What does Yea Forums think of Kong: Skull Island?
What does Yea Forums think of Kong: Skull Island?
fucking boring
wtf tiny retard arm
I liked it
Didnt even know Brie was in it though
Feel like it was over edited and that there could have been more scenes that were awkwardly chopped out, camera work could have been a bit better , wheres my 140 minute version.
It was definitely fun though at points.
I'd like this guy to maybe do the Kong vs godzilla film.
>Stop, invincible gorilla
there is A LOT of fake enthusiasm in the kaiju community.... and weeb fandoms in general.
Yeah it was a movie of nothing but trailer shots. For christs sake slow down for five seconds otherwise the EPIC bits dont seem very epic. It's like volume wars: the movie
Super forgettable and boring. Only thing memorable about it was Brie's big fake tits in a tight t-shirt and Tom Hiddleston being one of the least interesting leading men of a big budget action movie in the history of cinema.
I haven’t seen it
Didn't like it, Jackson's Kong was much better. Also hated Brie Larson. It wasn't because of feminism mind you, she just looked like she smells weird
>Didn't like it, Jackson's Kong was much better. Also hated Brie Larson. It wasn't because of feminism mind you, she just looked like she smells weird
This(well not the Brie smells weird bit)
Jackson’s Kong had a back story for most of the major aspects, and characters.
This includes Ann Darrow, Jack Driscoll, Carl Denham, the ship’s captain etc.
The Island also had a backstory.
The natives were scary as fuck.
The bugs and other creatures were also scary as fuck.
‘Kong: Skull Island’, tried for a similar theme to a certain extent, but completely fucked up elsewhere.
The opening, where they’re introducing the characters is well done.
You have the pushy female reporter, the British spook, a bunch of combat soldiers, etc.
Some “mysterious island” gets found, and they’re sent to check it out.
They promptly get attacked by Kong.
This whole bit was good.
Then it sort of went to shit.
The walls surrounding the island from Jackson’s ‘King Kong’ are missing, so you don’t get that ancient history.
>Was this a different island?
The natives are completely different from Jackson’s ‘...Kong’,
>again, was this a different island?
Then you have the WWII pilot.
I liked the idea, but John C. Reilly’s tone just didn’t seem right for the film.
Then you have the lizards, but there are significantly less other creatures than in Jackson’s Kong.
Then there’s some thing about lizards, known as Skullcrawlers, from underground, and Kong is some sort of guardian.
Then, at the end, the movie decides to introduce Kong into the Godzilla universe.
> The fucking studio should have just left Kong in its own universe, with it’s own giant creatures, and just expanded on that.
> Pirates sailing the South China seas or wherever the island is, trying to bkackbird slaves, and run into Kong would be cool.
> Vietnam era soldiers getting the shit kicked out of them by Kong, would also be cool.
Brie was definitely the weakest part of the movie. And I felt this way even before the whole Captain Marvel feminism shitstorm. She didn't have a vital role in the mission to Skull Island. She accomplished nothing either, until the final act when she somehow fired a flare gun with perfect accuracy despite having no gun experience.
>The bugs
That scene still makes me uncomfortable to this day.
I really liked it! One of the things it did right was make me care for the human characters, which is a problem with these big American Kaiju movies. Brie was weak but the I really liked what's his face as the stranded American soldier. The ending ties everything up very well and I'm glad the movie didn't kill him off for the sake of being edgy. Overall I'd say it's an underappreciated gem.
Where were they in CM?
In Jackson’s Kong, Jack Black has that ancient map.
What if Chinese traders from a couple hundred years or more ago, got to Akull Island, and captured some of the bugs, maybe for medicine, since using weird stuff seems to be part of Chinese medicine.
The bugs escape, attacking Chinese people.
If you set it during the right period, you can gave European and American sailors and traders seeing they bugs, or giant mosquitoes attacking people, using “modern guns” to try to take down the bugs.
Then have them report back to Europe about it, and no one believes them.
She chopped them off to spite the patriarchy.
Kong Skull Island 7/10
Headshot me when I go for my evening walk
It's not very good but a massive rstep up from kong
>tfw you can't stop thinking about cock even at the red carpet
that stupid cardboard acting potatofaced cunt was the worst part of an awful flick
Fake; immediate disqualification
Why do these survival movies never depict the akward group dynamics like when the entire group has to stop and wait because one of them has to run off and shit in the woods and then follow the shitting characters dilemma when they can’t find enough soft leaves to wipe their ass with so they leave it and hope the rest of the group can’t smell it...?
>Group stops because Captain Marvel has to pee
>Doesn’t show the men sneaking into the jungle to catch a peek of her squatting down to pee
>No alarming rapey vibes emanating from some of the men who suddenly realise they may soon die and want to stick their dick in a pussy one last time before they die
Unrealistic af
>"Brie should play Lara Croft instead of that Swedish skeleton"
>Ges Captain Marvel instead
>"OMG she's shit"
What did Yea Forums mean by this?
As a white cisgender male, I respect Brie Larson's views by not watching her films because they aren't made for me.
Holy fuck
guess it's shit then
Maybe the biggest piece of shit movie ever.
Larson has zero fucking chemistry with any other actors.
I'm not a fan of Brie Larson, Tom Hiddleston was quite bland and the other characters mostly are either forgettable or die.
I still liked seeing it in the cinema; the visuals were great, the monster stuff was good, John C. Reilly was okay and overall it was an enjoyable but flawed solid flick and I wouldn't mind something in the same vein.
It was very satisfying in a "it ain't me" way
lol where did the tits go, look at that thing on the left
Flawed but amazing scenery and some very cool shots
and padded
What the fuck are you talking about you schizo
I want Brie to bully me
>smells weird
I want to break through her tough fungal exterior and taste her sweet creamy centre
She should play the fungus queen in 'the last of us' movie adaption.
Which is a shame because her flopping around for the majority of the film was awesome. Sadly she hacked them off when her virtue signaling feminist quota had to be met.
She hasn't chopped off shit. You can literally see her tits through the shirt in Captain Marvel.
Did she chop them off or just had the implants removed?
That would imply id ever watch that pandering garbage
>What does Yea Forums think of Kong: Skull Island?
Something was missing from the movie, it was like 75% there. I have a hard time pointing out exactly what the problem was.
She never had implants to begin with.
>Sadly she hacked them off when her virtue signaling feminist quota had to be met.
jesus fucking christ, she's just wearing a bra here, you fucking incel.
I think she just lost weight she was a tad chunk in kong
Kong was pretty cool and the island had some neat monsters. John C Reilly's character was a lot of fun and had a satisfying arc which was a surprise. Jackson played a good Ahab. Hiddleston and Larson's characters were completely superfluous. It should have been Monarch + Soldiers and could have dealt a lot more with the post Vietnam distrust of government.
Also that one guy who an heroes to stop the monster shouldn't have been a gag. Waste of an emotional scene.
>tad chunk
Except her spindly arms.
Her tits are readily available on google, you know? If you're that curious
>Also that one guy who an heroes to stop the monster shouldn't have been a gag. Waste of an emotional scene.
A victim to movie trope subversion addiction blooming in Hollywood.
I honestly think she cute. The whole bitch thing is clearly autism or a front put up because daddy molested her and she feels vunerable. I hate to admit it but I have a secret soft spot for girls like that.
Shame about the genuinely disgusting feet though, I feel like they confirm the aspergers theory though.
You realise those feet pics are from 2015, no?
This shit is easy to fix. Like nigga just get some foot cream, stop looking at the screen nigga haha.
>What does Yea Forums think of Kong: Skull Island?
She really is king of beasts.
I thought it was decent. Nothing super interesting, but I was glad to have seen it and it didn't leave me feeling annoyed. Which is more than I can say for most Hollywood movies I watch these days.
She's wholesome as fuck. Just watch some interviews. Not evebln a feminist since she talked about men rights in one tweet.
Anna Pacquin is a real feminist.
I was hyped as fuck because I love King Kong, but then the director proudly outed himself as a radical leftist nutjob and there's no way I'm giving that retard money. Didin't see it and probably never will, especially now that Larson has devolved into Hollywood's AOC.
>She's wholesome as fuck
Like one user said in this thread, it's a 2h long trailer more dedicated to beauty shots than to developing the story, characters, setting, and the sense of scale. Everything seems flat. The island looks like a Helloween set piece and not like a truly alien place. The film tries too hard to presents itself as a spectacle. It's made for ADHD zoomers like .
Jackson's film isn't a masterpiece, but he knew how to make a Kong movie, unlike this video game obsessed soi SJW.
I thought it was pretty cool
>proves my point willingly
>will proceed to post another wojak
Clean it up wagie ;)
Her nipples are oddly tiny. Plus (per her usual charming self) she looks miserable trying to be "sexy"
>Clean it up wagie ;)
Most women don't actually believe the shit they say and are a lot nicer than they've been led to present themselves as(obviously don't fall into the trap of assuming they're automatically decent though).
They genuinely do just need a man in their life for guidance
>Holding a gun like that
I understand the sentiment but if you look past the immediate surface presentation she's really just a frightened sperg
I liked it a lot, some of the human elements were lacking but whatever. Kong + vietnam aesthetic was kino, the island looked beautiful.
>They genuinely do just need a man in their life for guidance
>tfw spent a good chunk of my youth thinking you could work hard ,save money and than meet a girl and TOGETHER as a team build a life. When in reality women expect you to be a rockstar mega success and have everything all their for the taking so they can just come in and instantly be set for life. If not they will more than likely cheat on you eventually with whatever guy they see as being better and more successful than you
They need to teach a life 101 in high school
The fashion and hairstyles were all wrong for 1973.
It's intuitively apparent to most people but they do the opposite and work to convince you otherwise
Pretty much yeah.
In the last two Kong films, the blonde girl did not show the tits
This shows the current state of american cinema
Thats always been my issue with life and if i could go back in time id tell my younger self to quit thinking most people are smart and use any sort of critical thinking or common sense. And that meeting a good woman will be more like hitting the lottery than "oh if you just work hard and put effort into life a fantastic woman will fall into your lap" more like if youre lucky the single moms in your dating pool will only have 2 kids from 2 different guys.
>single moms
Funny you mention that. I don't suppose you were raised by one ? A father isn't important to impart knowledge but to stop the mother from doing so. Boys naturally learn by themselves, though schools are a proxy for overbearing mothers anyway.
>Viet Kong
That had to be the inspiration, right? Someone made that joke and a lightbulb went off in a producer's head.
>that bit where the hueys take off from the boat
You watch this movie for the vietnam gear porn and nothing else.
Had a two parent household but he just ignored my brother and I. And never talked or did things with us. Just yelled and took out his own insecurities on us while my mom made excuses for him/blamed us for him being a dick. Its weird having a father be around your whole life but not having any interaction with him. I barely know anything about him. God forbid i have to talk at his funeral. Im not gonna have anything to say.
can't unsee
>Yeah, breakfast at Tiffany's and bottles of bubbles
>Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble
>Lashes and diamonds, ATM machines
>Buy myself all of my favorite things (Yeah)
It was better than King of the Monsters. Which is really sad.
Unironically would make a very kino couple.
Stop believing things random anons tell you. Idiot.
Neither fake nor padded.
under her costume
I'll give her something to ride if you catch my drift.
As far as the Monsterverse series goes.
As far as Kong movies go:
Didn't he get killed by Logan Paul or some shit?
Either way, I agree, but I'm not sure whether '33 beats Peter Jackson's desu.
>King of the Monsters spawned an influx of GodzillaxMothra shipping
>YFW Godzilla vs Kong spawns an influx of gay furry bara GodzillaxKong art
You know, I never noticed this before, but Peter Jackson's interpretation of Kong is the only one that makes him more like a gorilla.
In every other interpretation of Kong, he's always a strict biped and never walks on his knuckles. Making him more of a sasquatch than a gorilla.
I really got a kick out of it. Better than the past 2 legendary Godzillas, easily.
>Reddit image
That's what make's Jackson's Kong shitt, though. It just looks like they took a model for a silverback and just made it bigger, literally no imagination involved
What was this format anyways? Why was it even popular? It's just an image with an unfunny punchline, even those shitty impact text memes were better.
Reminds me, why did Yea Forums suddenly start hating brie after she went to do capeshit?
I liked the theme they were going with Sam Jackson's character. The story of the WWII pilot was heartwarming.
The monster designs were on point especially that bamboo spider thing.
I just watched KOTM in the cinema, but I don't understand, is Kong not a part of Godzilla's team for saving Earth?
It all began when she opened her big mouth on not wanting white men seeing her movie or working with white men. Could have avoid all of this if she'd kept her personal politics to herself.
Kong and the Skull Crawlers were good, John C. Reilly, Sam L. Jackson and some of the soldiers were ok, everyone else was fucking boring
How do you make a movie with John Goodman and Samuel L. Jackson and end up wasting both
Was good, until it wasnt.
Kong's focus is more on protecting Skull Island and it's ecosystem and people, whereas Godzilla's focus is more on protecting the Earth as a whole.
The novelization expands on this, the Skullcrawlers heard Ghidorah's call to hunt and swore allegiance to him, presumably coming up from the Hollow Earth again to hunt for the Iwi and everything else, which caused Kong to rush into action. Kong himself heard the call, but chose to disobey it.
So technically, Kong and Godzilla were on the same side during the Ghidorah conflict.
They're fake you moron
>watched the movie
>only two hours later while sitting on a toilet realized "Ghidorah" is just "Hydra" in Engrish.
Guess I'm a bit slow.
Makes sense, considering his name was just Ghidrah at first.
why does she look like such an unlikeable cunt
Since Kong: Skull Island is part of a Godzilla focused series, I'll post this here, because I found it funny.
>Shin Godzilla
>This interpretation of Godzilla is just an enraged destroyer mutated by nuclear waste
>Protestors in the movie claim he's God and revere him
>Legendary Godzilla
>Is the one that keeps the balance of nature, saved San Franciso from horny incestuous bugs, and hasn't been seen since the San Fran incident.
>Protestors at the beginning of the movie want him destroyed
>look like
She is
It's called acting.
Japanese have a Stokholm Syndrome for anyone who fucks them well enough
You struggle to understand mass market blockbusters made to be accessible to foreigners who don’t speak a word of English. Lmao
Not him, but no, they're not. Go marinate yourself in salt and vinegar.
Kong: Sneed Island
After the events of KotM, I wouldn't be surprised to see cults of Godzilla and Mothra forming around the globe.
Probably because you hadn't been brainwashed into hater her yet.
Its funny because everyone wanked over her until she opened up with the SJW nonsense. The only fall from grace that was quicker and more devestating was Taylor Swift
Brie Larson is a worse actress than Gal Gadot
Brie is femcel kino of the highest order.
Why does Brie Larson trigger Yea Forums so much?
So talented!
Because she said a bad thing about white males once and everyone jumped on her flat ass.
Never mind that she clarified what she meant later, or that she defended white men on twitter at one point, or that she gets along with white men, or that she dates white men, etc.
She even scolded Woody Harrelson for jokingly threatening Trump in one video. So the hate has been largely blown outta proportion desu.
No, she's just pushing them together there. There's literally other leaked photos of her lying down and they completely flatten out
she's going braless so there's no pushup bra to help her out
They were told to, and you'd better believe they do what they're told.
I really liked her in this movie, she was a genuinely pretty looking girl and fun/adventurous to boot. I liked the orange/green colours used in this and the callbacks to the original films were very fun. Some of the better concept art I’ve seen in a while, too.
Some of the other creatures were over the top compared to Jackson’s, but it was still it’s own movie and a fun one.
I’m honestly sad the new Godzilla wasn’t more like this movie, but it was also quite fun in its own way.
>tfw we will never get a primal rage movie
Disney sent his Indian shills to defend her when her Marvel movie turned out to be trash and now they are at it again because the bluray sales are ABYSMAL. Here you have a couple of them damage controlling
Who needs shills when a normal person can see through the smear campaign?
Goodman should've been the main character and the main conflict should've been between him and Jackson.
someone post that league of legends small arm art champion
the first time seeing Brie was in this movie. I always wondered to myself why they couldn't of gotten someone prettier.
Because she's based
For every anti-man tweet you have, I can provide 10 more that are in support of them.
And she said the only reason she rejected him was because he was a TSA agent.
sorry eslfag here
I legit thought back then she was just some no name tv actress that finally got her big break in a blockbuster movie.
Why is she so angry all the time?
Sir White Knight to the rescue
Same thing has happened to Mel Gibson and many other celebrities in the past. I dislike the sheeple mentality so I air it out.
I expected a sequel. It never happened though.
Brie is love
Subtle. I bet that joke would go over 1488% of /pol/ users' head.
brie was so fucking bad in this film, none of her scenes made any sense because she was a complete emotional stone. giant killer monkey right next to me? small look of shock then nothing, trapped on an island probably going to die? little smile and some laughs with the local native vine swinging spear chucking pakis, bravo brie
i got a letter from the dep of justice for torrenting it
now i wanna watch it again just for brie's rack
You have to be fearless just like Brie. Torrent it again.
i guess i'll just stroke it to my folder
I want to marry Brie Larson. Any tips on how?
Sure. Not bad.
I know that you're memeing, but Brie strikes me as a type of girl who could actually date a regular Joe, judging by her past partners.
You'd probably have to be a musician though.
was it the EtHD 1080 one? that shit was 4gb and looked like absolute shit, loads of people claimed they got letters for downloading it.
3.6, not great, not terrible