*throws paper ball at you*

*throws paper ball at you*

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bitch ass pussy ass white ass incel
fuck outta here fr bruh

little punk deserved it

Why was he in the baboon area in the first place?

autist had it coming. look how he runs over to the teacher's desk because he thinks that'll protect him.

In the United States when a school is too white they ship in loads of black kids from the city.

Well did he fucking die or what?

>mfw didn't go to school with blacks

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I would take the paper ball and throw it back at him

Is this true? Can someone show prove because it's very stupid.
I mean what if the school is close to the niglets house?

Right next to the teacher lmao. Was it worth getting expelled over?

I’m not surprised, apes have no impulse control.

>thinking they expel niggers for anything other than homicide

>Be a nigger
>tease and abuse a kid
>kid retaliates
>act surprised and offended
>punch him

I hate niggers.

Fucking niggers.

If both kids were the same race everyone would be calling this based.
>tease and abuse a kid
lol projecting

>mfw went to school blacks but in the International School system (Tel Aviv, Madrid, Washington DC, Paris, in case you were wondering where), no chimps like you hear and read about, just regular kids


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Nobody would call unprovoked assault based you retarded nigger.

Is this a The Sims slut thread?

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I went to school in the southwest. Half of my school was mexican and other half was white. There were only like 3 black people.

Nothing really bad happened. The latina chicks had some fat asses and wore tight tight jeans and would bend over to pick things up and thier thongs would show

i miss women being forced to be in the same room with me

>coons ITT to defend the nignog nogging

Ask the now-expelled White or the poor victim, the black, who was not punished for the incident.

lol white people are so doomed when they become a minority

you should mod your sim, bro
loverslab -> sims 4 section
also search for the wickedwhimod mod

That's not what that means. Just because you don't think the response was justified by the provocation doesn't mean there wasn't one.

>throw paper
>give the thrower brain damage
why do black people do this

his parents must hate him for making him attend that zoo

Ignoring the fact the kid obviously knew how he would react (ran to the teacher immediately) and did it anyway.

Attached: why I don't want to be a teacher.webm (406x720, 1.67M)

>nigs bully nerdy weak kid
>lol white people are doomed

When white people get cornered and co-ordinate, hell breaks loose. And I can't wait.

Don't worry guys America is just done. Thats all, soon everything will reduce to the mean. Don't cry only sleep now.

It was unprovoked when it doesn't justify the assault.

>When white people get cornered and co-ordinate, hell breaks loose. And I can't wait.
Well, looks like you're gonna keep waiting for a lifetime, wh*toid are whack

If not us, then the chinks will. They won't tolerate you.

the state will keep white people from doing that. whites are over

And the state won't give you handouts forever either.

Show disrespect, get wrecked. Teach your dumb kids manners.

The teacher is a nigger too, nothing will happen.

>If not us, then the chinks will
probably, chinks have more balls than wh*toids
>They won't tolerate you.
I'm not black, bro.
But It's getting so tiresome when you wh*toids say something like that and they won't do shit but whining on the internet using the "n-word" and getting scared of them

>nerdiest kid in my year was in a relationship with one of the biggest jocks throughout all of hs

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i'm white. just telling you the truth. as long as the state continues to protect the people invading and colonising white countries, any resistance from whites will be all talk and no action

Getting attacked in our own spaces for being white is pretty tiresome too.

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that's some defeatist talk.

White boomer here. The second he started walking away towards the teacher he deserved what he got

It doesn't matter where the school is. Making sure the 13% has access to white people's stuff is more important.

>Let niggers nig I just wanna grill for gods sake!

Tbqh, probably Texans are pretty based when its abou defending themselves

wrong, niggers get expelled and replaced all the time
fake newsWrong. Nigger teachers strict ones. White teachers can't do shit out of fear of being called racist.

thats my favourite part of the video

no teacher alive will defend their students

especially not some nigger defending a white kid vs his brotha

Hold on let me turn down the Mighty Bosstones so I can hear you

>went to school with the major groups being blacks, albanians, kosovos, and white people

It was a good school. Blacks got their ass beat if got uppity by the kosovos and albi's and their favorite sport was beating the fuck out of each other in mobs. White people just hang out.

Yes they are.

okay this post actually hits to close to home for me short story
>be me whitey in mostly black school
>science teacher couldn't control class full of blacks
>literally 5-6 niggers throwing paper balls
>get hit with like 10 in a minute
>throw paper ball back at nigger who threw it
>teacher calls *MY* fucking name
>keep in mind the paper ball throwing has been going on for over 10 minutes
>user why are you throwing things go see the principal
>try to explain to the principal the situation
>are you saying nig, niggy and niglet were causing a disturbance user? I sincerely doubt that. we'll be calling your parents
>parents get upset at me for fucking around
>get grounded
>3 years later
>in a college interview for a prestigious university
>the college interviewer asks me about that time I got kicked out of class
>don't get accepted to that particular university
literally niggers throwing paper followed me around for actual years

based teacher

The White kid bullied the black kid. The black kid punched him in return. Yes, it was excessive seeing how we only saw him throw a paper ball but there's nothing to indicate that the white guy hadn't been bullying him before.

no, it's the awful truth. see webm; if you or a group of white people were to go out and stop this blatant violation, the state would intervene and stop YOU, not the people breaking the law. YOU would go to prison, not the criminals. YOU would be shot and killed, not the invaders

this is the reality of the west today. our own governments are against us, and working for our enemies. and there is nothing we can do about it

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Not too many nogs where I live but there are Koreans and they're the fucking worst.

>its a 'scared little white boy hiding on the internet thinks whites are going to rise up' episode

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Mate, I'm from Britain, I know exactly how it is, we were disarmed after the first world war so we're fucked. But at least in the US there is a fighting chance.

>what is Trump inauguration

Whoa did I go back in time? Is it 2016? Or are there brainlets out there who actually don't realize Trump is a conman who wanted to be president just to satiate his own ego.

How's that wall coming along white boy?

only whites in america right now are 1st generation european immigrants, they got no right to complain about niggers

My high school had some randomly move to town from DC one year. At first they complained a lot about this place being "Cuntry" (Country) But now they are into bonfire parties, truck pulls, mudding and Lynyrd Skynyrd . We basically turned them into hillbillies.

american life is too comfortable to make people take up arms. as long as people have enough to eat and enough entertainment to distract them, they will remain passive. not to mention 50% of the country hates itself and actually supports the invasion and takeover

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>remarks on white people "rising up"
>states facts on who they voted to power on which they think would help their cause
Did I say anything good or bad about Trump in office, autist?

>Was it worth getting expelled over?
my district slowed down expulsion because it dis-proportionally affected blacks

Trump is going to win a second term and stack the supreme and federal court for then next 60 years.

Basically all of your free abortions and affirmative action are going to go out the window

They did this decades ago. Predominantly white schools and suburbs were entirely replaced because they brought in blacks by the busload.

>We basically turned them into hillbillies

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you can't seriously believe a bunch of brainlets voting is the same as a race fighting and killing for its ethnic interests

He's too stupid to understand what it means.


They haven't been pushed that far yet but it tells you that a lot of people are fed up.

Yes, we get away with lots of things these days. KOing another student in front of a teach is not one of those things however.

apes dont belong near humans

That kid is lucky it wasn't me he threw that right hand at, heh. I would've slipped that so easily and cracked him on the jaw with a left hook. Easy work.

>Wrong. Nigger teachers strict ones. White teachers can't do shit out of fear of being called racist.
You think that soft nigger bitch in the sweater vest is strict? See how he didn't even stand up after the white kid's head slammed on the floor? It takes a man capable of violence to get the respect of animals in that video.

pretty much this but with more plaid button ups and jeans

That's in France.


Would you fuck with a chimp and not expect it to get angry though?

They're having the same kind of trouble. Especially since they're importing actual Africans.

amerishart logic?

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I'm sorry he didn't jump out of his seat with millisecond reaction time to block the punch like they do in your capeshit, retard.

Would you let a chimp roam the streets?

I would kill all chimps

Would you though? You WOULDN'T you pussy bitch. If you think they are apes, threat them like such.

>tfw had 400 students in my HS and was all white except 1 asian-american and 1 black

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No, but I can assure you they are talking and grouping up, and that's a start.

I certainly would. It's not my job to chase chimps around. I would not fuck with a chimp if I saw one, that's for sure.

Aren’t apes endangered?

>Throws ball at Baboon, knowing it'll chimp out
>Power walks to the teacher for protection
>Forgot that teacher was a brother too
>Gets absolutely floored in one punch
That's what he gets for playing in the monkey enclosure, dumb burger

Sometimes you don't even need to fuck with a chimp for it to thrash you.

No idea. Don't think so? We can always put some niggers in cages, no one will know the difference.


Chimps would literally rip off your dick and balls, bite off your fingers, and try to claw your eyes out.

I would rather fight 10 niggers than 1 chimp.

I just hope when Sharia takes over in France these dumb monkeys will be euthanized for chimping out like this.

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those things will tear you to shreds

Not to sound too nihilistic, but the Earth will be a shithole to live on in like 100-200 years. So the niggers won't enjoy it for long anyway.

Well that does sound a bit nihilistic.

by that time there will be nigga refugees in space too

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Do boomers just instinctively think to themselves "I must destroy this" when they see nice things?

>white kid throws paper ball
>black kid knocks his fucking lights out
Reminder that this is considered justified by liberals. This is the America they want.

So will Apes.

americans are so pathetic

Chimpanzees are probably the only animal that fucking terrifies me


>He doesn't fear the goose
I envy your ignorance user

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With good reason.

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> tfw there was like 30 black kids in a school of 2k
> whenever they fought it was pic related

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Is that one where her friend was giving her chimp drugs and alcohol?

Not that big of a downgrade imo.
Still all chimps need to be killed. Absolutely worthless species.

Hah highly doubt that.

What about snakes? They're just intestines with eyes and teeth

When will it be considered attempted murder to punch someone in the face? Ive seen loads of vids of dudes never getting back up after getting hit like that

Haha, dumb nig gets expelled. Genius move.

the story is so fucked up. imagine going to a buddies house and their pet disfigures and blinds you. what would they say to you? would you sue them?

>tfw went to school with one black kid who was probably in his 20s and never went to class because the football coach had him shipped in to play on the team

Dunno about alcohol but she laced the chimp's tea with xanax.

anime as fuck tbqhwy

at least she didn't get her dick ripped off

It’s not like niggers want or need to go to school. Just use them to mine uranium or coal or something,

If they were smart they wouldn't keep a chimp for a pet. I wouldn't set foot in a house if I knew it had a chimpanzee in it.
