
Did we ever find out what this was about?

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I am a Target wageslave and we sold that apron for $9.99 at Christmas

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He's a gay pedophile

He’s putting together a team

Would catching him on Hansen vs. Predator while he’s acting like Frank Underwood be the greatest anime crossover of all time?

He's threatening to ruin many more careers than his.

Hes a creepy washed up pedo faggot and he tried, very desperately, to get his normie show back but his career is over

i got out years ago and i am very glad

actually he just likes prime twinks, like any red blooded male


Literally lost his marbles and tried to act his way out of a sexual assault indictment.

>kicked off show
>go to party
>get drunk
>hey show sucks now without you
>wouldn't it be funny to film a thing
>hey, let's do it
>pull out phone

kill yourself zoomer nigger

and he got caught, unlike Spielberg

>got caught
Kill yourself

Based Satan

Un-ironically miss this guy, he was in so many 90’s kinos. He was sexually aggressive, but not a rapist, and many of the greats are the same way.

It was a message to Hollywood that if he goes down, they all go down because he has dirt on everyone

Did anything actually end up happening?
I remember there was this big fuss about him fondling some teenage boy a long time ago, and everyone was outraged for a week or two, then... it just sorta ran outta steam and everyone forgot about it quicker than that magically vanishing migrant caravan down south

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Spacey did nothing wrong

>What happened to the powerful Hollywood elite?