What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?

Attached: unobtainium-avatar.jpg (288x288, 29K)

I'd fund far right movements all over the western world.

I'd go see a better movie

fix my teeth. I was born with ugly teeth. its a real source of shame. I never smile. I think if I got some money, maybe I could pay a doctor to make them look normal and then life could be better.

Same here bro.

I wouldn’t know whether to eat it or shove it up my ass

is this the shit they use for the ship that goes into the earth's core?

Obtain it

I think it powers the laser that sends you into the computer from Tron

Make a neat desk ornament.

Buy a kilo of obtainium.

Mint them into my own byson buck currency

2 girls at the same time.

I dunno but Avatar 2 is feeling like a kino of unobtainium, when is the sequel coming jim??

Put it on a shelf since it's really nothing, only worth what you would pay

Nothing. Once I obtain it all value is immediately lost.

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Wouldn't it be called obtainium then?

it's boring, trust me

not for obtaining!

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Unobtain it.

whats eavier, a kilogramme of steel or a kilogramme of unobtainium?

I have a coworker who swears by it so maybe you just had shit escorts.

Look for another 45 kilos for the other unobtainium, a cute loving gf.

Steel. Unobtainium just fucking floats there.


Thats because of density you stupid fuck, not weight. A kilogram is a kilogram they would both weigh the same.

snort it

I’d clone a harem of blue Zoes and fuck a new one every day.

Attached: what.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>earth needs some obscure element for energy needs
>implying they wouldnt be using nuclear, molten salt reactors or fusion by then



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>energy needs

Build a gf

It's better if you boil it with a spoon and inject it directly into a vein.

Incorrect. Kilos are a measure of mass. In that regard, a kilo is a kilo and they would both have equal mass. Weight, however, is a measure of the gravitational pull on a given mass. Given that the gigantic floating rocks aren't entirely composed of unobtainium but only deposits of it, one can infer that unobtainium has anti-gravitic properties well in excess of its own mass and would therefore have a markedly negative weight.

Its floating in the air you dipshit. It just weighs less than air, not negative mass.

How do you weigh a kilo of floaty stuff?

hes saying its being weighed down by the rock. thats also incorrect. it would have lower density, but equal weight at the floating point no?

Incorrect. Google Bob Lazar.

Forge it into an Onahole and plasma my dick off in a final suicidal wank session

what about two na'vi girls?

My pain... my pain

Crush Giovanni Ribisi underneath it


This. Rewatched it recently. Ferngully in space for real. The bad guy savages won. Traitorous Jake Sully and blue nigger should have died.

please do not call Neytiri "blue nigger", it's both offensive and incorrect

crush it up and snort it just to find out

blue niggress
now fuck off tessa

Dude if you're on a first world country that's not even expensive. I fixed mine for less than 3000€




>THIS is a 10/10 alien specimen according to blue people

sell it


What the fuck are you talking about? I've met some cute na'vi's and Zoe Saldana did a good job imo. Excited to see what Avatar 2 is capable of tho.

At no point would it reach a density sufficient to buoy a mass of rock up against the moon's gravitational pull. They mention it's a room-temp superconductor, so it's either interacting with their world's electromagnetic field or it has anti-gravitic properties, too. As a superconductor, it could even quantum-lock into a set position. From a perspective of weight, you would have to assign it a value that is the negative of whatever mass is sufficient to make it stationary relative to the moon's surface, therefore, its weight would be the negative of whatever those huge, floating mountains are without the unobtainium present.

In short, unobtainium has positive mass but negative weight.

please do not call Neytiri "blue niggress", it's both offensive and incorrect

Accelerate the death of white males and the black race. Proceed to cum in every white female on the planet

Neytiri's existence is offensive and incorrect


Attached: Neytiri_1503.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

>Be bongistani
>Register on NHS dentist
>Literally hammer and chisel butcher shop
>Same dentist charges you £5000 private and has state of the art surgery

It's like Repo Man was based on the UK