>character is an ethnical russian
>played by some crooked nose semite
when will these meme end?
Character is an ethnical russian
>Bacho, a Georgian soldier
>ethnical russian
He didn't play an ethnic Russian in Chernobyl. There are plenty of people that look like that in Russia.
yeah, totally unrealistic!
>what is churka
Comrade please
the soviet was as multi-ethnic as the modern united states, but it was very hierarchical and made up of ethnic groups nobody in the west recognizes or gives a shit about
Are russians white? I always see them as slavs / half chink
Because Russia has a history of domination by foreigners.
The first Russian state, Kievan Rus, was founded by Scandinavian Vikings
The Mongols then ruled Russia for several centuries.
The Romanovs were Germanic in origin and this only intensified as Russia grew
Lenin was a German agent sent into Russia on an armored train to take it over for the German Empire
Stalin was Georgian
Khrushchev & Brezhnev were Ukrainian
Putin inner circle is mainly Jews and Mongol mutts like pic related
Russians are mongloid slavs. True slavs are west slavs.
After the Stalin era it was mainly just Russians & Ukrainians. They were actually afraid of Stalin/Beria so de facto barred large numbers of Caucasians (i.e. people from the caucuses) from high levels. Just about every other ethnic group was relegated to de facto discrimination, though by Gorbachev's time this had lessened
Stormare plays russians all the time and everyone loves him
Clearly not. Slavs are paler than Germans.
Jesus I think I might be a Slav it's like looking in a mirror.
Why do skandis play slavs so often?
>the same eternal jew in every movie
I bet Hollywood just lacks white actrs
Because despite the memes. North Slavs and Scandinavians look alike.
That guy doesn't look Slavic. And Balkan Slavs aren't really Slavic.
that's some bulgarian mutt shit
>t. toilet cleaner
fuck off Bolek
that's how true russians look like
Butthurt pidorashka detected
Russians are straight up mutts, half their country is full of turkic and bushy eyebrowed Caucasian motherfuckers
I live in Russia, near the Ukrainian border and there are a lot of people from Caucasus here. None of the actors' appearances on this show took me out of the scene. Really great casting.
fuck your Pooland toilet cleaning fuck, go clean a toilet and shut the fuck up about who's a slav or not. why are these poolish faggots fawned over again?
You’re both subhuman.
>near the Ukrainian border
>implying Ukr = Rus
you are all tatar-turkshits
1. As already said, he's not playing an ethnic Russian.
2. Russians are like 100+ million people. Through the centuries they russified lots of people so they all look different. Not all of them look like the Northern ones.
3. Stop using the word "Slav" or "Slavic". That's only a linguistic term and means nothing when it comes to genes or culture or anything. It's like saying all Romance speakers are the same. It's beyond retarded.
Look at him. Look at him an laugh.
>t. чypeк
Cъeби oбpaтнo в ayл, Paшид.
There are different ethnic groups living within Russia. Don't know if you realize this but Russia is massive.
The size of that nose. Absolute schnoz. Commonwealth of the olfactory organ.
бeйcд & peдпиллд
looks like a south slav crook. Serbian, Slovene or broader balkan ape like Montenegrin, Bosnian etc
that's a chechen not russian
>tfw Russians are inborn chads
No way. If I had to guess, It's a gypsy.
Ha бyтыль cядь, Baня
He is dagestani
Bulgarians are not ratfaced, a*glo.
>oн paзбиpaeтcя в copтaх гoвнoкoжих
A кaкaя paзницa?
Hy pycнe нaдo paзбиpaтьcя в кaвкaзcких нaциях, чтoбы знaть, к кaкoмy этнocy пpинaдлeжит твoй cын, кoтopoгo нaгyлялa твoя жeнa Haтaшa
He’s not even Jewish
and a suka blyat cheeky breeky iv damke to you as well.
Russia has one of the most diverse populations in the world
can't tell if some spic in there or pajeet
>talking shit about based Fares Fares
russia is like china
just a pool of dna mixed and rinsed to oblivion
Thing is that other etnic groups in russia doesn’t mix that much, it’s russians who got cucked into oblivion cause their women sleep around and russian fellas raise other kids as their own
Lauri Torni is from Finland
Slavs are either round faced or rat faced
pig faced or rat faced*
Just regular (literal)Caucasians hanging out.
Why are the Russian "baddies" always played by white (usually British) baldlets
>but it was very hierarchical
Believable, I read that in the Kyshtym nuclear disaster they only evacuated ethnical Russians.
>actually disliking based Leo
fucking retards
Generation of Christano de Jesus Oliveira Ivanovs up ahead
>The Romanovs were Germanic in origin
Except they were not. They got Germanized later.
And listing all those different people ruling Russia, you ignored the fact that common Russians are not some homogeneous group, but have different backgrounds same as elites.
Some are white, some are mixed. It's not like every single Russians is a hapa.
Wrong. True Slavs are Polesian Ukrainians, everyone else are migrants from that area, who mixed with different natives - Balts, Finno-Ugrians, Turkics, Germanics, Celts, Balkanites and other.
Yes, Fingol blood gives Russians an edge over the rest slavoid subhumans.
It's not even depicting fucking Russia, but USSR. Which was a union of countries, literally in its name.
based polandanon butthurt about the gommunism he never lived through
Its romanian dog.
>it’s russians who got cucked into oblivion
Very interesting logic. So Russians conquered and colonized vast amounts of lands with different kinds of natives, who became minorities in their own lands, or in some cases just got outright genocided. Look at fucking Volga Tatars, they are supposed to be Turkic, they should look chinky like Kazakhs. And yet they look mixed or outright Slavic, because they got conquered and they got raped. Even the KAVKAZ BVLL. Yeah, how many of them got genocided by Cossacks, got their lands and women taken???
Doesn't the same apply to non-burgers when discussing Muttland? Just saiyan
>average russians
Yeah, sure thing, bud. I’m not talking about imperialistic shit. Just everyday life. And you just have to google russian girls behaviour during world cup (same goes for ussr and olympic games). Russian girls fuck around too much. Turkish vacations, caucasian dudes, even fucking tadzhikistani motherfuckers. I guess russian submissiveness comes from a long history of slavery. And look at population. 140 million people. I dont believe that 110 million out of it are russians. That’s bullcrap. But dont worry, putin got a plan, he’s gonna trade “russians” for tadzhiks and uzbekistanis
If you've sent time in Russia, especially in the countryside, this isn't such a shock. I've never seen so many degenerate drunk in my life, and I've been to Ireland.
You don't even need to be rich or good looking. If you're sober and not a NEET, you'll score the hottest chicks you'll ever seen.
That man is a Romanian Gypsy, you rat-mug pile of Anglo trash.
the bulk of South Slavic paternal lineages (R1a and I2a1b and a number of E1b sublacades) have arrived to the Balkans in the 5th, 6th and 7th century, they're not "Slavicized natives".
No, that's your kind, we're either blockheads or rectangular.
The only true Slavs are South Slavs, who're culturally and linguistically the most alike to their invading Slav forefathers.
Irony dictates that you can only write that from inventions authored by men like Atanasof, Tesla and Baran, who were Slavs.
His dimensions and morphology are too small to be one of us, and one more thing, don't speak of your superior, Zdenek, that clear?
"White is a sociopolitical term which was coined by the Anglos to separate themselves from the wider European cultural ethos, it has no basis in anthropology whatsoever.
>domination by foreigners
Only when addressed by butthurt foreigners (like Swedes and Germans), who self-insert into Russian history.
Further on, The Varangians have only played a part in the founding of Russia, and they shouldn't be confused with the Rus', for even the Primary Chronicle (the Hypathian Codex) treats them as two SEPARATE, unrelated entities. Their impact in Old Russia is negligible at best, for the Varangians who've settled Russia were numbered only in a few hundred, including women and children, and on top of that, there is not a single town, fort or temple of theirs (of Norsemen) that had allegedly existed in Russia, with the exception of a single district in Novgorod. If they've left a "great impact", then why hasn't anything of theirs survived the ages? Neither have they formed the nobility of the Rus', for the native nobility was already present and fully integrated in the Rus’ state, and were, and still are, overwhelmingly of the R1a (East Slav subclade) variety. It should also be noted that the Rurikids weren't "Varangian", Rurik and his family members were members of the Rus', I repeat, the Primary Chronicle, the chief sources of information on the period known as the "founding of Russia", states that the Varangians and the Rus' weren't one and the same, but SEPARATE people. Also, according to molecular genetics, the Rurikids, those who were direct descendants of Rurik weren't Scandinavian, for they belong and were bearers of these respective haplogroups: the haplogroup I2a1b (the clan of the princes Svyatopolk-Chetvertinskikh, ascending to the Turovopin Rurikovich-Izyaslavichi), haplogroup R1a1 (the princes of Verkhov) and the haplogroup N1c1 ( Rurikovich-Monomashich, who admittedly aren't even Rurikids, but Olafovich, for the father of Vsevolod was Saint Olaf, the king of Norway). (1/2).
>ethnic russian
american education
Last but not least, The Primary Chronicle relates that in the year 6415 (907 AD) the Rus prince Oleg (same counts for Svyatoslav) made a peace treaty with the Byzantine Empire and by taking his men to the shrines and swearing by their weapons and by their god Perun, and by Veles, they confirmed the treaty. We find the same form of confirmation of a peace treaty by prince Igor in 945. In 980, when prince Vladimir the Great came to the throne of Kiev, he erected statues of five pagan gods in front of his palace which he soon thereafter discarded after his Christianization in 988. Perun was chief among these, represented with a silver head and a golden moustache. Vladimir's uncle Dobrinja also had a shrine of Perun established in his city of Novgorod. After the Christianization of the Rus’, this place became a monastery, which, quite remarkably, continued to bear the name of Perun. Matter of fact, there is not a single sanctuary found in Russia dedicated to any Norse god neither names nor places.
While we're on the issue of the treaties, Oleg was Rurik' immediate successor (since he was immediate, you can't use the "slavicization argument"), so why was he, as an alleged Norseman, swearing to Slavic gods like Perun and Veles instead of the Norse Gods? Matter of fact, why were all Rurikids swearing by Perun and Veles, if they were allegedly of non-Slavic, Norse origin?” (
And also, the earliest Arab sources, such as Ibn-Khurradadhbih, also explicitly mention Rus to be 'one of the Slavic peoples'. The whole mantra that Rurikids were Scandinavians starts with the Normanist theories in the 18th century, furthered by 'Romanovs' (not the original line of the Romanovs to boot) and Gerhard Friedrich Muller, and was opposed by most sane-minded members of Russian intelligentsia (including Muller’ own assistant), even by the Rurikid descendants themselves (like Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev). (2/2).
why do people think all russians look the same? is this NA education?
What he stated are facts, and what you believe in matters little, for you're barely literate Amerimutt trash who dabbles in things he barely understands, hence the self-insertions with interracial miscegenation and "submissiveness".
> I dont believe that 110 million out of it are Russians
Who gives a shit in what you believe in, you boomer retard, unlike your kind, Russians took step to wipe out the filth they've subjugated, and their numbers of today are proof of it, them being in a shitty position of today is due to the Soviet policy of utilizing minorities in position of leadership, and even then, it was never the way your Nigger kind defined it.
>russian men look ugly chavs
>russian women look like models
how does this work, you could take a gimped up russian male breed him and he would produce a good looking daughter who looks nothing like him
Karelia IS Finland
>t. spurdo
Yeah, sure. Russian empire is soooo great that you are writing in english (and you must be so proud that you speak english because your own countrymen barely speak they native language). I found it funny that pidorashkas try to call americans cucks when your own country is cucked beyond repair. Fucked by mongols and tatars, fucked by french, by turks, by japanese, by freaking chechens who didnt have no guns and no money, and now getting fucked by uzbekistanis and tadzhikmofos.
You Limeys are the last people to speak of looks, you all look like a freshly dug grave, the only decoration being the maggots who who're too afraid to digest your carcasses.
The reason why English is spoken is because it's the most primitive foreign language to learn.
>Fucked by Mongols and Tatars, fucked by French, by Turks, by Japanese, by freaking Chechen
Every single one of those people had their shit permanently pushed in by the Russians, and that is a historical fact (which they're all aware of, hence their perpetual butthurt).
Yikes look at Ivan over here getting flustered
tl;dr assmad slavshit
Pic related is widely considered as one of the greatest actors of the Soviet period
holy shit, vatnik btfo
>No argument, accuse the person of being flustered
You're not just an Amerimutt, but you're also passive-aggressive as well.
It's called being literate
Does Bacho sound like a Russian name to you genius?
they look like tatars
>had their shit permanently pushed
Sure, that’s why russians were being fucked in the ass by tatars and mongols and paid them for hundred years. And pushed french and napoleon, who was trying to free fucktard russians by wrecking rich fags and slaveowners. But russian will fight for death for their masters. Japanese got pushed so much that your current goverment fights years and years later with them for fucking islands. And chechens got pushed sooo much that russia pays Ramzan and his team fuckloads of money every month. And i guess you are pushing uzbeks and tadzhiks shit back right now, eh, Ivan? How? By raising little Djamshut as your own child?
>the literal birthplace of rus
>you’re all tatars!
based retard
Look at that pure blood russian kek
>shill thread
Looks like me and im a spic
Lmao i'm Russian and i literally thought "wow, finally a person that actually looks like he belongs in USSR army" when i saw this dude, so of course Yea Forums is gonna critisize him, you're always fucking wrong about everything.
>inb4 roleplaying
cocитe нигepcкий хyй тoлcтoжoпыe кyкoлды
Ivan the terrible had a Mongolian grandmother. By the time of Peter the great the royals were more Germanic than Slavic and Peter was the one that made Russia a superpower after defeating Sweden. Russians are like Turkish and Brazilian tier mutts, it’s funny.
Have they ever made a jew look Mexican?
OP is from Russia. He made this thread earlier today on /int/
> лижeтe coceтe
:)))))) Only the southernmost Rus' states were subjugated by the Mongols, and ironically, that was the "Ukrainians", Moscow, Novgorod and the city-states of modern-day Belarus were largely spared from the devastation, and you seem to have missed the detail where the Russians managed not just to defeat the Tatars and the Mongols in the end, but to nearly wipe them all out, subjugate them, take their lands and to permanently Russify them, matter of fact, they've spent most of their late medieval and modern history as Russian playthings, and yes, the Froggers got their shit pushed in as well, they lost the bulk of their army in Russia, and in the end, it was the Russian troops who took Paris, instead of its smoldering ruins :)))))
> Japanese got pushed so much that
big time, they were stomped so hard they agreed to surrender to the Mutts, for they knew that Russians would turn Japan into an island mausoleum, and the islands aren't being fought, it's just Jappos demanding the return of something they will never have again :)))))
>he thinks the first war was genuine, and not just a meat grinder to avert the attention from the Oligarchs stealing everything of value
At first I thought you were an Amerimutt, but it turns out you're too specific in your statements, butthurt Hoholko :))))), and it's cheaper to let Ramzan do as he pleases, a bullet is worth more than the hassle of hunting them in the forests and mountains, they don't find in the open :)))))
> By raising little Djamshut as your own child
Your projections are killing you, and Russians don't give a shit if their whores breed with subhumans, the trash is removing itself from the gene pool.
>the trash is removing itself from the gene pool
Well yes, the slavshit trash is removing itself from the genepool by mixing with whites.
nigierskij huj
Eбaть тeбя пopвaлo.
But subhuman, how can they be more "Germanic" by the time of Peter the Great, if Peter the Great was the last Romanov who was genuinely of Russian origin? The German Romanovs you speak of are of the house of Holstein-Gottorp, and they took over ONLY after Peter' death.
>Peter was the one that made Russia a superpower after defeating Sweden
Russia didn't become a "superpower", but a Eurasian great power, and defeating Sweden had nothing to do with, for Sweden was a regional power at best.
>had a Mongolian grandmother
What of it?
The Germanicization of the royals began in the late 1500’s. Peter didn’t look like a typical slavshit either.
>character is a Sl*vic untermensch
>played by Germanic Aryan ubermensch
when will this meme end?
Dilate more, be fortunate that the USA was able to prevent us from overwhelming Western Europe, for we'd be knee-deep inside your whores, while you're being kept alive for the sole purpose of witnessing it all :)))))
You'll be saluting Russian troops in Kiev soon enough, Hoholko :)))))
We need more kino like this. All the Russian butthurt has been great.
Thanks for the two (You)’s Ivan
A щac oбpaтнo в cтoйлo)
>You'll be saluting Russian troops in Kiev soon enough, Hoholko :)))))
I've never seen a single russian being butthurt by this kino series. I recommened it to all my co-workers and they LOVED it. Especially after shitshow that finale of GoT was. Every single person who watched it, saying it's one of the greatest series they've ever seen. Assblasted "journalists" doesn't count as russians mate
The Germanization began with Peter' successor, who was assassinated by Catherine, who unironically, initiated a more severe Germanization. Peter was only interested in modernizing his country, not Germanizing it.
> began in the late 1500’s
Retard unironically thinks that the first Romanovs were pro-Germanization, and that Vasili IV, Michael I, Alexis I, Feodor III, who were die-hard Orthodox patrons and were opposed to "modernization" were German wannabes. Do you have a breathing manual that you read before you go to bed?
> Peter didn’t look like a typical Slavshit either.
Interesting, so this is the part where you'll lecture us Slavs on how we look?
>it was only ukranians who got fucked in the ass by tatars! I swear!
Your own president said that if you check any russian you’ll find out that he is descendant of tatar.
>pushed french back to paris
For sure you showed them froggers with their freedom! Never gonna back up from under boyar’s boot.
>we’re only using Ramzan, i swear!
He’s gonna be your next Stalin and you gonna kiss his ass even after his death for centuries.
I found it funny that you russians try to act all tough on american imageboard, coz most of US still believes in “badass russian” meme and try to call americans retards and cucks when in fact you get fucked by foreigners everyday and live in such poverty. If you move from Moscow to some any russian shithole that you call “city” and look around you’ll find generations and generations of literal drunken inbred fucks who barely speak russian (or any human language at all). I would feel ashamed to be called russian.
Ukranians at least recognise that and they don’t want to be part of that shithole of a country
It’s russian tradition to always use some fagshit. It comes from boyars who fucked russian slaves.
Nice dubs
Пapнишa oт aнaльнoгo пoжapa ceйчac c тpyдoм нa poднyю бyтылкy cядeт, пoжaлeй eгo
>I would feel ashamed to be called russian.
I would russians be ashamed? Russians contributed to culture, science and humanity more than most nations. Tarkovsky alone made more kino than most of Europe nations combined.
>Ukranians at least recognise that and they don’t want to be part of that shithole of a country
Well, smart people know the difference between hating country and the state. You sure don't.
Putin isn't a historian, and besides, haplogroup studies have proven that to be false. To be quite honest with you, it's the Tatars who bear R1a (East Slav subclade) paternal lineages.
>For sure you showed them froggers with their freedom! Never gonna back up from under boyar’s boot.
>Unironically being an adult who believes in fleeting ideals like "freedom"
Amusing. Also, subhuman, it's a matter of dignity and sovereignty to resist an invader, and then, if possible, to put an end to him, only those with strength are able to do so, unlike your kind :))))).
>He’s gonna be your next Stalin and you gonna kiss his ass even after his death for centuries.
Dilate more.
>and try to call Americans retards and cucks when in fact you get fucked by foreigners everyday and live in such poverty
Poverty is a Russian filter for those who're mean to survive, and you're free to lament as much as you want, but that won't unrape every generation of your female forefathers that Russian armies have run into :)))))
> I would feel ashamed to be called Russian.
A subjugated minority speaking of shame and pride :))))
>Ukrainians at least recognize that and they don’t want to be part of that shithole of a country
Ukrainian history is divided into two segments, the first where they ride Russian shafts, and the other one where they ride Western, preferably German shafts :)))), what they want matters little, for they're like women in that regard.
>It’s Russian tradition to always use some fagshit
>being this obsessed
Now that I think of it, you sound like a Churka, or like a Litvok :))))
>tfw I live near that place
Takrovsky isnt russian.
>smart people know the difference between hating country and the state
I sure do, i don’t hate russian, but vatniks like him i do hate.
Russia have great culture, they really do, but most of it comes from people who didn’t like their own state. Russia always fucked they’re talent and drive them to death and only after that recognize them as great artist etc. even tarkovsky had to run out of russia.
>russian calling anyone subhuman
Ha classic. Go sit on a traditional russian chair...i mean bottle
>it’s a matter of dignity and sovereignity to resist an invader
And it’s russian thing to call foreigners to govern them
>poverty is a russian filter who’re mean to survive
I guess russian are weak then coz all you do to fight poverty is drink yourselves to death
Jeez bydlo calm your tits. Relax and go watch at Natasha’s sucking brazilian dick during world cup
>Takrovsky isnt russian.
How so?
>Andrei's paternal grandfather Aleksandr Karlovich Tarkovsky (in Polish: Aleksander Tarkowski) was a Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk. His wife Maria Danilovna Rachkovskaya was a Romanian teacher who arrived from Iași.[6] According to the family legend, Tarkovsky's ancestors on his father's side were princes from the Shamkhalate of Tarki, Dagestan
Dios mio
Andrey Tarkovsky believed that he was descendant of dagestanis and was proud of it. Altough his sister believs that their family comes from Poland. Their father Arseniy even translated dagestani poetry
His mother was russian, so...
Only his maternal side is of Polish origin, he's paternally Russian.
>And it’s Russian thing to call foreigners to govern them
Never happened, the whole mantra that Rurikids were Scandinavians starts with the Normanist theories in the 18th century, furthered by 'Romanovs' (not the original line of the Romanovs to boot) and Gerhard Friedrich Muller, and was opposed by most sane-minded members of Russian intelligentsia (including Muller’ own assistant), even by the Rurikid descendants themselves (like Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev)
Russians don't fight poverty, they endure it, and drinking Vodka is the means to warm yourself, heating simply isn't enough.
>drink yourselves to death
Russians either hang themselves or do hard drugs to off themselves.
>calm your tits
I'm talking to you the way you can understand me best :)))))
> Relax and go watch at Natasha’s sucking brazilian dick during world cup
Your obsession with cuckoldry is rather amusing (the only people who're obsessed with it are those who've spent too much time under someone' boot), you still haven't fessed up on how many of your maternal forefathers have Russian soldiers Moscow'd :)))))
>Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk
lmao his grandpa was a wagie
>Russians don't fight poverty, they endure it
Weird flex but ok
Spotted the butthurt Ukroshit
Opinion immediately discarded
Conquered space, conquered 3 continents , conquered half Gayrope , muzzies and chinks
U mad tho?
Oй , cвин пyкнyл
>Conquered space, conquered 3 continents , conquered half Gayrope , muzzies and chinks
Of course she was, she couldn’t resist dagestani dick.
>your obsession with cuckoldry
I always was interested in russian culture :^)
>never happened
>never happened
Got it. You’re typical russian imperialist. I hope that you’ll manage to realize your goal to life and make Russian Empire great again with 80% of people being slaves and living in poverty. Good luck to you, Nobleman Ivan Buttblasted