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Fuck you shit fag nigger yourre the kinle nigger who asks nigger dad for candy when he comes home from his nigger job provided by the niggers that rape children you fucking pedo nigger your whore nigger mother never taught you to never pretend to own shit that's not yours like a stupid nigger go kill yourself nigger

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You can clearly see the woman was taunting that man, he did nothing wrong and those securities used excessive force.

leprechaun movie with the whole family of midgets when

I always feel in the mood for char siu when I see a Warwick thread.

Expect a knock on the door and a blocked account. Cheers!

Imagine being born a dwarf because your genetically inferior parents wanted you to suffer too

>They had 2 more kids that died due to health problems
all memes aside, that is so fucked up

Stop being heightist.

HarrisonXGamer Davis

Imagine lining up a batswing with all four of them?


so do they have to sit at the very front seats and bend their heads on 90 degree angle to see the screen or do they have special tall seats installed at the very back?

Ask how I know you're under 5'8


Post the pastas

I'm 6'2, I don't believe in bullying the less fortunate.

Back when I used to work in film, I got a part-time gig as a gaffer on a Ricky Gervais shoot. One of the main stars, alongside Ricky, was his good friend Warwick Davis. One day, when there weren't a lot of work to be done, I got to chatting with Warwick and let me tell you -- this man was incredibly funny. We laughed all day and got to be quite the pals. When the shoot ended he invited me to dinner with his family and I accepted. He even got a car to pick me up and drive me to his lavish, but tasteful, house. I was welcomed by Warwick and his beautiful wife of 20 years, Samantha. I also met his charming kids -- Harrison and Annabelle. They went above and beyond to host me, a stranger, and they prepared the most wondrous dinner you could imagine. Three course meal, professionally cooked by a hired chef. Later, me and Warwick sat in his luxurious lounge drinking 18 year old Scotch and recounting interesting stories from our lives. He confided in me about the trials of living as a dwarf, about the various obstacles he had to overcome and about the day to day struggles brought on by his size. I was touched by his sincerity and openness. Not one to let the sorrow linger too long, he cracked a hilarious joke and started telling me of recent encounter he had with a crazed homeless person. He was in the local pub when a chubby transperson approached him. Expecting it to be a fan he was surprised when the "woman" suddenly shouted at him: "MIDGE". He was slightly shocked but shook it off and tried again, asking "How may I help you, dear?". The person again belted "MIDGE" at him and Warwick realized that they might actually be dangerous. He was planning to avoid a confrontation if at all possible and went to pay his bill but the intruder stood in his way. Thus he realized he'd have to defend himself. Luckily, 20 years of martial arts experience and a black belt in BJJ reassured him that he had nothing to fear. (cont)

Seeing as he had no other avenue of escape Warwick got in a fighting stance and stood his ground. The lumbering behemoth still kept staring at him with those maddened eyes, ready to attack at a moment's notice. But despite his small stature Warwick has exceptional agility, dexterity and senses (he tells me what he lost in height he gained in perception; "midgetsense" he calls it, jokingly). So he stares down this hefty interloper hoping that his threatening gaze will be enough to drive them away. But alas, they persist. So Warwick strikes. He proceeds to recount an amazing sequence of moves that ended with the attacker unconscious and with several broken bones. I told him I didn't believe it and he embarrassed me for doubting him when he showed me a video of the event one of the onlookers shot. My mouth was agape as I watched the unimaginable feats of agility and strength Warwick enacted against that poor fool. A 12 punch combo followed by a 10 kick combo and then a choke hold. After that, he got into a modified Kimura lock and snapped the opponent's wrist and elbow. But it still wasn't over. For a full 5 minutes Warwick went at it, beating the attacker senseless and to a pulp. At the halfway point the victim's cries for help were extinguished when Warwick tactically karate chopped their windpipe. I honestly thought I was watching a snuff film. I expressed my concern to Warwick and he reassured me the person eventually made a full recovery (it took months, he adds). Needless to say, after that I gained a newfound respect for, but also fear of, Warwick. A kind, funny, charming person, but also deadly when he needs to be.

t. same user that wrote the Liverpool book signing pasta

How much is Warwick paying you?

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>less fortunate
For the abomination that he is, he is clearly doing well. At least well enough to spread his defunct genes and pass his misery to a next generation. I have no respect for this "man" and his freak show family.

How I would love to lock Warwick Davis into a lead-lined chamber with a lump of uranium-238 inside for an hour or so. I would get someone todrag him out and watch as he starts puking and stumbling over his pathetic midget leg-stumps dizzily, finally losing consciousness. I would then take him to a comfortable bed and impersonate a doctor - putting him to rest, pretending to look after him and ensuring him that he would get better. As the days pass, the disgusting little goblin will get worse and worse, vomiting, shitting piping-hot bloody diarrhoea and generally screaming in pain from his now burned and necrotic flesh, his internal organs failing and his chromosomes melting. But I would still lie to this festering imp and tell him it gets worse before it gets better. As he gets to his final stages of acute radiation poisoning, I will reveal that i lied to him the whole time and that he is going to die. The demonic pipsqueak starts bawling his beady eyes out as I let out a hearty laugh. He begs to be put out of his mercy, but I ignore his pathetic whines and start peeling his bubbling mottled skin from his tiny arms. The screams get louder and louder as I peel and peel, and I finally get some peace when I stuff the sticky, squelching flesh into his disproportionate midge-mouth. I get a bucket of his own bloody diarrhoea and rub it into his raw, exposed flesh, and finally close the curtain, turn off the lights and exit the medical room forever - leaving this satanic little munchkin to expire.

midge in a fridge. the little shit would never escape.

Personally I'd treat Warwick Davis. It should not take much food to satisfy him and make his belly full him given his size. I would delight at the prospect of treating him and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that lovely man a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing can't be any better, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu mediocre pork but... char siu kobe beef. Yes, I will have ensured Warwick Davis greedily gobbled up the flesh of the best meat on the market after lowering his expectations initially. As the tears of joy well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe I went all out, I shall let out a truly merry, comforting laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; packacing and recipts of the kobe beef I purchased. Though the packaging and recipts will be scrunched up, faded, and a little dirty, it will be evidence of how much I wanted to give Davis a good meal. That is what I would do to that little gentleman. The louder he laughs and more thanks me in pure euphoria, the louder and more merry my laughter of appreciation will become. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing and thanking him so hard. I will then show the 24 minute 7 seconds footage of me purchasing the kobe beef and having a funny encounter with the butcher, which we will laugh over. This is the fate that awaits you, you wonderful, beautiful little man. Also... FUCK Peter Dinklage. I'd starve him instead and feed him char siu Zelig Dinklage instead.

Save some of the flesh you peel off and go to his grieving family under the guise of being a close friend that wanted to be there for Warwick's beloved ones that he left behind. Be a paragon of magnanimity and generosity and compassion. Offer to cook for the family, as the wife Sam and the children have enough to deal with, you insist. Make them a delicious char siu pork meal and go all out. Watch the family gobble up the flesh and grower sicker and sicker and sicker. Then, when they can barely stand after some time later, you wickedly reveal how you fed them char siu Warwick Davis. Yes, within one stroke you have both ensured a woman gobbled up her husband's flesh and the children their sire's AND gave them horrific radiation poisoning. You watch them scream and cry in horror. Satisfied, and having already seen a dwarf perish of radiation poisoning, you begin the kicking with those new steel capped boots you purchased and having been lovingly honing throughout this period. That night, the Davis household was filled with little faggots with mangled jaws flying through the air.

Based and midgepilled.

I would lock him in a fully stocked fridge that was unplugged and closed for a new months.

All of posts by me are works of roleplaying fiction, i condemn all racism, sexism, and threats of violence

Yuck. Look at this gross little thing. Muck on the heel of a shoe. Look at him. Look at the little bug. Bobble head family. Ugly wife, yuck. Daughter is mythological in appearance. His son...oh yuck. Legs like a ventriloquist dummy. His voice makes me ill. Cursed little thing he is. Freaks. Disgusting little rodents. Someone ought to out them down. Awful little freaks they are. I hate looking at them. Not a good sight. Yucky half-men with goggle-eyes and strange voices. Yuck.

Couoldnt he have fucking adopted. Why did they curse 1 more generation with this shit.

I want me gold nigger

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What the fuck is the context?

Char siu pork or some other meat perhaps?

I'd love to hug Warwick Davis. Just take a few steps run up then hug him and squeeze with the full force of my average sized arms, spin my little friend through the air.

muh life is precious and sheeit
/pol/cucks will defend this shit

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Man it would suck being a midge

Unless you're a female. Everyone wants to fuck a midget at least once in their life.



the man who punched her is black.



leave the kid out of this, he doesnt deserve it

Wouldn't /pol/ be favor of eugenics

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>missed the punch completely

i've never thought about this. maybe they put them on a wheelchair in the handicap spot?

>in warwick's living room
>"I didn't raise a transphobic islamophobic yob, apologize to Muhammad before I get ye committed, you little bastard!"
>Steve kicks his father across the room into the fireplace
>nurse with big tits and oven gloves comes by with a red cross wagon and loads Warwick's steaming, blistered carcass into it
>[STEVE, Warwick's adopted son (formerly fostered)]: "I hate it, really, he treats me like I'm half his size, and I taught him a lesson. Hope he remembers it quite well"
>EMTs in turbans load Warwick into a power wheels ambulance
>close up of a mucus filled shite slithering out warwick's toasted and red arsecheecks

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>imagine making genetic engineering illegal but keeping deliberate defective breeding legal
while fucking your secretary

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pol is whatever I want it to be!


>Dunston Checks In

Why do you guys keep photoshopping the kid crooked? So mean.

>he's had sex at least three times
>op hasn't

Huh, looks like my casino here in cincinnati, but might not be. arent casinos built like fast food places, they all look the same?


why do his kids sound retarded but he doesnt.

more like a knock on the doggy door

Could the King of the Dwarves also kick Warwick Davies in the head and send him flying away?

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>PD is taller
Oh my good lord.

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if it weren't for those subhuman hands I'd say he is of average height wtf

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