Why do redditors hate Adam Sandler?
Adam Sandler General
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why does Yea Forums always just do the opposite of what reddit says instead of having its own opinions?
That’s exactly what a redditor would say
answer me
wait hang on one second, do you actually like adam sandler's newer movies?
Click and Punch-Drunk Love are his best movies.
While his movies are badly rated, he has mastered comfy-core
the fuck is comfy-core?
because he's an honest man who promotes family values
his new netflix movie had some good parts
Longest yard is kino
His movies are comfy, well his older ones. The new ones lost the soul that the old Adam Sandler movies had
reddit are the ones with out opposite opinions redditor
All kino, critics are in disconnect
standard fare for people who are already comfy
>Why do redditors hate Adam Sandler?
He’s Jewish
longest yard was shit like your taste
Reign Over Me was also pretty decent.
Hes good when hes not selling his soul to launder money.
okay i can sum up every modern adam sandler movie here
adam has hit a rough patch in his life, or his already luxurious life has had a big issue
him and his obnoxious friends have to go through 1.5 hours of getting hit with shit, farting, and sex jokes until the issue is resolved. and by the end, random female love interest is suddenly hungry for his jew cock
bing bang boom thats the movie
he's too based
Reminder that you can spot a redditor on Yea Forums if they start complaining about any partician cinema from this list.
oh i missed a part
if hes married already in the movie, he'll never interact with the wife unless shes directly a part of the main plot
8 of those movies are fantastic. All of them are watchable. He's just one of those guys that's popular to hate on because it gives you likes.
>Avatar isn't on the list
>jack and jill
im sorry what?
This, he was also good in Funny People, Meyerowitz Stories and PDL. Sandlerkino is coming this year from the directors of Good Time.
>Norbit, 8 1/2, Adventures of Pluto Nash
>every Fantastic 4 movie
this list has to be a joke, right? you put jack and jill , foodfight, and transformers next to django and pulp fiction?
foot fags should be gassed (Fig. 1)
(Fig. 2)
Those first two fantastic four movies were from the era where capeshit had some reason soul to it. No cinematic universes. More creative control from the director. The Raimi Spider-Man movies and the first two x-men tend to be all that's talked about but that 00-07 stretch for comic book movies were gold. You can't watch this scene and not think it's kino.
that movie was nothing more than a 3D tech demo. it was the definition of forgettable
____ ____
jump off the avatar ship before it sinks, you closet furry
what happened to the mugs bros?
this isnt even all his movies. what about the do over and the cobbler
>implying those help his case
i want it to be worse, i hate him
>hating based Sandler
The dude basically beat the whole system.
They are too young to appreciate billy madison ad happy gilmore
Happy Gilmore is at a 61% now
Jack and Jill is post ironic kino
>being this pleb
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe
cry more, kiddo.
Little Nicky is unironically my favorite feel good film and happy Gilmore is easy in my top ten.Not a bunch of substance but they’re fun films
Good taste
Armond White likes almost all of his movies except for the Judd Apatow collaborations and the meyerowitz stories
Nigga everyone hates Adam Sandler.
Adam fucking Sandler hate Adam Sandler.
Y-yeah! What he said!
>muh fun films
>muh pew pew kboom films
Redpill me on why anyone pays attention to rotten tomato scores over IMDb?
Except for Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy all of those films are objectively shit
I liked 30 first dates
>not Click and Punch Drunk Love
absolute pleb detected
Where's That's My Boy?
I actually watched Jack & Jill at the cinema and thought it was awesome ans did everyone else in there. I guess with most comedies it depends whom you watch with, that's why the critics give such low ratings as they probably watch screeners at home on their own.
Happy Gilmore is one of the only good comedies to come out of the 90s
Why? The future part was top tier kino.
>Problem Child 2
If you watch this garbage, you probably watch live action anime too
is jack & jill worse than holmes & watson?
fucking outstanding
I miss talktotransformer threads
A fucking 2%
>The Kino Yard
>only 31%
Now that's some fucking bullshit.