
so whats your take on the whole transformers franchise?

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Best blockbuster movie franchise of this generation.

kinda agree
if you remove all chars except megan fox sexy time, its quite good

I want to disagree with this but I just can't.

trash to be honest. only the first one was halfway decent

have sex

utlimate pleb filter
bay is a kino master


The first one is a legitimately good movie not just halfway decent. Beyond the first the non military human parts are severely lacking but the Transformers themselves continue to be top quality throughout the franchise.

after the second one it has been pretty much downhill. Dialogues are cringe but Simmons (the sector 7 dude) saves it for being fully aware of being retarded.

Only watch em for ILM's CG and Jablonsky's soundtracks because everything else is terrible.

why is 2 considered bad?

Worst comedy and terribly paced.

Since this is Yea Forums, I take it you're referring specifically to Bayformers? If so, then Bayformers is pure kino, it's mindless popcorn kino and you're a fucking contrarian faggot if you disagree. Thank God for Based Bay and his visual flair for action-packed, in-your-face film-making.

capeshit with robots, no care with consistency or any real story, just by the numbers family friendly action movies

gave up after the first and if thats the best in the franchise then boy the sequels must be really shit

The first one is pure kino and an absolute joy to watch even to this day, the second one is garbage, the third one is decent enough to redeem the second one, the fourth one is okay but drags on a bit too much and the fifth one is mediocre but still has some good parts.

I completely agree with you.

First movie was ok I guess. Then it got really bad.
Megatron went from being super powerful in the first movie, to cannon fodder and the 3rd movie he was pathetic.
4th movie was utter shit and I haven't even bothered watching the last one.

The second was like watching a kid hyped up on Adderrall and pixie sticks wave a camcorder in front of a torn apart soda can in a blender

Interspersed with racist and sexist caricatures that make even a /pol/tard like myself cringe

And a 30ft version on John Tutturo’s ass

Literally the worst movie I’ve ever seen

>not 1>3>5>4>2

First three had a few moments but ultimately crap. Fourth is great, enjoyable because of characters and the music and also the action in the later scenes are very good. The fifth is amazing, the banter, the drama, the character development, the whole end of the world feeling was very tight. Sir Anthony Hopkins added a lot to the movie alone.

Comedy was racist as fuck that makes it kinda funny that I always though Yea Forums would love it because of it.

6th times the charm I guess.

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This was worse than Bayformers. Just as much emphasis on humans with less transformers overall. No more Steve Jablonsky and a ton of licensed 80s pop music instead.

It's kino


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Fucking based Optimus Prime!

>dude remember the '80s again?

Absolutely baysed

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holy shit what a psycho