Great actor great man

Great actor great man

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Other urls found in this thread:

His ego is literally bigger than him

Peter Midgelidge lol

The chad Dinklage vs the virgin Davis

What a legend

His daughter couldve suffered the same fate as him. How can you be so egotistical and not just adopt or surrogate? It should be illegal for them to procreate. Look at what warwick davis has done jesus christ

Excuse me please don't mention that certain person in this thread. This is a Dinklage thread.

meanwhile Warrick is on his 4th kid

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>Yea Forums
Stopped reading there. What the fuck even is Yea Forums?

Dinklage is like a court dwarf, a strange curiosity, but he makes up for it with talent.
Davis is a freak; a joke. His children look even more freakish than him, he's spent his career as a clown, making fun of himself for being a freak, yet crusades on twitter against anyone who makes fun of his ridiculous appearance and stature.
Dinklage played an a dwarf son of a noble patriarch, a 3 dimensional character that made you empathize with him despite his deformity.
Davis played a fucking ewok and R2D2.

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Bad actor
Doesn't make sense to consider him as a man in the first place

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what kind of lady marries a midget

Apparently hes packing SERIOUS heat.

Really? Seems down to earth for me

Go to bed Warrick

post them all faggot

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it's a coin toss and he got lucky

Warwick's daughter will get dicked down but his son will commit suicide

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So did his kids turn out normal?

He's not even a very short dwarf
Warwick must be seething everytime he sees Peter and his successful life lmao

This is actual kino, I'd pay to watch it

Warwick is seething whenever he sees his boy, his son

Based Dinklage.
>actually a good actor, doesn't rely solely on being a dwarf
>marries a normal sized woman and has normal sized kids
>is a giant in the little people world, basically equivalent to being 6'5" among normal height people

>6'5 in normal people height
>that face
He's just /chad/ with dwarfism, isn't he?

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>it's all right

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Don't stop, this is amazing

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>Heyy Peter. My son, Harrison is having trouble finding a partner with the whole digital age thing, you know how it is. Well anyway, I just noticed you have a daughter a few years younger tamhan him and I was wondering if we could maybe... You know... Set them up together? Would be great to have you as a brother in law, haha! Well anyway, give me a call when you can. It's Warwick by the way but I guess you already knew that


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they test the fetus, retard

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>Can't help but laugh a little

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this is pure kino

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Dinklage playing some hard boiled detective role would be kino. Especially when he argues with the chief who calls him a loose cannon and demands badge and gun, and then the other gun.

To be honest this idea hit me when reading through the Warwick hate threads and writing this script is like an exorcism to get it out of my head.

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Damn, Hanson was my favorite character. He had quite an arc, and his rivalry with Detective McCall was some of the best telly I've ever seen.

Damn, now i'm always gonna check the phone if i'm inside someone else.

Keep posting you autistic son of a bitch

Also hurry up before jannie hotpockets sniffs out the fun.

This is it for the moment. Got to think up where I'm taking the story next.

Good work though. Keep it up.

You should get a trip desu, to ensure that no faggots try to steal your OC.

Set in early 2000's kino, nutty professor was 96 so it works out. God we need more early 2000's flip phone kino

Let them. I'm happy to be anonymous with this shit.

I just want to know how Warwick went from being a brutalised victim of a normal person in the beginning that will "grow" into being the mastermind of this sinister operation.

>Let them. I'm happy to be anonymous with this shit.

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>Protecting yourself from Warwick's lawyers when they come to sue Yea Forums
Smart man

This is amazing, pure Yea Forums kino.

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This is pretty good

>Several Good Movie Roles and good acting
>Cast firstly for his good acting skill not because he's a Dwarf

>Cast only for being a Dwarf

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>user vs the inevitable Warwick lawsuits

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There's a video of Warwick doing some promotional thing with Gervais where he's wearing some frog onesie and Gervais is pissing himself, making him hop up and down the stairs, etc. You know that's the kind of thing Dinklage would never care to or consent to do, and Warwick being humourous about his condition in that way would be fine if he weren't so hypocritically self righteous about it other times.

>you're her brother
>yeah but I was your friend first

Bad line?

Are you the writer?
Keep it, I read it as a Pilk joke

Godspeed user, i think a suspicious looking dog would help the story a lot

Suspicious looking dog?

And then they keep it, see warwick davis, you complete sperg

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with shifty eyes?

An impressively large dog?

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It's a Simpsons reference, Homer ruins a Hollywood script with increasingly stupid suggestions. One of them is making a suspicious dog the villain.


Yeah changed that on the main document. posting helps catch the typos.

hmm his wife is not that attractive

Well, he's a fucking dewrf

Dinklage's insistence on being seen as le serious actor strikes me as just as insecure. Most midge actors have had to play a leprechaun or hobbit at some point in their careers to make ends meet. Usually they're ok with it and can can laugh at it. Dinklage only plays powerful characters and overcompensates with intensity.

Exactly. They're both insecure, they just show it in different ways.

He played a dwarf in Prince Caspian I think. It just wasn't a big joke role. The jokiest he's gotten is Elf, and even then he took himself mostly seriously.

You take that back, she's qt

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some of this might change if I hit a roadblock

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>Great actor great man
A absolutely.
Unlike that MIDGE CUNT Davis

10 times better than any hollywoodshit of last 10years, keep it up.

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>Dinklage's insistence on being seen as le serious actor strikes me as just as insecure.
You call self-respect insecurity. He just wanted to prove that he could be a real actor and not some kind of joke and that ended up really good for him since George casted him as Tyrion especifically because of that trait of him.

There was also Death at a Funeral.

thanks for the encouragement anons

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i gotta go to work, godspeed

Anyone have the 'bit of a man' pasta? Scriptanon here.


>any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

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Her sextape when?

She only dances.

Dinklage is a dwarf, not a midget.

I mean, you can't really blame him, how many meaningful dwarf characters that go beyong "lmao i'm a dwarf" are there?
Dinklage lucked out and seized a one-in-several-lifetimes chance.

>same height as his 8 year old daughter

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Thats cool way to ride with your kid to school.

>he ducks beneath the police tape

yeah nah this is fake

We've all had jobs we've hated. Even the most well respected actors have had roles they're embarrassed about. What makes him so special?

He's four foot something user. He's not Warwick-tier.

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No she made one, allegedly, there's a screenshot out there of it.

OMG I need that

Fuck off Warwick.

Ah yes, abortion. Kill the disabled because society deems them as unwanted. How progressive.

They got the toxicology report on the body they just found in an alley? Fuck off, ruined right there

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Fair. How would it play out then? I'll rewrite a bit with the new info. I don't fucking know police shit.

>because society deems them as unwanted
This guy can't even look at the average cripple without cringing and he wants me to feel guilty about it.

Fuck off moral fag, all these lowborn retards due is pollute the gene pool. It’s bad enough people are breeding with niggers.

Sorta like you

Killing a child is never the answer. We have proven our capability of affording them a life just as fufilling as everyone else.

Not that guy, but maybe just have it mentioned when the body is being looked over by the mortician?

There's nothing wrong with being able to keep your self-respect.
You sound like the kind of person that thinks that everyone should have been a birthday clown at one point in their life just because you were one.
That where I remember hearing it. I'll see if I can't find the screenshot.

OUCH! what a burn, how he ever recover?
we found negger

So Dinklage should have been aborted?

>work is demeaning
ok neet

It's a dominant gene, so no.

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>well I wouldn't call him an actor. Would you?


>the Yea Forums
Also a good one

>muh society

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Yes, that's the stuff.

Pretty sure George cast him cause he's the only Dwarf Actor a normal person would still consider good looking. I've talked to girls who said they would genuinely fuck Dink, and not just because of his fame.

>I'm actually engrossed in someone's Warwick Davis cop thriller script
What the fuck is happening here?

Great non-argument, your misanthropy is it's own 'reward'

Getting over the page 17 hump in a screenplay is tough. Getting past 30 is the nightmare-mode.

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There was no argument to begin with. Some human life is worth more than others, a lot more than others.

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>more unmeasured rhetoric
I agree that there is no principled argument for abortion.

take your moralfaggotry with you, renaissance could only happen because the black plague got rid of most of the peasantry

I doubt it will go online, she droped from modeling and maried. Not sure if I would want to have kid with her(she is cute but genes) but dear god I would take bucket of drugs to be able to fuck her for a month. Her plumpness is perfect.

What an absurd concession, does reality damage your ego that acutely?

Already died laughing at the waddling shadow.

Nice spooks faggot
I'm not the one arguing for less niggers getting abortions here

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Abortion is a crutch that only perpetuates your greivances. Cling to it and waste away.

No, George choose him because he wanted a dwarf actor that were serious with his career. He didn't even liked that Peter was so good looking.

Go virtue signal on your facebook page. I'm sure that will raise some boomers' opinion ratings of you.

>not piecefully

No I'd rather continue as I am, revealing more of your godless excuses for the incompetent that you are.

What a misnomer
Nothing noble about pagan degeneracy

>revealing more of your godless excuses
Your wifes son is black?


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7th graders can shitpost better than you m8
you were doing better with boomer angle
Tell us more about your unfallible taste in psude-theory

Where can I read all of this together, I love it.

Is this gonna end up being feature length? You're already 20 pages in

>63 poster
>all trolls are one guy
The only theory here is yours about potatos being worthy of time and effort.

Probably about 50-70 pages is my average for scripts.

You've provided zero evidence to the contrary and for your being any more valuable.

Please god don't stop.

And please god upload it to a google doc so we can read it straight through.

My only hope is that when you finaly realize how you wasted your life on rising up a fuckup of nature and that your legacy will die out on some sperg that need diper change every 8h you will do decent thing and stream your suicide on Yea Forums.


Yes, keep thinking that. It will help you sleep.

Much like your ideals, your hope is ill-placed. Suicide is for the cowards like (You).

HALF man, ftfy

>insistence on being le serious actor
It’s called self respect user
If he’s a talented actor there will be roles for him
The fact that he didn’t take lots of roles akin to Warwick’s leprechaun doesn’t make him stuck up
It’s an indication that he’s there for his ability not disability
Dinklage is an actor who happens to be a dwarf
Davis is a dwarf actor

>Much like your ideals
Still bigger than yours.

Your preocupation with suicide, fleeing from the truth, and murdering the innocent demonstrates that is not the case, coward.

3/10 made me kek

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based massive unsubstantiated claim poster

>the movie script
Continue and get it kickstarted. I'd donate.

fuck this shit keeps getting better and better, please don't stop

Shit nigga what are you doing, you can't just stop there

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He has good taste.

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legendary script
haven't seen effortposting of this caliber in months

passing on his putrid genes

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but who was minivan???

Dinklage was almost sent to a fantasy world.

legit lol'd, if that was on purpose screenwriter user is a genius

Well at least Dinklage married a normal one so the risk is minimal, now Warwick in the other hand he married another freak and he already lost 2 kids, so he knew that he could only bring more pain into this world but he was so selfish that he didn't give a damn.

What talent? Which one of the roles did you like the most, the funny bear man, the funny gremlin man or the funny dwarf man?


No, you just want them to live a miserable life being bullied by people like you.

He's taller than Warwick.

Lmao btfo midge.

Quick side question: was dinklage a dwarf when he met his wife? Or did he contract dwarfism later in life?

It must be freaky having your daughter the same size as you at that age.
I wonder if enforcing discipline is difficult like that?

He was always a dwarf.
Transmidgets are real midgets!

what's funny is you actually don't think about dinklage being a midge throughout the seasons unlike u midge

Being turned into a dwarf was the price he had to pay for acquiring a wife


>no difficult life is ever worth living
Keep projecting. If I have to live through life those little punks have to as well.

He just seems like someone who can't into self-deprecation or bants at all. Which, if you're a midge is a pretty big drawback.

Look at the guy's build though, even though he's a midge he has a human face and pretty thick limbs. I doubt she'd be able to kick him around until she's all grown up and over her teenage rebellious phase.

Depends on how difficult it is, isn't it?
Then why say Warwick shouldn't have kids?

kino, keep going user

It's not so much about being able to kick around someone, but I wonder if he'll lose authority because of his size.
He'd never be able to talk down to his kids when they've been naughty.

Whose saying that?

Don't you dare stop. We're publishing this.

He can talk sense into their ass tho

Where did scriptbro go? Warwick get to him?

Don't want to rush it. I'm still writing.

hopefully you'll be finished

You just know

Had to repost for the bottom bit.

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hot off the presses

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go on....

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but all penguins are giants to a midge

What went wrong?

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how do they even find clothes


Kek, very good karl pilkington impression

Yuck. Look at this gross little thing. Muck on the heel of a shoe. Look at him. Look at the little bug. Bobble head family. Ugly wife, yuck. Daughter is mythological in appearance. His son...oh yuck. Legs like a ventriloquist dummy. His voice makes me ill. Cursed little thing he is. Freaks. Disgusting little rodents. Someone ought to out them down. Awful little freaks they are. I hate looking at them. Not a good sight. Yucky half-men with goggle-eyes and strange voices. Yuck.

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The memes are getting better and better. Also to the guy writing the script, you are fucking amazing.

I'm so tired of naive women mixing with abominations just because they are well known. It's better to suffer a lifetime of pain and to produce a god than to spend it with a midget because he is in a stupid show.

midgets dont always create midget kids you retard

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Keep it coming lads

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It was over 50 percent likely (something like 70 or 80 percent) Warwick and his dwarf wife would create children with their condition, which would have resulted in either death or the children also suffering as they have. Warwick even did a fucking interview where he discussed some of the problems that come with his condition such as the knee and hip pains, surgery for his feet, retinal detachment, and this shit getting worse with age. He knowingly decided to procreate knowing it was extremely likely living children would suffer as he has and in general be condemned to a lesser form of life.

>both small and extra-close

lmao fucking midge dude

Deeper down the rabbit hole we go

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except the cunt I was replying to was talking about dinklage, not warwick

>pats Karl on the knee

>dilation devices
Wait. Is this a thing?
Excellent work my man. I read it all.

yes, they're basically dildos
astonishing work my man
if you plan to keep it watch out for some spelling errors

fuck man it's gold

before the thread dies toss up a link to where we can keep looking for more

No it's not. You have a real good pace going.

Point them out I'll fix them.

>just as fufilling as everyone else


amazing thread

Dinklage is proof-positive that a dwarf can acheive better quality of life than more than half the people on this Lithuanian glass-blowing forum

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When is the next Capekino featuring him?

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Tbh i would

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Based screenwriter bro. If you are jewish please try to work in Hollywood

I once sold coke to a midget. I lived in Vegas, it had to be 1992 or 93. It was summer, and bored with sexual exploits and hard drugging and drinking, I decided I'd have a lil fun with the midget that frequented my favorite bar. Lets call him Vance, because that was his name and no one is going to care to remember it. I started playing his friend, got close to him, he was obnoxiously chatty. Full of stupid, tiny opinions, tiny like his arms and legs, watching him stumble up onto a bar stool, often times waving away help, kept me from putting a gun in my mouth for a good six months. Well, I got him hooked on the shit. Bad. This guy would hit me up in the dead of night for a fix, would suck my dick, anything, and I mean anything. I did it all to this little fuck. What he didn't know, was that I had been consistently cutting his dope with saw dust from the hard work of better men, with glass, hell, I even crushed up a tic once and he was so deep into his high he never noticed. None of this was affecting him enough for my pleasure though, and I soon raised the stakes and added rat poison. I would even spray cockroach killer into his bags. I saw the effects almost immediately, he almost shrunk in size, if that were possible, he began to have mild seizures and I assured him it was simple withdrawals, and that he just needed a little more. Before a month was over, he was practically crawling to my door, having abandoned our bar and his friends. He would sit on my couch and cry about god having abandoned him, and before his untimely death, I made sure he had all but given up on any hope of peace or love in this life or any other.

Watching his little casket being carried by his midget children was the funniest shit I've ever seen, his family held me and wept and thought my tears were pain, but they were jubilation. I've never shared this story until now.

This shit better go somewhere fast

>I don't watch movies

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ass 2 ass?

Netflix want to do a deal writer user

That looks a weird freaky pic


Why the fuck would you take the risk you fucking moron? Now there's a little girl with dwarfism recessive genes in her dna.

God I fucking hate you people.

Ask your parents

Can't they just abort them until they make a good one?

Let's kill all the homeless while we're at it

Are you one of those "abortion is murder" retards?

kek Warwick is seething

Are you suggesting that isn't true?

It isn't true.
We should kill all the homeless though.

It is true as we can objectively observe abortion destroys the body of a human being. Oh, look! It turns out the thing you call a home doesn't match our arbitrary standard. So sorry, into the woodchipper you go!

abort yourself my man

Abortion is murder and I support it nevertheless
t. fascist


>It is true as we can objectively observe abortion destroys the body of a human being.
It isn't true by any objectively notion since you can find scientifical papers by doctors defending both viewpoints.
For instance: and

Not a single paper is conclusive, they're all arguments.

A human person requires consciousness and a motor system.
A fetus is no different than a vegetative person, a human being in development that lacks self-consciousness, so, as i'm pro-euthanasia as well I support abortion up until consciousness is developed.

We should murder homeless people because we need to keep overpopulation en check. We should also enforce strict eugenic programmes in Africa.

For me, it's Weeman

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BUT only for eugenics purposes
t. enlightened fascist

>when weeman mogs you

Wrong. It IS objective. An individual's life invariably begins at conception. That is the exact moment when we observe the physical existence of its undeniably living and undeniably human body. These are concrete, verifiable metrics. Your attempt to dehumanize the early human body is based on emotional appeals derived from adult man's natural unfamiliarity of the child's growth in utero. Take an embryology class and learn something.

>An individual's life invariably begins at conception.
That's not agreed upon.

>That is the exact moment when we observe the physical existence of its undeniably living and undeniably human body.
At conception we still don't see anything remotely resembling a human body.

>These are concrete, verifiable metrics.
They're not qualificators of "personhood".

>Your attempt to dehumanize the early human body is based on emotional appeals derived from adult man's natural unfamiliarity of the child's growth in utero.
I literally provided with white papers published in scientific journals.

Damn, wee man looks like a normal sized stocky person next to Verne. Yikes. Imagine being a dwarf compared to a dwarf

What's a King to a God?

Your inability to process facts isn't my issue. The child's body physically exists at conception. That body is alive. That body is human. We can objectively observe it and verify it by every scientific metric we have at our disposal. These are facts that do not care about how you feel if it doesn't "look" human enough for you. Your choice to arbitrarily deny certain groups of human beings their rights is just another tired example of tyranny.

At the end of the day fetus is just a smaller lump of human cells and you are bigger one. Consciousness is a meme. Also if you start throwing in some abstract enlightment ideals what it means to be human or whatever, 2 weeks old baby is by that metric closer to 2 weeks old fetus than adult, and nobody would argue that killing babies isn't murder

>The child's body physically exists at conception.
No, a zygot does.
>That body is alive.
Depends on your definition of "alive".
>That body is human.
It certainly is not.
>We can objectively observe it and verify it by every scientific metric we have at our disposal.

>At the end of the day fetus is just a smaller lump of human cells and you are bigger one.
A zygote isn't.
>Consciousness is a meme.
Ridiculous claim.

Zygote is the scientific nomenclature we give to the first cell of the individual's living body you retard. Biological metrics for living cells and human cells disagree with you.

>Biological metrics for living cells and human cells disagree with you.
I guess they disagree with the scientific community then.
>Since the zygote cannot be identical with either human being it will become, it cannot already be a human being.
>The idea that we become human beings with the arrival of the inner cell mass leads to bizarre results however we choose to accommodate fission and fusion.

>A zygote isn't
If I isoleted a single cell of it and analyse which species its DNA belongs to, do you think it would be a dog?
>Ridicules claim
Sorry if you didn't get the memo champ, but this universe is deterministic

The existence of the placenta, an organ system neccessary for the continuation of the child's life cycle in utero isn't evidence to it not being human you dingus

Put it one big PDF or something please. PLEASE!

>If I isoleted a single cell of it and analyse which species its DNA belongs to, do you think it would be a dog?
A single cell with human DNA is not a complete human being.
>Sorry if you didn't get the memo champ, but this universe is deterministic
Ridiculous and ubsustantiated claim. Quantum mechanics already are not deterministic.

When have I said that?

I'll be back tomorrow. With edits for typos and other little things. And moar of course.

>muh identical twins argument!
Individuality =/= indivisibility
You are a champion retard. At all points, the cells are human and alive and make up the entierty of the individual's body. Twinning, ie division of an individual's body to yield two or more individuals each with their own body, doesn't make any case for the individual not being human prior to nor post division.

luv u bae

How fucking selfish do you have to be to do this?

>Individuality =/= indivisibility
>From the 15th century and earlier (and also today within the fields of statistics and metaphysics) individual meant "indivisible", typically describing any numerically singular thing, but sometimes meaning "a person". From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism.[1]

>division of an individual's body to yield two or more individuals each with their own body, doesn't make any case for the individual not being human prior to nor post division.
Last I checked human beings cannot do that.

shits golden, keep it up

They certainly can, in their earliest stages of Life. We readily observe it.

Or maybe, in the earliest stages of Life after conception they're not human beings yet.

Gosh, maybe he doesn't see anything wrong with being the way he is?

>if I ignore ALL evidence that demonstrates their humanity and instead discuss an example of normal, HUMAN embryology maybe I can trick people into adopting a claim with zero evidence!

What do you think defines humanity?

Being composed of a living and biologically human body. At different stages in a human's life cycle their body requires different cell/tissue specilizations and nutrients to progress. Regardless we can observe these different specializations all share a common cell lineage to the individual's body. Even identical Twins' DNA are not actually so.

>Why do we spell midge instead of midget?
>Because they are a little t short

>A single cell with human DNA is not a complete human being.
My point is that formation of human cell with its UNIQUE human DNA after conception is the only non-arbitrary set point for human life. After all what is complete human being? If i started cutting pieces of your brain out when do you stop being human? Neural development in embryos is entirely arbitrary
>Ridiculous and ubsustantiated claim. Quantum mechanics already are not deterministic.
QM and determinism is still being wildly debated, but I think its fair to say that neither of us is physicist so we might as well drop that point

Not consensually agreed upon, and I certainly don't.
Human beings can be born with several mutations to their cell/tissues that can bring problems later in their life, yet we still consider them human.

>Even identical Twins' DNA are not actually so.
The DNA is just a sequence that contains the genetic instructions for the growth of our body, it's not something uniquely human because the vast majority of it is shared with other species, and some of it is different between humans.

>My point is that formation of human cell with its UNIQUE human DNA after conception is the only non-arbitrary set point for human life.
It isn't, we could take the beginning of consciousness, or whatever stage in the embryo development where a new, distinct development can be objectively taken.
Nature doesn't understand of "humanness", whatever point you pick will be arbitrary by definition.

Every actor desu

Again your refusal to acknowledge reality when it's presented to you isn't my problem. Killing kids is. Human beings can inherit or develop genetic disease, that doesn't make them not-human. We have all the tools available to distinguish between human and non-human cells. The zygote fufills all the criteria for the former.

They all seem pretty happy to me
His midge kids are probably living better than 90% of the people in this thread

First Measurable Account of Physical Existence vs Non-Existence is exact opposite of arbitrary.

As long as he’s prepared to provide for them and is able to teach them how to cope with their condition, then there’s no problem.

His midge descendants will struggle when society inevitably collapses tho.

>It isn't, we could take the beginning of consciousness, or whatever stage in the embryo development where a new, distinct development can be objectively taken.
But this just brings as back to the similar point i already tried to make, that even newborn babies are actually not really mentally developed much (that is because evolution, so their heads are small enough to get trough cervix). They are definitly dumber at birth then some animals that definitly dont have consciuesness. But we cant say they arent human can we?
>Nature doesn't understand of "humanness", whatever point you pick will be arbitrary by definition.
But since life begins somewhere, there has to be one prefixed objective point. I really believe that shifting the definitions of human life into something more abstract than what it is can have sinister consequences

>he doesn't know of the coming solar flare that will extinguish all lifeforms 4ft and above the ground

>Again your refusal to acknowledge reality when it's presented to you isn't my problem.
It isn't reality, as I said, "humanness" doesn't exist in nature or anywhere, we're debating what defines the category of human life, when the zygote forms is objective, deciding that human life begins at that point isn't.

What I said.

>Human beings can inherit or develop genetic disease, that doesn't make them not-human.
Yes, because humanity isn't defined by genetic tissue alone, hence why defining the beginning of a human subject when the first instance of a cell containing the DNA that will conform his body is created is a lousy idea.

>But we cant say they arent human can we?
No, because they already have developed consciousness of the self.

>But since life begins somewhere, there has to be one prefixed objective point. I really believe that shifting the definitions of human life into something more abstract than what it is can have sinister consequences
I don't, because I don't understand why you people care so much about "human beings" that live as parasites and don't have consciousness being terminated. I don't see a mere mass of cells as human.

questionablypilled, but most certainly based

A new human individual's life objectively begins at that moment. Prior to the event, living sex cells belonging to the bodies of their respective parents existed. Upon their union, the lineage to both the father and mother's individual bodies is abolished and a new individual's living human body exists. So yes, it is reality.

i'd hit that

>I don't understand why you people care so much about "human beings
And the mask finally slips, your misanthropy and disdain for the right of other humans is a common trait shared among all abortionists

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At which point, if we go along with that, the arguments shifts to: if you define a human life so broadly, why should it mean anything at all? And why then should murder? At that point are you arguing that murder is wrong because it's inflicting pain and suffering to the victim and their friends and family, or is it wrong because it just is?

>A new human individual's life objectively begins at that moment
Not really, the first cell of what will become a human being is formed at that moment.

Certain classes of humans, if we agree to define it so strictly, sure. The reasons why misanthropy and disdain for human rights begin to mean less when you're applying them to a cell.

*and disdain for human rights are bad begin to mean less

>No, because they already have developed consciousness of the self.
Man, I actually study medicine and can guarantee you that they dont have any "consciousness of the self." Humans dont even pass mirror test until they are like year and a half, and I dont know what else could that even imply
>I don't, because I don't understand why you people care so much about "human beings" that live as parasites and don't have consciousness being terminated. I don't see a mere mass of cells as human.
Never said I am strictly anti abortion (I support it for rapes or genetic defects), I just think its hypocritical when people say "Its just mass of cells lmao", like they are so much more than that

and in damning your own position, which permits the subjugation of any and all at whim, we can safey conclude that it is untenable

But it doesn't permit that. It permits that only for certain classes - if we agree to define human life so broadly, which I am not convinced to do yet. My rationale for murder being wrong is that it causes pain and suffering, even for just a moment, to a victim and to the friends and family of the victim. In every other way I can and do build a moral code that would otherwise align pretty well with yours out of ideas that can be constructed, rather than derived from extremely generic principles.

What I said, just after you cut your quote to misuse my words, was that I don't feel anything towards a living being that has neither consciousness, feelings (of pain), or autonomy (neither of individuality or of life). If that being has to be terminated for the convenience of an actual living being, independently of whether it's human or not, I think it's tolerable.

>Man, I actually study medicine and can guarantee you that they dont have any "consciousness of the self."
They receive sensory information from their medium, and can contrast it with themselves. They are not capable of understanding that the mirror image belongs to them, but they realize they have a body that is theirs, and that they interact with a medium that they feel through their senses.
They haven't developed the advanced, abstract consciousness of themselves that is characteristic of humanity, but they have the instinctive, animalistic one, in which they receive stimulus from outside themselves with the organs of their body and process them, instinctively knowing that "they" are a body.