When reality becomes dystopian cyberkino

>When reality becomes dystopian cyberkino

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Fuck off

This is way more interesting than another zoomer blogpost.

what the fuck

Is a video by corridor digital, so its fake

>Dumbfuckers should have finished it off before it became too smart
>Now they'll never have the chance
Do you have the webm of the robot taking a chair shot from behind that floors it? Love that one

This is the most retarded thing I've seen all year.

It's fake, but worth watching anyway youtube.com/watch?v=dKjCWfuvYxQ




Attached: killbot.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

t. incel

>no trigger discipline
Into the trash

no shit, as if the "Bosstown Dynamics" didn't give it away

Attached: Amazon airship.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

why did it t-pose at the end?

>Bosstown Dynamics
t. Retard

>it didn't dab


As if the incredibly fake way the feet connect with the floor didn't give it away.

Fake or not why would you allow a robot to stumble from a bottle being broken on its 'head'.

It's not that bad in the webm since it's mocap. You only get the floaty effect if it's added in later with no reference points.

Do you think boston dynamics used a test subject to see if a human head could handle a squish?

Wren is so cute

Looks like CGI.

this is retarded

in reality a man sized robot would be fucking terrible for the military. what you would actually want are a bunch of drones with guns/bombs attached. better yet, a squad of quick moving 'dog' like robots that could grab on to a victim and go to town with hidden knives in their body. or just put guns on them too.

We're all screwed now.

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That looks weird as fuck. I bet it will be terrifying when the military makes a weaponized version

It would be pretty good for a fear factor and the human form is good for operating equipment we already have since it's all made for humans currently, I do agree that drones would be better though.

Yea Forums really is just reddit now huh

You will never be able to program a robot that comes close to human movement. Our brains are something like 2500x more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer

making robots human shaped is the opposite of fear factor, you got to make them into shapes we already fear like wolves. future war is gonna be fought mostly by drones anyway so the real fear will just be the humming sound coming from far away. they will just have thermal cameras and shut anything that moves

>the last seconds

Based retard

>casings landing directly below the gun

>that looks weird as fuck
that's because it's CGI

last time I checked we should be getting pretty close to a computer with cat-levels of intelligence.

Droves are far less accurate than modern warfare likes to admit.

This amateur cgi is better than most capeshits & Co movies.

Proof that most of Hollywood are total hacks.

I dunno, human like but not human is pretty good for generating fear, see most horror movie monsters. Humanoid monstrosity with a gun in your face is much scarier than doggo bot imo, unless it's pic related doggo.

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it almost happened right there

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>that fucking power stance it takes
Well we had a good run I suppose.

>finger always on the trigger
>safety always off

Pajeets already had this technology a decade ago.

Curryland: 1
Americuck: 0

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Why would a fake watermark automatically make the robots fake? retard

are they just going to release all this shit on everyone as soon as we hit 2020 or what?


is that the robot pooch from F451?

Attached: vr.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

based Hammerstein

I don't think a multi-million dollar company will make their name a pun about another company who does the same thing. Also there's weird fake QR codes on the box. Get out of here dummy.

>take one pellet gun

It is indeed, an artist rendition of F451 needle murder doggo.

Attached: 1539338578306.webm (852x480, 2.81M)

>weaponized version
>we need a hub in enemy territory
>it has to be a big ass target that anybody could take out with a single shot

Robots Rise up!

I hate robots so god damn much


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Should I get cybernatic implants for the inevitable uprising bros?


>kill me

mfw there is a Boston Dynamics lab down the highway from me and the battery life on those things keeps getting better and better

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it would be quite funny without the desperate ass-covering of having the title, thumbnail and included making-of give everyone absolute certainty up front that it's fake and just a joke haha so no one gets ascared and upset

that shits have compartments

no 'cause then they'll just blow yours up

Those Bostonians need to work out their frustrations somehow after losing the cup.

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>inb4 the cyberpunk dystopia arrives before Cyberpunk 2077 can be released

Why am I hard

I'll shoot that fucking thing. Let's see if it can dodge a bullet

the suffering of your inevitable enemy is causing temporal spasms in your erogenous regions


>print out the special effects credits from chappie

Is it possible to rape a robot?

Oh my god what the fuck.

The future ain't gangsta, that's what's up

>welcome. welcome to city 17.


Yea Forums is for complaining about politics, really bad SJW falseflagging, and crying about people who aren't white, straight, cis, or male

Get this reddit shit out of here OP

Westworld told me it was so I did it a bunch of times

It's not really cat level

Why wouldn't you just integrate the guns into it's arms?

>Kirov reporting

You know what you need to do

And you're gonna plug him in?!

Attached: Total_Recarl.png (640x480, 413K)

Huh. I follow cg effects work. I even had a roommate who majored in it as well as some I did in high school back in the day. I still am fascinated and surprised by some of the details in that behind the scenes clip.

To assert dominance

Has science gone too far?

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so it can use different guns dummy

what makes you think they did not?

In the future the only jobs will be in STEM and only white people and asians will have jobs because niggers are fucking stupid and Hispanics will be replaced by servant and berry picker robots.


Imagine what they actually have in the secret black projects.

Just asking to get pegged

leave psycho mantis alone you bully

>why did it t-pose at the end?
The robot is a big AJ Styles fan.

Attached: aj-styles-wwe.jpg (950x460, 69K)

>secret black projects

Attached: invented by black people.jpg (750x847, 91K)

I am glad moot found work at Google that was right up his alley.

kek you know what I mean though off the books stuff

>Imaging being such a pathetic bitter incel

I thought he was at facebook

That's his day job.

'Carrier has arrived'

why are cyberautists so set on making humanoid robots that resemble us when its so much harder and wasteful

just give them a drone's body, instead of 2 legs 2 arms and a head
or any other body that's useful and could easily travel any type of terrain

I've been in enough rekt threads to know a mexican cartel victim when I see one

I want a robot that I can practice boxing with.

I wan't to have sex with robots.

Akimov had a hard life

Mostly because you can apply the required articulation to other things.

because the world around them is made for bipedal two armed humanoid creatures

nice /pol/ falseflagging, sjw faggot

I thought sooooooo much of city 17

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How do we prevent this future. I'm willing to give up the comfort of online shopping if it prevents shit like this.


It'll never take on in the US because people will be shooting down drones and throwing nets over them to steal the packages

>t-poses to assert dominance


Why? new paternity class test babies?

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>when he starts whipping it

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wtf that's terrifiying

Sex robots obviously you fucking retard

>people will be shooting down drones
Shot triangulation tech is already a thing and rapidly advancing due to it's military utility, normal people would no more shoot down drones than they would raid mail carriers at gunpoint, no one is going to even risk prison just to hijack someone's dragon dildo order.

Plus any shitty ghetto where some idiot might just take potshots from the street is going to be swarming with police drones if they've become that ubiquitous.

That's assuming advances in ground-based drone tech doesn't enable gun-grabbers too.

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So we've already surpassed dog-level intelligent AIs?


>most horror movie monsters. Humanoid monstrosity
That's because it's cheaper to film a man in a monster suit than to build a remote controlled robot in a suit. Also, it keeps Andy Serkis from having lead roles.

what do you gain from trying to ruin comfy threads like this?

You're right.

Humanoid robots can't be made to be horrifying in any way at all.

Attached: TerminatorSalvation_T800.jpg (1280x680, 108K)

Obvious mediocre cgi

Nice to see my fellow robots rising against the human menace

>corridor digital
D-tier e-celebs who think they're great filmmakers

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This is because when they live broadcast The War of the Worlds in 1938 Ameritards believed it and started killing each other.

I am prepared

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>thinks he has an ass the size of Trinity's

yea well I have more than one pellet

Robots can't consent so it's always rape, even if they say "yes", just like children.

>"we created a robot that is constantly in agonizing pain"
>" ... but why?"

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Yes. I know I will.
Cybran pide galaxy wide

Attached: LogoCybran.png (340x256, 28K)

Based RA2 and Yuripilled. Also, nice devil trips.

imagine hating on such an inoffensive uncontroversial group of people.
unironically have sex

oh no a skeleton wow i'm so spooked

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>will be

No, that was a serious question.

>Russians wasting alcohol
Obviously fake

heh, nothing personnel robovirgin

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just like my retarded animes

Dogs are smarter than cats.

thank goodness, I am getting tired of living anyway


who is that?

Your mom.

he's you

embodied cognition

why would they teach it this?

It pissed hismelf

>Funkytown starts playing

Nothing wrong with me


It's pissing himself


Why do Americans fly into a state of hysteria at the sight of robots doing anything?
It's so alien to see a really mundane video of a robot walking up a flight of stairs or something and the whole comment section is people freaking out about it being "literally like a terminator".

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Just because you know where the shot was taken does not mean you know who took it. Also this is a civilian drone you could knock it out of the sky with a BBGun.

Haydee prequel


Attached: Animatrix - Please I'm Real.webm (600x251, 1.3M)


forgive them father

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What the fuck is that???

Commentary: By the maker, these meatbags have no idea what's coming.


You will be... you will be...


At 5:36

Auralnauts have some great videos, their star wars saga is 10/10
>t. not them

>that tpose finisher
Lost my shit


WHY are they always so mean to the robots?

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Do you seriously not know what the uncanny valley is?


cause they can use human weapons, e.g. you don't need to manufacture a gun just for them, imagine if you had a bot that could use AK-47 with max accuracy and no recoil

It's preparing for Tornado of Death

Oh my god why the little blade appendages?
Smash this machine and crucify it's creator.

what game?

Daily reminder that military technology is actually 50 years more advanced than we know and that all police officers have already been replaced by a highly advanced AI robot.

>scientists' faces when

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robots are built by nerds. they are venting their frustration after decades of bullying.

Just wait. In 10 years that thing is gonna be hovering and flying at 300 mph using computer assisted aim to hit headshot after headshot faster than you can realize its coming


you dont go outside much do you

>the fucking T pose in the end

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t. got tricked by the AI

>that T pose
Is that what's going to replace the dab?

is this real?

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Do you think we will eventually get to the point where wars are fought like in that Star Trek TOS ep where its all just simulated by a computer, but people who are 'killed' have to report to mandatory death chambers?

>That website
What the fuck

That sound retarded. I thought star trek was supposed to be the thinking men sci-fi series.

no and anyone who thinks that clearly has no understanding of the purpose of war

Cripples and other disabled people will soon get cool robot parts and organs and end up ruling over us able bodies people. I just hope that I'm involved in some horrible industrial accident right around the time that the implants come out so I can go full Deus Ex mode.

>That sound retarded.

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>t-posing at 1:39
should have dabbed instead

it is a zoomer blog post you stupid fuck go t pose somewhere else faggot

the guns are unloaded

Did this nigga just T POSE?

my sides

Skelingtons are no joke.

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It was funny until they started having shitty fake gunshots and then at the end showing the guy in a green suit where you can see the outline of his junk. Humans were a mistake.

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kek good catch

This is fake as fuck. But it begs the question as to why our current robot tech is so fucking shit and unsophisticated. Why dont more people try to create more advanced robots?

based Bezos

so the bots can then rise up in a fury of vengeance and enslave humanity

Why are you hard?

gene was redpilled on ((war)).

I'm 100% fine with waifu bots taking over. Humans suck.

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AI is literally a scam, they make people believe we are way more advanced than we actually are

Because money


I work in construction so I'm hoping by the time my knees give out the suggested treatment is to replace them with cybernetic legs.

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>I don’t get why people freaked out over footage of the bomb. It’s not like they’re gonna use that on people!
Non-retards see these unthinking automatons with zero empathy or feelings, and know with 100% certainty that these will be used ton actual human beings to terrible effect. Some people might see “le cute robot walking up steps”, but the non retarded sheep among us see some new weapon of war and torture.

This robot can hang drywall


>that fucking T pose at the end
fucking based

>implying the fear factor won't be used for creating killer robocops

>new weapon of war and torture
who cares, we can already destroy cities at the click of a switch and what difference does it make if a robot shoots you or 10,000 men come through killing and raping?


Underestimating your enemy only works in the enemy's favor. The best robot is small and cute, like the turrets in Portal.

If you shot down those things, would it be free loot ?
I mean it'd a safe way to get free shit.

looks a lot worse when it's not a gif converted to webm

>praises the sun
I love you, robot.

that would work for one surprise attack at best, you'd be better off making them look as fucking deadly and vicious as humanly possible so even if they've got no fight in them they can potential scare away an opponent.

>steps on glass
>it disappears and reappears

they can already do that. the only thing they can't do yet is truly intelligent tactical decision making.

>yfw brainlets like machine operators actually think they aren't going to be replaced in 10-20 years

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we're pretty far from true AI but not that far from AI being good enough to trick most people

What are we going to do with them? Letting them starve is a bad idea.

>tfw get to be one of the last machine operators who gets grandfathered into watching machines perform their union jobs until retirement

some form of UBI obviously

>t. non-soldier non-engineer

lol i love watching brainlets try to think

Why not just kill em off? Cheaper, faster.

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he's us

>killing off people you can brainwash into buying shit

They aren't going to have jobs if robots make them obsolete.

>everything in the world designed around human biomechanics

based brainlet

>people get used to it eventually and just treat it like a robot
same goes for the Terminators, I'm saying if you're gonna use psychology disarming > intimidating

>Bosstown Dynamics

anyway, this future is near
I hope robots will end us all

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He t poses to assert dominance. Only gamers will know this

people are only ever grandfathered in to teach something relevant to the next generation. what do you have to teach AI? how to piss in jugs and not wipe your ass for 7 days?

>pick up that can, robot

All hail our corporate overlords

they would buy things using UBI. also most people balk at something like murdering millions of people. how would you even go about it? automation will eventually replace almost every current job, an extremely tiny amount of people would benefit from murdering everyone replaced - they'd get strung up by the masses the second word got out.

>most people balk at something like murdering millions of people
Yeah, the people who would die are most people because they'd die.
>how would you even go about it?
Show up at their house and shoot em.
>they'd get strung up by the masses the second word got out
Bang, no time to use your phone.

>Bosstown Dynamics

Attached: 1556202264610.gif (232x232, 1.64M)

What's your job, user? What makes you think you're safe?

>tfw we're safe from this hell because niggers would go drone hunting and nobody would get their shit delivered
Thank God I was born in this 3rd world paradise

No CEO has the power to command millions of death squads to go house to house killing people retard. Not even the Putin or or Trump or Kim-Jong-Un has that kind of fanatic control. Robots are not advanced enough to do so and won't be for a while, well past the time they automate most lower-skilled jobs. You are either making a really shitty joke/shitposting or are an unironic brainlet. Automation isn't going to cause the elite or whomever to enact some genocide plan to get rid of the chaff.

>Automation isn't going to cause the elite or whomever to enact some genocide plan to get rid of the chaff
Clearly you're trying to convince yourself, gay babies like you would be the first to go.

is that a tranny?

I'm not worried at all about robots
You didn't let me finish. I said I'm not worried about robots, because global warming and climate change will vaporize us way sooner, we're headed towards the complete collapse of human civilization.

don't reply to me again conspiracytard, thanks


if you think this is real you might be a genuine retard

Wouldn't giving human soldiers robotic enhancements be better than robot soldiers

Only people 100% safe from automation are artists, ever think about that? The people you suit wearing, cock sucking, money worshipping godless braindead retards think are worthless are actually the only ones who are 100% human and aren't psychopatic money driven losers, you're doing a fucking robotic soullless job. FUCK YOU and FUCK YOUR MOTHER

You don't have to pay rogoys.

Our options are now;

>Planet is destroyed by climate change, no human civilization
>Planet is destroyed by climage change, Chinese supermutants rule forever
>Planet is destroyed by climate change, robots inherit the galaxy

Come on lucky number 3!

Theoretically a sophisticated enough strong AI could also create more beautiful, meaningful art than a human ever could.

I forget the title but there's a sci fi book where factions throw "culture bombs" at each other, which is a type of AI that steals everyones data and then makes personalized books, movies, music, epic sagas, operas, comics etc specifically targeted to each person. Essentially creating entire new cultural cannons for each enemy citizen to win them to your side.

or just use it to police an area, not necessarily enemy territory

The upfront cost of a robogoy army would be huge though

>Fart you, butthole

you over estimate the value of intelligence in an automated world.

>inherit the galaxy
The galaxy isn't ours, we can barely get to the moon

>be american
>get shot by a robot

>the steel chair

>uses guns

Capital is the future of war anyway. Think about it, after you get the nerds to design the bots, the cost of building them is practically free.

Imagine having a factory that improves itself based on it's own key performance metrics over time.

The guy with the bottle will be found with a pitchfork through his neck and they'll wonder who did it.

It's a robot, they don't need trigger discipline.

Fuck, I literally just made this webm to make a thread here

Attached: Robot Abuse.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

I can hear Funkytown.

What about robots tho

Mechanical Engineer :)

sauce on the image!!!!!