in.
Ugly as hell on top of everything. Looks like an MtG tranny with a pantyhose mask over her head crossed with an eye.
She's just a poor man's woman in general
I wanna speedfuck her from behind
Y'all just mad that you guys can't get a QT brown gf.
I literally posted in another thread recently about how I want white children. I don't find many brown women attractive.
>be race other than white
>race mix with wypipo
>kids are considered attractive (for their race)
Every time
You're a lost cause if that's your idea of cute.
Lol, You think this ugly skank is hot?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What a faggot.
They are easier to get than equal white chicks. I'm fine bleaching nice looking negresses. But not this cunt.
Proper regional slang is actually y'alls.
>Not getting some random white thot pregnant and then marrying a wholesome brown QT
Bro you just gotta GET CREATIVE
She has less boobs than Daisy Ridley, and that's almost an impossibility.
>is like Fetch TV
Oi Mate. It works for overseas channels though.
>I mean, in Creed she was tolerable.
This, she's alright with Creed. Anything else feels forced.
Her hairline makes it look like her skull is shaped just like Zippy the Pinhead's.
pic unrelated