Kinos about genuine mental illness?

kinos about genuine mental illness?

Attached: mental illness.webm (1280x626, 2.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s/image/8jKlL3nt8FfKzGDoS7gMiA/


>creating the best thread this board has seen
>mental illness

Pretty sure the Keit-ai pasta has been posted by one guy so there's an example of genuine mental illness.

disgusting subhuman

That same bane poster that jannys said was posting 50-60 times a day, all from the same IP (this was before VPN's became big). He seems to have given up in recent years.

That /pol/ schizo that spams the schindler's list thing over and over all day

That /x/ schizo who asks why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo

That nut that spergs out about rick and morty with the same copypasta/image

That NEET who posts about how he watches 2009 Day After Tomorrow every single day and has since 2011

so many on this board

>That same bane poster that jannys said was posting 50-60 times a day, all from the same IP (this was before VPN's became big). He seems to have given up in recent years.
>That /pol/ schizo that spams the schindler's list thing over and over all day
how can one user be so based

>That /x/ schizo who asks why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo
literally never saw these; is that true?

Seething redditors hating on what this board is all about, little girls.

You forgot the /vg/ Guild Wars 2 bot spammer, literally killed the general and it's all automated

Imagine unironically posting on /vg/

the guy who says that Exxon has brainwashed us all and tells us our family will be happy when we suicide, after saying something about Russian trolls. He writes enormous fucking posts one after the other if you even reply so much as 'lol faggot' to him

>That /pol/ schizo that spams the schindler's list thing over and over all day
That user is a falseflag, he posts that shit then resets his IP and post those archive images.

Shut the fuck up newfag

Here's the seinfeld guy

Attached: asdgs.png (1226x5685, 2.41M)

for me the sick guy is you who looking throught archive and notice almost all speciffic spam

I don't think he's a falseflag, I think he's just a sad individual who doesn't know that he's embarrassing himself

the guy you are talking about is OP and he is indeed sick

>only 174

What does this prove?
>ignore and hide thread
Problem solved but I guess you need to tell everyone how autistic you're.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Here's another weird fellow

Attached: 23562a.png (1178x7448, 2.58M)

>He's a sad individual who falseflags spamming the same thing over and over again and doesn't know he's an embarrassment.
Fixed it for you.

Idk why you think he's a falseflag, it's possible there's just more autists who spam his archived shit in response as a form of counter-shilling

I mean do you really go out your way to find these "shitposts" threads and take them seriously? I like that thread because it's an excuse to post big titty Jewish boobies.

>mental illness
You can literally see the cunnybot operator acquiring more and more taste as time passes.

Oh I see you're that JIDF who posts those archive image and then reply to your post over and over again. Nice """counter""" you got there.

you are like little babies

Attached: Capture.png (746x403, 44K)

that guy seems pretty based to be honest

This. It's actually quite beautiful.

christ calm down, your level of defensiveness about this issue is making me suspicious desu

this is a good one

You mean like this entire pointless thread
>let me tell you who's the bot
Normal people would ignore them entirely but somehow you have to go out your way to find who's spamming what. The archive is for finding threads that is deleted because you want to save off-topic images, like nude celebrities, not trying to do content analysis.

To be fair the sneedposter is way worse

>the sneedposter
you mean zoomers and trannies

Okay? How about you recommend him some fucking films, since you sure as fuck didn't.

Just filter them

kill yourself tourist

Have sex.

So what are some films like Leon The Professional, faggot?

The Orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, Show Me Love, Alice in the Cities, A Little Princess, Water Lillies, F-Report, The Blue Lagoon, Laurin(89), Sleepwalking, Matilda, You Were Never Really Here, Lawn Dogs, Take Me to the River, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Stray Dogs, Spirit of the Beehive, Stephanie, The Taste of Tea, Hounddog, Bridge to Terabithia, The Beguiled, Somewhere, Alice(88), City of lost children, Cape Fear(62), Arcadia, Tomorrowland, Christiane F, the trailer for I Feel Bad, Walkabout, The Florida Project, My Girl(91), Addams Family Value, Young Aphrodites, The Ice Palace, Swing vote, Tideland, Bad Seed, Cocoon, Annabele: Creation, the opening scene of Desire, Phoebe in Wonderland, Gifted, Spark, Caspe, Because of Winn-dixie, Zazie dans le metro, Amanda, Waterworld and Girl (2018).

You mean the sneedchad.

>Bad Seed

More like... Mad S...

>Bad Seed

Attached: 1555240467988.jpg (640x480, 43K)

Trumpchads live in his head rent-free

more like--

>not mentioned

Attached: 2019-06-15 10_39_26-_tv_ - Television & Film » Searching for posts that contain ‘neytiri is.. (553x52, 17K)

>/vg/ guild wars 2 bot spammer
explain. I don't go to /vg/

>the guy that replies to every MDE or Sam Hyde thread with his autistic chart

What about based colin quinn poster?


Attached: BandR.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

how many times has barneyfag posted?

Is based "x days until avatar" still posting?havent seen him in a while

>The American dream OP poster
>The Manputer OP poster's/image/8jKlL3nt8FfKzGDoS7gMiA/

>make one thread every day or every two days
>OP chuckles for a second or two thinking it's somehow amusing to spam his waifu
>mental illness
More like some bored user

Guild Wars 2 is a MMO so obviously this site can't handle anything social related together. Drama happens and the autistic spammer set up a bot so it copy and pastes completely random /vg/ posts into the Guild Wars 2 general. If you can't find /gw2g/ anymore then it probably means the autistic poster won.

as if a board dedicated to solely rehashing the exact same discussion about the exact same games over a period of several years would attract anything other than legitimate mental illness

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why the fuck do we attract so many obsessed posters

for me it's based shameposter
he's active in his threads and everything


You could say it's rehashing the same discussion for years and I wouldn't disagree, but they're really just used as a persistent chat rooms for like minded autists with similar interests.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

and you haven't seen the watsonfag and his ghostposting

>tfw this redditurd lets cunnybros live rent free in his mind

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Isn't this a very very old pasta? I first saw this on Yea Forums

>Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo

Oh no no no no no boys it looks like we found the "Reminder that this actually fucking happened" poster

for (you)s and replies

uridon has shilled his rambling BR2049 youtube """review""" 1212 times now

I do sometimes make the same thread maybe 2 or 3 times top, to see if it ever gets any traction. I'm deadly scared someone might call me a schizo because they realize I'm reposting shit.


who cares what random anons think bro

our pain is nothing compared the pain of your victims which will be visited upon you many times over I assure you

>That /x/ schizo who asks why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo
he literally posted yesterda

this is based

woah hold on there mr.npc, what kind of sick thoughts are you thinking, you know cunny lovers are some of the purest alpha males to exist?

>kinos about genuine mental illness?


Attached: pennjuilett.png (246x209, 63K)

Attached: pot meets kettle.jpg (540x100, 18K)

>no really it's legitimate
>gender is social construct so it means society makes it up as it goes along
>but my version of gender that I made up is more legitimate so you need to accept it

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NOW DO /pol/


No one compares to the turboautist that was griffithfag.

Hands down the most legitimately mentally ill person this board has seen. Dude killed the entire letterboxd general alone for good with his (literal) schizophrenia spasms, made those threads some of the most abstract imcomprehensible threads on the site. Literally talked to himself for hours upon hours, dozens of 2000 character posts in extreme detail about Eisenstein, Flaherty and Griffith, and then about fucking Teen Titans Go and the Emoji Movie with equal passion. If just one person replied to him he replied back atleast three times to that same post burying it with (You)'s and even wrote notes about it on his letterboxd account. Everyone was powerless to his absolute spam domination. Has thousands upon thousands of Griffith film frames and will post any of them in a second if needed. His youtube videos with 25 views of him spasming naked in his room with jazz music playing on top of it. Then his schizophrenia started becoming worse with his trip name becoming a 12 sentence long brainfart and he started talked to himself and his own "Bruce" identity which he was apparently in love with and told himself there is no point in living if Bruce doesn’t love him back or some shit and since then he is no longer seen here.

Truly a character to remember./

kill yourself and fuck off

My only regret is that I won't be there personally to see you suffer and die.

you seem upset

>NOW DO /pol/
Searching for posts that contain ‘/pol/’. Returning only first 100000 of 462331 results found.


link to the videos?

That guy who's obsessed with that game theory youtuber and his girlfriend is pretty cringe.

Everyday there is an Evangelion thread. There's one right now

that, and the fluffy cunnyposter as well

Attached: insanity in written form.png (1301x9986, 909K)

/vg/ has the highest TPP (trannies per poster) of any board, even /lgbt/. Anything bad happening to that shithole is great news

Was he as bad as speedy? For those not in the know there is, or was, this super fucking autist in pretty much every draw thread on the site known as Speedy and he'd burn and crash the threads with spam if he got called out on repeatedly making bad requests and not getting any deliveries. He was also so autistic he got banned from deripibooru and there's a log of him on some irc channel trying to get unbanned (he was banned for threatening some artist and her husband over some shit) There's some wild people on Yea Forums.

Ah yes kinda reminds me of based Jonny Tooker, the chemo of /sci/, who is basically that but the /sci/ version and actually active right now

Attached: DREAM WARRIORS.png (1519x4383, 1.6M)

as someone who actually plays this and casually visited the general sometimes, it deserved to die. also its funny this is brought up in every gw2 thread.


Always the same image in the OP as well
The naked black spasming schizo is him

>that chick from Fargo that gets posted in literally every webm thread

Attached: pepe older.jpg (1253x821, 139K)

Honestly I liked that guy.

Does he still post here?