Explain why critics hated it

Explain why critics hated it.

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They hate fun.

it was a different time

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Unironically because it didn't have an awkwardly inserted forced minority friend

critics r gay

Those people have nice lips. Fun movie. Love 2 and 3. Not so sure about after that.

the kids are all "insufferable" the killer isn't a person and the main character dies are probably what they complained about

>Not so sure about after that.
better than 3

Unironically, because it was a teen horror/thriller that didn’t have a nude scene. Back in the 90’s/00’s a nude scene would be your due as a ticket buyer for a movie so obviously mediocre.

it didn't?


It had a scene where they showed the inside of a porno mag but that's it

Critics had higher standards before social media

No niggers, stoner losers or tits.

I wanna fuck her bros. Smash her puss like the 57 CTA bus to downtown.

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B-tier romps were criticized back then.

I feel like we got a LOT of zoomers ITT throwing in their whackass opinions.

Tell ya what... I'd you didn't see Final Destination in the theaters, you're not allowed to comment on it. PERIOD.

How bout dah?

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Nah I saw it on TV a couple years after it came out and just saw it again tonight. Still good.

I suppose you didn't see Butterfly Effect in the theaters either?

Fuck outta here tourist! Before I beat your wannabe Family Video faggot ass.


>final destination
>isnt the final destination

pretty sure thats why i hated it

2>5>1>3>>>power gap>

I've watched the first 2 or 3 and liked them, are the rest worth watching?